REG of cerebral vessels: the safest and most accurate study

Rheoencephalography is a word from several roots, from ancient Greek it is deciphered as "ῥέος" - "current", "ἐνκέφαλος" - "brain" and "γράφω" - "I write, I represent".

That is, the REG of the cerebral vessels shows a drawing of the whole system of vessels in our head, their patency and possible injuries and problems.


  • 1 What is it used in
  • 2 medicine Why is appointed and that shows
  • 3 Indications and contraindications rheoencephalography
  • 4 rules of preparation for the procedure
  • 5 course of the survey head
  • 6 rules and principles of decryption
  • 7 results Deviations from the norm and a possible diagnosis
  • 8 Average prices for proceduresin the Russian Federation and abroad

What is it, application in medicine

It is conducted REG( just do not be scared!) when the brain is subjected to electric current with the help of electrodes. If you've ever done a REG - this is a "cap" with wires, the is given a barely noticeable electrical charge with a frequency of 16-300 kHz .

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Our tissues, which make up the brain, vessels and the like, react in a certain way to the current. At this time, the computer records and records all changes. On the basis of this, is a map of the work of the organ under investigation , when decoding it, the presence or absence of any disease is established.

This procedure is completely painless. And patients do not cause inconvenience. The main thing is not to be afraid, because under the influence of fears and unnecessary worries, the instrument's readings can turn out to be distorted.

Often it is the REG that not only gives the most accurate data on the permeability of vessels, their blockage or breakage, but also helps to choose tactics to further prevent serious health problems.

What is assigned and what the

shows. The primary purpose of this device is to find out what processes are going on in our head at the moment. Assign a study of after a serious headache to prevent hemorrhage.

The second useful action of REG is that determines the blood flow through the main, main vessels and the collateral circulation of the , that is, the flow of blood currents bypassing the main vessels, if for any reason they can not cope with their work.

Before the invention of rheoencephalography, such ailments as neurocirculatory dystonia and migraine and diseases were not considered. To prove them from a medical point of view is almost impossible. A person is considered healthy. The organs function normally, which means that the person writhing with a headache,( and men are sick of migraines, too!) Is likely to be feigning. After all, amazingly, from the headache these people are helped only by those means that contain caffeine.

And only the study REG regrouped everything in its place. She proved their presence in a matter of minutes, and people suffering from wildest headaches stopped blaming pretending not only found an adequate solution to their problems.

Only thanks to this study, migraine is included in the list of diseases due to which people are assigned a disability group. Because in some cases, because of a bout of pain, a person completely loses his legal capacity.

What the research shows:

  • everything that happens inside the skull;
  • blood supply to the brain;
  • the work of individual vessels;
  • tonus condition;
  • vascular elasticity;
  • rate of outflow of blood.

Indications and contraindications of rheoencephalography

REG is recommended by with the following possible diagnoses:

  • cerebrovascular pathology,
  • dystonia,
  • stenosis,
  • migraine,
  • acute and / or chronic circulatory disorders,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • stroke,
  • for monitoring the effects of individual drugs and prescribed treatment,
  • for vertebrogenic effects on vertebral arteries in osteochondrosis, spondylitis, the consequences of injuries and the like.

Direct indications:

  • head trauma,
  • headaches,
  • vegetative dystonia,
  • chronic headache,
  • dizziness,
  • vision, hearing loss, memory,
  • migraine,
  • circulatory disorder
  • other diseases.

Contraindications to the conduct of REG:

  • it is advisable not to use the newborn,
  • if wounds and abrasions are visible on the sites that are going to be examined.

Rules for preparing for

  • procedure Do not worry .This procedure is non-invasive, that is, does not require penetration inside, injections or incisions,( non-Latin invasio - introduction, penetration).Plus, no harm to the body! It is allowed even for the newborn.
  • Take a towel with .It will come in handy after the procedure. To wipe a special gel.
  • Do not think about the bad, and do not wind yourself .This is typical for women. Although some men can not calm down.

Course of head examination

Most often in hospitals, you can find a 2-6 channel rheograph. The more channels, the more the area will be explored. There are also polyreograographs.

Step by step about how the REG is made:

  1. the patient sits down in a comfortable chair;
  2. places on the scalp are lubricated with a special gel so that there is no skin irritation;
  3. wears a cap with electrodes on the head, it can be individual metal plates attached with a rubber band only in the surveyed places,
  4. the doctor will ask you to close your eyes so as not to be exposed to external stimuli.

Now about the specific places and what exactly determines the computer rheoencephalography on them.

What does the doctor examine? Where are the electrodes attached?
Basins of the internal carotid artery
  • Nasal bridge,
  • mastoid process
Basins of the basilar carotid artery
  • in front of the ear,
  • above the eyebrow( along the temporal artery)
Basins of the basin of the vertebral arteries
  • Mastoid( mastoid) process
  • occipital mounds
The result of the examination of the REG of blood vesselshead and neck - a paper tape, similar to a cardiogram used for diagnosis.

Norms and principles for decoding the results of

When decoding the REG, the is initially important to the age of the patient. The tone and elasticity of blood vessels worsen with age. Therefore, the rules for the child and adult will be very different.

The essence of rheoencephalography is to record data on waves that show blood filling areas of the brain and to track the response of blood vessels to filling them with blood.

  • The line that goes up is more sharp.
  • Next - a smooth rounding.
  • And the line leading down should be smoother.
  • If you mentally divide the distance between the top and bottom peaks, in the middle you will get an additional "tooth".
  • From it, the descending line continues its smooth movement.
  • The pattern is repeated.

Considering the data, the doctor estimates:

  1. wave regularity;
  2. the nature of the rounding of the top;
  3. view and status of the uplink and downlink;
  4. place of incisors, dicrotic tooth;
  5. availability of additional waves.

deviations from the norm and a possible diagnosis

presumptive diagnosis Description drawing rheoencephalography
Cerebral atherosclerosis
  • REG smoother,
  • tops flatter,
  • no additional waves
heavy atherosclerosis waves resemble the dome and arch
lowered the tone of the arteries
  • large amplitude waves,
  • more steep ascent,
  • sharp top,
  • displaced and enlarged additional prong,
  • shorter ascending line
increased tonus of the arte
  • small wave amplitude,
  • smoother rise,
  • long rising line,
  • offset vertex,
  • not expressed additional scar,
  • additional waves on the ascending line
vascular dystonia
  • differs by "floating teeth",
  • additional waves on the descending line
obstructedvenous outflow
  • lengthening and convexity on the descending line,
  • multi-wave region of the curve before the next REG-cycle
vasospasm rounding of the apex
hypertensionnical disease change in the amplitude and shape of the curve

Possible atherosclerosis will look like this:

Average prices for procedures in the Russian Federation and abroad

Prices REG in Russia range from 1500 to 3500 rubles .Everything depends on the clinic and its equipment. Also the price is affected by the opportunity to consult with several specialists. Since the doctor's consultation rarely makes mistakes. As they say, one head is good, but two or more is better.

You can go through the procedure free of charge in Russia by policy, you need the direction of the attending doctor.

There is also an opportunity to leave the device at home. But then the price of research will automatically increase in tens times.

In Ukraine, the price for REG is from 90 to 150 hryvnia .

In Belarus, rheoencephalography costs from 6600 to 106400 Belarusian rubles .

In Kazakhstan, the same study will cost from 1100 tenge and more .

The price abroad also depends on the capabilities of the device, the number of specialists who work with you and the citizenship of of a country. Naturally, citizens of their states to undergo the examination will be much cheaper.

Rheoencephalography - has given mankind the opportunity to look into the depths of the cranium without possible interference in the structure of tissues.

In the early stages, this study can help to avoid many health problems. For all that, it is absolutely safe and painless.

Sometimes it's better to pay and be confident in yourself. Than to be afraid of researches, doctors and so forth and sooner or later all the same to appear in hospital, only already as a constant "client".

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