- When burping is normal, and when the pathology of
- Diseases provoking air out of the stomach
- How to get rid of burp
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Unpleasant sensations in the abdominal area can be caused by eating habits and some habits. They at the initial stage do not provoke the development of organic pathology and bring only some discomfort.
But when the adaptive capabilities of the body are exhausted, the tissues undergo changes and the inflammatory process begins in them. Pain in the abdomen and an unpleasant eructation can be the result of overeating or late dinner, but if the factors causing them act systematically, it can lead to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
When a burp is normal, and when the pathology of
is eructated, an involuntary exit from the upper gastrointestinal tract of gases or food is called an eructation. Identify the physiological causes of burp and pathological. Normal is considered if it occurs due to ingestion of air during meals( which often occurs in an infant) or the use of soda.
Normally, air is released gradually through the mouth, but if the pressure in the stomach increases, the muscles push air through the esophagus, belching appears. If the air is odorless and the heaviness in the abdomen passes for half an hour, then this is not a sign of the disease.
Involuntary ingestion occurs if there is no nasal breathing, for example, due to an allergic rhinitis or adenoids, and if a person swallows air during a conversation.
An eructation may occur if a person eats quickly, chewing on food poorly, drinking liquid through a straw, and also if the food is washed down with water( the gastric juice dilutes, which slows digestion).The air of their stomach or esophagus can also be released by the use of carbonated drinks, products that increase gas production.
Abdominal pain and eructation can occur due to malnutrition( overeating, excessive amounts of fruit, vegetables, legumes).Dinner before bed can provoke a morning stomach pain and belching.

Pregnant women often have burping due to uterus pressure on the diaphragm and due to hormonal changes
A constant unpleasant eructation can be triggered by pathological processes:
- by a violation of the peristalsis of the stomach or intestines;
- by changing the concentration of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice;
- narrowing of the esophagus or worsening of the sphincter function;
- by inflammation of the biliary tract or pancreas;
- neurotic disorders.
If food stagnates in the stomach and begins to decay, wander, then the gases have an unpleasant smell. Such an eructation is regarded as a sign of a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Air comes out more often after eating and is accompanied by other symptoms of digestive disorders. As a rule, a feeling of heaviness, bloating, constipation or diarrhea.
Diseases that trigger the release of air from the stomach
In some diseases, belching air is the only symptom, as for example, with neurosis of the stomach( aerophagia).But more often it arises against the backdrop of gastrointestinal pathologies, and also appears reflexively in diseases of the liver and gallbladder.
A belching bitter appears as a result of entering the stomach from the duodenum bile. Putrid odor from gas is felt if already in the stomach rotting and fermentation begins. This happens if the food stagnates because of the weak motility of the gastrointestinal tract.
Acidic eructations cause an increased concentration of hydrochloric acid or fermentation, which happens when there is a lack of acid content in the gastric juice. The release of gas with an acidic odor often occurs with inflammation of the gastric mucosa due to increased concentrations of hydrochloric acid, and also because of peptic ulcer.
In addition to burping, patients complain that the stomach hurts too much, as well as heartburn after eating, frequent constipation.
With a peptic ulcer, a burp often appears on an empty stomach, especially if there was a late supper. Treatment of the disease involves taking drugs that block the production of acid and reduce the acidity of gastric juice( antacids).
The outlet of air from the gastrointestinal tract with a rotten smell is characteristic when food is delayed in the stomach, because it is unable to digest it due to lack of secretion or disruption of peristalsis. Similar occurs at a chronic gastritis with the lowered acidity.
Often it is the eructation of the first sign of exacerbation of a chronic illness. Symptoms of the pathology also include weight and aching pain in the area of the xiphoid process, nausea, regurgitation, a feeling of excessive fullness of the stomach after eating, diarrhea. At palpation in patients can moderately be ill "under a spoon".
A person belches up rotten with stenosis of the pylorus. With the disease, food stagnates in the stomach, as the pyloric obstruction developed. The sphincter in normal functioning should ensure passage of the food lump into the duodenum and prevent its casting back.

As a rule, the release of air from the stomach occurs in diseases of the bile duct and pancreas
. If the activity of the gatekeeper is disrupted, the digestive function also deteriorates, as pancreatic juice enters the intestine, the acidic medium changes to alkaline. Stenosis of the doorkeeper is provoked by a peptic ulcer.
Expression, located in the pyloric part of the stomach, is scarring, which causes deformation of the affected area and narrowing of the channel, as a result of which the evacuation of food is hampered or stopped. In addition to burping rotten, with pathology there is vomiting, there is a heaviness in the abdomen for a couple of hours after eating, heartburn.
With diaphragmatic hernia, stomach pain and belching often occur. This is due to the fact that through the hole in the stomach penetrates the air. The disease is also characterized by bloating, heartburn, chest pain due to squeezing organs that are in the hernial sac.
Esophagitis is diagnosed if the mucous tissue of the esophagus is affected, so food hardly penetrates into the stomach. The disease is characterized by the release of air with eaten, a constant sour taste in the mouth, nausea, pain along the esophagus.
Rotting in the stomach begins only if there is no hydrochloric acid( achlorhydria) in the gastric juice or there is a deficiency of both hydrochloric acid and the enzyme pepsin( achilias).
If duodenal gastric reflux develops, in which intestinal contents are thrown into the stomach, then the eructation has a bitter taste, which is due to the presence of bile. If there is no reflux, then the eructation is reflexive and it is odorless.
Most often, belching and pain occur in the inflammatory pathology of the biliary tract, which is not associated with the presence of calculi. When pathology worries, aching dull pain in the abdomen or a feeling of heaviness in the right side under the ribs, right scapula, under the spoon, and also there is nausea, flatulence, the body temperature rises.
Symptoms are mostly noticed after eating some foods( fried, spicy, smoked, fatty).When probing the abdomen, there is pain in the hypochondrium on the right. If the background of noncalculous cholecystitis developed calculous( stone), then the eructation without a smell is replaced by a belch with bitter aftertaste.
Since pancreatic enzymes do not enter the duodenum in pancreatitis, this affects the food retention in the stomach, where the fermentation and hydrogen sulfide processes begin. Therefore, there is pain in the lower abdomen, an eructation with the smell of rotten eggs.

With acute pancreatitis, severe abdominal pain and frequent belching are felt, which can provoke even vomiting bile
Belly sour stomach and stomach pain may be one of the signs of a neoplasm in the gastrointestinal tract. Symptoms of the disease depend on the location of the tumor and its size. As a rule, there is pain in the sternum, heartburn, bloating, nausea, vomiting with blood or feces, swallowing, lack of appetite.
How to get rid of burp
To eliminate the symptom, you need to find out the reasons for its occurrence. To do this, you need to undergo examination in a medical institution under the supervision of a gastroenterologist. Only by diagnosing, the doctor will be able to decide how to treat the pathology.
To identify the causes of pain in the stomach and unpleasant belching of the air, the doctor will prescribe laboratory tests of urine, blood, gastroscopy, x-ray of the stomach, ultrasound of the stomach, tests for determining the acidity of the gastric juice.
It is recommended to drink freshly squeezed juices( potato, carrot) in order to get rid of burping air in the morning. If the eructation is provoked by gastritis or peptic ulcer, you can drink mineral water, while taking into account the composition of the water and the acidity of the gastric juice. Goat milk also helps.
With constant stomach pain and belching, the following medicines can help:
- Mezim. The drug improves digestion and compensates for pancreatic function deficiency. One or two tablets are taken after a meal;
- Almagel. The product envelops the gastric mucosa and protects against the corrosive effects of gastric juice. Helps to relieve pain, eliminate gases and eructations;
- Omez. Reduces the production of hydrochloric acid, thereby protecting the mucosa from irritation. They drink before eating;
- No-shpa. Will remove the spasm of smooth muscles, so that the pain in the abdomen will pass;
- if it hurts not only belching, but also bloating, you can take Smect. It will eliminate excess gases.

Only after curing the main disease, you can get rid of the burp
If a frequent eructation and severe stomach pain arise due to food and eating habits, they will pass when the menu is adjusted. If these symptoms do not disappear even in the absence of carbonated beverages, beer, products that increase gas formation in the diet, then there is a high probability that pathological processes have already occurred in the organs of the digestive system.
Belching and pain in the stomach in this case are not eliminated by means that only remove the symptom. To discomfort did not appear again, and the underlying disease did not progress and did not give complications, it is necessary to undergo therapy, which can be conservative or surgical, which depends on the pathology. With any disease of the digestive system, you must follow a diet.