Homemade Medicine

Rukkola: useful properties and contraindications for use

Ruccola is a plant of the cruciferous family( cabbage).The first mention of this plant is found even in the documents of the times of antiquity. Then the arugula grew in the fertile mild climate of the Mediterranean. Due to its pronounced spicy-mustard taste, rucola leaves are often used in cooking. From the seeds of the plant make oil. Contents of the article: Useful properties Nutritional value and caloric value Harm and contraindications Ruccola in ...

  • 25-Jun-2018
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Homemade Medicine

Instructions for the use of tinctures from seeds and vine magnolia vine of Far Eastern

Schisandra Chinese got its name because of the amazing similarity of the aroma with the famous citrus fruit, as well as the area of ​​its origin. This perennial plant comes from the Far East, it is well known to the inhabitants of China and Southern Sakhalin, grows on the Kuriles, the Korean Peninsula, in the Khabarovsk and Primorye Territories and is called shisandra here. Oriental roots Popularity in folk medicine Source of inexhaustible strength Unique...

  • 27-Jun-2018
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Homemade Medicine

Pumpkin juice: benefit and harm, cooking at home

Pumpkin juice has long been used to promote health, treat many diseases. It contains many vitamins( C, K, PP, A, Group B), pectin, organic acids, minerals( fluorine, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, silicon).Beta-carotene under the influence of enzymes is converted to vitamin A, which is an antioxidant. Article content: Than useful? Are there any harm and contraindications? Ways of using and recipes Reviews about juice Than it is useful? ...

  • 27-Jun-2018
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Homemade Medicine

Benefits and harm of goji berries: how to properly take them for treatment and weight loss?

Goji berries look like raisins in appearance, but they are more colorful. The composition of the fruits is unique. They are used as a preventive agent for strengthening immunity, preventing cancer, normalizing the internal systems of the body. Berries occupy a special place in cosmetology and dietology. Specialists note the high efficiency of goji for rejuvenating and getting rid of excess weight. The way of using berries differs depending on the purpose of their use. A...

  • 05-Jul-2018
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Homemade Medicine

How to take wheat germ - good and bad for the body

It is always necessary to maintain the vital forces of the body. If this does not occur in the summer and autumn, as fresh fruits and vegetables are daily on the table, then in the winter and spring the question of an additional source of vitamins is acute. One of the most popular, amazing and budgetary ways to maintain health is eating sprouted wheat grains. Contents of the article: A deposit of vitamins and trace elements Chemical composition of Usef...

  • 28-Jun-2018
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Homemade Medicine

Red and yellow plums: the benefits and harms of fresh and dried for health

Plum is well known to us from childhood. Remember the enjoyment of its tart taste and tender juicy pulp, refreshing coolness of thick juice with pleasant sourness. And in memory comes up a story about the stolen plums, the bones of which the boy threw out the window. This once again emphasizes how great was the temptation of the taste of a tasty fruit. A few historical facts The charms of the chemical composition The properties of the fruit For the f...

  • 30-Jun-2018
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Homemade Medicine

Benefits and harms of peaches and nectarines for the health of the body

Peach - the favorite summer fruit of thousands of compatriots. Surprisingly juicy and tasty, it is also useful, but it is necessary to explain this benefit to the richest fruit composition. The healing effect with peaches is the same for men and women. The chemical composition of The curative properties for the body Is the harm and contraindications Benefits for men Useful properties for women Peaches during pregnancy For cosmetic purpose...

  • 06-Jul-2018
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Homemade Medicine

The benefits and harm of wild strawberry for human health

Strawberries are one of the most delicious and aromatic wild berries. In the nature of it there are more than 600 species. Due to its rich natural composition, it is, by right, considered the most useful for health. According to the taste and aroma with strawberries, even the most loved strawberries grown on garden plots can not "compete" with everyone. Contents of the article: Summary of the article: Summary Caloric value and chemical compositio...

  • 29-Jun-2018
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Homemade Medicine

Kefir in the morning on an empty stomach: benefit or harm on days off

Kefir is a drink that we have known since childhood. Many people love and drink it. Nutritionists are advised to consume kefir to people who are overweight. Some drink it at night in order to get rid of insomnia. content of the article: story of secrets of centenarians chemical composition Useful properties possible harm How to determine the quality of The story of the North Caucasus, this drink compose odes. It was Ossetians w...

  • 30-Jun-2018
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Homemade Medicine

Healing properties of bear bile - application in folk medicine

Bile and fat stores help the bear to sleep through the winter and not die from severe frosts, not to become hungry and not to lose great health. Folk healers have long known how high the value of bearish bile is not only for himself, but also for humans, and since then they have been using the drug for medical purposes. There are cases when she saved a patient whose health could not be restored by traditional medicine. What is useful Therapeutic properties of ...

  • 24-Jun-2018
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