Rukkola: useful properties and contraindications for use

Ruccola is a plant of the cruciferous family( cabbage).The first mention of this plant is found even in the documents of the times of antiquity. Then the arugula grew in the fertile mild climate of the Mediterranean.

Due to its pronounced spicy-mustard taste, rucola leaves are often used in cooking. From the seeds of the plant make oil.

Contents of the article:
  • Useful properties
  • Nutritional value and caloric value
  • Harm and contraindications
  • Ruccola in folk medicine

Than useful?

The plant has a number of useful properties.

  • Rukkola is rich in vitamins. It contains beta-carotene, B vitamins, vitamins E, and C. 100 grams of arugula contains the daily norm of vitamin K.
  • Many useful substances, for example, zinc, selenium, copper, iron, sodium, and phosopher are contained in the arugula.
  • Has a beneficial effect on digestive processes and gastrointestinal tract.
  • The plant has an expectorant and diuretic effect.
  • Vitamin K, in a large amount contained in the arms, helps to heal wounds, promotes blood coagulability.
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  • Effectively combats harmful viruses and bacteria.
  • Many doctors believe that rukkola has a preventive anti-cancer effect.
  • Contains a large amount of fiber, so it promotes rapid saturation. Rukkola is a wonderful dietary product.
  • helps with problems with potency.
  • With stress and depression, it helps to strengthen the nervous system.
  • Thanks to beta-carotene improves the appearance and condition of the skin, nails and hair.
  • An important feature is its antiaxial qualities.

Nutritional value and calorie content

Ruccola is a very low-calorie product, which makes it indispensable for diets.100 grams of arugula contains only 25 kcal. At the same time this herb is rich in vitamins and useful elements.

  • 100 grams contain 2.58 grams of protein.
  • This same amount of the plant contains 0.66 grams of fat.
  • Carbohydrates per 100 grams are contained in the amount of 2.05 grams.
  • In the seeds of arugula contains a large number of essential oils - up to 30%.
  • Leaves are very rich in vitamins, nutrients and fiber. They contain calcium, iron, manganese, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, potassium and other elements.
  • For 100 grams contains 1.6 grams of fiber.

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Harm and contraindications

Rukkola practically does not have a negative effect on the body, however, it has certain contraindications and unpleasant features.

  • Naturally, you can not use arugula with individual intolerance. This plant has a strong allergenic effect, since it contains phytoncides. Most often the allergy to arugula is combined with an allergy to radish and turnips.
  • Moderate use of rukola in food is necessary for people who have problems with kidneys, liver, bile ducts. With caution add the plant to food and people suffering from high acidity of the stomach.
  • Excessive use of arugula may exacerbate urolithiasis.
  • For greenery, arugula contains several large amounts of sugar.

Rukkola in folk medicine

  • Thanks to its low caloric value combined with the high nutritional value of rucola, it is a very important element of many diets. As an ingredient in a salad or a supplement to the main dish, rucola will become a source of nutritional and nutrients without danger of getting better.
  • Oil made from arugula seeds is widely used in cosmetology. The oil of arugula, applied to the hair at night, strengthens and nourishes them. This mask needs to be done several times a week. Using oil inside also helps to strengthen the hair.
  • In Indian folk medicine, the seeds of arugula are used as a remedy for abscesses.
  • Juice of arugula is useful in ulcers, hematomas. He helps and get rid of calluses.
  • In folk medicine, arugula is also used as a remedy for respiratory diseases.
  • Since ancient times, arugula is known as the strongest aphrodisiac. The use of a mixture of 100 grams of arugula, 10 grams of honey and 10 grams of black pepper in the morning will improve the privacy.
  • Its use in food helps to strengthen the walls of the stomach and, as a result, improve digestion.
  • Broth from the leaves of arugula helps with the violation of urinary function.

So, arugula is one of the most useful plants, possessing a huge number of useful qualities, while practically without contraindications.

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