Instructions for the use of tinctures from seeds and vine magnolia vine of Far Eastern

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Schisandra Chinese got its name because of the amazing similarity of the aroma with the famous citrus fruit, as well as the area of ​​its origin.

This perennial plant comes from the Far East, it is well known to the inhabitants of China and Southern Sakhalin, grows on the Kuriles, the Korean Peninsula, in the Khabarovsk and Primorye Territories and is called shisandra here.

Oriental roots
  • Popularity in folk medicine
  • Source of inexhaustible strength
  • Unique properties of
  • Caution during application
  • Home use
  • Eastern roots

    In Chinese, Wu Wei Zi has the meaning: "the berry of five tastes" and thiscorresponds to the truth.

    The taste palette of red berries simultaneously combines an acid-salty, bitterish-spicy and sweetish, with a touch of lemon, a burning taste.

    Lianon-like plant stems twist trees and shrubs, reaching a length of 15 meters.

    In the flowering period - from May to June, - Schizandra is covered with scented white and pink flowers, and then in their place spiky brushes are formed, covered with juicy red fruits emanating a lemon flavor.

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    Toning and refreshing properties of Schisandra were well known to the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire for a long time, where it is still used to maintain high productivity during the working day.

    Chinese doctors have been using for more than two millennia for potions, not only berries, but also stems, casting, roots and flowers of the plant.

    The arsenal of its usefulness, the Far Eastern Schizandra was included in the top ten most popular plants in the world.

    And this favorite Chinese delicacy, revered more than strawberries - has long been and from this day desserts are cooked from it, jam is made and flavored tea is made.

    Popularity in folk medicine

    In Russia, we learned about Schizandra much later, but thanks to its unique properties, it managed to win recognition of official medicine and become the most popular folk remedy.

    Having studied the composition of the Far Eastern miracle-berries, medical scientists discovered in it a rich composition that is not inferior to such famous coryphaeus of natural pharmaceuticals as ginseng, eleuterococcus or aralia.

    It turned out that the fruits of shisandra are literally nourished with organic acids( wine, apple and lemon).

    They also contain large portions of vitamins E, and C, flavonoids and catechins. Another useful component - anthocyanins, gives the magnolia vine a powerful antioxidant effect.

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    In mineral composition, Schizandra even resembles Mendeleev's table - despite microdoses, it contains a lot of valuable macro and microelements:

    • calcium and iron,
    • of zinc and manganese,
    • of copper and cobalt,
    • of chromium and aluminum.

    Potassium, molybdenum, selenium, chromium, iodine barium, strontium, nickel and many others are also present.

    All essential parts of the plant contain useful essential oils, giving it a specific aroma of lemon, and the seeds, in addition, are saturated with valuable fatty acids( linoleic, linolenic, palmitic, oleic, lauric).

    Source of inexhaustible strength

    But the main secret of magnolia vine fruit is in special biologically active substances - ligans.

    The content of this component explains the main effect of this plant, used from antiquity to this day.

    It is called adaptogenic action, and consists in adapting the body to any adverse effects, increasing resistance, and enhancing vitality in conditions of a sharp change in climatic conditions, intense mental and physical exertion or oxygen starvation.

    But glucosides and alkaloids, which could cause harm to health, were not found in lemongrass. Such a useful berry turned out to be.

    The main beneficial effects of lemongrass on the human body are:

    • restorative;
    • adaptogenic;
    • toning;
    • psychostimulating;
    • immunomodulating.

    Unique properties of

    The ability of magnolia to strengthen the processes of excitation in the brain, stimulating reflex activity, is used at increased mental and mental loads, protecting against fatigue and overwork.

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    Toning and stimulating effect on the central nervous system, especially well visible with intense mental work, requiring concentration of attention, the need to quickly switch from one task to another and make decisions;

    This is a great tool for defeating stress and depression. Taking lemongrass, you can soon feel a surge of vivacity, improve your mood and feel self-confidence.

    The berries of shisandra will relieve fatigue and drowsiness, will be removed from the asthenic and depressed state, will provide excellent performance for a long time;

    Thanks to the presence of phytoestrogens in the lemongrass of hormone-like substances, it helps women cope with the problems of hormonal changes - the phenomena of premenstrual syndrome, severe menstrual bleeding and unwanted symptoms during menopause.

    Due to the positive effect on the adrenal cortex, it supports the normal hormonal balance of the female body.

    The positive influence of magnolia vine is also noted in the male organism - a special place here is occupied by the stimulating effect on the nervous system and the tonic effect of the biologically active components contained therein.

    Thanks to this, Schizandra has a very good effect on the processes of the genital area, increasing the male ability in this area.

    Not without reason in the Far Eastern countries it is known as the strongest aphrodisiac .

    Shizandra has a hepatoprotective effect: it is able to improve the function of liver cells, restoring them and protecting the liver from toxins.

    This action of lemongrass is explained by the presence in its seeds of essential fatty acids and lignans, which have a beneficial effect on liver cells.

    The seed extract promotes the regeneration of hepatocytes, thereby protecting it from the damaging effects of viruses, medicines, alcohol and other industrial toxins.

    The hepatoprotective effect of the plant underlies the action of the hepatoprotective drug "Shizadrin C".

    In addition to excellent protective properties, Schizandra copes with the role of the attacker, suppressing the growth of tumors and relieving the body of cancer cells.

    In scientific experiments with the help of an extract from this plant, scientists managed to defeat leukemia.

    However, more reliable results can be said on the basis of further in-depth studies.

    It is widely used in the treatment of pulmonary pathology, especially in chronic and prolonged course - recurrent bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis and pneumonia, recurrent ORVI.

    It is able to increase the body's own immunity by protecting against colds, flu, and other infectious diseases.

    Toning effect of this plant is useful to all who suffer from hypotension - low blood pressure, accompanied by lethargy, poor health and constant fragility.

    If a cup of morning coffee is replaced with tea with lemongrass, then instead of a brief invigorating action, you can get a long lasting toning with the effect of energy storage.

    Schizandra preparations are successfully used in dermatology - it is effective in vitiligo, psoriasis, alopecia, allergic dermatosis and other skin diseases that are difficult to treat;

    The Schizandra can be of great use to anyone who is experiencing an increased strain on the organs of vision-working on the computer, students, especially during the sessions, and those whose profession is associated with visual stress.

    This is an excellent tool for preventing overwork of the muscles of the eyeball, giving them the necessary tone and allowing them to save the necessary visual acuity without loss.

    Caution during application of

    As we can see, the spectrum of beneficial effect of magnolia vine on the body is extremely wide. However, it is worth saying a few words about existing contraindications.

    This will help to avoid undesirable consequences for those who want to use this plant exclusively for their benefit:

    The strongest natural stimulant is the Far-Eastern lemongrass, akin to the root of ginseng( instructions for use), and it should not be consumed by someone who suffers from hypertension and various cardiac disordersactivities.

    Contraindications to it are increased intracranial pressure, epilepsy, meningitis and arachnoiditis.

    It is worth to refuse from Schizandra for women during pregnancy, as well as during breast-feeding.

    Children under 12 years of age and suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia should take Schizandra with great care, and be sure after consulting a doctor.

    Those who are suffering from insomnia, it is also better to give up Schizandra, at least until the normal depth and duration of sleep are restored.

    It is better to exclude the intake of magnolia vinegar in the evening, limiting to the morning and midday use time.

    Negative effects of admission can be felt suffering from heartburn or stomach ulcers of the stomach and intestines.

    Home use

    For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, various forms of preparation of Lemongrass from the Far East can be used. Here are some of them:

    Alcohol tincture can be purchased at the pharmacy and take 20-30 drops twice a day before meals.

    Homemade tinctures require 20 grams of dry crushed berries, which are filled with 100 ml of alcohol and tightly closed for 7-10 days.

    The always uses a dark glass container .

    Periodically shaking and filtering out the drug every 2-3 days, you get a clear alcohol solution that is effective in hypotonic and depressive states, dizziness, physical and mental overstrain.

    Prepare an infusion of Chinese magnolia fruit even easier.

    To do this, crushed in a wooden bowl 10g of dried berries pour a glass of boiling water and heat on low heat until boiling, after which the berries are squeezed, and the resulting infusion filter.

    Taking such a tool for 1 tbsp.l.2-3 times a day, you can strengthen immunity, cope with the common cold and flu, improve efficiency.

    Very useful juice from lemongrass , especially when harvesting for future use.

    Its preparation is reduced to pressing of ripe fruits and pasteurization of the received juice in jars for 15 minutes with the subsequent hermetic corking.

    In winter, such juice is added to tea or drunk, diluted with water.

    To prepare medicinal tea from Schizandra , young shoots or dried leaves and plant bark will be required.

    The proportion for brewing is 10 g of raw material per 1 l of boiling water, the time of brewing is 3-4 minutes. A fragrant and healthy drink will quench your thirst, fill your body with strength and protect you from many diseases.

    The information is provided for information purposes only. Before receiving decoction and tincture MZ magnolia vine, be sure to consult a doctor.

    When to harvest and from what ailments the lemongrass of the Far East helps is described in the video.