Benefits and harms of peaches and nectarines for the health of the body

Peach - the favorite summer fruit of thousands of compatriots.

Surprisingly juicy and tasty, it is also useful, but it is necessary to explain this benefit to the richest fruit composition.

The healing effect with peaches is the same for men and women.

The chemical composition of
  • The curative properties for the body
  • Is the harm and contraindications
  • Benefits for men
  • Useful properties for women
  • Peaches during pregnancy
  • For cosmetic purposes

Chemical composition

Peach is a low-calorie product with a rich content of potassium.

100 g of fruit contains only 45 calories.

Although in a glass of peach juice contains only 65 calories, potassium in it is 285 mg, which is quite a lot.

And potassium is necessary for the human body, because it is able to regulate the work of the muscular and nervous system, improve metabolic processes and strengthen the muscles of the heart.

In peach pulp contains:

  • a lot of organic acids,
  • all kinds of mineral salts and trace elements,
  • pectins,
  • essential oils.
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Useful substances in the composition of peach bones - bitter almond oil( about the application for eyelashes written here) and amygdalin.

Healing properties for the organism

There are many uses in the fossil of the dog. For the body it is a gift that improves its functioning and provides prevention of numerous diseases.

And what do you know about black pepper, the benefit and harm of which are described in a useful article? Follow the link and read the folk recipes.

Reviews on the treatment of tuberculosis with drugs and folk remedies are published on this page.

The benefits are as follows:

  • Peach helps to normalize the circulatory system .
    Calcium and potassium in the composition form and repair the walls of blood vessels that have been damaged.
    Potassium additionally normalizes the work of the heart( symptoms of a cardiac cough) and protects from the formation of blood clots.
  • Peaches are able to slow the absorption of harmful cholesterol .
    As a result, in the walls of the vessels there are no dangerous plaques, and the cardiac system is protected from atherosclerosis.
  • Iron in peaches is essential for anemia .
    Using this microelement, the bone marrow is able to produce the amount of red blood cells of erythrocytes necessary for normal functioning of the body.
  • There is an opinion that hairs, which are a lot of peaches, irritate the mucous of the digestive system.
    In fact, these hairs are not harm, but the benefit of .
    And they, themselves, and the fibers, and the peel of peaches, work to stimulate digestion.
    Because of them, the lazy intestine begins to move food faster, and the active organs are even more energetic.
    In view of this, peaches are able to improve the state of the intestines( about the use of dried apricots and prunes written on this page), slow the absorption of cholesterol and prevent the development of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Thanks to potassium and phosphorus in the composition, peaches have a positive effect on the operation of the musculoskeletal system.
    Because of the joint work of minerals and vitamins, bones and joints heal.
    As a result, bones with joints receive a sufficient number of necessary structural components, vitamins normalize metabolic processes in tissues of cartilage and bones.
  • In the pulp of the fruit there is a lot of moisture with biologically active components, which allows you to remove toxins and excess salts from the body, restoring the joints.
    Therefore, peaches, especially, are shown to people suffering from rheumatism, arthritis, osteochondrosis( cervical treatment of folk remedies) and osteoporosis.
  • Rich peach composition helps fight against urolithiasis , improves immunity, has a beneficial effect on memory and concentration.
    Defending the body against free radicals, the fruit prevents oncological diseases .

Is there any harm and contraindications to

? Even in the most useful peach, there are contraindications and factors, due to which, it can turn into harmful.

So, overly active use of peaches leads to digestive disorders, heart and vascular problems.

And what do you know about the benefits and harm of apples? Their medicinal properties are described in a useful article.

For the benefit and harm of draining with losing weight read here.

On the page: http: // narodnye-sredstva /lekarstva/ produkty-pitaniya / arbuz.html written about the benefits and dangers of watermelon for slimming.

Do not eat peaches in the evening and at night - it will have a negative effect on the stomach, intestines and other digestive organs.

There are also contraindications to the use of peach. It's obesity and diabetes.

Fruits with velvety skin sometimes cause a severe allergy due to pollen on the skin.

Benefits for men

In addition to the common benefits, the stronger sexes using peaches:

  • restores male strength( about the use of the field field for men with impotence is written here),
  • maintains the necessary balance of hormones in the body,
  • conducts prophylaxis for prostate diseases.

This is provided by a trace element of zinc, contained in the flesh of the fruit. Refers to all types of peaches:

  • small,
  • large,
  • smooth,
  • hairy,
  • nectarines( peach and plum hybrid), which are no less tasty and useful.

Useful properties for women

Peach has a lot of useful properties, because of which it is like women:

  • Peach is non-caloric, therefore it is both useful and tasty at the same time.
    It becomes a worthy alternative to cakes, sweets and other empty calories.
    Fruit stimulates digestive processes, saturating the body and unloading the stomach, while providing energy.
    Accordingly, lovers of peaches may not worry about their figure.
  • Peaches have a lot of moisture, which they saturate the skin( the healing properties of the sequence are described here) and retain the already existing liquid in it.
    And this is an important condition for maintaining the beauty, health and youth of the skin at any age.
    Skin and fruit acids are useful, thanks to which, dead skin cells quickly peel off.
    In view of this, the cover always looks fresh and young.
  • Peach increases the tone of the body and lifts the mood of the .
    For this meet the main components in the composition: sugar, vitamins, magnesium.

And this is only the external useful properties of a peach, but remember the numerous internal ones!

Peaches during pregnancy

If there are no contraindications and individual intolerance, whatsoever said, peaches are harmless for pregnant women .

These juicy fruits are a solid good. The reason is in their richest composition, which supports the body of a pregnant woman( medicinal properties, benefits and harm of radishes) and the child in a normal state.

In the early stages, practically, all future mothers suffer from the strongest toxicosis. In this case, try to eat a couple of peaches.

They help to remove nausea, satisfy hunger and thirst. Fruits are easily digested by the body, helping the liver to easily break down fats.

And components in their composition are simply necessary for the health of a future mother:

  • Magnesium helps to remove the stress of , which is undesirable for a future mother, and improve her overall well-being.
  • Potassium in peaches removes excess liquid from the body.
    For pregnant women prone to swelling, this quality is irreplaceable.
    Also the microelement strengthens the heart and blood vessels of the expectant mother.
  • Calcium in combination with magnesium strengthens the bone tissue of and prevents decalcification.
    For a pregnant woman( about the benefits of melon read here), this trace element is especially important, because her body spends his supplies for two.
  • Phosphorus is useful for the musculoskeletal system of a future mother who undergoes serious stress during pregnancy.
    This mineral additionally supports the nervous system and brain work.
  • Folic acid is involved in the formation of the placenta and the neural tube of the fetus.
    In addition, folic acid is responsible for proper hematopoiesis.
    Due to this component, the parents' genes are correctly transmitted to the child.
    It helps to maintain the condition and the future of the mother.
  • Iron increases the level of hemoglobin in a pregnant woman and protects iron deficiency anemia, which often accompanies pregnancy.

In addition, numerous vitamins and minerals in the peach are also needed for the expectant mother( benefits and harm of grapefruit in pregnancy), because the baby in the womb takes most of the components it uses.

A deficiency of nutrients is fraught with a number of troubles.

If a pregnant woman suffers from constipation, it is recommended to use peaches - they normalize the digestive system.

Along with fruits, fresh juices are also useful, which will negate the risk of all problems with the stool.

Peaches remove from the body and toxins, and excess fluid, and heavy metals, which is useful for pregnant women.

For cosmetic purposes

Both peaches and peach juice are actively used in cosmetology. Flesh pulp has a beneficial effect on the appearance and internal health of the skin.

Wipe the skin directly with a piece of fruit or a sponge dipped in peach juice. It will refresh the skin, add to it elasticity, elasticity.

For a soothing effect, mix peach juice with milk. And to eliminate excess fat, use a combination of peach pulp with fiber( benefit and harm) or potato starch( benefit and harm).

Peach - this is good for hair, prone to cross-section. Try a mask with a combination of pulp, milk and oil of oregano( the benefit and harm of redhead oil), which will help restore curls, give them freshness, health and attractive radiance.

Peach is a treasure trove of the most useful ingredients, which, combined with a rich composition, make them an indispensable summer treat. Next time, seeing these juicy fruits on the counter, do not pass by.

How to make a very useful breakfast of peaches in five minutes look in the video.