Homemade Medicine

Useful properties of dried dogwood and contraindications to consumption

Dried cornel berries are not only a delicious treat, but also a medicinal product with unique properties. They are in no way inferior to fresh fruits and retain in themselves the maximum amount of vitamins and beneficial microelements. This dried fruit is widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of colds, with gastrointestinal disorders, improving metabolism in the body and to improve immunity during its weakening. Article Number: Why is it useful? Nutritiona...

  • 23-Jun-2018
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Homemade Medicine

Oil, seeds and fruits of anise: useful properties, contraindications and application

Many spices used in cooking are known and curative properties. One of them is an anise, useful features of which allow it to be widely used in folk medicine. There are a lot of vitamins and microelements, fiber, protein and healthy fats. Main useful properties Anise and preparations based on it Essential oil Traditional medicine recipes Application in cosmetology and cooking Contraindications and possible harm How to choose The main u...

  • 30-Jun-2018
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Homemade Medicine

Japanese radish daikon: useful properties and contraindications

Daikon is a root crop, which is often referred to as "Japanese radish".In form, it resembles carrots, but differs from it in white. The weight of one root crop can reach five kilograms, but a daikon of a relatively small size appears on the market more often. Japanese radish has a huge number of useful properties, and it includes not only traditional, but also rare components. Root is widely used in cooking, used in folk medicine to achieve various effects from healing to wei...

  • 02-Jul-2018
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Homemade Medicine

Corn porridge: good and bad, delicious recipes

Useful properties of corn are useful to our body. Particularly important is the ability of grains to retain useful properties during heat treatment. Not every cereal possesses such qualities. Therefore, corn has found wide application in folk and official medicine. Pharmaceuticals use corn kernels and stigmas. Of them, drugs are produced from hepatitis, diarrhea, infertility and other diseases. From corn kernels make flour and starch, which is used as a thickener. Whole gr...

  • 05-Jul-2018
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Homemade Medicine

The benefits and harms of sunflower seeds for women and men

It's not for nothing that seeds are called "contagion" because after starting the process, eating them, it's just impossible to stop. However, not all people imagine the valuable qualities of sunflower seeds, and, on the contrary, think that seeds are extremely unhelpful and even harmful to health. And there is some truth in this if you eat fried or substandard sunflower seeds, with disturbed storage conditions and shelf life. But raw or moderately fried seeds, have a mass of...

  • 01-Jul-2018
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Homemade Medicine

Juice and sea buckthorn oil: useful and medicinal properties of leaves, contraindications

Seabuckthorn is a waste-free fruit. From it prepare jam, juice, drinks, make tinctures. In addition, the fetus has beneficial properties. Berries make butter from the juice of the berries, and the leaves are used for cosmetics and treatments. Useful elements and their role Useful elements and their role Useful properties and their role Juice properties What diseases The healing power of leaves Application in cosmetology Usage for prev...

  • 03-Jul-2018
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Homemade Medicine

Useful properties and contra-indications of pine nuts, medicinal recipes

Cedar has long been considered a symbol of longevity and health. Cedar nuts are widely used not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine. Thanks to the many useful components that make up their composition, they have become an integral ingredient in dietetics, cosmetology and other areas related to health and rejuvenation of the human body. The list of contraindications or potential harm from cedar seeds does not differ in variety, but it is necessary to use them, observ...

  • 23-Jun-2018
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Homemade Medicine

What is a melon - a berry or fruit, health benefits and harm

Melon is an ancient agricultural crop, which is appreciated for its taste qualities and dietary properties. Cucumis melo( melon ordinary or table) is a plant of the Pumpkin family from the genus Cucumber. The structure of the pumpkin stalk and the life cycle allow it to be attributed to annual grasses, and the specificity of growing is to melons and gourds. Contents of the article: Short description Fruit, vegetable or berry History of origin ...

  • 30-Jun-2018
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Homemade Medicine

On the benefits and harm of pistachios for the body

There are several dozen varieties of pistachio trees. Visually, nuts look almost identical, but their size and some flavor characteristics are different. On the useful properties of pistachios are among the record holders. They contain a huge amount of nutrients that can have a powerful healing effect on the human body. You need to use the nut in accordance with certain recommendations. Otherwise, a high concentration of components will have a negative impact. Articl...

  • 05-Jul-2018
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Homemade Medicine

Fresh and salted cucumbers: benefit and harm to the human body and pregnant

The homeland of cucumbers is India, where cucumbers were cultivated already 3,5 thousand years ago. From India, cucumbers have spread to all countries of the Old World, thanks to the English. Loved and appreciated cucumbers in ancient Rome, they even related to the favorite food of Emperor Tiberius. Composition and properties of Contents of the article: Composition and properties of In dietary nutrition In home cosmetology Popular recipes ...

  • 30-Jun-2018
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