Homemade Medicine

Useful properties and contra-indications of peanut butter, how to take in order not to get hurt

Bean grass, peanuts, is considered the main crop in the southern states of the United States. Most of the crop harvested in the country is used for the production of peanut butter. Americans do not imagine their lives without it. How useful is the paste to the human body? What is more, good or bad? American breakfast Chemical composition What is the use of Healthy food Therapy and prevention For women's health Dietary food Somethi...

  • 05-Jul-2018
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Homemade Medicine

Useful caraway oil: contraindications, benefits and harm, how to take

Black cumin( Nigella sativa) came to us from the Middle East. The first mention of this product is more than three thousand years old. About the healing properties of cumin knew the Celts, later it spread in the countries of the North African continent and Southern Europe. Even then, based on cumin, spices and fragrant oil were made. Useful components Areas of application Overweight and obesity Asthenia, weakness, hypochondri...

  • 05-Jul-2018
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Homemade Medicine

How to take and how much to drink castor oil as a laxative

A normal chair is a regular soft stool. Ideally, the morning. But alas, the wrong diet, stress, old age and various diseases can cause constipation, that is, the difficulty of defecation. The cheapest, most popular and fastest remedy for this problem is castor oil or castor oil. Contents of the article: What is the castor oil How does the work When it is necessary to drink the laxative How to take Contraindications Conclusion Oil ...

  • 06-Jul-2018
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Homemade Medicine

Which sunflower oil is better than the refined and unrefined

Sunflower oil is the most popular and used in cooking: it is added to salads, baked goods, it is fried meat and potatoes. Depending on the treatment method, the oil can be refined or unrefined. How useful is the product that is so common in the housewives in the kitchen? The way of obtaining The oil is given to us by nature, it is extracted from vegetable raw materials - sunflower. When receiving sunflower oil, the following methods are used: cold pressin...

  • 28-Jun-2018
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Homemade Medicine

Parsley: the benefits and harm to the health of women and men

Parsley is a green plant with a spicy and rich aroma. The most common use of it is cooking, but the useful properties and content of a huge number of useful components is the reason for use in medical purposes for the recovery of the body. Parsley is adapted to different climatic conditions and can grow even at home. In ancient Greece, spicy grass was considered a sacred plant because of its unique healing properties. Modern specialists made recommendations on the use o...

  • 30-Jun-2018
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Homemade Medicine

Application of grape oil: in cooking, for massage, face and hair - benefit and harm

Grape oil has been known since ancient times, but has been relatively new. In fact, oil is not derived from the fruits of grapes, but from its seeds. The original Latin name of the product sounds like Vitis vinifera. A popular product in cooking Cautious and detrimentaleffects Short description There are two ways of obtaining an oil extract: By cold pressing method. Hot extraction me...

  • 24-Jun-2018
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Homemade Medicine

Rye bran: benefit and harm, the correct reception of a dietary product

What is rye bran and how much they are useful to few. This dietary product has a special composition, it is very similar to the composition of whole grains. And in the bran there are all the useful properties that were planted in the grain of nature. The structure of rye bran is unique: food fibers - 40%.They help to prevent and recover from such diseases as: gastritis, dysbacteriosis, diseases of the liver and gall bladder, pancreas diseases, colon cancer and ch...

  • 30-Jun-2018
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Homemade Medicine

Nutmeg: useful properties and contraindications, how to use for treatment and weight loss

Nutmeg is known for its unique taste, light and spicy, slightly spicy, and also due to the finest flavor. In cooking, he found the widest application. In addition, the useful properties of the product make it possible to use it in cosmetology and medicine. Contents of the article: Nut benefits for men and women Nutritional value and calorie content Contraindications and possible harm Ways of use in folk medicine and cosmetology Nut benefits for men ...

  • 01-Jul-2018
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Homemade Medicine

Grass, greens and mustard seeds - benefit and harm to the health of the body

Mustard - an indispensable seasoning for "fans hotter." Since ancient times, this plant is actively used as a spice, side dish, making honey and butter. Since the time of Hippocrates, the plant serves medical purposes, where its useful properties are fully realized. The content of the article: Appearance History of mustard Dining room seasoning Application in medicine Use in cosmetology Make House Masks Application for weight loss What is harmful in it Mustard is a part of folk and officia...

  • 04-Jul-2018
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Homemade Medicine

What is the use of sauerkraut for the human body?

Regular consumption of vegetables favorably affects the human body. World scientific luminaries in the field of dietetics constantly voice all the new useful properties as diets based on the use of vegetables, and each vegetable individually. Pharmaceutical companies with an enviable regularity present the next biologically active additives, which include vitamins and micro and micro-elements derived from vegetables. But is it possible to replace the useful properties of any ...

  • 05-Jul-2018
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