Many spices used in cooking are known and curative properties.
One of them is an anise, useful features of which allow it to be widely used in folk medicine.
There are a lot of vitamins and microelements, fiber, protein and healthy fats.
The main useful properties of
The mass of useful properties of anise can be explained by the rich composition of seeds.
They contain a lot of vitamins and microelements, fiber, protein and healthy fats.
Anise removes pain, inflammation and high fever, has a diaphoretic and antiseptic effect.
Other properties include laxatives, diuretics, sedatives.
Anise based products are used in the treatment of liver diseases, digestive organs, kidneys, urinary system.
They have effects for the elimination of headaches, genital, nervous disorders.
For women, anis is useful in that it normalizes the menstrual cycle, relieves soreness and helps fight frigidity.
Improves potency in men. It affects the nervous system well, fighting insomnia, sleep disorders, constant awakenings.
And what do you know about the healing properties and contraindications for wintering? Read an interesting and useful article by clicking on the link.
About the benefits and harm to the health of red ashberry is written on this page.
Anise and preparations based on it
- improve appetite;
- normalizes the work of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
- stimulate kidney function and urogenital functions;
- work as an expectorant;
- are struggling with bad breath.
Essential oil
- nervous tension and exhaustion, stress, depression, apathy and so on;
- headaches and dizziness;
- gastric malfunction: problems with stool, vomiting, gases;
- rheumatism, arthritis;
- strong pain in menstruation;
- pain in the muscles;
- tachycardia;
- disease in the upper respiratory tract, runny nose and cough, asthma;
- diseases of the genitourinary system: edema, cystitis, stones and cystitis in the kidneys.
Anise oil is used in the fight against burns, hoarse voice, scurvy, inflammation of the gums.
Tinctures and teas are prepared from the anise seeds.
Tea can be used to combat colds of the throat and to improve lactation in nursing mothers.
This number of useful properties explains the unique composition of anise.
Ascorbic acid fights against viruses and bacteria, strengthening immunity.
Niacin favorably affects the gastrointestinal tract, while normalizing the level of cholesterol.
The iron contained in the seeds provides quality treatment and prevention of anemia.
Seeds contribute to the reduction of uterine muscles, which helps to eliminate pain with menstruation and strengthen labor activity.
Anis is a powerful aphrodisiac. To eliminate frigidity and increase potency, you can drink tea from anise.
It contains the hormone estrogen, which increases the reproductive function of the body.
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How the tar soap for dandruff hair helps is written here.
On the page: http: //netlekarstvam.com/fitnes/ hatha-joga.html learn the sequence of performing asanas in Hatha Yoga.
Anise tincture treats candidiasis in the mouth, tonsillitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis( symptoms and treatment of acute in children).
Spice enhances the effect of used antibacterial agents. The combination of egg and anise oil effectively treats burns.
Traditional medicine recipes
To return appetite
Take a teaspoon of crushed anise, pour a glass of boiling water, allow to cool and brew.
Eat half the glass half an hour before meals.
For a cold
Take 100 grams of anise seeds, pour half a liter of 90-% alcohol. Use tincture three times a day for 5-10 drops.
There is another recipe:
- in a small container you need to pour a glass of cool water,
- add half a glass of anise seeds,
- give a boil and boil for 15 minutes over low heat.
Strain, add a quarter of a glass of honey( the useful properties of the melting pot are described here), a large spoonful of cognac, let it boil, brew and cool.
Use every half hour on a tablespoon.
To combat impotence and prevent it
Eat 3 grams of anise seeds every day or consume 3-5 drops of anise.
Against edema
Take four teaspoons of anise seed, pour a glass of boiling water. Cook for 7 minutes, strain.
Drink three meals a day before eating two tablespoons. The broth helps not worse than the leaves of cowberry from swelling, taken during pregnancy.
From insomnia
Add a teaspoon of ground anise seeds to a glass of heated milk, let it brew.
Strain and add a teaspoon of honey. Use in a warm form. Children need to reduce the dose twice.
Against cough
A teaspoon of dried seeds should be filled with a glass of hot boiling water.
Then insist 30 minutes.
Strain and consume thrice a day before meals a quarter of a cup.
Infusion will help you quickly get rid of bouts of dry cough.
Pour a couple of drops of essential oil anise into a piece of sugar.
Eat it if you feel dizzy.
Kidney stones
Two teaspoons of seeds pour boiling water in the amount of one glass, let it brew for 15 minutes, then strain.
Use three times a day, similar to the grass bear ears( written in this article) in the amount of two tablespoons for half an hour before meals.
Application in cosmetology and cooking
Relatively recently anis began to apply and cosmetology.
Specialists were interested in the ability of the plant to relax the muscles.
Modern manufacturers produce creams to fight wrinkles( about the effectiveness of apricot oil read here), based on anise extract.
Their effectiveness is high.
In home skin and hair care, you can use anise oil, which in the amount of several drops is added to creams, lotions, masks.
Culinary uses fruits and vegetables.
It is added to salads from vegetables and kelp dried( how to cook read here), meat dishes, side dishes.
In the Mediterranean cuisine you can find fish dishes, dressed with anise. Dry umbrellas are used for conservation.
Ground anise fruit is used as a spicy seasoning. Anise is added to the baking( about the useful baking from amaranth flour written on this page) and confectionery.
It gives piquancy to sweet dishes: soups on milk and dried fruits( prunes, dried apricots, raisins, walnuts, honey and lemon), puddings.
Seasoning improves the taste characteristics and vegetable dishes. It is combined with all kinds of cabbage, including sea( benefit and harm), carrots, zucchini, beets.
It is added to the soaked fruit, sweet compotes. Sometimes with the help of anise, a unique taste is given to alcoholic beverages( how quickly to clean the body after poisoning): vodka, liqueurs, live beer.
Contraindications and possible harm
Anise and preparations based on it are contraindicated in case of allergic reactions to plants from the umbelliferous, gastric and duodenal ulcer( for a medical diet with prescriptions read here), atony of the large intestine.
They are forbidden to pregnant women and those who suffer from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract such as a hernia( treatment with folk remedies is described in this article).
In some cases, anise can cause an allergy. A potential hazard is present for children under two years of age.
Anise oil can not be shown for internal use for more than seven days.
It is recommended to dissolve it in cream or milk. Excessive consumption of oil causes dizziness and irritation of the stomach.
You should start using anise from small doses of .
If dizziness, nausea and other unpleasant symptoms are absent, then another day you can increase the dose.
Caution is needed with decoctions. Use them in amounts up to 100 grams per day. Overdose can trigger an allergy to .
How to choose
Anise effectively treats intestinal spasms, insomnia, cough, bronchitis and colds, look at the treatment methods in the video.