Heart Attack

Review of all causes of heart attack, risk factors

From this article you will learn: what pathologies and risk factors provoke the development of a heart attack. The most common causes of myocardial infarction: a review. Contents of the article: Atherosclerosis Change in blood viscosity Hypertension Diabetes mellitus Vascular spasm Pathologies not associated with atherosclerosis Major risk factors For the development of acute ischemia( oxygen starvation and death of myocardial cells) - or myocardial in...

  • 18-Jun-2018
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Causes, diagnosis and treatment of pre-sults

From this article you will learn: what is the pre-stroke state( or, in other words, transient ischemic attack), the reasons for its development. Symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment of this disease. Background of the article: Preinvasive condition reasons Pre-absent state risk factors Symptoms of the disease Diagnosis of the pre-sultural state Treatment of the disease Pre-abscess forecasting An initial condition of the brain is the deterioration of...

  • 18-Jun-2018
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Full description of angiography of cerebral vessels: indications, procedure

From this article you will learn: what is angiography of cerebral vessels, what diseases can be identified with its help, how to prepare for it. Procedure, contraindications and complications. Article content: Indications for angiography of cerebral vessels How to prepare? How is the procedure performed? Possible complications Contraindications Angiography of vessels in the brain is a diagnostic procedure that allows you to assess the condition of the arteries...

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Medication for atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels

From this article you will find out which preparations for the treatment of cerebral artery atherosclerosis exist. The mechanism of action of statins, fibrates, preparations of nicotinic acid, ion-exchange resins and other lipid-lowering agents. What other medicines are prescribed in the treatment of atherosclerosis of the brain. Statins: preparations of inhibitors of reductase Fibrates Preparations of nicotinic acid Ion exchange resins Lipid agents Other medications...

  • 18-Jun-2018
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Home Treatment

Symptoms of lamblia in adults and treatment

For the first time with giardiasis people collided in 1859. The scientist Ljambl has revealed the intestinal parasite and has described it. He defined the categories of individuals and animals that are most prone to infection. These are children, adults living in conditions of unsanitary conditions, and also some animals (for people their parasites are not dangerous). Why do lamblia appear in adults, the symptoms and treatment will be considered in more detail. Content: Giardiasis in adults ...

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Anafranil - instructions for use and indications, dosage, form of release, composition and price

Composition and Form of Release Anaphranil( Anafranil) is a format of tablets, long-acting tablets( SR) and a solution for parenteral administration. Tablets Tablets Tablets SR Solution Description Light yellow tablets with sugar coating Pink tablets of prolonged action Transparent colorless liquid Clomipramine hydrochloride concentration, mg 25 per pc. 75 on pcs. ...

  • 18-Jun-2018
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Impairment Of Pulse

Why low pulse at normal pressure, what to do

From this article you will find out what diseases can cause a low pulse at normal pressure. Is it always a pathology, as it manifests itself. Methods of performing the diagnosis while slowing the pulse. Treatment and prognosis for the disease. Contents of the article: Types of low heart rate Causes of low heart rate at normal pressure Characteristic symptoms Diagnosis Treatment methods Forecast A low pulse, or bradycardia, in medical practice is a conditio...

  • 18-Jun-2018
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Pressure jumps are high, then low: causes and treatment

From this article you will learn: from what pressure leaps, and what this violation testifies to. What disorders in the body cause sudden pressure drops, what should I do to normalize the changed parameters. Contents of the article: Causes of pathology How to suspect and solve the problem Prognosis: What can result in such violations Stable AD speaks about good blood circulation in all internal organs. Violation of the natural mechanisms that regulate this indicator l...

  • 18-Jun-2018
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How and how many live with atrial fibrillation, practical advice

From this article you will learn: what determines the prognosis and quality of life in patients with atrial fibrillation. How often the complications of this pathology develop, and what to do to minimize them. Also we will consider some results of studies of the life of people with atrial fibrillation. Contents of the article: Evaluation of the quality of life( facts, research) Why it is important to strictly implement the recommendations for treatment Three complications o...

  • 18-Jun-2018
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Healing Herbs

Application of birch tinder is good and bad

Birch tinder is one of the most common tree fungi. He has a unique set of healing qualities, which only those who understand his main characteristics will be able to use. Content: Description and structure Therapeutic properties of birch mushroom Application in folk medicine Tincture Infusion Powder Weightloss remedy Collection Features What is dangerous for a tinder for birches What is dangerous for man Contraindications Related articles: Sadim and take care of the birch When to collect b...

  • 18-Jun-2018
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