Symptoms of kidney inflammation, symptoms and treatment

Kidney inflammationInflammation of the kidney is called nephritis. There are several kidney diseases associated with inflammatory processes in the body that affect various parts of it.

Pyelonephritis - inflammation of the kidneys, which occurs against the background of ingress of pathogenic bacteria and viruses into the body. Glomerulonephritis is a disease in which the inflammatory process only covers the glomeruli of the kidney glomeruli.

In women and men, both pathologies can occur in acute or latent chronic form. The danger of nephritis lies in their ability to gradually lead to the development of renal failure, requiring cardinal treatment, implying organ transplantation.

Causes of inflammation of the kidneys

The causes of inflammation of the kidneys can be such pathogens as enterococcus, staphylococcus, intestinal Escherichia and others. Often, the pathogenic microflora is mixed, one causative agent causes the disease in less than 1/3 of the total number.

Jadecan be divided into primary and secondary

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, depending on this, the symptoms and treatment of inflammation of the kidneys will be different. In 80% of people who have applied to a medical institution, urologists diagnose primary nephritis. At the heart of his development are various kidney diseases. For example, amyloidosis and nephroptosis.

Secondary inflammatory processesin the kidneys develop against the background:

  • poisoning with heavy metals;
  • regular inhalation of toxic chemicals;
  • frequent use of alcohol;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • presence in the body of a bacterial or viral infection.

The risk group includes people who have been poisoned with heavy metals or chemicals. Inflammation occurs in passing on the background of rheumatoid arthritis, tuberculosis, lupus erythematosus. Nephritis is considered as an independent disease, and as a complication of other diseases. Living in wet rooms with high humidity is also a fertile soil for the development of inflammatory processes in the kidneys.


First of all, it should be noted that inflammatory diseases of the kidneys are a whole group of pathologies, each of which has its own symptoms, causes and peculiarities of treatment. Therefore, we need to consider each of them separately:

  1. Pyelonephritis is a pathology in which the bowel-and-pelvic system and renal parenchyma are affected as a result of infection. The causative agent can get into the kidneys with blood flow, with lymph, and also ascending way along the ureters. The disease can occur in acute or chronic form. The clinic includes fever, and the temperature can last for 3-4 days. There is also frequent urination, back pain, fatigue, and also characteristic changes in urine tests in the form of elevated white blood cells.
  2. Glomerulonephritisis an autoimmune disease in which inflammation of the glomerulus (renal glomeruli) is observed and the process of purifying the blood and excreting urine is disrupted. When the disease progresses, the glomeruli gradually replace the connective tissue, which ultimately leads to CRF.
  3. Interstitial nephritis(interstitial tissue and renal tubules are affected);
  4. Shunt jade(deposition of complexes of antibodies around the renal glomeruli).

Sometimes nephritis also includes paranephritis (inflammation of the perineal fatty tissue) and perinephritis (inflammation of the fibrous capsule of the kidney), but this can hardly be considered correct.

Symptoms of kidney inflammation in women

Based on the anatomical features of the body, the symptoms of kidney inflammation in women are more pronounced. The urinary system is the "weak link" of the female body. The urethra of the weaker sex is much shorter than the male, so the infection easily clings, enters the bladder and from there penetrates the kidneys, provoking inflammatory processes.

In acute inflammation of the kidneysa woman or a man have common symptoms:

  • chills and sweating;
  • pain in the lower back, often acute;
  • may be drawing pains in the abdomen;
  • general symptoms of organism intoxication;
  • the body temperature rises, sometimes quite significantly, to 40 degrees;
  • can accompany kidney inflammation headache and dizziness;
  • with the prevalence of infection on the ureters and bladder - frequent urination and soreness with urination;
  • in the projection of the kidneys at the waist, when swelling is seen, the pain increases;
  • the presence of a large number of white blood cells (pyelonephritis), protein, erythrocytes (glomerulonephritis), sometimes flakes and turbidity in the urine can be seen with the naked eye.

Signs of inflammation of the kidneys in the stage of chronic course, include the following parameters:

  • sweating in the night sleep interval;
  • temperature change;
  • loss of appetite;
  • decrease in working capacity and deterioration of general well-being;
  • increased vascular pressure with nausea and vomiting;
  • drying out the skin of the skin with a change in the natural shade of the skin to icteric or earthy.

Polycystic kidney disease or cystitis, available in history, is a provoking factor in the development of symptoms of kidney inflammation in women, which is associated with a hereditary predisposition in the first case and features of the physiological structure of the urinary system of the female organism in the second.

Symptoms of kidney inflammation in men

In addition to the above general symptomsmen note the following symptoms:

  • a significant change in the color and odor of the separated urine;
  • pain syndrome in the lumbar region;
  • the occurrence of blood veins in the urine;
  • prolonged retention of urination;
  • impaired stability of urge to empty the bladder.

Often in the elderly, a man is diagnosed with prostate adenoma. This serious diagnosis affects the subsequent development of kidney disease.

Symptoms in children

Mom should be on guard and immediately seek specialized care if the child:

  • increased body temperature;
  • the process of urination causes painful sensations, the child cries;
  • older children complain of pain in the lower back or lower abdomen;
  • started urinary incontinence or vice versa, the child for a long time can not urinate;
  • the color of urine changed, it became dark, with impurities, "flakes" are visible;
  • Against the background of the above symptoms, vomiting develops.

Symptoms of kidney inflammation in children, for example, can be detected by an ordinary pediatrician. Then, a number of necessary tests will inevitably follow, which, as a rule, allow you to make an accurate diagnosis and immediately develop a treatment regimen.

How to treat kidney inflammation

To find the right treatment regimen, you need to accurately determine the type of jade and, if possible, eliminate the cause of it caused. In the acute stage, treatment should be carried out in a hospital hospital under the strict supervision of a doctor and monitoring the dynamics of the disease.

Treatment of kidney inflammation includes:

  • sparing regimen;
  • diet;
  • drug therapy;
  • phytotherapy.

When diagnosed, inflammation of the kidneys symptoms and treatment are different. Sometimes the patient is concerned only with subtle symptoms, for example, a slightly elevated temperature. But this does not mean that you can do without treatment. In the first days of the disease, it is necessary to provide the patient with bed rest, especially in severe conditions.


For the treatment of inflammation of the kidneys, preparations of a group of antibiotics and uroseptics are used. Symptomatic therapy is prescribed as necessary and consists in the use of such medicines:

  • diuretics;
  • antibacterial drugs;
  • preparations of calcium;
  • antihypertensives;
  • drugs to improve blood circulation and nutrition in the kidney tissues;
  • cytostatics;
  • antihistamines;
  • glucocorticosteroids;
  • immunostimulants;
  • vitamins (C, P, B).

With timely and properly selected treatment, the patient's condition improves significantly after one week, and the final recovery comes in four weeks.

Antibiotics for inflammation of the kidneys

The type of antibiotic depends on what type of bacteria will be found in the results of your analysis. If the type can not be determined, a broad-spectrum antibiotic will be prescribed.

The most effectiveantibacterial agentsrecognized:

  • norfloxacin;
  • ciprofloxacin;
  • ofloxacin;
  • furadonin;
  • furagin.

Also recommendeduroseptics:

  • nitrofurantoin;
  • furazidine;
  • ertsfuryl;
  • nitroxoline;
  • Pimidel;
  • norfloxacin and others.

On average, antibiotics should be taken for at least 10 days, but sometimes this treatment can take several weeks.


Diet with inflammation of the kidneys is aimed at reducing the load on the affected organ. The diet should consist mainly of fruits, vegetables, bread, cereals. Meat products and other sources of protein, as well as salt, is recommended to limit in use. The preferred method of cooking is boiling or steaming.

When a patient has swelling or high blood pressure, doctors advise to minimize fluid intake. If swelling is not present, it is recommended to drink at least two liters of fluid. At what it can be not simple water, and mineral, only without gas, juices, fruit drinks, compotes and kissels. It is very good if a patient with jade drinks cranberry juice or cranberries. Also, products that have diuretic-cleansing properties are useful: watermelons and melons.

It is absolutely unacceptable to eat fried, smoked, spicy and salty foods with an excess of spices, marinades and seasonings. Also, the use of pickles and preserves is not permitted.

As for folk methods of treatment, they use decoctions or infusions of medicinal plants and their collections that have anti-inflammatory, diuretic, hypotensive action and normalizing the work of the affected organ:

  • flowers of cornflower blue, chamomile, linden;
  • grass horsetail, a mountaineer of a bird, a wildfowl;
  • leaves bearberry, sage;
  • root of the stalker, licorice;
  • Birch buds;
  • corn silk;
  • fruits of juniper, dog rose.

These folk remedies will help to cope with the inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary structure, but they should be used after consultation with the doctor.


As a rule, surgical intervention is necessary for diseases that disrupt the natural outflow of urine:

  • urolithiasis;
  • structure of ureters;
  • twisting of the ureters;
  • the development of anomalies in the structure of the urinary system;
  • the emergence of tumoral processes in the ureters, prostate, kidneys.

If the inflammation of the kidneys is due to such diseases, an operation is performed to restore the patency of the urinary tract.


The consequences of nephritis are extremely dangerous for the life of patients:

  • urosepsis - spread by infection from the sick organ by blood;
  • paranephritis - penetration of infection from the kidneys into the surrounding cellulose;
  • the formation of a purulent focus in the kidney;
  • acute renal insufficiency;
  • bacteriotoxic shock.

Illiterate treatment of jade may well end in a lethal outcome. Do not neglect your health and when you see complaints from the urinary system necessarily show the specialist.

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