How and in what cases is the hardware vision treatment performed in children?
Hardware vision treatment is an important modern direction in ophthalmology, especially in children. This is due not only to the fact that the human eye is one of the most fragile and vulnerable organs, but also because many diseases without this method were not treated at all before. And a large layer of such diseases occupy congenital pathologies and diseases associated with the characteristics of development and growth of children. Currently, the development and improvement of new hardware methods for eliminating defects is underway, which gives a huge number of positive results.
1Method definition
2Application area
4.3Rehabilitation period
6Advice to patients
Method definition
Hardware treatment is considered one of the methods of physiotherapy that does not require direct surgical intervention.As a rule, such procedures are carried out painlessly and are absolutely safe with the correct diagnosis to the patient, which is especially important in the treatment of children. The main advantages of the method over others are the following:
All procedures are quite comfortable and do not bring unpleasant sensations and inconveniences;
Sessions do not imply any restrictions in the types of activities (the child can lead the old way of life and learn on the same day);
The method practically does not require special training and a long rehabilitation period;
Procedures do not leave traces and scars and do not affect the body as much as surgical operations;
A lasting effect persists.Carrying out of hardware treatment
In order for a younger child to have more comfortable sessions, you can take him by watching cartoons or movies. This does not prevent treatment.
It is worth noting that in the conduct of physiotherapy often use modern computer technology, which allows you to improve its results, as well as develop new directions and types.
Application area
It is important to note that the method of physiotherapy is not shown in all cases and is not always prescribed by an ophthalmologist, since it is not universal. At the same time, the field of its application is quite extensive. Hardware therapy is used in the following diseases:
Myopia- good eyesight when approaching objects, bad - at their distance.
Astigmatism- deformation of the lens or cornea. With age, contributes to the development of strabismus.
Hyperopia- a good visual acuity at the distance of objects and phenomena, bad - at approach.
Binocular disorders(monocular vision).
Strabismus- disruption of the muscles supporting the eyeballs.
Atrophy of nervesvisual organs (with some limitations).
Amblyopia -the sharpness and quality of the eyesight of one eye is worse than that of the other.
Injuries and injuries to internal and external tissues.
Physiotherapy is often shown as an auxiliary tool that accelerates and facilitates the processes of eye healing after surgery
Characteristics of the development of children with visual impairment is described in this article.
In different cases, different types of physiotherapy can be shown. Much of the choice depends on the diagnosis and the stage of its development. Currently, the following areas are actively used:
Magnetotherapy. A positive effect is achieved by the action of the magnetic field and magnetic waves, due to which the blood supply improves in the tissues of the eye. Among the main indications of hemorrhage, keratitis, thrombosis and many other pathologies.
Electrostimulation.The method consists in applying weak electrical impulses to the affected tissue. It is used for dystrophy, myopia and other diseases.
Laser stimulation.The main driving force is a laser beam. It restores the quality of vision and improves the functions of feeding tissues.
Ophthalmic chromotherapy.The tools of the method are colors: yellow, blue, green and red. The device removes inflammation and reduces pain, treats visual impairment, keratitis and uveitis.
Ophthalmic relaxant.To a greater extent it is a kind of simulator, it is used for treatment and prevention of visual acuity, fatigue at high loads.Ophthalmic chromotherapy
Important:Preventive physiotherapy is recommended as soon as possible, especially if the child has a predisposition to one or another pathology.
The entire treatment session can be divided into three stages:
Directly procedure.
Adults usually do not need special supervision and careful preparation; in children, sessions can cause stress.
Before starting the procedure, it is important to correctly diagnose and choose the method of physiotherapy.Further it is necessary to prepare the child, including psychologically. This is especially important for younger children. The first procedure is usually allowed in the presence of parents to reduce stress levels.
The duration of any session, as a rule, can reach one hour. ATspecially equipped child's office is seated at a special table on which the apparatus is located. All the time of the procedure his eyes should look in a special screen that is brought close to the organs of vision.In some techniques, special glasses are used.
Rehabilitation period
Typically, treatment rarely exceeds four to five sessions(in false forms of diseases up to three months depending on the apparatus and the defect) and practically does not require any restoring actions. The patient can be prescribed ancillary drugs that accelerate the healing and fixing the result, as well as lenses and special glasses.
In the process of treatment, it is necessary to track the result in stages. In some cases, an ophthalmologist can make adjustments to the individualized plan to improve the effect.
Regardless of the intensity of the disease, almost all patients quickly experience a positive effect.However, the quality of treatment will depend also on the correctness of the individual plan and the regularity of visiting the room for physiotherapy.
In general, hardware treatment usually helps to achieve the following results:
Increased visual acuity;
Increase working capacity and reduce fatigue;
Improve blood circulation and blood circulation in the tissues of the visual apparatus;
Blocking the development of diseases.
Advice to patients
Eye diseases in children require particularly close attention and compliance with all instructions prescribed by an ophthalmologist and pediatrician.After all, parents are important to remember that the birth defect at an early age can seriously affect the development and health of the child in adulthood. In this regard, it is necessary to comply with the following rules:
It is necessary to prepare and morally support the child before and during the treatment.
It is important to monitor the results, but do not wait for the positive effect after the first procedures.
It must be ensured that all instructions and recommendations of the doctor are followed, including wearing glasses and lenses, the use of ancillary drugs.
At the first signs of the appearance of pathologies in children, you should immediately consult a doctor.
It is important to prepare for a long period of elimination of visual and visual defects.
It is necessary to monitor and control the constancy of vision hygiene.
It is useful to provide the child with a healthy lifestyle, feasible exercise and proper nutrition, rich in vitamins and minerals.
During the performance of the homework and the absorption of food at the table, the child should have a correct posture.
Too long to be at the computer and an incorrectly distributed load on the eyes can nullify the treatment and aggravate the situation.
The hardware treatment of vision in children is one of the most convenient and effective directions in ophthalmology. It allows relatively quickly, safely and painlessly to remove a lot of defects in the visual apparatus both in children and in adults. With the timely start of treatment, there are almost always positive results and no complications. However, the method is by no means universal. But at present, developments in this field are still under way and are already bearing fruit.