
"Barley" on the eye: is it contagious or not?

"Barley" is a familiar, "popular" name of the disease, which has the medical designation gordeolum (hordeolum). The pathological process is an acute inflammation with the formation of an abscess. If the abscess is found in the area of ​​the hair sac of the eyelash or the sebaceous gland, external barley is diagnosed. This is a more common, "habitual" type of disease. The abscess ripens from the outside of the eye and is found on the edge of the eyelid. It is important to know what makes barl...

  • 09-Aug-2018
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Phenylketonuria: Symptoms and Treatment

Phenylketonuria (phenyl pyruvic oligophrenia, Felling disease) is a hereditary disease associated with impaired amino acid exchange of phenylalanine. As a result of the accumulation of toxic products due to improper metabolism, lag in mental and physical development develops. And the emerged violations in the state of health are irreversible, but timely diagnosis of the disease can prevent all pathological changes. Treatment consists in the exclusion of foods containing phenylalanine. If suc...

  • 09-Jul-2018
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How to recognize and treat mixed astigmatism of both eyes

If there is such a disease as astigmatism, then a person because of him does not see everything clearly. Before them the image is blurred. And this is due to the fact that the refractive power of the visual organ is disturbed. If we talk about the mixed form of the pathological process, then in one eye can be combined violations of the type of hyperopia and myopia. Thus, a person sees the world around him vaguely and blurry. Content 1Definition of disease 2Causes 3Symptoms 4Possible co...

  • 09-Aug-2018
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The more effective it is to cure barley on the eye

Barley on the eye is a disease of the century, in which inflammation of the sebaceous gland, hair bulb or meibomian gland is observed. Its development is facilitated by hypothermia, prolonged stress, decreased immunity, violation of the rules hygiene, infectious diseases, including SARS and influenza, alcohol abuse, lack of sleep. Barley is external and internal. The disease progresses rapidly and lasts no more than 7 days. In this article, we will consider methods of treating barley with me...

  • 27-Jul-2018
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Tick-borne borreliosis: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Tick ​​borreliosis (Lyme disease, Lyme-borreliosis) is an infectious disease transmitted through the bite of an ixodic tick. It is characterized by the defeat of various organs and systems: skin, nervous system, heart, joints. With early detection and proper treatment with antibiotics, in most cases it ends in recovery. Diagnosis of the disease at a late stage, inadequate therapy can promote the transition of the disease into a chronic, intractable form. From this article you can learn abou...

  • 29-Jul-2018
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What does the veil say before your eyes?

A lot of people complain about the veil before the eyes, especially those whose work is connected with large overloads.This is a common symptom of visual impairment, which is characterized by loss of brightness and clarity of the image obtained by the eye. The diaper before the eyes differs in intensity, speed of occurrence and duration. In the morning, it is usually denser, but during the day the nebula can gradually fall off. At first glance, this symptom does not seem very serious, since ...

  • 31-Jul-2018
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White dots under the eyes: probable diseases and ways of their treatment

Periodically, some people can observe the appearance of white spots under their eyes without signs of pain or for any apparent reason.Externally, such formations are similar to pimples, which can spread to large areas of the skin or represent a single eruption. As a rule, they do not pose a great danger to human health, but they can spoil the appearance and give signals about more serious disorders in the body. Content 1Definition and types 2Causes 3Methods of removal 3.1At home 3.2Ha...

  • 10-Aug-2018
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Spinal stroke: causes, symptoms and treatment

Spinal stroke is an acute impairment of blood circulation in the spinal cord. This pathology is much less common than a circulatory disorder in the brain, but it does not become less dangerous from this. A spinal stroke can be ischemic and hemorrhagic. This is a serious disease, requiring mandatory and fastest hospitalization, a fairly long treatment. In the absence of medical care, spinal stroke can lead to loss of ability to work and disability. In order to timely contact a specialist and ...

  • 28-Jul-2018
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Neuritis of the facial nerve: symptoms and treatment

Each of us at least once in my life met a man with a "skewed" face. This symptom is the first thing that catches the eye of a patient with neuritis of the facial nerve. Neuritis of the facial nerve is a multifactorial disease of the peripheral nervous system, characterized by the defeat of the 7th pair of cranial nerves. Often occurs under the name of Bell's paralysis. Of all 12 pairs of cranial nerves, the pathology of the facial nerve is perhaps the most common: the incidence rate is 25 c...

  • 07-Jul-2018
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Anticonvulsants for epilepsy: a review of the means

Anticonvulsants are medicines for controlling seizures, as with the main manifestation of epilepsy. The term "antiepileptic" drugs is considered more correct, because they are used to combat epileptic attacks, which are not always accompanied by the development of seizures. Anticonvulsant drugs, to date, are represented by a fairly large group of funds, but the search and development of new drugs continue. This is due to the variety of clinical manifestations of epilepsy. After all, there a...

  • 27-Jul-2018
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