
What is myopia: "plus" or "minus"?

Myopia (myopia) is a serious problem, which is associated not only with visual impairment, but also with an increased risk of complications.Short-sighted people are difficult to carry out many activities: drive a car, read signs, information scoreboard, and with a high degree of myopia it is not easy even to see a familiar face at a distance of one to two meters. According to the World Health Organization, this problem affects up to 30% of the world's population. The number of patients suffe...

  • 11-Aug-2018
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Inflammation of the upper eyelid: how to respond, how to treat?

In some people, especially in adulthood, from time to time the upper eyelid becomes inflamed. This phenomenon can be explained in different ways. Do not underestimate the severity of such symptoms, believing that it is a bite of an insect or just an accidentally occurring inflammation. The grounds for edema are always present, and quite serious. Usually the skin around the eye turns red, the temperature may rise. It happens that the skin on the site of the inflammation becomes denser, a furu...

  • 04-Aug-2018
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Homocystinuria: Symptoms and Treatment

Homocystinuria is a genetic disorder associated with a metabolic disorder in the amino acid methionine. It is rare. In this case, the nervous system is affected, eyesight, osteoarticular apparatus is affected, multiple thromboses of blood vessels are formed. For diagnosis, molecular genetic methods, biochemical methods of blood and urine tests are used. Treatment is based on the exclusion of food products containing methionine, and the intake of vitamin B6. In some cases, medicines are addi...

  • 06-Jul-2018
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Drugs for the treatment of barley on the eye

Everyone at least once in his life encountered such an unpleasant phenomenon as barley on the eye or, scientifically, gordoleum. On the lower or upper eyelid, at the very edge, a swelling appears first, and then the abscess ripens. The process is accompanied by itching and pain, it causes discomfort and spoils the appearance. Therefore, to eliminate inflammation in a short time using medicamental agents of different directions. Content 1Application area 2Causes 3Advantages of using drug...

  • 09-Aug-2018
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Slow viral infections of the central nervous system: symptoms and treatment

Slow viral infections of the central nervous system are a group of diseases with an infectious occurs after a very long incubation period, progresses rather slowly and always leads to death. This group includes a variety of diseases, the characteristics of which coincide with the definition of "slow viral infections." What infectious agents can cause the development of such diseases, what diseases do they cause and in what ways does modern medicine have them? You can learn all this by readi...

  • 07-Jul-2018
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Types of aphasia in neurology

Aphasia is a speech disorder due to problems with the cortical centers of speech in the brain. At the same time, there are no hearing impairments and the articulatory apparatus is completely preserved, that is, there are no other anatomical reasons for speech disorders. The most common aphasia occurs with acute disorders of cerebral circulation (stroke), with traumatic injuries brain, tumors, infectious and inflammatory lesions of brain tissue (encephalitis). Thus, aphasia is a symptom of a ...

  • 27-Jul-2018
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Injury of the eye: types and treatment

The human eye is a fairly fragile and vulnerable organ that needs to be handled with care.But sometimes there are situations in which injuries and damage to the organ of varying severity are allowed. Therefore, it is important to know how to prevent them and what to do if they arise. It is also useful to get information about how to provide first aid. Content 1Definition of disease 2Causes 3Symptoms 4Possible complications 5Treatment 5.1Medication 5.2Surgically 6Prevention 7Vide...

  • 16-Aug-2018
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Points with astigmatism

In contrast to myopia and hyperopia, astigmatism is a more complex pathology. Correction of astigmatism requires correction along the vertical and horizontal planes. This is due to the fact that in this disease the eye acquires an oval shape, and all objects, regardless of distance, are seen indistinctly and vaguely. To correct vision, glasses with a special lens configuration are used. Content 1What you need to know about these glasses 2Specificity of the wearing regime 3Selection of l...

  • 30-Jul-2018
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Keratitis of the eye - inflammation of the cornea

The main part of the outer surface of the eye (iris and pupil) is reliably covered by the cornea - a peculiar Biological lens, which has not only a protective role, but is also one of the refractive media eyes. The shell consists of several layers, some of which can be self-repairing.Sometimes pathological processes and traumas cause the corneal layer of damage, and then inflammation starts in it - the corneal cells try to restore its functionality. In this article, we will look at the sympt...

  • 12-Aug-2018
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Brain hematoma

Hematoma of the brain is a limited area of ​​blood accumulation in the cranial cavity. In relation to the brain and its membranes, several species are distinguished by hematomas. Each species has its own clinical signs. The formation of hematomas occurs as a result of ruptures of blood vessels passing inside the skull. Brain hematoma is a very dangerous condition requiring immediate medical intervention. Treatment can be conservative and operative. From this article you can learn about the ...

  • 30-Jul-2018
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