Points with astigmatism

In contrast to myopia and hyperopia, astigmatism is a more complex pathology. Correction of astigmatism requires correction along the vertical and horizontal planes. This is due to the fact that in this disease the eye acquires an oval shape, and all objects, regardless of distance, are seen indistinctly and vaguely. To correct vision, glasses with a special lens configuration are used.


  • 1What you need to know about these glasses
  • 2Specificity of the wearing regime
  • 3Selection of lenses
    • 3.1Kinds
    • 3.2How to choose
  • 4Eye Care
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

What you need to know about these glasses

The use of special glasses is the most accessible and easy way to correct vision with astigmatism.Based on the complexity of this disease, the selection of glasses can be performed only by a specialist ophthalmologist. Incorrectly selected glasses can provoke visual impairments, which include:

  • deterioration of astigmatism;
  • strabismus;
  • amblyopia.

With amblyopia, one eye is completely excluded from the vision process.Such a visual impairment can not be eliminated optically.

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Some patients with mild astigmatism ignore the testimony of an ophthalmologist and do not wear glasses for cosmetic reasons. This should not be done, and you should wear glasses immediately after the diagnosis.

Cylindrical lenses for special glasses have a special configuration.Unlike conventional lenses, the optical cylinder focuses the light beam not into a point, but in a line. Such a lens has an axis where optical properties do not appear. Cylindrical lenses designed to correct astigmatism can be of two types:

  • collectinglenses;
  • scatteringlens.

To correct mixed astigmatism, toric lenses are used.This pathology is characterized by two types of distortion of vision, when long-sightedness is defined on one eye meridian, and on another - myopia. The toric lens is a combination of a spherical and cylindrical lens and has a complex surface design.

Specificity of the wearing regime

For astigmatic glasses, there are certain rules for wearing.If the diagnosis of astigmatism was made in childhood and the child immediately began wearing glasses, then getting used to them is easier. In adults who have just started wearing these glasses, some negative reactions may occur:

  • headache;
  • dizziness and imbalance;
  • pain in the eyes.

Therefore, ophthalmologists recommend the first time not to wear astigmatic glasses constantly, and get used to them gradually, with each day increasing the time in these glasses.It is believed that 7-8 days is enough to get rid of unpleasant sensations. If after this period they do not stop, it is necessary to visit a doctor urgently. For better adaptation, the ophthalmologist first assigns glasses with weak diopters, which the patient wears for several months. Then the glasses change to stronger ones. And only then, in case of normal adaptation, the patient is assigned optimal glasses.Glasses should be worn immediately after awakening and worn until unpleasant sensations arise. After this, you should give your eyes rest and put on glasses again.

Correction glasses are ordered in optical salons according to the prescription, which the doctor prescribed. If within a few days the patient continues to see everything surrounding him vaguely or with double contours, the reason for this may be the following:

  • The points received do not correspond to the prescribed prescription;
  • optical glasses were installed incorrectly;
  • poorly matched setting.

In this case, you need to visit the salon, where all claims must be eliminated.

Due to the specificity of astigmatism, the choice of the right frame is no less important than the correct and well-established lenses.Too massive frames should be eliminated immediately, since there is a risk of distortion of peripheral vision. The upper edges of a properly sized frame should touch the temporal region without squeezing it. A straight line drawn through the top edges of the nostrils will indicate where the lower edge of the rim should be.

With a properly selected frame, the optical center of the lens should be located strictly in the middle of the eye.

Selection of lenses

In order to correctly select corrective lenses, the ophthalmologist uses a variety of diagnostic tools.These include a keratoscope and a keratometer. They allow you to fix changes in the cornea and determine the magnitude of astigmatism.To date, the most accurate method for determining this pathology and its characteristics is the computer topography of the cornea.

The spectral optical coherent tomograph is a high-frequency non-contact method for diagnosing the morphology of the cornea, retina and optic nerve.


In addition to the optical characteristics that determine the configuration of the lens, there is a selection of lenses for the material of manufacture.The material of lenses for correcting astigmatism, maybe glass or plastic. Each material has its advantages and disadvantages.Modern plastic has high transparency and low weight. In addition, plastic lenses are much cheaper than glass lenses, but this material quickly scratches and fades with time. Lenses made of optical glass have a number of important advantages:

  • wear resistance;
  • mechanical strength;
  • high optical parameters;
  • protection from infrared radiation.

Modern glass is almost impossible to scratch and fine grains of sand will not cause such marks any trace.Optical glass is very strong and the view that the lens can break and injure the eyes are not justified. Due to the high refractive index, the thickness of the lens can be much thinner than that of plastic ones.In favor of glass lenses speak the fact that they perfectly protect the eyes from solar infrared radiation, which is not peculiar to plastic lenses.

How to choose

Since the doctor-ophthalmologist only writes out the prescription, and it is necessary to order glasses of the patient independently, it is necessary to pay attention to some nuances.When ordering glasses, you need to focus on lenses with anti-reflective coating. It reduces reflected light and reduces eye fatigue.When ordering plastic lenses, you should specify the application of a protective coating. This will prolong the life of astigmatic glasses for a long time.

Selection of glasses for astigmatism

Prescription glasses should be checked immediately. They should fit well in form and do not cause eye strain when looking from close objects to distant and vice versa.

Eye Care

Along with the use of astigmatic eyeglasses, you also need to use some aids.These include eye drops Taufon and Emoxipine. In the early stages of the disease, gymnastics for the eyes help very well.There are various sets of exercises that should be coordinated with an ophthalmologist.

Only a doctor can recommend the use of any medication.



Correction glasses are considered the most convenient and economical way to treat astigmatism. But you should know that a neglected disease will take a long time to adapt. Age of the patient also plays an important role. Timely detection of pathology reduces the time for treatment and rehabilitation.

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