Drugs for the treatment of barley on the eye

Everyone at least once in his life encountered such an unpleasant phenomenon as barley on the eye or, scientifically, gordoleum. On the lower or upper eyelid, at the very edge, a swelling appears first, and then the abscess ripens. The process is accompanied by itching and pain, it causes discomfort and spoils the appearance. Therefore, to eliminate inflammation in a short time using medicamental agents of different directions.


  • 1Application area
  • 2Causes
  • 3Advantages of using drugs
  • 4Types of drugs
    • 4.1Antihistamines
    • 4.2Anti-inflammatory
    • 4.3Vasoconstrictive
  • 5Application rules
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

Application area

At the edge of the eyelids, eyelashes grow out of the hair follicles (follicle). There are also sebaceous glands, thanks to which the skin retains elasticity throughout life. When rubbing the eyes or injuries on the surface of the eyelids, microcracks may appear, where the staphylococcus penetrates 90-95% of the cases.

Activation of bacteria occurs for several days, after which the ruptured abscess is opened and the contents come out, and the pain sensations cease.

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The abscess can appear both on the outer side of the eyelid, and on the inside.Sometimes the inflammatory process ends with resorption of the unexplored abscess.

Since the disease is of bacterial origin, the first-line drug in its treatment is a drug with an antibiotic.These can be drops of Floxal, Levomycetin, Tobrex, or tetracycline ointments, Erythromycin.They can be used already with the appearance of initial signs, but only after consulting a doctor. Preparations with corticosteroids are not used (Eye drops Dexamethasone, Hydrocortisone ointment), since they are contraindicated in purulent inflammation.


As already mentioned, in most cases barley appears during bacterial infection. If there is an infection of the meibomian gland located behind the inner row of eyelashes, then inner barley appears - the most unpleasant kind of pathology.

Both external and internal barley can appear under the influence of a number of favorable factors:

  • Low level of immunity;
  • Subcooling;
  • Hypovitaminosis;
  • Postponed infectious diseases;
  • Chronic pathological processes in the digestive organs;
  • Disrupted metabolism(furunculosis, diabetes);
  • Chronic inflammations of the eyelids (blepharitis, demodecosis).

Sometimes the beginning of the process gives infection with a skin mite (demodecosis), the products of vital activity of which have the strongest irritating and inflammatory effect. As a result, favorable conditions for bacterial infection arise.

Advantages of using drugs

If we make a comparative analysis of the drugs used in the treatment, we can find advantages and disadvantages in each group of agents used in the treatment of barley:

  • Eye drops. A wide range of eye drops is produced, which are successfully used in the treatment of barley on the eye. They, in most cases, are equipped with a pipette, which allows you to carry out treatment in almost any situation. However, when instilled, they spread over the entire surface of the mucosa, not providing a concentration of drug substance in the lesion;
  • Ointments.Not as popular as drops, because their use requires certain environmental conditions, they can not be used at work or on the road. However, they provide a more stable and effective therapeutic effect, since they make it possible to achieve a high concentration of medication on the affected area because of its thick consistency.

Thus, depending on your desires and circumstances, you can choose the most convenient form for treating barley on the eye.

Types of drugs

Antibiotics when barley is used infrequently - in severe cases and when there are multiple pustular rashes. Thus eye preparations are combined with application of medicines of system influence.

More often for treatment use the means belonging to other groups of preparations described below.


Allergy is a disease of the century, the onset of allergic manifestations is observed in almost all inflammatory processes, or as a reaction to the use of antibiotics (other drugs). Therefore, the use of antihistamines is justified when barley appears:

  • Allergodyl. It is used both for treatment and for the prevention of allergic manifestations. Contraindicated for the treatment of children under 4 years of age, pregnant and lactating;
  • Opatanol.Has a pronounced anti-allergic effect, but has a number of side effects;
  • Zaditen. Can be used for treatment and prevention in inflammatory processes of allergic origin, among side effects - photophobia, decreased visual acuity, etc. ;
  • Polynadim. Eye drops have a combined action: anti-allergic, vasoconstrictive, decongestant.


Treatment of barley with anti-inflammatory drugs is carried out as the process develops with the use of drugs from various groups:

  • Antiseptics: 5% solution of iodine, zelenka, vodka or 50% alcohol. Treatment can be carried out at the earliest stages, when barley is only being planned. A piece of cotton wool, the size of a match head, is tightly wound around the pointed match, the eyelid is drawn and the place of the future barley is treated with a tampon in the antiseptic;
  • Antiseptic solutions: a solution of furacilin, 30% solution of sulfacyl-sodium. Used for washing the eye after a breakthrough abscess or opening it by a surgeon. Application - the usual instillation into the eye;
  • Systemic NSAIDs: Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Nurofen. Used in the presence of general symptoms: increased t, chills, pain.


In parallel with the inflammation of the eyelids, the process sometimes spreads to the blood vessels, both on the eyelid and on the retina.And although this happens infrequently and only in the case of a neglected process, however, vasoconstrictive drops can be used to normalize the functioning of the eye:

  • Vizin;
  • Octylia;
  • Naphthysine;
  • Vasomithin;
  • Has occluded;
  • Alomide.

The drugs have a different duration and high efficiency. However, their use must be approved by an ophthalmologist.When using drugs in this group should carefully observe the dosage and duration of treatment.Self-medication with vasoconstrictive agents for a long time can lead to the development of habituation or allergic reaction.

The use of drugs from any group can be carried out only after consulting a specialist. An attempt at self-treatment of barley or puncture at home can lead to the spread of the process to neighboring areas of the eye and even an abscess.

Application rules

The main rule in the treatment of barley is to follow all the recommendations of the doctor and the instructions attached to the medications. If treatment is carried out at home, then several simple rules must be observed:

  • Be sure to wash your hands with soap before using the medication;
  • Keep the drugs in accordance with the conditions required in the instructions and in places inaccessible to children;
  • Be sure to include in the diet natural vitamins- they will support immunity at the proper level and ensure an early restoration of tissues;
  • When the threat of recurrence is effective, the use of UHF and quartz- consult with your doctor about the appropriateness of the procedures;
  • Use folk remedies only after consulting with an ophthalmologist.

Drops for the eyes from redness and irritation

Drops in the eye from allergies with names are described in this article.

Eye drops Diclofenac with instructions http://eyesdocs.ru/medicinaoperacii/lekarstva/kapli-diklofenak-opisanie-preparata-i-pravila-priema.html




Eyes are among the most delicate and vulnerable structures of the human body. Therefore, the treatment of any, even the innermost irritation, should occur under the supervision of a physician. And with the threat of developing barley or with frequent occurrences of it, this rule should be followed scrupulously.

With the timely and correct use of recommended medications, the prognosis is usually favorable and without complications. In the case of multiple and frequent occurrences of barley on the eye, a complete examination should be performed and the cause of the permanent inflammations determined.

Dexagentamycin eye drops are described here. Also read about eye drops Taufon.