"Barley" on the eye: is it contagious or not?

"Barley" is a familiar, "popular" name of the disease, which has the medical designation gordeolum (hordeolum). The pathological process is an acute inflammation with the formation of an abscess. If the abscess is found in the area of ​​the hair sac of the eyelash or the sebaceous gland, external barley is diagnosed. This is a more common, "habitual" type of disease. The abscess ripens from the outside of the eye and is found on the edge of the eyelid. It is important to know what makes barley. In most cases, the development of the inflammatory process is caused by the infection of tissues located around the area of ​​inflammation.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Possible complications
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Medication
    • 5.2People's means
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of disease

In case of inflammation of the lobule of the meibomian gland, the disease is defined as internal barley.Meybomiev gland is a modified sebaceous gland that opens on the edge of the century. These organs are necessary to maintain the moisture of the eye.

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Seizure of meibomian glands, caused by the development of internal "barley" can lead to the development of a disease called haljazion (chronic inflammation of the edge and cartilage of the century).

In the case of the appearance of internal "barley the abscess is found on the inner surface of the eyelid.Inflammation of both the sebaceous and meibomian glands makes it extremely difficult, or even impossible, to perform these organs important natural functions: eye protection from excessively high or low temperatures, exposure to ultraviolet light, moisture maintenance eyes.

The most common development is only one abscess. However, there are cases of the appearance of several foci of inflammation. Sometimes this happens simultaneously in both eyes.


In most cases, "barley" is caused by the penetration of pathogens (bacterial infection). Most often, the development of the inflammatory process provokes Staphylococcus aureus. It is worth remembering that for the emergence of this infectious disease is extremely important is the presence of co-factors:

  • Decrease in general or local immunity;
  • Undercooling of the whole organism or local hypothermia;
  • Lack of vitamins or minerals in the body;
  • The patient has problems in the endocrine system (for example, diabetes mellitus);
  • Diseases of the digestive system;
  • Infectious diseases suffered in the recent past.

A particular risk factor may be the presence of the following diseases:

  • Demodectic or other skin infections;
  • Furunculosis;
  • Blepharitis.

Important is also the general condition of the patient's eyelids.


Do not notice the emergence of the disease is extremely difficult, because "barley" is manifested sharply and develops very quickly. The most obvious symptoms of barley on the eye are:

  • Redness and swelling of the edge of the eyelid;
  • Sensation of the "foreign body" in the eye;
  • Increased lacrimation;
  • Severe itching, pain in the affected area.

Formation of a pimple of yellow color, having a common inflamed surface and a bursting core with pus.Sometimes there is a general intoxication: there is a headache, a high body temperature.The lymph nodes are enlarged. In some cases, the puffiness is so strong that the patient can not open the eye. After a while (from two to four days), the abscess on the eye is opened and the pus and particles of necrotic tissue expire.Immediately after the "breakthrough" of the abscess, the patient's condition improves.

When internal barley occurs, redness is observed on the inner surface of the eyelid. In the center of the inflamed area there is a yellow stain. This kind of "barley" develops more slowly and causes more intense pain sensations.

Possible complications

"Barley" is considered to be not too dangerous, although it gives a lot of unpleasant sensations, a disease. After all, in many cases, the ailment does not last long and passes by itself. It is important to remember that gordelum ("barley") is dangerous by the development of a number of serious, and sometimes extremely dangerous complications:

  • The spread of infection to adjacent tissues, causing multiple abscesses;
  • Halyazion;
  • Development of a chronic infectious process, causing general weakness and frequent colds;
  • Thrombophlebitis of orbital lids;
  • Phlegmon of the orbit (the spread of infection into the orbit of the eye);
  • Sepsis of blood;
  • Meningitis.

The occurrence of undesirable effects of inflammation occurs in cases of immunity disorders, the presence of concomitant diseases.

Especially dangerous in the case of "barley" on the eye is an unsuccessful independent treatment, often based on the advice of ignorant people.


Treatment of "barley" in most cases is carried out by conservative methods.If the process was "captured" at the very beginning, then the treatment of the affected site with disinfectants solutions (70% ethyl alcohol, alcohol tincture of calendula) can even stop the development inflammation.The procedure is recommended to be carried out three to five times a day. Also at the very beginning of the disease, physiotherapeutic procedures (UHF, tube-quartz) are used.

In order to avoid the aggravation of the problem, it is important to contact a specialist, especially in the case of:

  • Strong rise in temperature;
  • Development of severe illness;
  • The emergence of multiple foci of inflammation;
  • Deep penetration of "barley
  • Sharp headaches that occurred after the dissection of the abscess;
  • Inflammatory process, which spread to the eye area, the presence of pain behind the eye socket.

In no case can you warm the area of ​​inflammation or dissect the abscess yourself. Before using folk methods it is important to get medical advice.


The doctor can prescribe instillation into the affected eye drops containing antibiotics or sulfonamides. The edge of the eyelid of the diseased eye is treated with antibacterial drugs in the form of ointments.After spontaneous dissection of the abscess, it is necessary to continue treatment with antibacterial eye drops.The doctor can also prescribe the laying by the eyelid of eye ointments containing antibiotics. In cases where the disease is accompanied by general symptoms, antibiotics can be prescribed not only locally but also for oral administration or as intramuscular injections.

If a very large external abscess develops or conservative treatment is not effective enough, it is recommended that an abscess be opened in an ophthalmological room.After surgery, local or systemic therapy with antibacterial drugs is performed.In the case of the development of chronic inflammation of the eyelid, the doctor can advise you to carry out epilation of the eyelashes.

When treating "barley" it is important to remember:

  1. Surgical intervention in the inflammatory process can be performed only by a doctor.Selfsqueezing" of the abscess is fraught with the development of deadly complications;
  2. On the area of ​​inflammation, moist compresses of the lotion should not be applied, since wetting the skin leads to penetration of the infection into the holes of the excretory ducts of other sebaceous glands;
  3. Warming the barley is extremely dangerous.

With an increase in body temperature and the development of symptoms of general intoxication, it is important to consult a specialist in time.

People's means

Despite the seeming simplicity of the ailment and a lot of advice on its healing to folk methods, it is important to be very cautious. Some "tips" can lead to the development of complications and aggravation of the problem. The possibility of using traditional medicine should be discussed with the doctor.

Treatment with traditional methods is not the reason for abandoning antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs. Traditional medicine supplements the basic medical measures.


Doctors do not give an unambiguous answer to the question: is "barley" contagious. In many cases, one can hear the statement that barley is not a contagious disease.They can not get sick if they have contacts or communicate with an already sick person. However, the cause of the inflammatory process is a bacterial infection.Therefore, it is impossible to completely exclude the possibility of transmission of pathogens.

To prevent infection of other people with a barley patient, it is important for a person to use individual towels, handkerchiefs and other personal care products.It is necessary to be careful not to use cosmetics belonging to the sick person. After contact with the patient, you should wash your hands.Also, a person who discovered "barley" in his own way is recommended to wash his hands as often as possible. If pus after opening the abscess hit the towel or clothes, then things need to boil. The clothes of the patient are erased separately from the things of the rest of the family.


Erythromycin Ointment - instructions for use

Emoxipine eye drops: Instructions for use are described in this article.

Than to smear with barley on an eye http://eyesdocs.ru/zabolevaniya/yachmen/mazi-dlya-lecheniya-yachmenya-na-glazu.html


General preventive measures involve the elimination of factors contributing to the development of the disease:

  • Strengthening immunity;
  • Full nutrition;
  • Prevention of hypothermia;
  • Absence of stress and general fatigue;
  • Treatment of diseases that provoke the development of "barley
  • Observing the hygiene of the eyes (for example, when using contact lenses).

With the propensity to develop an ailment, it is necessary to limit the use of decorative cosmetics, to monitor its quality and the observance of the shelf life of the cosmetic product.



With the apparent simplicity of the disease "barley this ailment can become not only the cause of painful sensations, but also a condition for the development of life-threatening complications. Barley is not considered a disease transmitted by contact with a sick person. But the cause of inflammation is a bacterial infection, so reasonable precautions will help to avoid the disease. In the case of frequent relapses of the disease, it is important to conduct a survey that will help to identify systemic or chronic diseases that cause the disease.

This article will tell you what is meibomite, and this will tell you about the definition of pingvecula disease and the methods of its treatment.

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