What does the veil say before your eyes?

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A lot of people complain about the veil before the eyes, especially those whose work is connected with large overloads.This is a common symptom of visual impairment, which is characterized by loss of brightness and clarity of the image obtained by the eye. The diaper before the eyes differs in intensity, speed of occurrence and duration. In the morning, it is usually denser, but during the day the nebula can gradually fall off. At first glance, this symptom does not seem very serious, since it does not cause much discomfort. Nevertheless, this manifestation may indicate the development of a serious disease.

Most often, the veil in the eyes signals about any changes occurring in the retina responsible for the projection of the image and its transformation into impulses. Prolonged disregard for this symptom can lead to partial or complete blindness.


  • 1Definition of a symptom
  • 2Causes
  • 3Possible diseases
  • 4Diagnostic Methods
  • 5Treatment
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of a symptom

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Manifestation of a veil before the eyes

The shroud before the eyes is a visual disturbance, in which a person sees as if through a cloudy glass.The symptom may be unstable and only occasionally.

In some cases, the veil on the eyes may be supplemented by such manifestations as:

  • Photophobia(hypersensitivity to light);
  • Pain in the eyes;
  • Appearance only at night;
  • Spots, floating flies before the eyes;
  • Sudden weakness;
  • Numbness in one half of the body;
  • Increased body temperature.
    Thus, the "flies" appear before the eyes

You should immediately seek medical help if the veil before your eyes is accompanied by the above symptoms.


The cause of a single case of the appearance of a veil before your eyes may indicate fatigue and overstrain of a person.A white shroud may appear because of the dry eye syndrome, which in turn also arises from eye strain when working with documents or on a computer.If the cornea dries up, then the fading of its endothelium appears, which leads to a "fog" in the eyes. In this case, the shroud arises before your eyes not constantly, but under certain conditions. Using moisturizing drops and gels of a similar orientation will quickly drive it "out of sight".

Another reason for the appearance of shrouds on the eyes may be a constant intake of certain medications.To blurred vision can lead to the use of such medicines, as:

  • Antidepressants;
  • Oral contraceptives;
  • Anticholinergic drugs;
  • Corticosteroids;
  • Cardiac preparations.
    Corticosteroid preparations

Possible diseases

Frequently occurring veil before the eyes indicates the presence of serious pathological processes occurring in the body.In most cases, the veil on the eyes is a harbinger of visual disturbances and disorders. Next, consider the diseases that are able in the early stages to cloud the vision. These include:

  • Refractive eye problems, for example, myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism. The veil in this case arises due to an incorrect focusing of the image on the retina. Correctly selected glasses or contact lenses will quickly cope with this symptom.

  • Presbyopia.Age-related farsightedness can cause swaddling in front of people over 40 years old. A disturbance with the age modification of the optical properties of the lens is associated. First, there is a slight decrease in vision when reading on one eye, then after some time there is a blurring of vision on the other eye. The only solution in this case is the selection of glasses to read into the distance. As a result, the veil will disappear.
  • Cataract.The opacity of the lens in cataracts is the most frequent cause of shroud in front of the elderly. The problem is solved by the operation to replace the natural lens with an artificial lens.
  • Glaucoma.Increase in intraocular pressure leads to a sharp decrease and blurring of vision with the appearance of a white veil in the eyes. This is a very bad sign for glaucoma, which requires immediate treatment from the oculist.

  • Age-related macular degeneration.This is a common cause of loss of central vision in people over 60 years of age. At first one eye can not see well, a veil appears before the eye, then lines and objects are distorted. Treatment of this pathology will help reduce the manifestations of the disease, in addition to this - relieve the shroud.
  • Hemophthalmus.A sudden appearance of a red shroud may be a sign of hemophthalmia. In general, such a manifestation occurs in diabetes or in hypertensive patients. Treatment is carried out under stationary conditions and the main task will be resorption of hemorrhage. Sometimes there is a need for surgical intervention.

  • Optic neuritis.This inflammation leads to a deterioration in visual acuity and the appearance of fogging. After the course of treatment, vision is completely restored. However, the suddenly appearing white veil before the eye can signal a relapse of the disease.
  • Migraine.Often, people suffering from migraine complain about the appearance of a dark veil in the eye, which is a harbinger of another attack. Vision is completely restored after the end of the attack.
  • Transient ischemic attack or stroke.Vascular impairment of blood circulation in the brain is sometimes accompanied by similar symptoms. In such cases, the patient is treated for the detected disease under the control of ophthalmologists.
  • Tumors of the brain.Sometimes a veil on one eye indicates such a very dangerous problem.

Diagnostic Methods

When a blanket appears before your eyes, first of all you should contact an ophthalmologist. The doctor will conduct several types of diagnostics:

  • Inspection of the eyes with a slit lamp.This manipulation is painless, does not require any preliminary preparation.
  • Tonometry of the eye. This measurement of intraocular pressure with a weight that is placed on the bottom of the eye after preliminary anesthesia.
  • Inspection of the fundus;
  • Examination with the aid of an ophthalmoscope with a preliminary dilatation of the pupil;
  • Ultrasound of the eyeball.
    Conduction of ultrasound examination of the eyes

If such a thorough diagnosis did not reveal any pathology, a neurologist who will prescribe a the subject of neurological diseases, for example: the definition of reflexes and sensitivity, dopplerography of the vessels of the head and neck, MRI of the head and neck.


Therapy of the veil in the eyes directly depends on the cause of this symptom:

  • Retinal disinsertionIt is treated with eye preparations that improve retinal metabolism and vascular patency. With severe pathology, laser coagulation (a kind of "gluing") of the retina to the choroid can be carried out.
  • If there is keratitis, prescribed medication in the form of antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drops, as well as in the form of tablets and injections, improving the supply of nutrients to the cornea.
Floxal is an antibacterial agent that is used as a topical therapy during ophthalmic diseases
  • With lesions of the corneamay need its transplant.
  • With immature cataractsto slow the clouding of the lens, the doctor prescribes drops with vitamins and nutrients. When the cataract ripens, you will definitely need an operation to replace the lens.
  • GlaucomaIt is treated with drugs that normalize intraocular pressure. If medical methods of effect do not have, as well as for relief of acute attacks of glaucoma, surgical treatment is performed.
Drops Travan is used in the treatment of glaucoma
  • Dry eye syndromeIt is treated with moisturizing drops that represent an artificial tear (Systemin Ultra, Hilamax, Hilo-chest).
  • A brain tumoris subject to surgery, as well as radiation and chemotherapy.
  • With strokebed rest is needed; if it is caused by a thrombus, then in the hospitals it is dissolved.
  • With anemiaTherapy consists in revealing the reason of the lowered hemoglobin and its treatment.
  • The hypertensive crisis is stopped by the doctors of the "first aid and the treatment takes place in the department of cardiology or therapy.
  • Diabetic retinopathyHe is treated in a tandem of an ophthalmologist with an endocrinologist who picks up insulin doses for the patient. The oculist, in turn, prescribes drugs that allow vessels to feed the structure of the eye more efficiently.
Preparations of the series "Artificial Tear"

Treatment of an identified disease, rejection of bad habits, exercise (within reason) and proper nutrition can prolong eye health for many years. The effectiveness of treatment directly depends on a true diagnosis.

The shroud before the eyes is a symptom that often gives an unfavorable prognosis, so it is very important to stop the disease at an early stage, while the vision can still be preserved.


Preventive measures in this case are aimed at protecting your own organism from diseases that cause the appearance of fog or blisters before your eyes. In order to prevent the aforementioned diseases, doctors advise:

  • Regularly measure blood pressure and avoid a hypertensive crisis, regularly taking prescribed medications that reduce pressure.
  • Control the level of sugar in order to prevent the destruction of the vessels of the retina.
  • Observe the hygienic rules, so as not to infect the infection in the organs of vision.
  • In case of severe injuries and bruises of the head, consult a doctor immediately.
  • To be surveyed annually at the ophthalmologist, especially to people is more senior 40 years.It is from this period that people at times increase the risk of developing cataracts and glaucoma.



Excellent vision is often taken for granted. However, it should always be remembered thatmany visual pathologies begin their development almost asymptomatically.Sometimes alarming bells (like a veil before our eyes) are still noticed by us, but we, unfortunately, ignore them in the hope of self-healing. Each of us should know that the fog and veil before your eyes - a very serious reason to turn to the oculist to prevent a loss of vision.