Treatment of conjunctivitis in adults at home

With increased tearfulness of the eyes, the appearance of a burning sensation is just right to think about the presence of such a disease as conjunctivitis. It is common in children, but also in adults. The material will consider ways how to treat conjunctivitis at home in adults.

  • Types of disease
  • What are the symptoms to pay attention to?
  • Conjunctivitis eye treatment in adults with medicines
  • Furacilin
  • What you need to know
  • How to treat properly
  • How long to treat
  • How to treat various types of disease
  • Bacterial conjunctivitis
  • Allergic conjunctivitis
  • Purulent conjunctivitis
  • Chronic conjunctivitis
  • Viral conjunctivitis in adults
  • Treatment with folk remedies
  • Medicinal Camomile
  • Natural tea
  • Fresh dill
  • Rosehip berries
  • Potato and protein
  • Honey bees
  • Various fresh juices
  • Bay leaves
Related articles:
  • We treat conjunctivitis at home quickly
  • Conjunctivitis in pregnancy: symptoms and treatment
  • Which specialist treats conjunctivitis?
  • Types of conjunctivitis and the ways of transmission of the disease
  • Viral conjunctivitis symptoms and treatment at home
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Interesting! The main reason why conjunctivitis occurs is non-compliance with basic hygiene rules. Do not touch your eyes with dirty hands, you should wear the lens correctly.

Types of disease

The main types of conjunctivitis:

  • viral. Often occurs against the background of concomitant health problems (influenza, chickenpox, rubella, etc.), although it can occur separately;
  • allergic. When the allergen enters the eye mucosa or the body, a reaction immediately arises. Allergens are food, pollen, household chemicals;
  • bacterial. Various bacteria get inside and provoke the development of the disease. Often they pass into the eye from the skin of the patient himself;
  • fungal. Many fungi can live on the mucous eye and not cause any problems. But some types of fungi lead to the development of granulomatous or exudative conjunctivitis. Especially often this kind of disease occurs against the background of the smallest injuries of the surface of the eye;
  • reactive. With increased sensitivity to certain chemical compounds, the described problems with the eyes (contact with smoke, evaporation and even the smell of water in the pool) occur.

Important! It is interesting to know how the conjunctivitis is transmitted? Read here.

What are the symptoms to pay attention to?

Before treating conjunctivitis at home in an adult, you need to accurately identify the disease. Knowledge of the main symptoms will help in this. This edema of the eyelids, lachrymation, possibly a rise in body temperature, general lethargy, burning in the eye and even a strong pudence of the eye.


Conjunctivitis eye treatment in adults with medicines

Before you say how to treat conjunctivitis in adults and what drops to use, remember that you need to visit a doctor and consult.

Important! About what doctor treats conjunctivitis, read in our article.

The most common drops:

  • Zipromed (used for bacterial disease, based on antibiotic);
  • Lecrolin (used for allergic conjunctivitis, has antihistamine properties);
  • Albucid (antibacterial drug);
  • Levomycitin (prescribed for bacterial origin of the disease, antibiotic);
  • Ophthalmoferon (antiviral and antihistamine).


Furacilin is often used to treat the eye. To begin with, you need to buy a sterile solution of furacilin or cook with, 2 g tablets and 200 ml boiled water. For this, put the tablets in warm water and wait until they dissolve, strain the resulting solution through gauze into three layers, in order to avoid getting small particles on the mucous membrane.

Rinse with a solution of no higher than 37 degrees. Before the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Treat both eyes, even if only one is affected. To properly carry out the procedure you need to use wadded disks or special chemist's cups.


What you need to know

Folk recipes help quickly and without complications, side reactions, cure conjunctivitis only in the case when the disease and specific causes are correctly identified. With this help to cope with the doctor, then home treatment can be carried out boldly.

How to treat properly

In order to choose the right treatment regimen and start treating the conjunctivitis correctly, it is necessary to remember exactly when the disease was manifested, whether there were relapses, to study the symptoms carefully. It is important to correctly determine the type of inflammatory disease.

During therapy, you must follow the rules of hygiene: use your own towel, handkerchief and napkin, before the procedures thoroughly wash your hands, and treat the eyes with strong tea or furatsilinom.

Treatment scheme is an ophthalmologist, having determined the type of eye disease appoints:

  • ointments;
  • drops;
  • taking medications;
  • lotions, compresses.

Important!The main treatment, which is aimed at people's methods, is cleansing the eyes, removing the edema and lowering the overall pain sensitivity.

How long to treat

For the most part, treatment depends on the type of eye inflammation:

  • bacterial up to 7 days (with complications up to 3 weeks);
  • viral up to 10 days (with complex forms - 3 weeks);
  • allergic to two weeks.

If you strictly follow the scheme and dosage, observe hygiene and use complex treatment: drops, ointments and folk remedies, you can significantly speed up the effect.

How to treat various types of disease

Bacterial conjunctivitis

If the cause of this ailment is Pseudomonas aeruginosa, chlamydia, gonococcus, streptococcus, staphylococcus, prescribe such remedies:

  • Erythramycin or Tetracyclin ointment;
  • Gentamicin drops;
  • Lomefloxacin, Ofloxacin.

After the infection is cured, Moxifloxacin drops are applied,%.

Allergic conjunctivitis

The first thing you need to identify the allergen, if it's cosmetics - you must change it to another. In any case, for different factors use:

  • an artificial tear;
  • make cold compresses;
  • reception of allergic drugs (Loratadin, Alleron, Cetrin);
  • vasodilating drops (Naphthysine);
  • antihistamines (Zirtek).

With a severe form of the disease, hormonal drugs are used (Prednisolone, calcium chloride).
In order not to be confused in the scheme, it is possible to purchase combined preparations for instillation of the eyes, which will include metacel, dimedrol and interferon.


Purulent conjunctivitis

If the purulent conjunctivitis in adults is struck by one eye - to wash and process all the same have both. Before you drip or smear your eyes, you must treat them with a decoction of herbs (chamomile), tea leaves, a prepared and cooled solution of furacilin.

Therapy is performed with the help of ointments and drops, which have antibacterial action:

  • Albucid;
  • Ofloxacin;
  • Ciprofloxacin.

During this period, pay special attention to hand hygiene, use only your towel and handkerchief, change it regularly to clean.

Chronic conjunctivitis

It is imperative to determine the irritants that led to the inflammation of the eye, the cornea. The sooner you turn to the ophthalmologist, the faster the result and less time will be needed for treatment.

Stages of treatment:

  • lotions and compresses with astringents (strong tea, oak bark);
  • drops (resorcinol solution, 5% and zinc sulfate, 5%);
  • drops during exacerbation (solution,% synthomycin).

Bury in the eyes with a break of 3 hours, each time a pipette change is required.
You can use the folk medicine in a complex: a compress made from dried rose petals.

Viral conjunctivitis in adults

This kind of conjunctivitis can go through on its own after 10 days. But still it is better to take care of the treatment, as there can be lingering conjunctivitis in adults, which lasts up to 20 days.

Important!Learn more about treatment and viral conjunctivitis at home.

Therapy is based on antiviral drugs:

  • ophthalmoferon (drops);
  • tebrofen (ointment);
  • bonafft (ointment).

You can also use drugs that include interferon. If the eyes are infected with the herpes virus, then prescribe funds that include acyclovir.


Important!Effective treatment of adenoviral conjunctivitis can be found in our article.

Treatment with folk remedies

What is the treatment of conjunctivitis in adults from traditional medicine recipes? We will try to answer this question in detail.

Medicinal Camomile

It is harmless so that the described problems with the eyes can be treated even by pregnant women or children. The broth of a camomile will remove an inflammation, will relieve of reddening. Enough in a mug with 10 grams of chamomile pour boiling water, wait until the broth cools and use for lotions.


Important!Learn how to treat conjunctivitis during pregnancy, and also get acquainted with its symptoms and causes.

Natural tea

Even in infants this way you can treat conjunctivitis. You need to brew green or black leaf tea (the main thing is to be natural). Then cool a bit, moisten the wadded disk and wipe the eyes.

Fresh dill

Greens must be washed, and then squeeze the juice from the dill. Juice is also used for wetting cotton pads. Apply to the eye for 15 minutes.

You can add to the tablespoon of fine fresh dill 2 tbsp. spoons of chicory flowers and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of horsetail. Also add 1 tbsp. l. the root of the althaea and 2 tbsp. l. rose petals. All mix and take the mixture in an amount of 2 tbsp. spoon, boil in a mug of boiling water. Boil, then cool. The mixture is used as eye drops. Drip three drops in each sore eye, treat three times a day.

Important!Infusion of fennel seeds will help to get rid of purulent problems with the eyes. It will be necessary to pour a teaspoon of seeds with boiling water, cool and use a solution for carrying out lotions.

Rosehip berries

You need to grind the berries, fresh or dry, and take them 1 tbsp. spoon. Pour water, in quantity, liter and put for five minutes on a slow fire. Then cool for half an hour, wash the eyes with a decoction up to five times a day.

Potato and protein

It is necessary to mix the raw grated potatoes with the protein of the home chicken egg. Mass spread in gauze, and then apply the compress to the eyes, leaving for 15 minutes.


Honey bees

Quickly cure conjunctivitis for an adult will help honey. Of honey bees, when treating conjunctivitis at home, you can make drops. To do this, mix a small spoon of honey with a large spoonful of water, mix. Drops are ready, they can be buried every day by one drop. If burying eyes with honey is terrible, then this water consistency can be used for lotions.

Various fresh juices

If the disease has an allergic form, then the juice of the plant Kalanchoe or aloe will help to cope with it. Leaf to break, grind and lubricate the eyelids with juice.

Inside it is recommended to take a mixture of juice of parsley, carrots, green salad and celery. Four parts of the carrot juice are taken in one part of the other juices.

  1. It is also possible to mix three parts of the carrot juice and one part of the parsley juice. For medicinal purposes, drink 20 minutes before eating half the glass.
  2. Will help the juice of fresh cucumber, which folk medicine recommends to mix with soda and dilute a little with water. Apply to the eyelids to get rid of the swelling.

Bay leaves

If conjunctivitis occurs, treatment with a bay leaf will quickly help. We need to take two dry laurel leaves, pour boiling water for 30 minutes. Then cool the broth and make on its basis lotion. If the product is used to treat children, the broth is used only for washing the eyes.

Here such ways will help in how to treat conjunctivitis at home in adults. But such treatment options are suitable for non-neglected cases. If the disease develops into serious form, then additional medication will be required.


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