A Sore Throat

Very bad sore throat

My throat is very sore, what should I do?Answers:MarcLemon. Warm tea. Inhalations.MariaHot milk, if you can drink butter butter... then add to the milk! then gargle with soda + salt + iodine, chamomile can.. . still there is a medicine I use and erosol hexoral.. .be healthy! good luck!Irina Chernichkaesli est tolko vozmoznost narodnimi metodami togda poprobyjte parenoe moloko s maslom i sodoj (1 lozegky) ili podohrejte sol na skovorode, nasipte ee v nosok (gistuj) i prekladite k horly.Iaa Yam...

  • 11-Jul-2018
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A Sore Throat

Strongly sore throat in a child than to treat

How to treat a sick throat in a child?Before you start to treat a sore throat in a child, you need to find out the cause of its inflammation - colds, SARS, infectious, bacterial disease, treatment will depend on the type of disease. It is important immediately that the child was at rest, went to bed. If the throat is very red and it hurts, you must immediately call the therapist. When the symptomatology is aggravated, high body temperature rises, it is necessary to call for emergency help.Tre...

  • 10-Jul-2018
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A Sore Throat

Folk recipes for sore throat

Tell me please folk recipes from a sore throat ..Answers:Personal Cabinet RemovedGargle a few times, literally every hour or two, a decoction of chamomile. A great tool! Inflammation removes almost instantly! A friend Happy birthday, by the way! =)Anastasia Martynyuk1) Gargle a calendula (calendula) throat, prepared in the proportion: 1 teaspoon dried flowers per 1 glass of water. The mixture should be kept on low heat for 5 minutes. 2) Rinse the solution a glass of warm water - 1 teaspoon o...

  • 07-Aug-2018
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A Sore Throat

Tablets from a sore throat for children

What candies from a sore throat are the most effectiveWith the onset of the cold winter season, a problem arises in children and adults due to the appearance of pain in the throat. It can have a short-term character or become a harbinger of colds and infectious diseases. Lozenges from a sore throat are a common means of dealing with this problem. Modern manufacturers every year please consumers with new products, but are such candies really the most effective? To answer the question posed, on...

  • 06-Aug-2018
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A Sore Throat

Often sore throat

Often the throat hurts! Advise what to do?Answers:CASSIOPEIAProblematic Vishudha. *****************************Vishudha - corresponds to the 1st thoracic and 7th cervical vertebrae.It is located in the throat region (its localization on the physical plane is the neck area under the pharynx, the thyroid gland) and corresponds to the anatomical location of the pharyngeal plexus.At the hormonal level, the Vishuddha Chakra is bound by unbreakable bonds with the nadchitovidnoy and thyroid glands. ...

  • 02-Aug-2018
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A Sore Throat

Than to rinse throat if it hurts

What to rinse your mouth with sore throat?Answers:ShebaJust do not mouth, but just rinse your throat. You know, experience shows that almost all the same than what is important - how much. Better every half hour and always before and after any meal. I prefer tincture of calendula or eucalyptus (sold in pharmacies, pennies, half a glass of hot water - one lid).Still it is possible soda with a drop of an iodine, the old kind furatsilinom.From herbs: broths of chamomile, sage, eucalyptus.And mor...

  • 08-Jul-2018
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A Sore Throat

It hurts my throat painfully to swallow

What to do, it hurts my throat, it hurts to swallowAnswers:I'm backA tablespoon of raspberry jam is mixed with a tablespoon of liquid honey, warm this mixture on fire, let it cool down a little, use it still hot! For reliability, wash down with warm milk with honey and butter dissolved in it, squirt the Hexoral, suck the candy! And lie down under a warm blanket! The next day forget that your throat hurts!You can spoon a teaspoon of soda for a glass of warm water, drip a drop of iodine and rin...

  • 06-Jul-2018
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A Sore Throat

What to do with a sore throat

What to do with a sore throat? I got sick. Go to the doctor in the next 3 days does not work.Answers:Julia ZinkI often suffer with a throat, therefore, as an experienced person in this business, I advise you to rinse with salt with soda, Lizobakt tablets rassasyvat, very good from the pain in the throat help, and drink immunal, t. to this immunostimulant, the throat quickly will pass. If the sore throat is not purulent and there is no heat, I was cured in this way for 2 days.Artem Sergeevspra...

  • 03-Aug-2018
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A Sore Throat

What is good for sore throat

Prompt that it helps or assist from angina ???Answers:D. C.Hi, Tanya!Folk methods of treatment for sore throatHerbal medicineAt the first signs of soreness in the throat, eat 3 slices of raw garlic. Garlic is a natural antibiotic and antiseptic. If the smell of garlic is unpleasant, you can add honey to it. Or take 4 capsules of garlic oil.Teas made from Canadian yellow or Echinacea can also be useful.One of the best herbal medicines is ginger, known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Boil...

  • 06-Aug-2018
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A Sore Throat

The back wall of the throat hurts than to cure

Sore throat when swallowing, causes, treatmentOften, sore throat is a harbinger of a viral or bacterial disease. There are many reasons for the pain in the throat, most often a person suffers from pharyngitis when the back wall of the throat inflames. If the pains become regular, it indicates chronic pharyngitis. Also, severe sore throat can be a symptom of angina or tonsillitis when the tonsils located on the sides become inflamed and swollen. Children are often sick with tonsillitis, they c...

  • 03-Aug-2018
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