A Sore Throat

Severely sore throat what to do

My throat is very sore, what should I do?Answers:MarcLemon. Warm tea. Inhalations.MariaHot milk, if you can drink butter butter... then add to the milk! then gargle with soda + salt + iodine, chamomile can... still there is a medicine I use and erosol hexoral.. .be healthy! good luck!Irina Chernichkaesli est tolko vozmoznost narodnimi metodami togda poprobyjte parenoe moloko s maslom i sodoj (1 lozegky) ili podohrejte sol na skovorode, nasipte ee v nosok (gistuj) i prekladite k horly.Iaa Yamp...

  • 03-Aug-2018
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A Sore Throat

The throat hurts and itches

Feeling his throatTOWhen a person's throat is he it often does not give special attention to this problem. In the end, after a couple of days gets a lot of complications. But this is a signal transmitted to him by the body, which clearly points to the existing problems.If your throat is itch, then first of all it is necessary to understand the root causes. Cope with them before they become chronic and possibly last for life.Why does my throat hurt?It is this question that every person of the ...

  • 06-Aug-2018
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A Sore Throat

Sore throat on the left side

It hurts my throat from the left side, it hurts to swallow the temperature. (cm. in description)Answers:SeregaGo to the doctor goGrigory Sh.How to cure a sore throat for one dayIn my younger years I often had tonsillitis. But one day I went on a business tripin Novosibirsk and met there a folk healer. He was impressed thatI have been suffering from tonsillitis for so long. he said. - Otherwise there will be a complication on the heart. "The recipe he gave me is simple and accessible to everyo...

  • 06-Aug-2018
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A Sore Throat

Sore throat in a child than treated

How to treat a sick throat in a child?Before you start to treat a sore throat in a child, you need to find out the cause of its inflammation - colds, SARS, infectious, bacterial disease, treatment will depend on the type of disease. It is important immediately that the child was at rest, went to bed. If the throat is very red and it hurts, you must immediately call the therapist. When the symptomatology is aggravated, high body temperature rises, it is necessary to call for emergency help.Tre...

  • 11-Jul-2018
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A Sore Throat

Sore throat and ear on one side

Sore ear and throat on one sideAnswers:I'm a VotykProskvozilo. Drops in the ear of the type of AlbucidaDenis Maslovthere is a profession doctor can you know this and so you need to raise your ass and on Saturday go to him, he'll tell you everything)))SilerFrom listening to music there can be a loss of acuity of hearing, pain ONLY in the ear, in the worst case deafness, but not as pain from ear to larynx.richard kThe left side is related to a man. Remember with which of them you strongly quarr...

  • 05-Aug-2018
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A Sore Throat

Sore throat with gv than cure

Than to treat a pain in a throat at thoracal feeding? There are no other symptoms of cold, but my throat hurts badly.Answers:Exoticarinse, first time every 30 minutes-calendula, eucalyptus, chamomile (1 chl per warm water), it's all in the pharmacy, they're on alcohol, do it inhalation of the throat, 1-2 drops of oil (calendula, eucalyptus, a mixture for inhalation) and breathe, drink more, so that with the sweat it still comes out. And yet, you can get to the LOR, let it wash your tonsils, t...

  • 11-Jul-2018
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A Sore Throat

Sore throat and fever 38

Sore throat and fever 38: treatment of pain in an adultSore throat with a temperature of 38-39 degrees indicates the occurrence of infectious diseases, such as flu, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis and the like.If treatment of these diseases is not timely, it can affect the work of the digestive tract, kidneys, heart.When the throat is red, then the discomfort can be accruing, subsiding or permanent. If such a condition lasts throughout the year and does not cease after treatment with all...

  • 05-Aug-2018
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A Sore Throat

Inexpensive remedy for sore throat

Means for sore throatSore throat is a symptom of many diseases. The main ones are viral and bacterial infections, colds. Also, the throat can ache due to various factors of non-infectious origin: prolonged loading of vocal cords, irritation of mucous membranes with dry air, smoke, allergic reactions, etc. If the sore throat is not treated, it can lead to the development of complications, so with this symptom it is recommended to consult a doctor more quickly. Consider what means of sore throa...

  • 05-Aug-2018
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A Sore Throat

Sore throat than to treat drugs

Antibiotics from the throat to adults: absorbable tablets of local actionSore throat is one of the most frequent complaints of patients with colds. The cause is usually a viral infection.In this case, you do not need to take serious medications, the treatment is symptomatic. If an infection of a bacterial nature to cope with it, you need antibacterial drugs.There are antiseptics of different effects for the treatment of the throat, which antibiotics for sore throats are better for taking, the...

  • 07-Aug-2018
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A Sore Throat

Pain and Sore Throat Treatment

Sore throatSuch a sensation as a sensation in the throat, is known to any person from a young age. There was discomfort in the throat area, and we immediately climb into the first aid kit for medicines.But before you drink pills, it is worthwhile to understand and find out the causes of perspiration in the throat, since this symptom is not considered a separate disease, but is considered merely an investigative manifestation of another pathology.ICD-10 code R07.0 Sore throatCauses of Persecut...

  • 07-Aug-2018
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