Sore throat on the left side

It hurts my throat from the left side, it hurts to swallow the temperature. (cm. in description)



Go to the doctor go

Grigory Sh.

How to cure a sore throat for one day

In my younger years I often had tonsillitis. But one day I went on a business trip
in Novosibirsk and met there a folk healer. He was impressed that
I have been suffering from tonsillitis for so long. he said. - Otherwise there will be a complication on the heart. "

The recipe he gave me is simple and accessible to everyone:

1 root of the dining room (red) beets grate on a fine grater. For one
a glass of grated paste add 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar.
Withstand the mixture closed in a dark place for 4 hours. After that, squeeze it
through dense tissue. Rinse cake, and gargle with juice through
every 2.5 hours. Beet successfully cures chronic and follicular

Alexander Butenko

Probably, the amygdala has inflamed. Look in the mirror. If swollen with redness, possibly with purulent discharge. Not always a sign of illness, since the function of the amygdala prevents the penetration of bacteria into the body. Here it is inflamed. Vodka or brandy 50grams to wash :)

instagram viewer


gramecidin with an anesthetic to buy in a pharmacy to drink a day 3 and the mustache will be held!

Sore throat on one side

sore throat on one side

Discomfort in the larynx is not enough for anyone, an unusual and alarming sign, especially when there are obvious signs of a cold. And even if the throat hurts on the one hand, many people do not pay attention to it and most often treat it in the same way as the usual sore throat, which is fundamentally erroneous. After all, the occurrence of such pain can talk about various diseases.

Why does one side of the throat ache?

Pain sensations on the one hand can indicate that the infection is localized and the inflammatory process has spread only in a certain area. It is very important to determine what is its cause.

The main provoking factors may be:

  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • streptococci.

The localization of infection in tonsillitis can be manifested by the appearance of a yellow or white spot with pus on the surface of one amygdala, and with pharyngeal, swollen lymph nodes.

Often the throat on the left side hurts because of the streptococcal bacteria, which can provoke the appearance of a rash in the upper part of the mouth, white spots and streaks on the tonsils.

Often it happens that the left side of the throat hurts, and pain gives in the ear. This may indicate the presence of otitis media, which requires comprehensive and serious treatment.

With painful sensations from one side only and the stuffiness of the nose, one can speak of unilateral sinusitis.

It is very important to gargle with such diseases, to consume a large amount of fluid and, based on the cause of the disease, to conduct a course of antibiotic treatment.

Sore throat from the outside

It happens that there are pains not from the inside, but from the outside. This can be triggered by osteochondrosis or muscle spasm. For example, the sensations are provoked by an uncomfortable pose during sleep or by hypothermia on one side.

Note that the right side of the throat hurts with the following diseases:

  • meningitis;
  • piggy;
  • stenosis of the spinal canal;
  • tuberculosis;
  • swelling of the cervical vertebra;
  • infectious diseases of the brain;
  • pharyngeal abscess;
  • angina pectoris.

Sometimes the cause of such pain can be a banal draft that caused pain or numbness as a result of muscle strain, but if pain for a long time do not disappear, and there is general malaise, as well as an increase in temperature, then a specialist consultation is necessary. With the complexity of determining the diagnosis, doctors can prescribe MRI of the cervical spine, and take blood for analysis to exclude the possibility of malignant tumors.

The throat on the left side is very sore.


Director of TV

And glands not inflamed? You may have acute tonsillitis. Measure the temperature, see if there are raids on the tonsils, and while rinse the throat with a decoction of chamomile.


a lateral pharyngitis can be, and still that that, it is necessary that the ENT doctor looked, and has appointed or nominated treatment (if antibiotics are necessary)

Evgeny Kryuchkov

with kerosene. he will help.

Elsa Stepanova

And why do not you go to the doctor? if there is a temperature is clear that there is an infection. start to dissolve the lysobactum on 2 tablets 3-4 times a day, the course of treatment is 8 days. He copes well with mushrooms and bacteria, helping to recover. The main thing is to slowly dissolve, until the tablet is completely dissolved, so lysozyme falls better on the mouth and throat. Drink another plus of warm tea and more, and lie down, you can not stand on your feet

Sore throat when swallowing from one side: how and what to treat?

Throughout his life, every person is faced with the fact that his throat is sore when swallowed on one side or both. This symptomatology is often regarded as a sign of a common cold. Accordingly, special value discomfort is not given. But an unpleasant condition can signal not only a cold. In some cases, it indicates the development of more dangerous diseases. Let's look at what ailments can be discussed if the throat hurts from one side when swallowing. Than to treat these pathologies?

sore throat when swallowing on one side

Main reasons

Most of the sore throat signals a cold. However, the question arises: why does the throat ache when swallowed from one side, and not from both? This selectivity indicates that the infection did not spread to the second amygdala. The cold is just beginning, which means that the treatment will not be very difficult.

But do not forget that it hurts the throat when swallowing on one side with many other pathologies. In these situations, unpleasant sensations indicate a site of localization of inflammation or infection.

The main pathologies that cause unilateral pain in the throat are:

  • various tonsillitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • streptococci, causing the appearance of rash;
  • tooth decay;
  • otitis media of the middle ear;
  • meningoencephalitis, meningitis;
  • acute lymphadenitis;
  • infectious diseases (measles, scarlet fever, chickenpox, rubella, diphtheria);
  • oncological diseases.

If the throat hurts from the left side when swallowing and the discomfort is felt in the ear, most likely the cause is hidden in the otitis. It is possible to fight this disease only by complex measures. Unpleasant sensations, accompanied by nasal congestion, indicate the development of unilateral sinusitis.

If the right side of the throat hurts when swallowing, then often such symptoms signal about the presence of such ailments, as angina, mumps, tuberculosis, meningitis, swelling of the cervical vertebra.

However, you can not exclude the usual muscle strain. Sometimes unpleasant discomfort can be provoked even by a draft.

sore throat on the left side when swallowing

Let us dwell on the most common causes that cause such an unpleasant, and sometimes painful, symptomatology.

Acute pharyngitis

Quite often the throat hurts from the left side during swallowing as a result of the inflammatory process taking place in the tonsil and pharynx.

Pharyngitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • sore throat, worse during swallowing;
  • dryness in the pharynx;
  • feeling of burning, tingling;
  • sensation of inadequate ingestion of food or saliva;
  • frequent desire to drink water (especially during a conversation);
  • ears, disappearing after swallowing saliva.

To choose an effective treatment, it is necessary to determine what causes the pathology. It can be based on both viral and bacterial infection. Therefore, without consulting a doctor to determine adequate therapy is difficult.

With bacterial pharyngitis antibiotics are prescribed. In the case of viral pathology, relief will come from NSAIDs: Ibuprofen, Paracetamol.

Symptomatic of laryngitis

Inflammation of the larynx, taking place in acute or chronic form, causes extremely unpleasant sensations.

Often observed the following picture: a person has a sore throat when swallowing on one side, there is no temperature. This is characteristic of laryngitis and pharyngitis. These diseases can occur at normal temperature. Sometimes they provoke a slight increase.

sore throat on one side when swallowing than to cure

Laryngitis is characterized by symptoms:

  • dry throat;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • Persecution, sighing in the throat.

In some patients, during the inflammatory process, the voice may completely disappear.

Tonsillitis (tonsillitis)

Those people who have ever faced such a disease firmly know that the pain in the throat is the very first and most characteristic symptom of pathology.

Angina is an infectious inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsils. That is why at the initial stage of the disease the patient feels that his throat hurts from one side when swallowing.

Tonsillitis manifests itself and a number of other symptoms. These include:

  • headache;
  • feeling of "brokenness";
  • temperature increase;
  • general malaise.

Sometimes, against the background of angina, paratonsillitis may develop, in which near-modal fiber is inflamed.

With such an ailment, the patient has the following complaints:

  • It hurts the throat when swallowing on one side and gives into the ear or teeth;
  • discomfort is very strong, "tearing", intensifies when trying to swallow saliva;
  • headache;
  • a slight increase in temperature.

Very rarely there is a pharyngeal sore throat. In this case, the patient feels that he has a sore throat when swallowing on one side and tongue. Discomfort can be felt in the throat from the top and bottom. Such a pathology needs adequate treatment. When the disease is inflamed the amygdala, located near the root of the tongue. Increasing, it threatens the patient with suffocation. You should immediately contact a doctor.

Average otitis media

Sometimes a person complains that his throat hurts from the left side when swallowing, gives in the ear. The most common cause of such symptoms is otitis. In general, any ear disease can affect the larynx and nasopharynx.

The throat hurts at swallowing from the right party or side of temperature is not present

Otitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • discomfort in the throat;
  • shooting pain in the auricle;
  • can discharge from the ear (purulent);
  • discomfort is greatly increased by the evening and is most acute at night;
  • unpleasant odor from the ear.

With this ailment, as with tonsillitis, the patient needs adequate medication. Do not self-medicate. Progressing otitis media of the middle ear can be complicated by labyrinthitis, and sometimes by meningitis. In addition, a patient who ignores the advice of a doctor, runs the risk of completely losing his hearing.

Mucosal Injuries

You can not rule out this reason, if you have a sore throat when swallowing on the right side, there is no temperature. But if the left part of the throat is injured, respectively, the patient will have discomfort on this side.

The cause of the pathology can be a chemical or thermal burn, mechanical damage to the mucous membrane, a foreign object. If it is not a question of a small child, the patient will always be able to accurately indicate the source that caused the pain syndrome.

Symptomatology in mucosal trauma differs significantly from signs indicating an infectious disease. But if the measures taken are insufficient, then the patient is able to develop an inflammatory process involving a rise in temperature.

In this situation, it is necessary to contact LOR. Therapy is to remove the damage. In addition, the patient should abandon hot, cold drinks, hard food.

sore throat when swallowing on one side and tongue

Oncological diseases and tumors

This is the most terrible type of illness a patient can come across, feeling that his throat hurts when swallowed on one side.

Tumors of the tonsils, larynx can cause quite a tangible discomfort. Benign neoplasms make it difficult to eat, cause pain while swallowing. Malignant process provokes constant or periodic discomfort in the affected area.

Such pathologies are categorically forbidden to be treated by domestic methods. It is very important to consult a doctor in a timely manner, hand over all the prescribed tests and a biopsy. Adequate treatment can be prescribed only by an oncologist.

First aid for pain

Only a specialist can select the treatment that the patient needs. However, there are symptomatic remedies that will bring relief to the patient if a visit to the doctor is currently difficult. However, remember, such medications can not be a full-fledged therapy.

So, let's consider if the throat hurts from one side when swallowing, than to treat this pathology.

For symptomatic therapy, the following sprays can be used:

  • Bikarmint.
  • Bioparox.
  • The Ingalipt.
  • "Iodine".
  • "Hexoral".
  • "Yoox."
  • "Cameton."
  • "Collustan".
  • "Orasept".
  • The Kampfomen.
  • "Proposol".

Significantly ease the discomfort of the pill (lollipops), designed to eliminate pain in the throat:

  • "Ajicept."
  • "Astracept".
  • Lizobakt.
  • "Sepptolet."
  • "Decatilion".
  • "Sebidine."
  • Strepsils.
  • "Stop-Angin".
  • Suprema-ENT.
  • Theresecept.
  • "The Trachean."
  • "Tantum Verde."
  • Faryngosept.
  • "Falimint".
It hurts the throat on the left side when swallowing gives in the ear

An excellent effect will provide a procedure for rinsing the throat. You can prepare broths from herbs of sage, oak bark, calendula, chamomile.

The pharmaceutical market offers patients such rinse products:

  • Dioxydin.
  • "Iodine".
  • "Miramistin."
  • "Microcid".
  • "Propolis".
  • Rotokan.
  • "Furacilin".
  • "The Trachean."
  • "Chlorhexidine."
  • "Chlorophyllipt."
sore right side of throat when swallowing

To reduce the discomfort in the throat, remove swelling, get rid of heat, suppress inflammation, you can use such medications as:

  1. Antipyretics. Use drugs based on paracetamol, such as "Panadol", "Efferalgan."
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs. It is better to choose medicines based on ibuprofen or nimesulide. These are the following medicines: "Naise", "Ibuprofen", "Nimesulid", "Ibuklin", "Movalis".
  3. Antihistamines. Effective drugs: Loratadin, Erius, Zirtek, Clemastin, Telfast, Suprastin, Fenistil, Claritin.


However, remember that only the therapy that is directed at combating the cause that provoked discomfort is effective. Therefore, do not engage in self-medication, be sure to consult a doctor and take a survey. In this case, you can significantly earlier and more effectively defeat the developing disease.

Why does my throat ache on the left side?


Already for about 6 months, the throat hurts when swallowing strictly from the left side, edematous tonsils. What could it be? How to be treated and what drugs to take? Thank you!


Hello Tatiana. The pain in the throat from the side definitely indicates that the infection was located on the left. The reasons can be different, for example, it can be a pharyngitis, a laryngitis, a tonsillitis or streptococci. These diseases are considered quite serious and their treatment is different. In tonsillitis, a course of antibiotic and other drugs is used, with pharyngitis a conservative method of treatment is used. Correctly diagnose the disease and prescribe treatment you can only specialist. So do not delay and consult a doctor. To reduce pain, it is not recommended to eat hot or too cold food.

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