How to cure a strong cough

How to cure a strong cough

How to cure a strong cough

The most common consequence of a cold and flu is a cough. Often it is so strong that a person has seizures, as a result of which he begins to choke. It is very important to begin the cough treatment as soon as possible in order to avoid complications and to ease your condition.

With a strong cough, use special medications, the action of which is aimed at expanding the bronchi and diluting the accumulated mucus in them. They should be prescribed by a doctor, but after the patient is examined. In no case can not choose them at their own discretion, otherwise there is a high risk of exacerbation of coughing. As a result, you will not be able to cure it quickly.

How to cure a strong cough in an adult?

Take advantage of folk remedies for the treatment of a severe cough in an adult. Take the pan with a little water, bring it to a boil and put the lemon in it. Cook it for 15 minutes. Then pull it out, cut it in half and squeeze out the juice. Add to it 2 tbsp. l. honey and glycerin. Take the ready syrup is necessary before meals for 1 hour. l. 4-5 times a day.

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Grate the black radish on the grater, take the cheesecloth and wring out the juice. Mix it with 5 tbsp. spoons of honey. Take ready-made formula for 2 tbsp. l. before each meal and at night.

Squeeze the juice from the carrot and add the milk in the same proportions. Stir the drink and take it before eating. You need to do this 5-6 times in knocking. Each time you need to prepare a new portion of such a tool.

Grind a few cleaned bulbs, add 400 grams of sugar and cook the mixture on low lights for 2 hours, before adding 700 ml of water. Then cool and put 50 g of honey. Pour the resulting mixture into a glass jar and cover it with a lid. In a few hours you can start taking it at 4 tbsp. l. after meal.

How to cure a strong cough in a child?

In order to get rid of a strong child cough you can use not only medicines, but also folk remedies. A decoction based on the roots of licorice works great. They are taken in an amount of 10 g and poured over with boiling water. Further all this is put on a water bath and is aged for 20 minutes. The ready-made broth is cooled and filtered. It is taken 3 times a day for 1 tbsp. l.

If the child has a severe dry cough, then take 1 onion and 1 clove of garlic, chop them, and then dip into milk and cook for 10-15 minutes. Then add 1 tbsp. l. honey and mint juice. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. after meal.

The berries of Kalina effectively fight with a strong cough. They need to be mixed with a little sugar, and then left in a dark place for 2-3 hours. Give the child sweetened berries you need 1 tbsp. spoon as soon as he starts coughing or discomfort in the throat.

What can cough cure at home?

Folk remedies for cough are used for a long time. Depending on what form the disease has and what type of cough the patient suffers, doctors offer different treatment options: from medications to traditional medicine methods.

The use of folk remedies for cough

There are many recipes to cure cough at home, but only the most qualified doctor can help choose the most effective one. For effective use of traditional methods of cough treatment, doctors recommend consulting with phytotherapists or consultants of homeopathic pharmacies.

How to help children?

As soon as the doctor determines the nature of the cough, its causes, the patient is offered to undergo a course of treatment with medicines that are divided into:

Drugs for cough
  • mucolytics - drugs that can dilute mucus;
  • expectorant - stimulating cough ejection;
  • soothing - reducing the activity of cough.

Treatment of cough in the home at the child is conducted after consultation with the attending physician, who, on the basis of the clinical characteristics of the disease, prescribes a treatment course. Therapy for children should begin with the first hours of manifestation of cold symptoms. Proper cure treatment consists of eliminating the causes and enhancing immunity.

At home, in addition to drug therapy, it is necessary to create conditions for the child's recovery:

  • the patient should have a gentle regimen that does not restrict his movements, the activity of the baby helps in cleansing the bronchi and promotes faster recovery;
  • when refusing to eat, the baby should not be forced to eat;
  • The obligatory condition should be the humidification of the room where the child is;
  • give the child the amount of drinking necessary for the age - juices, decoctions - to improve the patient's condition and cleanse the body of harmful toxins.
Efficiency of beet juice with coughThe basis for the treatment of children from cough at home includes expectorants of vegetable and pharmacological origin: decoctions of medicinal herbs, the use of folk remedies. For example, a rosemary from a cough to children should be taken very carefully and only on the recommended dosage.

Children under one year are recommended to give beet juice.Beetroot has a bactericidal effect, and a large amount of alkali in its composition helps to strengthen expectoration.A good remedy are phytopreparations Prozpan and Gedelix, which contain thinner mucus plant substances. They help to strengthen the reduction of bronchial tubes and thereby improve the sputum discharge. Parents should ensure that the reception of such funds is gradual and only in accordance with the established dosage, as with doses, they can cause vomiting and intestinal upset. In addition, some natural remedies can increase the sputum production, which is difficult for the baby to expectorate.

Severe divergence of the mucosal secretion is treated with the help of drugs ACTS, Mukobene, Fluimutsil. These drugs well dilute sputum and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Effective mucolytics recognized Ambrobene, Ambroghexal and Lazolvan. Bromgexin, a fine evacuator of sputum, proved to be a good candidate.

Effective agents that help restore the microflora of the bronchial mucosa are Bronkatar, Mukodin, Mukopron. But their excessive use can cause constipation. Strong cough is helped by antitussive drugs, which have a sparing composition and can be used to treat children. This group includes selective drugs - Libexin, Sinekod. They help with a strong dry cough, accompanied by pain in the sternum, worsening the general condition of the patient.

Treatment of infant cough with breast massageHelps to remove the cough symptoms effective combination drugs Loraine, Stoptussin. With the start of inflammation accompanied by cough, antibiotics are prescribed. If there is a narrowing of the bronchi, the doctor prescribes preparations against inflammatory processes in the bronchi that are used for inhalations, - Ventolin, Salbutamol. Inhalations are the most affordable method, how to cure cough at home. For this purpose, use alkaline water or home remedies based on herbal infusions, decoctions, essential oils. A sufficiently high result in the treatment and give essential oils.

To help cough cure without medication helps breast massage, which is done to children to improve sputum discharge. Massage is done using herbal balms Dr. MOM, Bronhicum.

Ways to treat adults

By its nature, cough can be dry without spitting, wet and allergic. Cough without sputum is accompanied by inflammatory processes of bronchodilator. Quickly cure a dry cough can not. In order to begin the departure of sputum, you must take decoctions and infusions, as well as expectorants for several days. For this purpose, warm alkaline inhalations, ledum bean infusions, licorice, althea, which must be taken several times a day, are effective. Bronchitis can be treated with Libexin, adding to the therapy an abundant warm drink.

Types of coughWet cough is treated using folk methods. With this kind of cough helps instill in the nasal canals of a solution of sea salt in warm water - 1 glass of 1 tbsp. salt. Buried in the nose 4 times a day. The complex uses anti-inflammatory drugs.

Coryza and cough can also trigger an allergy. Insufficiently effective treatment of such cough can provoke its transition to bronchial asthma. This kind of cough helps to cure folk medicine - breast pills, herbal preparations. Good antihistamines, anti-allergic drugs. Purifying medicines for self-coughing Haliksol, Mukaltin, Bromhexine is used as an attendant.

The best phytotoxic drugs for coughing

Treating cough with folk remedies means using only herbal medicines. Collection of herbs is the best means of coughing a folk remedy, which includes a set of medicinal species that help to facilitate the withdrawal of phlegm. Herbs have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect. This collection can be purchased at the pharmacy, and you can prepare yourself as a home remedy for cough from different herbs. They can be collected by yourself, but only in an ecologically clean area.

Honey for coughTo prepare yourself at home such a remedy, you must take in equal amounts of grass: thyme, lime blossom, licorice, oregano, mint, mother-and-stepmother, plantain, pine buds, calendula, lungwort. Chest broth is prepared in this way: all herbs are mixed, 2 tablespoons. collection pour a glass of boiling water, insist. After percolation, drink half the glass 4 times a day in a warm form. Decoction takes the entire medical period.

Honey is one of the most popular ingredients in the treatment of cough and colds. It is widely used and as a cure for influenza and bronchitis. For the preparation of a medicinal product, a small onion must be ground in any way, and honey should be added in equal amounts to the resulting composition. This medicated mixture is taken after eating 1 tbsp. 3 times a day. Such a medicine is used not only in the period of illness, but also with the onset of the first colds as a preventive remedy. This is the best emollient and anti-inflammatory agent for treating cough in babies. 1 teaspoon of warm milk is added to 1 cup of warm milk. honey, 1 tablet Mukaltina, soda at the tip of the knife. All are well disturbed and given to the child before bedtime with a protracted cough without sputum discharge.

As a strong antitussive drug use goat fat with milk. =8xt6ETOQYSA

This remedy helps with congestive bronchitis. Add 1 tablespoon to 300 ml of milk. Goat's fat and 1 tbsp. honey. Give the patient a warm bath before going to bed. Healing elixir from a cough is drunk 4 times a day in short sips. Good help as a healing remedy for cold goat's milk, which is mixed with honey (for 1 glass of milk 2 teaspoons of honey).

Natural tea from cough is prepared from the color of linden, berries of wild rose, hips. Components are taken in equal amounts. Pour a glass of boiling water 2 tsp. collection. Insist half an hour, filter and drink with 1 tsp. honey 2 times a day. It is better to warm the mixture. Kalina must be collected when the first frosts strike, because this enhances the healing properties of the berries.

Goat fat against a strong coughHelps to relieve inflammatory conditions in the throat causing cough, and raspberry. For treatment use all its components - leaves, berries and even stems. 2 tablespoons berries pour a glass of steep boiling water. Drink like tea 3-4 times a day. Its diaphoretic properties help to remove pathogenic toxins from the body and alleviate the condition of the patient.

Lime honey and vodka help to remove cold symptoms of any nature. In a saucepan mix 50 grams of vodka and honey. Add a slice of lemon, a little ginger and 1 teaspoon. cumin. The infusion is heated in a water bath until the honey dissolves and is drunk shortly before going to bed. With the initial symptoms of a cold, this is the most effective method of treatment.

A very effective medicine is warm milk, in which a pod of red pepper is dropped. Take the pepper immediately and drink.

Aloe in the fight against coughing

Herbal teas for cough reliefFor a long time, people know how to cure coughs with domestic plants. One of them is aloe. To prepare any medicine, which includes this flower, you must use only the leaves of the plant, which is older than three years. To prepare a medicinal product, take 1 glass of twisted aloe, 250 g of butter, 200 g of lard, a glass of honey, 1 tbsp. cocoa. Oil, fat is melted in a water bath. Add honey, cocoa. All mix well. This oil is stored in a cool room and used for severe attacks of cough for 1 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals, until the cough fails completely.

A great way to cough is vodka mixed with aloe. 300 g of aloe, twisted in a meat grinder, 3 tbsp. vodka, 4 tbsp. honey is mixed. Use the drug for 1 tablespoon. 3 times a day before meals. Take at least 5 days. Folk recipes with vodka should be consumed very carefully by patients with heart problems. In no case can you increase the dosage of this component, otherwise it will be an alcoholic beverage.

Recipes for children

There are folk remedies for cough for children, which are both a medicine and a treat for young patients. To prepare it is necessary to take 100 g of butter, 100 g of chocolate, 4 tbsp. pork fat, 3 tbsp. cocoa powder. All melt in a water bath and mix. To children such a medicine is smeared on bread. There is this therapeutic chocolate oil needed 4 times a day. Drink it with milk or tea with chamomile and lime color.

Help to calm the incessant cough of folk remedies from the garden. To such kinds it is possible to carry carrots, cabbage and potato juices. To prepare carrot cough medicine, squeeze the carrot juice and mix it with honey in equal proportion. This mixture is drunk 5 times a day before eating. Small patients receive such a drug for 1 tsp. 3 times a day, but only if they do not have allergies to this component. =luVhGxA5r5c

Children with severe cough rub their feet with garlic. During this procedure, the active points are affected by the burning property of garlic. A few hours later, relief may come. In no case can you lubricate feet with very small children. Garlic can cause burns or allergies.

When buying homeopathic medicines in pharmacies and other outlets, you should prefer certified products.

How to cure a severe cough in children

How to cure a severe cough in children

Cough is considered the most common phenomenon in young children. Because of the still insufficiently formed immunity, he so often pursues the children's body, that you can endlessly treat his tablets. But since there are no harmless medicines, it is worthwhile to think about alternative methods of treatment that are harmless to the child and are effective in treating even severe cough in children.


  1. The main cause of cough is all respiratory diseases. Therefore, start treatment with the underlying disease. But because cough can continue for a long time, use from him various means that contribute to complete recovery.
  2. For the duration of the entire treatment, wear a waistcoat and socks, bound from camel or sheep's wool, to the child. They are very good at keeping the heat in the body, than preventing a paroxysmal cough.
  3. Give your child a warm, vitaminized drink daily, such as a compote or tea with jam and honey. They perfectly dilute sputum, promote perspiration, which greatly facilitates the child's condition.
  4. Since most often cough aggravated in the evening and at night, do at this time various compresses and warming procedures on the chest area. To do this, grease the cabbage leaf with honey, attach it to the baby's breast with a foil or compression paper and fix it with a diaper or bandage. Leave it overnight.
  5. Another cough remedy for children is equally effective. Cook potatoes in a uniform. Smash it. Add a tablespoon of vegetable oil and 3 drops of iodine. Put the resulting mass on a cloth and attach to the chest to the throat. Cover with foil to keep the heat of the compress longer. As you cool down, remove.
  6. To eliminate a fit of coughing, give the child a pre-cooked burnt sugar or so lusty children loved by many children. To do this, pour sugar into the frying pan (0.5 cups), add a little water and cook until the caramel begins to form. After thickening, turn off and allow to cool. The resulting solid mass is broken into small pieces and give to the child during a strong cough.
  7. Include in the diet of the child a warm enough mashed potatoes with a lot of milk. This dish helps to sputum and is useful for chronic coughing.

Tip 1: How to cure barking cough

How to cure barking cough

Barking cough is usually observed at the very beginning of the disease, when the microbes still attack the mucous membrane of the pharynx and irritate the bronchi. But since cough can signal not only about common cold, treatment should be started after visiting the therapist.


  1. The doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment. Most often it consists of the use of mucolytic drugs: "Bromgexin", "ATSTS", "Mukaltin" and the like. In some cases, it is recommended that the plant components be taken: licorice, thyme, marshmallow or swamp leg. Follow the instructions of the specialist. Do not block barking cough with drugs containing codeine. You will only aggravate your condition.
  2. A few times a day rub your back and chest? warming ointments. Suitable any containing essential oils. If you are allergic to any components, then use turpentine ointment.
  3. If you have a black radish, then grind it on a grater. Wrap the flesh in the cheesecloth and put on the chest for 40 minutes, top cover everything with cellophane and a warm blanket. Compress of radish brings a good result, barking cough is softened after two procedures.
  4. Good at barking cough helps mustard plasters. If you do not have sensitive skin, then get mustard bags, not strips. Apply a mustard dipped in warm water on your chest or on your back and hold for about 10 minutes. If there is no burning sensation, cover with a warm blanket to make the effect stronger. The procedure is performed several times a day until complete recovery.
  5. In case of severe attacks, the inhalation with steam can help to remove the cough. Quickly boil the kettle and pour the water into a wide bowl. Add soda and take a deep breath. As an emergency aid with laryngitis, the wet bathroom will save. Open the hot water and stay in the room for about 30 minutes.
  6. If the cough does not soften after 7 days after the start of treatment, go to the hospital again. It is possible that the treatment regimen needs to be corrected. If necessary, you will be given an additional examination or inpatient treatment.

Mom, tell me. How to cure a severe cough in a child (almost 4 years). Cough is severe.



From the folk I made my daughter do this: for a glass of milk she made 1 hour. l. seeds of dill. Boil exactly 3 minutes, until the broth cools, dismantle the crib (all this is given directly in bed, so that the child does not get up and run to the toilet, drink, or something there still), as you understand it's done all at night 1 time per day, after 3 such tricks cough (if it is really wet) disappears or becomes quite small and soon passes. Against the broth the child does not have anything, because it turns out to be a sweetie. Get well! (from non-native methods try Lazolvan)

Ekaterina Zaushkina

my child had such a cough. I usually do a compress and the papillary patch works well. and you can anoint your throat with MOM.

Open Company "Rigel"

The child coughs all day, since he takes an ascaril. This drug expands the bronchi and removes phlegm. Check whether a productive cough (i.e., if the child coughs up phlegm), if so, then it's good. Does the child take antibiotics? Does cough worse at night? Does the child have a whooping cough vaccine? Does the cough prevent the baby from sleeping?
Is there any pain behind the sternum when I cough?
If there is pain and cough stops the baby from sleeping, tell your doctor about it. It is quite advisable to change the drug ascoril, for example, on inhalation of lazolvana and immediately after it beroduala. Lazolvan liquefies phlegm, and berodual cures suffocating coughing attacks. However, only with the permission of your doctor and his examination.

Elena Perelygina

Mom, are you asking from whom?! (think only lazolvan + Berodual yes in such quantity) Do not go crazy do not listen! To me of 5 years (at us an asthma, and that 5 drops beroduala, no more) In general berodual appoint or nominate only at an allergic cough! If you are discharged tantum Verd means Orvi, so there is no Berodual (and 1/4 of Suprastinum is enough to relieve the spasm). To do inhalations early (when they get inside, they open the bronchi, so most can contribute to penetration of the infection inside (apply either with bronchitis or with pneumonia, with other diseases there is no need) And even better than all expectorants Ambrobene! why? because in it ambroksol in its pure form (and in lazolvan with additives). While drinking it inside as a solution (dosage in the annotation) If they say bronchitis or the doctor prescribes then inhalation-20 cap. solution + 3 ml of phys. solution. And from folk-100 cedar nuts + 1 liter of milk on a slow fire for 1 hour, strain and drink 1 tbsp. spoon. by the way, tantum verde is weak, hexoral is better.

Gulnaz Umyarova

very well help inhalation with mineral water, but if there is no inhaler.... 1: 1 milk and mineral water. Still it is possible, if there is no temperature on a floor of a bucket of water 1st. a mustard spoon and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sea salt, the water should not be hot and not warm (so that the legs endure). In general, as soon as the child begins to cough up a very good tool tonzigon (on herbs) it is from diseases of the upper respiratory ways, and if the throat is red, treat with chlorophyllite (oil) and no drugs are useful... Recover))) !!!


constantly give to drink something, but warm! and a cough moist is good, a couple of days coughs hard and then it gets better.

Galina Ivanova

Of folk remedies: the mother-and-stepmother's grass, warm mineral water without gases. Steam your feet for 10 minutes in warm water with mustard. I'm not a doctor, but in my practice I can advise you to pay attention to cough. If he does not change for the better every day, that is, sputum does not start to move more freely - I recommend to see another doctor. Not all the Aesculapius, alas, can competently listen. If the cough takes the child, at night you can drop the "sinecode" (the instructions say the dosage). But, attention, these drops should not be drunk together with expectorant medicines, so that there is no dangerous accumulation of liquid. Get well soon!

How to cure a severe cough?


Andrey Andreev

Only antibiotics. If he is really a steel. In general, only without self! Descend or go to the lung specialist. He is more precise than the therapist will diagnose and determine the cause of the cough. And prescribe what you need. All these advertising crap do not help. And these tin zombies that are being advertised, do not listen. They succumb to the system. What nafig ATSTS or what? Only the doctor will say, and not a mug from the TV, and neither I nor these wise men that you are advised. Yes, and they do not know how much you have strong and what its cause is. How can I listen to them? Good luck.


helped me Azz and syrup Dr. Mom

Wild strawberry

Dr. Mom or Kodelak is from dry; Ambrohexal, Bromhexine, Mukoltin, etc. - from a cough with phlegm.
ACS - can cause allergies if you are allergic.


Lazolval was very good, with the recuperation of the lungs was prescribed... Now I do not know, it started to advertise ..

marina saenko

bromhexine is the best tool for adults and for children. p.s only in tablets


I constantly cough cough, t. To. I am ill or sick with a chronic bronchitis many years. Perfectly helps Bronchomunal, drink 10 days, at the same time Flui Forte, 5 days, then Flumucil. Here already half a year I do not cough!

Zakhvatkina Olga

radish juice with honey 1: 1

Igor komusak

Mustard for the night and potion from the cough pharmacy. Radish black round form the size of two fists and choose the middle - such as a pot you do. You put there up to the top of honey, which is still and at night in the closet (from the light). In the morning three times a day, a teaspoon from there on an empty stomach.

*** LUCKY *** - Do not get sick again!

Lenore ((Little Bunny Foo-Foo))

looking what kind of cough and why.. .
and self-medication you can bring yourself to the hospital.. .

Tamara Ogorodova (Turchina)

Harm does not bring, advised lung specialist. A glass of unpeeled oats pour a liter of milk, boil on low heat for an hour, drain, drink during the day.

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