The pathology of the "slow" heart - bradycardia: what it is, the symptoms and treatment of the disease

If there is a violation of the formation of a heart pulse, which causes the heart to beat in a normal rhythm, different types of arrhythmia occur.

One of them includes a bradycardia, in which the cardiac sinus rhythm slows down.

Bradycardia of the heart - what is it, what are its symptoms and treatment?


  • 1 General information
    • 1 General information
    • 2 Description in medicine, the mechanism of occurrence of
    • 3 Causes in adults and children
    • 4 Symptomatology and signs
    • 5 Diagnosis

      How to treat medication

    • 7 What to do at home
    • 8 Rehabilitation period
    • 9 How dangerous, recovery predictions
    • 10 Prevention

General information

When heart rate less than 50 bpm. in adults is diagnosed with this particular condition. This medical term is formed from 2 Greek words: "slow" and "heart".

May be a serious hazard to human life if accompanied by severe cardiovascular disease or congenital heart disease.

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If the symptom is a natural reaction of the body to cold, hunger, or manifests itself after physical exertion in well-trained people - there is no question of pathology.

Description in medicine, the mechanism of occurrence of

In the muscular wall of the heart is the sinus node, which is the driver of the heart rhythm .It forms an electrical impulse, which, through nerve fibers, is transferred to the heart muscles, causing them to contract.

The sinus node transfers energy to the sinoatrial node, and the latter, in turn, transfers the atrioventricular node. Further, the pulse spreads over a bundle of Guiss, which activates all parts of the muscles of the heart.

If the in some part of this chain occurs violations of , then the main body of a person ceases to function normally.

The rhythm of bradycardia remains the same, but the impulse itself is too weak, so the heart begins to contract less often.

Drug administration, age-related changes in the heart muscle, and severe illnesses lead to a steady heart rhythm( there is a constant interval between 2 strokes), but the heart rate decreases .

The following types of this condition are distinguished:

  • extracardial ( associated with cerebral edema, meningitis, severe strokes and injuries causing an increase in intracranial pressure);
  • organic ( cardiac dysfunction occurs with myocarditis, degenerative process in the sinus node, with rapidly progressive atherosclerosis of the vessels);
  • toxic ( caused by degradation products in cases of organophosphorous poisoning, jaundice, uremia, severe sepsis, etc.);
  • medicinal ( caused by taking medications that affect the heart rhythm - calcium antagonists, beta-adrenoblockers, etc.);
  • SB, associated with sports loads - neurovegetative cardiac regulation in athletes has its own characteristics that distinguish it from the activity of the heart of people leading a normal lifestyle.

In terms of severity of symptoms distinguish bradycardia of different degrees:

  • Easy - the pulse rate is slightly higher than 50 beats per most cases, a person is not felt. In this case, we are talking about a physiological bradycardia, which does not interfere with the habitual way of life and is not accompanied by painful symptoms. To cause a slowdown in the heart rate, there may be various causes that have nothing to do with the diseases.
  • Moderate bradycardia - the heart rate varies between 40-50 beats / min. This condition is already pathological, since it is invariably accompanied by signs of oxygen starvation.
  • The pronounced bradycardia - heart rate with a heart rhythm of less than 40 beats / min requires immediate examination and long treatment, as it is dangerous for the patient and causes anxiety symptoms: fainting, dizziness, severe weakness, etc.
A hemodynamically significant bradycardia is when it causes persistentcirculatory disturbance. In other cases, it is not accompanied by a characteristic symptomatology and is not a cause for concern.

The disease differs from the mechanism of occurrence of , which should not be confused with the reasons:

  • Impairment of the generation of the pulse. Rhythmically, the heart is pounded by bioelectric impulses. The impulse is formed in the sinus node, which is affected by external innervation. An electrocardiogram demonstrates a reduction in the working areas of the heart, in which the myocardium is contracted at regular intervals.
  • Pulse violation .Degenerative processes in the cardiac muscle lead to a disruption in the conduction of cardiac impulses and the activity of the conducting system. There is a blockade, which prevents the impulse in a certain area( for example, blockade of the bundle of the bundle of His).

    Bradycardia will be observed in the place where there was a violation of innervation. There is an arrhythmia, there is a risk of thrombus formation.

The diagnosis of "bradycardia" is made if the ECG is as follows:

One reduction of the heart is not always accompanied by a subsequent contraction of the artery. And even the tremors, palpable in the region of the carotid artery, can not reliably report a violation of cardiac activity. In such cases, is a false bradycardia , which does not present any danger.

Pulse may be slow, and the heart can beat in a normal rhythm.

Such a mismatch of contractions can be caused by by vasoconstriction or development of the tumor, crushing artery, etc.

True bradycardia poses a serious hazard for health, because the slowing of the heart rhythms is recorded simultaneously on the arteries and by palpating the pulse.

Causes in adults and children

If a child who is not yet 1 year old has a heart rate of less than 100 beats per minute.- this is a serious cause for concern. Immediate contact with a doctor requires the situation when the in a child before 6 years, a pulse is detected less than 70 beats per minute.

Learn more about bradycardia in children from video:

What is the pulse with bradycardia in adults? The normal pulse of an adult min. Person is 60-80 bpm.

The heart muscle changes its structure over the course of the years, and tiny islands of connective tissue appear throughout the myocardium.
Pulse in elderly people is gradually reduced because of the inevitable slowing of metabolism in the body. At rest, the heart rate is 55-60 bpm.

If this condition is not accompanied by anxiety signs caused by concomitant diseases, then the age-related bradycardia is caused by natural processes and does not pose a health hazard.

The causes of the occurrence include:

  • enhanced physical activity;
  • classes in active sports( observed in athletes);
  • weather conditions( in the cold season there may be a slowing of the heart rate);
  • resting and relaxed state( observed during deep sleep or during yoga or autotraining);
  • is elderly( appears for no apparent reason and does not cause pathological conditions).
  • inadequate nutrition( in the exhausted organism metabolism slows down, which inevitably affects cardiac activity);
  • cardiovascular disease and some infectious diseases.

Symptoms and signs

A thorough examination and questioning of the patient is carried out at the hospital. Based on the data obtained, the specialist will prescribe procedures to establish an accurate diagnosis. Patients complain of:

  • severe dizziness, premarrowment and temporary loss of consciousness( these symptoms may occur during seizures of Morgagni-Edessa-Stokes);
  • blood pressure jumps;
  • state of weakness and chronic fatigue;
  • memory impairment;
  • inability to concentrate;
  • confusion of thinking;
  • shortness of breath.
If the pathology is caused by hereditary heart defects, the symptoms accompany the patient constantly.


An objective and thorough examination of the patient is performed. Listens to heart rate, conducted:

  • electrocardiography;
  • Echocardiography ultrasound;
  • loading bicycle ergometry;
  • EPPI( transoesophageal electrophysiological study of conductive cardiac pathways).

Differential diagnosis is performed according to ECG indications. needs to differentiate the sinus bradycardia, stop the sinus node, CA and AV blockade : divide the AV blockade at the distal and proximal level.

If an pacemaker is implanted, then stimulation studies are performed at rest, under load and during body position changes.

How to treat medication

Bradycardia, which occurs moderately and does not appear through clinical signs, does not require treatment. Concomitant diseases require treatment;if caused by medications - the dosage of medications is adjusted or they are completely canceled.

If dilation of the heart rhythm is accompanied by dizziness, weakness, cold sweating, caffeine, isadrine, ephedrine, eleutherococcus infusions, ginseng, belladonna, etc. are prescribed. Frequent fainting, persistent hypotension, angina and other pathologies require active drug therapy.

When an attack of Morgagni-Adams-Stokes occurs, the question of implanting the pacemaker is solved.

Learn more about how to cure a bradycardia by introducing a pacemaker:

What to do at home

What to do with bradycardia - first aid at home is discussed in this video:

Rehabilitation period

During rehabilitation, it is necessary to adhere to the basics of proper nutrition.If the cause of the pathology is cardiovascular disease, a special diet is prescribed.

Physical activity of with bradycardia should not be avoided, but they must be reasonable. Excessive sports loads can only complicate the situation.

Drinking yarrow broth, lemon and garlic is recommended. It is necessary to monitor the general condition of the body and at the first signs of malaise and weakness, it is essential to consult a doctor .

Than dangerous, prognosis of convalescence

Is bradycardia dangerous? When the bradycardia is caused by organic lesions of the heart, accompanied by persistent arrhythmia, then in future it may develop complications in the form of thromboembolism and subsequent disability of the patient.

If the heart rhythm is disturbed due to physiological factors, or moderate flow, the prognosis is positive.

If an incorrect treatment is prescribed for or signs of pathology are ignored by the patient himself, complications may develop. The degree of their manifestation depends on heart rate, on the state of the heart muscle and on the site where the disturbance of the conducting system has occurred.

It can be:

  • heart failure;
  • frequent loss of consciousness;
  • muscle cramps.

Sometimes a person's condition is so severe that a death is possible.


Changes in lifestyle , aimed at improving overall health, normalization of cardiac activity, will allow a person to live an active and fulfilling life. It is necessary: ​​

  • to refuse from cigarettes and alcohol;
  • monitor blood pressure;
  • monitor blood sugar levels;
  • monitor the level of cholesterol in the vessels;
  • maintain weight within normal limits;
  • to consume useful products: more fruits and vegetables, foods rich in fiber;
  • perform feasible physical exercises;
  • to avoid stressful situations.
It is necessary to constantly monitor the heart rate and regularly visit the medical institution for a follow-up examination.

Bradycardia is a reflection of the state of the conduction system of the heart , in which its automatism is violated. Any arrhythmia should be carefully analyzed and corrected by proven, effective methods.