Ointment of the doctor for coughing

Ointment "Doctor Mom" ​​- first aid for coughing

The remedy against cold "Doctor Mom" ​​in the form of ointment helps to softly and quickly relieve cough. Ointment "Doctor Mom" ​​has an organic basis. Thanks to this and the external form of application, the danger to the body is minimal.

The appearance of the ointment is represented by an almost transparent white mixture, which has a fresh smell of menthol.The drug is suitable for both complex treatment of colds, and for single use. Can be used as a prophylaxis of viral diseases.


Ointment has a warming and antimicrobial effect. One jar of 20 grams is enough for a long time

The basis of the preparation is made up of natural ingredients.

  • Camphor.It acts as an irritant and helps to anesthetize.
  • Levomenthol. Provides a pleasant smell of the drug, dilates the blood vessels when ingested. Causes a feeling of chills on the body. Also, like camphor, plays the role of an anesthetic.
  • Thymol.It serves to fight against microbes, plays the role of antiseptic, has an antifungal effect.
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  • Oil of eucalyptus and turpentine.They serve to irritate the skin, and how snoring is treated with sea buckthorn oil, is indicated here in the article.
  • Muscat oil. This component effectively reduces the production of prostaglandins in the body.
  • White paraffin.This soft substance is taken as the basis for the drug.

In addition to the ointment, under the brand "Doctor Mom" ​​are produced and other dosage forms, such as cough syringes Dr. Mom.

Properties of the preparation

Ointment provokes the appearance of a reaction of mild irritation of the skin receptors, which distracts them. It has a warming and antimicrobial effect. Also helps to fight inflammatory reactions. When applied to the skin forms a cool layer.

Indications for use

Ointment can not be ingested.You can not lubricate her inner surface of the nose!The drug is sold without a doctor's prescription. It is intended for adults and children over 3 years. Ointment "Doctor Mom" ​​is used as a separate treatment. But it can also be part of the complex to combat acute diseases. Used ointment for headaches and lumbar pains, edema of the nasal mucosa.

The drug cures dry and wet cough.In the first case, the remedy facilitates coughing, has a curative effect. And in the case of the second type of cough, ointment helps to break down sputum.

Indications for use in pregnant women and children

Pregnant you can use the ointment "Doctor Mom but you should consider the possibility of a strong allergic reaction

According to the instructions, ointment is not recommended for treatment of children under the age of three. But in practice, many young mothers, certified by the pediatrician's prescription, use ointment for early signs of a cold in the baby.

The adult has a very strong cough before vomiting, which is indicated in the article.

What can be the causes of cough without colds in adults, indicated in the article.

How to cure a dry paroxysmal cough at night and before going to sleep, is indicated here: http://prolor.ru/g/bolezni-g/kashel/suxoj-pristupoobraznyj.html

You need to apply a minimum amount of money to the feet and the tip of the baby's nose. It is recommended to wear warm socks for the night and give warm milk, mors or compote to the baby before going to bed.

Contraindications for pregnant women to use the drug there.This is a herbal preparation of external action, so the possible harm to the health of the baby and mom is minimized.However, future mothers should consult their doctor for an allergic reaction.

If even before pregnancy an allergic reaction to the ointment was not observed, this does not mean that an allergy can not occur during the ripening period of the fetus. It can be caused by weakened immunity.

Proper Use

In the case of cough treatment, there are several ways to use:
  • As an inhalation.In the event that cough occurs in a very severe form, you can use an ointment for inhalation. About how the rhinitis is treated with inhalations with a nebulizer, is indicated in the article here.
  • External application.With cold cough ointment is applied to the sternum and neck. You must carefully rub it into the skin. To enhance the effect from above, a warm thing or place is put on, lubricated with ointment, wrapped in a scarf.

Carefully apply ointment, do not let it get on the mucous membrane of the eye, otherwise there will be burning and abundant discharge of tear fluid. After applying the ointment, wash your hands.

The procedures are repeated several times a day. The course of treatment is not more than 5 days.

Side effects

An allergic reaction may occur, accompanied by itching and rashes. In this case, it is necessary to stop treatment with this drug. It is not recommended to use "Doctor Mom" ​​ointment together with other creams.


Do not use ointment "Doctor Mom" ​​for allergic reactions to the components of the drug

Ointment is contraindicated in people who are allergic to the constituent components of the drug. It is also worthwhile to refrain from using the drug in the presence of mechanical damage (cuts, wounds) in the area of ​​use of the ointment.

People suffering from skin diseases are advised to refrain from treating colds with the help of "Doctor Mom" ​​ointment.

If you have contraindications for using ointment, use folk recipes for coughing at home, for example, cook burnt sugar from a cough. And you can also try a very good product that almost always helps, milk with cough oil.


Virtually all drugs have their counterparts. Ointment "Doctor Mom" ​​was no exception.
  • "Star".A small jar with a star on the lid contains an ointment, similar in composition to the ointment "Doctor Mom." There also includes camphor, menthol, eucalyptus oil and other substances. But the price for this drug is slightly lower.
  • Adjikold Plus. With the exception of paraffin, the composition of this analogue practically coincides with the ointment under consideration.
  • "Vix Active" balm.Its composition differs from the composition of the "Doctor Mom" ​​ointment only in the content of cedar oil.
  • Travisil.The constituent part of this ointment includes various types of paraffin, which distinguishes it from the analogue.


The price for this drug varies from 140 to 160 rubles.

Customer Reviews

Many people who tried treatment with such a drug, remained satisfied with its effect. But there are those to whom the ointment did not produce the proper impression.

- "For me it's like a wand-rescue wand, a remedy for all occasions. Due to heavy loads, the daughter always has a headache, and it is not a hunt to spoil the stomach with antibiotics, and they do not help either.And here it is enough to rub this ointment into the whiskey, and the pain goes away!I use ointment when I cough, rubbing my chest and wrapping myself in a blanket. And if the lymph nodes increase, I also apply this drug to them at night, and by morning, as if nothing had happened. The main thing after using the ointment is to stay warm, otherwise the opposite effect may occur. A big plus is that the product is natural. "

- "I have been using this ointment for more than ten years, and I have never regretted it! He coughs well and heats up very well. With a cold, I put ointment on the heels and chest, and under the blanket. The composition is completely natural, but children under two can not. Although, I put my foot on and in infancy.In a jar with ointment "Doctor Mom" ​​only 20 grams, but I also have enough of it for 2-3 years.And the price is adequate! "

- "I decided to try this ointment after a lot of advice from colleagues and positive feedback on the net. I tested first on myself, before I treat the ointment of a child. It just hurt my throat, and my nose did not breathe freely.She put ointment on the sternum, as it was said in the instructions, at the same time and anointed the wings of the nose.Pleasant smell of menthol and cold on the skin

there were palpable minutes so 15. But, having woken up in the morning, she found nothing but increased pain in the throat, which she then treated with standard methods. But, I think, maybe it did not help me, but it will work for the child. A daughter always has a severe cold, which is difficult to treat. She put it on her nose, but she also complained about the coolness of the ointment, but the sense of zero. I was upset because of this fact, now I will only use the good old "Star". It even smells sharp, but it gives an effect. "

"Having a cold, I learned about this ointment. They advised to smear on their feet, put on woolen socks, drink hot tea with lemon, and go to bed. Then the cold will go away. But she stayed with me on the second and third day of illness.I concluded that the drug is effective only in complex treatment, and if only smear it, there will not be any sense.In addition, the shape of the jar is not comfortable, it is difficult to get the ointment when it is already finished. Of the pluses you should note a pleasant smell and a warming effect. "


Watch a video about the main mistakes in cough treatment:

Ointment "Doctor Mom" ​​is an excellent organic alternative to antibiotics, which should be taken orally. It gently fights with two types of cough, and when treating serious diseases it becomes an effective element of the complex of measures.


The use of Dr Mom for the treatment of colds

- a well-known name for medicines for the treatment of viral respiratory diseases. It is difficult to recall any drugs that are produced in such diverse dosage forms: syrup, ointment, lollipops, tablets. Many years of experience with the use of drugs Dr. Mom from a cough only says that they are actually effective for treating children and adults.

Variety of medicinal forms of the preparation

Pharmaceutical company, engaged in the manufacture of drugs Dr. Mom, produces this drug in a wide variety of pharmacological forms. This approach makes treatment of colds very convenient, because you can conduct local treatment, working directly on the focus of inflammation.


Cough syrup Dr. Mom is prescribed for the development of acute and chronic forms of the following diseases:

  • laryngitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • tracheitis.

The composition of the popular cough syrup includes a large number of medicinal plants: basil sacred, turmeric long, ginger, aloe barbadensis, menthol and others. Thanks to the combination of these medicinal plants, the syrup has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and soothing effect.Such a wide range of therapeutic actions in only one preparation has a positive effect on the whole organism of the patient, contributing to a rapid recovery.

Children Doctor Mom from a cough is ideal, as it does not contain alcohol, narcotic and hypnotics

The syrup quickly softens the cough, eliminates the feeling of suffocation, alleviates the pain of coughing, and therefore consuming it for the night will help make sleep more calm and prolonged. This is especially important in the treatment of children, because very often they can not fall asleep due to a suffocating cough. Children Doctor Mom from a cough is ideal, as it does not contain alcohol, narcotic and hypnotic substances.

As a side effect of the syrup, an allergy may appear. If there is itching and redness of the skin, then the intake of syrup should be discontinued. Especially should be monitored for the treatment of children and pregnant women. But if there is no allergy to certain plants that make up the syrup, then surely you can continue treatment.

Lozenges and lozenges

Lozenges or lollipops Dr. Mom will help to get rid of a cough quickly

Cough lozenges or lozenges also consist of therapeutic herbal components. They contain extracts of ginger, licorice, emblem and menthol. Pastilles Doctor Mohm from a cough help to thin and quickly remove phlegm from the bronchi, and soften the irritated throat. It is recommended to take the lozenges in the following cases:

  • cough for colds and other infectious diseases of the respiratory tract;
  • pain and dryness in the throat;
  • mechanical damage to the mucous throat;
  • pneumonia;
  • cough due to smoking.

For a day not more than 10 candies can be consumed. They are designed for slow absorption, so that medicinal substances get on the mucous membrane of the throat, thus providing a soothing effect. Pastilles are recommended for the first symptoms of colds. Candies from a cough Dr. Mom are very fond of children, because in addition to relieving the pain in the throat they have a pleasant taste.But very small children should not give them, because a fairly large size of candy can be dangerous for them.


Ointment from the cold The doctor Mom can be used in pregnancy

In the ointment for coughing, Dr. Mom enters paraffin or petrolatum, camphor, turpentine, eucalyptus oil, nutmeg oil, thymol and levomenthol. Most of all during application, there is a strong smell of menthol, which favorably affects the stuffy nose. Therefore, doctors also recommend using Dr. Mom's ointment from the common cold.

Ointment for cold helps to remove several symptoms at once:

  • nasal congestion;
  • coryza;
  • cough;
  • headache;
  • pain in the back and sternum when coughing.

Camphor and levomenthol have an analgesic effect. Ointment from the cold The doctor Mom is applied as follows: it is applied to the nose from two sides of the paranasal passages, to the middle between the eyebrows and to the temporal areas. Thus, the nose of the mucus is released, and the headache passes. If you use the ointment before going to bed, it will be much easier to fall asleep with light breathing than with a stuffy nose.

When using Dr. Mom's ointment for colds, apply a thin layer on the chest and neck.

It is important to remember that the ointment can have a strong irritant effect on the mucous membranes, so you should be careful not to get the drug into the eyes.

Usually, the ointment is used in conjunction with other medications, since this is only an external impact on the focus of inflammation, and for effective treatment, it is also necessary to internal penetration preparation. For this, the therapeutic effect can be enhanced by the use of pastilles and sucking tablets from cough Dr. Mom or syrup.

Thus, the natural components of all medical forms of the release Dr. Mom allows you to choose exactly what is necessary for the treatment of each person, depending on the manifested symptoms. It is very useful to use ointments, syrups and candies as a prophylaxis for the first symptoms of a cold, both for adults and small children.


Ointment Doctor Mom for children

In every house where there is a child of the Garden age, you can always find a first aid kit with all kinds of medications for cough and temperature. Many mummies trust the ointment for grinding Dr. Mom.

Doctor Mom ointment: composition

This drug has strong anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Such influence ointment Dr. Mom for children renders due to its constituents:

  • menthol (promotes vasodilation, which relieves pain);
  • Muscat oil (the substance inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins, which provoke the inflammatory process);
  • camphor (has a local irritant and analgesic effect);
  • turpentine oil and eucalyptus extract (substances due to irritant properties create a distraction effect);
  • thymol (antiseptic, which affects bacterial and fungal pathogens).

How to use ointment Doctor Mom?

To begin with, you should consult a specialist and carefully read the instructions. The fact is that due to the composition of the ointment, Dr. Mom is not recommended to use for children under two years of age. Some ingredients can cause allergies, which will manifest externally as urticaria.

When the warming ointment gets on the skin, Dr. Mom has a distraction and anesthesia, relieves inflammation. With its help, treat acute respiratory diseases, muscle or headaches, runny nose and nasal congestion. Apply ointment can be on the wings of the nose and the area of ​​the temples to facilitate breathing. It can also be used for painful sensations in the muscles. When you cough ointment, Dr. Mom for children is applied to the area of ​​the chest and neck. The procedure can be repeated up to three times a day.

Remember that the risk of allergy to ointment Dr. Mom is quite high. If you will apply the drug on the area of ​​the temples and wings of the nose, try not to get into the eyes. Otherwise, lacrimation and a burning sensation may occur. After use, be sure to thoroughly wash your hands.

To use ointment Doctor Mom at an elevated temperature is not recommended. Always use a thermometer before starting various heating procedures. If necessary, take antipyretic. Instead of ointment, Dr. Mom at the temperature allowed the use of syrup or pastilles from cough in combination with other drugs. After grinding, always let the child drink, so that the heat transfer process does not provoke dehydration.

Children from three years can safely prescribe treatment with ointment for colds Dr. Mom. One of the main conditions for a quick recovery is the timely start of treatment. If you get soaked and wet your feet, it is best to immediately apply the ointment on the legs to the child.

Doctor Mom ointment: contraindications

This drug has few side effects. Since it is made from natural ingredients, it can be safely assigned to children from three years old. However, the content of menthol can provoke

strong reaction, because for children up to two years this drug can be dangerous.

Do not use the ointment if the baby is sensitive to one of the components. To learn about this, it is worthwhile to conduct a small test before use. Apply a small amount to the skin area and observe for a while. When there is swelling, redness, or itching, you can not use the drug.

It is strictly forbidden to apply ointment to skin areas with scratches or other damages. Skin diseases, sores or rashes are contraindications to the use.


Ointment "Doctor Mom" ​​- instructions for use

Medicines designed to help with colds are quite numerous and varied. However, it is not always known to consumers which of them are most effective and equally suitable for both an adult and a child. Therefore, it is worth considering such a medicine as ointment "Doctor Mom". Instruction to the drug advises to use it for cough.

Ointment "Doctor Mom." Pharmacological properties

This drug is an expectorant. It is available as an ointment for external use, which has a distracting, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Ointment is recommended for use in acute forms of respiratory diseases, in which there is a sense of nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, as well as with back pain, myalgia, headaches. The drug helps to relieve breathing, relieves pain with radiculitis and migraine.

In order to find out the effectiveness of the drug, you can study the components that make up the "Doctor Mom" ​​ointment. The composition of the medicinal product includes eucalyptus, turpentine, nutmeg, menthol, thymol, camphor. One jar contains twenty grams of the drug.

With a cold, ointment should be applied to the wings of the nose. For the treatment of back pain and myalgia, it should be applied to the skin of the affected area, and then cover it with a warm bandage to increase the effectiveness of the drug. With headaches, the temporal areas are smeared. In addition, the ointment can be applied when coughing on the chest and neck. The course of treatment lasts from three to five days. During the day, the procedure can be repeated three times.

Contraindications and side effects

Like any other remedy, has its own contraindications and ointment "Doctor Mom." Instructions for use of the drug warns that it should not be used in case of hypersensitivity, skin diseases or cuts and wounds on it. It should be added that the ointment can not be used to treat children who have not reached the age of two. As an adverse reaction, allergies may occur. When applying ointment, care must be taken to avoid contact with the mucous membranes and eyes, since the drug produces a strong irritant effect. There is a burning sensation and lachrymation. Therefore, after using the ointment, wash hands thoroughly.

Comments of consumers about the drug "Doctor Mom"

Consumers who bought the medicine - ointment "Doctor Mom whose instruction recommends its use for colds, responds positively to it. Many note that the ointment works most effectively at the very beginning of the disease, and when the disease is started, the effect of the drug is almost imperceptible. Often, parents of young children resort to his help, during the period of colds, the ointment becomes a stick for them. The drug can also be used as a preventive agent. And the tool can be used by both children and adults. If coughing begins, the "Doctor Mom" ​​ointment works great, the instruction advises to apply it for warming up, which helps recovery. If the disease is acute, then the drug should be used in combination with other drugs.

Despite the fact that the instruction prohibits the use of this drug for the treatment of children who have not reached the age of two, pediatricians still prescribe it. This is explained by the fact that the "Doctor Mom" ​​ointment from a cough manifests itself as an effective remedy, while being a non-toxic medicine that also does not enter the body. Babies ointment should be applied with micro doses. Mom's sick children are advised to rub ointment on the legs of the child, then wear socks. Such procedures contribute to a speedy recovery for colds.


Dear mothers. Prompt what warming ointment can be used at a cough (the child 2 years)



Flax, I use the old grandmother's recipe. True, my already great, but the effect is good. Dry mustard plaster (in average temperature) water. Minutes 15-20 to keep feet in a basin and not wiping to dress warm socks and баеньки. Look, that in the basin the water does not cool. You can add a little boiling water.
Do not be ill, good luck!

Oksana Semenova

To us the pediatrist prescribed ointment Doctor momm, the truth, she, like not for warming ...

Polyakov Ilya

At me the doctor mom (is better not so), or a whale. asterisk.

Galina Povetova

We use a very long time ointment Dr. IOM I think the best medication is!!! And you can rub your feet with camphor oil. Good luck !!!

Sadykova Elena

Dr. Mom, The Badger


turpentine ointment, lubricate the chest, back and feet


If you find, then try camphor ointment, and after rubbing - a tight cotton shirt and top pajamas. And it's good - there are mustard plasters for children in the cells, one bag per night for socks.


doctor mom, turpentine (it is cheap, but it helps well), but do not take pulmex - rubbish

Alia Bekhtereva

Try turpentine, or bomb-bengu. These ointments have been produced since Soviet times, but 100% help. And to smear not only the thorax, but also the feet, the effect is good. The smell in them, however, is very specific.

Galina Chadrintseva

turpentine is a long-standing remedy and does not burn


I have children allergic to ointment. tried and Dr. Mom and bronho +


Doctor Mom!

Svetlana Tkachenko

Doctor Mohm

Natalia Vasilyeva

Dr. Mom, anoint your feet at night before going to bed and wear woolen socks.

Polina Ryazanova

I'm not Mom yet, but I'm a doctor. DOCTOR IOM, do not even doubt it. babies smeared back and chest), and adults with the same inhalation. after 2 3 times such inhalations cough is clean (on own experience). get well!

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