Get rid of hepatitis in the home

Hepatitis is characterized by symptoms such as fever, persistent nausea and general weakness. Often patients complain of heaviness in the right hypochondrium. Care should be taken when treating hepatitis at home with folk remedies. Before the start of the course of therapy should visit a doctor.

  • How many people live with hepatitis
  • Treatment of different types
  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis C
  • Folk remedies for home treatment of hepatitis
  • Lemon
  • Special herbal collection
  • Cow milk and charcoal
  • Corn silk
  • Using leeches
Related articles:
  • Hepatitis C: symptoms and proper treatment with folk remedies
  • Hepatitis B: How is it transmitted?
  • Signs and treatment of hepatitis C in men
  • We treat hepatitis C at home quickly
  • Symptoms and treatment of chronic hepatitis C

Important! If the folk prescription has no other contraindications, one should remember about the possibility of individual intolerance.

The doctor in the treatment of hepatitis draws special attention to a special diet. Such nutrition is supported by folk medicine men, it reduces the burden on the liver and the main treatment is most effective.

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How many people live with hepatitis

The number of years that a person with this diagnosis can live depends on several factors:

  • bad habits (nicotine, alcohol, drugs);
  • lifestyle (day regimen, sleep, nutrition, exercise);
  • support of health and the immune system as a whole;
  • age category;
  • duration of infection.

Hepatitis C or B is not a fatal disease. But it enhances the factors that contribute to the outcome of this kind. The main thing is not to let the disease progress.

Treatment of different types

Depending on what type of hepatitis is present in the body, it is necessary to adhere to certain recommendations and appropriate treatment.

Hepatitis A

The patient must be freed from physical exertion, allow the body to rest more. For the day you need to drink plenty of water. The following measures are also important:

  1. Strictly forbidden to drink alcohol.
  2. If you are taking any medication, you need to carefully examine whether they do not affect the liver, with some effects on the body it is better to wait with the use of drugs.
  3. You will need drugs with antipyretic and analgesic effect.

Follow the diet: include in the diet products that are easily digested and digested, eat food cooked in steamed or boiled, do not load the liver fried, spicy and salty foods.

Also, you must follow certain rules:

  • hygiene (wash hands before eating);
  • all products must be cooked or boiled;
  • Before use, carefully wash vegetables and fruits.

Effective means for hepatitis A:

  • in a glass of mineral water (Essentuki, Nabeglavi) squeeze out half of the lemon and add 1 tbsp. l. honey. Drink each day for 200 ml;
  • 1 tbsp. l. crushed ginseng root, pour 400 ml of water, put in a 2-hour water bath (make sure that the mixture does not boil). Cooked broth to drink for two days. Accept until complete recovery.

Hepatitis C

For the treatment of hepatitis C at home, observe the following recommendations. It is important to provide the patient with the treatment:

  • rest from heavy physical and mental stress;
  • easy morning exercise;
  • proper nutrition;
  • getting rid of bad habits;
  • drink more fluids;
  • take all the prescribed medications.

You should not choose medication yourself. It is better to seek help from alternative medicine:

  1. 1 hour l. baking soda mixed with 1 lemon juice, allow the mixture to stand for 10 minutes, then drink it.
  2. It is taken before meals for half an hour for three days, then a break of 3 days and a second course of treatment.

Home remedies are only part of a comprehensive treatment for hepatitis C, without appropriate drug therapy, the disease in 80% of cases is transformed into a chronic form with a high risk of developing cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Folk remedies for home treatment of hepatitis


The most popular citrus fruit in home treatment, with hepatitis it is great. Due to the active action, the lemon helps the liver to recover faster, eliminates unpleasant symptoms. You need to take a lemon and squeeze the juice. Drink after waking up an hour before breakfast.

Interesting! Preliminarily, you can add 1 lemon to the juice of one lemon. l. baking soda. Soda needs about five minutes to completely dissolve.

During the day you can drink lemon juice with soda not only before breakfast, but before every meal. After a few days of treatment, a break is made. Lemon will help to get rid of unpleasant symptoms of the disease, as indicated in the beginning of the material.

Special herbal collection

It is difficult to imagine traditional medicine without herbal treatment. At a hepatitis there is a certain gathering, rendering the maximal effect. Four parts of the birch leaves should be mixed with four parts of the weed grass. Add three parts of St. John's wort, two parts of calendula flowers, as well as corn stigmas. It will be necessary to add two parts of fruits of fennel and leaves of celandine, and exactly five hips.

The resulting mixture, for a single use, is taken as 40 g. Pour boiling water 0.5 liters. Infuse the broth for 5 to 10 hours. Take three times a day before meals. When the infusion is over, it means that it's time for a break. It lasts for 1.5 months, then the treatment is repeated.

Cow milk and charcoal

To a glass of warm milk, add a spoonful of mashed birch charcoal. If it does not exist, you can use any other option. To drink, mixing. The remedy is simple, it helps to eliminate unpleasant symptoms. Treatment takes place in the mornings for two weeks.

Corn silk

The plant was already part of the described herbal collection, but traditional medicine suggests using the grass separately. Buy corn stigmas, if there is no possibility of collecting, you can always go to the pharmacy. Need 1 tbsp. Spoon the raw material with a glass of steep boiling water. Insist several hours and drink 3 tablespoons. spoons daily. Take tincture without breaks.

Interesting! The remedy is suitable not only for the treatment of hepatitis, but also for other problems with the liver, gall bladder. It is interesting that there are no side effects.

Using leeches

In Russia, the method of treating hepatitis with leeches was extremely popular among the people. However, then did not know about the modern name of the disease, but it still had to be treated. Leeches applied to the liver and removed at the first sign of saturation with their blood.

Hirudotherapy is still popular. True, it is important that it is carried out by a specialist, otherwise you can lose a lot of blood and provoke the development of anemia, the risk of which is already raised in hepatitis.

What else is advised in the people for the treatment of hepatitis:

  • mummy (suitable for hepatitis C). It is necessary before the reception of food to grow 4 g of mummy in warm milk, add grape juice (fresh) and a little honey. Drink the solution, and then the raw egg (always home). The full course of treatment is a month. With such therapy, there is a high risk of infection with salmonella, the causative agents of which are found in fresh eggs;
  • rhizome of marsh ayr (suitable for hepatitis C). One hour. l. means to fall asleep in boiling water and to insist a quarter of an hour. Strain, drink four times a day before meals for half a glass;
  • for herbal infusion it is possible to mix tansy, immortelle, add mint and cumin, dandelion and celandine, horsetail. Also add a dogrose and birch leaves. Excellent antiviral and blood cleansing. Accept, brewing art. spoon mixture in art. boiling water;
  • drink three times a day fresh cabbage juice. You can dilute it with a small amount of fresh beet juice. After the juices are squeezed, they need to be insisted for five hours, and then only to drink;
  • every day to drink 100 ml of fresh pumpkin juice.

At the beginning of the material it was mentioned that the treatment of hepatitis at home with folk remedies and medications should be conducted against a background of a special diet. It includes increased consumption of dairy products, cereals and cereals.

You should try not to eat at night, cut portions during meals. Marinades and pickles, smoked and canned food, chocolate are now on the list of banned products. Plus, you should drink three liters of water every day.

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