Which drug is better and why: Kapoten or Captopril

From this article you will learn: Capoten or Captopril - what is better for treatment? How to make the right choice.

Captopril and Kapoten belong to the same group of drugs( ACE inhibitors) and are used to treat arterial hypertension and prevent cardiovascular and renal failure. In addition to these pathologies, they are effective and are prescribed for:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • diabetic nephropathy( changes in renal vessels against the background of diabetes mellitus);
  • renal hypertension( increased pressure in renal vessels);
  • left ventricular dysfunction( decreased ejection and function of contraction).

It can not be said that Capoten is better than Captopril, these drugs are analogues with one active ingredient( captopril), they have the same indications, contraindications and side effects. A slight difference in the additional composition of the fillers( starch, cellulose, castor oil) does not have any effect on the absorption or efficacy of the drug, depends on the manufacturing technology and the formula registered by the pharmaceutical manufacturing company.

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Medicines have only one significant difference - in price.40 tablets Kapoten in a dosage of 25 mg can be purchased for a price of 204 to 267 rubles, a similar package of Captopril will cost the buyer 12-60 rubles. For people who take ACE inhibitors constantly, the difference will be good.

This is explained by commercial rules for sales of pharmaceutical products( unlike Captopril, the trade name "Kapoten" is patented, hence the mark-up).

Like any medicine, ACE inhibitors have contraindications, improper dosage or combination with other medicines can have irreparable consequences, so their choice and application must be agreed with the doctor-therapist.


The price is indicated for medicines in a dosage of 25 mg of active ingredient per tablet.

Kapoten( quantity in package and price) Captopril( amount per package and price)
28 tab.- from 155 to 173 rubles

40 tab.- from 204 to 267

56 tab.- from 273 to 360

20 tab.- from 7 to 56 rubles

40 tab.- from 12 to 60

In addition to the price, the preparations have different manufacturers, the patented Kapoten in Russia is produced only by the pharmaceutical company - Akrihin, and Kaptoprez - a lot of enterprises( Ozone, Astropharm, Pranapharm, etc.).

Which drug is best

When choosing a medicine, focus primarily on the recommendations of your doctor. If he believes that the best option will be Kapoten, without hesitation, get a medicine.

If your doctor has no objections to the substitution, then you can take Captopril - it is much cheaper, but not worse than the counterpart.

In any case, when choosing a tool, please note:

  1. Kapoten differs from Captopril by name, price and manufacturer, which does not affect the effectiveness or medicinal properties.
  2. The drugs have one active substance - kaptoprez, it determines the similarity of indications and contraindications to the use, side effects, interactions with other drugs and the mechanism of action.
  3. The main purpose of the drugs is long-term treatment of hypertension, they are not recommended to be used as an emergency aid( for example, to reduce sharply increased pressure, for this the doctor will advise other means).
  4. Drugs have a pronounced hypotensive effect( reduce pressure) only on condition of regular use in the dosage prescribed by the doctor.