Do not pass cough in an adult what to do

Cough does not pass with an adult for two weeks or a month: what to do

Among many symptoms of cough is a complex and unpleasant manifestation. Therefore, if it does not go through a week or a month, the patient begins to worry and suspect the presence of serious illnesses.

Sometimes after the course of catarrhal disease there is a cough that does not end for a long time. At the same time, various means and methods of treatment were tried. In such a case, medical care must be treated if the cough does not go away for more than 15 days.

But why does this symptom not disappear quickly? Perhaps the body was depleted during the course of the cold and at this inopportune time it was infiltrated by an infection or a virus.

The organism can overcome viruses independently, but only if it is not weakened. Therefore, in order to successfully cure a prolonged cough, it is necessary to find out which microorganism triggered its appearance, so it is necessary to conduct all necessary studies.

Prolonged cough: causes

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If the cough does not pass for a long time, for example, a cough does not pass a month, then the following infections and diseases contribute to it:

  1. pneumocysts;
  2. mycoplasma;
  3. fungal microflora (chlamydia, candida);
  4. tuberculosis.
In addition, the infection can be mixed. This option is the worst, because the course of such diseases is quite difficult. At the same time, the patient experiences weakness, his temperature rises and sweat becomes abundant.

It is worth noting that the wrong, inferior or untimely treatment of such diseases leads to their progression.

All the above microorganisms can enter the body by airborne droplets, when the infected person sneezes or coughs.

The chances of infection are doubled if the adult's body is weakened or he experiences heavy workloads.

Therefore, the immune system should be strengthened, there are plenty of vegetables and fruits, sleep and play sports.

What if the cough does not stop a week?

Coughing is an involuntary exhalation reflex that occurs as a result of irritation of the laryngeal mucosa, bronchial tubes or throat and lung tissue. Thanks to this symptom, the airways are cleaned of foreign bodies, harmful microorganisms, mucus, dust and sputum.

To the reasons provoking a long cough, it is possible to carry:

  • colds;
  • allergy;
  • emotional overstrain.

Moreover, the cough can be wet or dry, night, day, periodic, paroxysmal and so on.

Treatment of a week cough

If the cause of the weekly cough was ARD, then the doctor prescribes antitussive drugs, with this you can not take antibiotics, since they only affect bacteria. But antibacterial agents may be appropriate for bronchitis and pneumonia, which are accompanied by symptoms such as fever and severe cough syndrome.

In addition to antibiotics, if the week does not pass a severe cough, expectorants are prescribed on the basis of medicinal plants. In addition, the doctor can prescribe immunomodulating drugs, which activate the protective functions of the body and expel the effect of antiviral drugs.

It is worth noting that if the cough is not only not more than a week, but also accompanied by pain in the chest, high temperature (38 and more), and when expectoration is allocated bloody, green or yellow sputum, then you can not do self-medication, but you need to quickly turn to the doctor.

There are some recommendations that are important to observe when treating a prolonged cough in an adult. So that the throat is not dry, you need to drink a lot of liquid. To this end, every evening you can drink warm milk with honey.

Morse and juices are no less useful. In addition, if a dry cough does not pass for more than a week, you should drink fresh juice from black radish (three times a day for 1 tbsp. l.).

What if the cough does not stop within a month?

Why there is a long cough and what to do to eliminate it? If this symptom does not last a month, then perhaps the whole fault is the following factors:

  1. congenital pathologies of the lungs;
  2. bronchitis;
  3. a foreign body in the respiratory tract;
  4. pneumonia;
  5. tuberculosis;
  6. bronchial asthma.

For successful treatment of a long cough it is important to know whether this symptom was the root cause of the disease or whether it developed during its course. In addition, it is necessary to determine its character - productive or unproductive, frequent or rare, spastic or paroxysmal and so on.

It is necessary to consult a doctor quickly if a cough with phlegm does not last more than a month and is accompanied by such signs as:

  • severe swelling;
  • sweating;
  • nausea;
  • weight loss;
  • colorless, thick discharge or sputum with blood impurities;
  • lack of appetite;
  • dyspnea;
  • heat;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • retrosternal pain.

In addition, a long cough can become chronic. To prevent this from happening, one should go to the doctor if the cough reflex does not stop within five days. Many people do not pay enough attention to this symptom, and even more so if it is not accompanied by weakness, runny nose and fever, but in case of no treatment the time will be irretrievably lost.

When the cough does not stop for about four weeks, it is necessary to make an appointment for an ENT, a therapist, an allergist, a phthisiatrist, and possibly a pulmonologist. Doctors after the survey will be able to determine why the cough does not stop for so long and what to do to cure it.

So, a cough lasting for a month may indicate the presence of:

  1. pneumonitis;
  2. chronic bronchitis;
  3. heart failure;
  4. bronchial asthma;
  5. cancerous metastases or lung cancer;
  6. sinusitis;
  7. asbestosis;
  8. tuberculosis;
  9. whooping cough;
  10. pleurisy;
  11. silicosis.

But in order to finally determine the cause of prolonged cough, additional research will be required. This can be a blood test, sputum culture on the flora, a blood test for mycoplasma and chlamydia, a Mantoux test and a lung X-ray.

In addition, a cough that lasts for more than 4 weeks is typical for smokers and people working in harmful production, where they constantly inhale mold and dust.

So, silicosis often develops in miners, asbestosis - in builders, and pnevonit - in the agricultural sector.

Treatment of a cough that lasts longer than a month

It is worth noting that without medical advice to treat a prolonged cough is inappropriate. After all, depending on the cause, a certain method of treatment is needed, for example, with heart failure it is senseless to drink antitussive syrups, swallow tablets or do inhalations.

So, for the successful treatment of an incessant cough in an adult it is important to restore the water balance, so the patient needs to drink plenty of fluids. In this case, the patient's diet should not be too high in calories, it is best to enrich it with fruits and vegetables.

In addition, it is effective to perform inhalations with cough with the addition of coniferous oil, coltsfoot, baking soda, thyme, sage and chamomile.

When productive cough with viscous secretions, you need to use drugs that dilute sputum. These drugs include mucolytics and expectorants.

And it is better, if the basis of such funds will be medicinal plants. And with a small number of excretions are assigned expectorant syrups and tablets.

But it is worth noting that such drugs should not be taken together with antitussive drugs.

Prolonged cough

A prolonged cough is one that does not last 4-8 weeks. Therefore, a two-week cough is considered only a suspicion of a prolonged symptom.

So, if a cough for a long time does not pass, then its causes can be covered in the presence of such diseases:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • left ventricular failure;
  • HIV infection;
  • tuberculosis;
  • lungs' cancer.
In addition, it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis of the patient, allowing to identify the causes of a long-term cough. Thus, rapid and confused breathing is characteristic of cardiac (acrocyanosis) and pulmonary insufficiency. If there is a suspicion of bronchiectasis and lung cancer, the ENT conducts a test called "drumsticks."

Still mandatory inspection of the mucous nasopharynx or pharynx. In this case, the doctor examines the discharge from the nose, confirms or excludes the presence of polyps in the nasal cavity and sinusitis, manifested by pain sensations in the projection of the paranasal sinuses.

It is worth noting that the temperature with prolonged cough may not always be elevated. It accompanies only a few diseases, such as sinusitis, tuberculosis and pneumonia.

In addition, the doctor should examine the patient's neck. In the process of investigation, such manifestations as a positive venous pulse can be detected, which indicates pulmonary insufficiency.

With an increase in the posterior or anterior cervical lymph nodes and nodes of the supraclavicular area, there is a suspicion of cancer of the larynx or lungs. And when listening you can find signs such as noise, local or scattered dry wheezes.

To get rid of a protracted cough, the most commonly prescribed drugs that activate the immune system. To this end, the patient should take funds based on rhodiola rosea, ginseng, eleutterococcus. As a rule, they are used after antibiotic therapy. in the video in this article, the expert will tell. what to do with a prolonged cough.

Cough does not go away, what to do

It often happens that a person is not completely cured, but the sick leave sheet is closed to him, because he does not have temperature. The work does not wait, doctors do not have time to go, but the cough does not go away. What to do? Postinfectious cough does not go away because the airways are damaged. In order to get rid of it, we do not need to drink antibiotics, but to restore the epithelial tissue of the respiratory tract.

Post-infection cough

Cough, which appears after an acute infection of the respiratory system, is called postinfection. It lasts from three to eight weeks. Every fourth adult suffers from this ailment. This cough is accompanied by sadness, tickling and tickling in the trachea. These sensations can not be called painful, but they still cause discomfort. Epithelial tissue is damaged by bacteria and viruses, bronchi are irritated and exposed to cold air. From this, plant products will help, for example, such as "Pektosan".

Does not pass cough in the child

Cough allows you to clear the respiratory tract from sputum, dust and other foreign bodies. If a child coughs for a long time does not pass, then it is better to see a doctor, but before that for a while, watch the course of the disease. We need to monitor the temperature, other manifestations of the disease, as the baby eats and sleeps. Sometimes a prolonged cough may indicate the presence of worms. Because worm larvae form in the lungs and irritate the respiratory tract. Before entering the gastrointestinal tract, the larva coughs into the mouth, and then swallows and the cycle repeats.

How to treat an impassable cough

Ways to cure a cough set. Each person chooses which one he likes best. So many people like to be treated with mustard plasters. In order to put a yellow card, you must prepare everything beforehand. So you need to take a plate of warm water, mustard, towel, vegetable oil and plaid. The mustard is moistened for twenty seconds, slightly squeezed and applied to the human body. A towel and a blanket are put on top. How many to lie, everyone decides for himself. Usually the procedure lasts from five to fifteen minutes. Some may have an allergy to mustard plasters, so you should carefully look at the skin after the procedure, perhaps this is not just redness and treatment should be interrupted. After the mustard has been removed, the skin should be wiped with a towel and anointed with vegetable oil. In the end, we must again cover ourselves with a rug, in order for the heat to remain for some time.

Cough is treated medically if it adversely affects a person's health. In any prescribe medication, only a doctor. After all, it is necessary to understand the cause of cough, and only then to prescribe a cure.

Dilute sputum mucolytics, which contribute to its early elimination. Children are usually prescribed "ATSTS "Mukaltin "Bromgeksin "Ambroxol" and other drugs. If the cough is dry, then you can buy Gedelix or Broncholitin. If a cough has arisen because of ARVI, then you can use "Kodelak Fito" or "Doctor Mom".

In order for the mucous membranes to be sufficiently moistened, aerosols or steam inhalations should be used. In water vapor, you can add medicine or herbs. The protective layer in the nasopharynx and the oropharynx is formed by enveloping agents. They are produced in the form of syrups, tablets or tea.

Folk wisdom on the guard of health

In order to quickly get rid of cough, you need to monitor your diet. It is advisable to lean on cabbage, milk porridge, juices and grapes. Everyone knows how useful the black radish is. And you can cook it completely differently, and it will still help. You can, for example, cut it into slices, put in a saucepan and cover with sugar. Then bake in the oven and drain, the resulting liquid. Take the syrup you need three times a day for two teaspoons. Excellent helps the gruel from honey and onions. To do this, it is necessary to clean and grind the onion, add the same amount of honey and take three times a day for one tablespoon.

Why does not a dry cough go away? Causes of dry cough in children and adults

Coughing is a reflex, just like breathing itself. And his appearance indicates that there was some kind of pathogen - allergic, infectious, viral, that is, the cause of dry cough, serious or not, which causes irritation in the respiratory tract and causes the body to clear them of the - allergen, infection, virus or foreign body.

Cough itself is not a disease, it is a symptom of over 50 different diseases or allergic manifestations, from common cold to tuberculosis, oncology, bronchial asthma or heart disease. Most often, a dry cough lasts for several days, moving into productive, moist with sputum, but can sometimes be prolonged. The duration of dry cough is divided into:

  • Acute - which after a few days passes into the wet or passes
  • Prolonged - which lasts from 3 weeks to 3 months
  • Chronic - which lasts more than 3 months.

Let's see why the dry cough does not last a long time, which diseases are the cause of dry cough.

The main causes of dry cough associated with the respiratory system

The most common causes of dry cough are inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, which are caused by viruses and pathogenic bacteria.

In this case, a strong organism with a strong immune system cope on its own, and if the immune response the virus or infection is weakened, then antibiotics or antiviral drugs come in for ARVI and influenza.

When parainfluenza and the flu should always consult a doctor, as these are very insidious diseases, which recently become very aggressive, leading to a mass of complications. How to distinguish the flu from ARVI read in our article.

If during the acute respiratory viral infection, flu or other infectious disease, a dry cough does not last for a long time, it can be caused by:

  • firstly because the immune system in a person is significantly weakened
  • Secondly, that there are provoking factors that affect the duration of dry cough, they include: smoking and drinking alcohol, very dry air in the room and taking in insufficient amounts of fluids for cold or viral disease.
  • thirdly, the attachment of a secondary infection or complication after a viral disease, when bacterial bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, pharyngitis develops, etc.

Diseases of the pleura and lungs can also be accompanied by a dry, painful cough - pneumonia, pleurisy. Most often there is a high fever, shortness of breath, chest pain.

Atypical forms of pneumonia

It should also be borne in mind that a prolonged cough can be a consequence of mycoplasma and chlamydia, these pathogens microorganisms can cause atypical pneumonia, bronchitis, which can occur for a long time, periodically recur. To differentiate the pathogen that caused pneumonia or bronchitis, you can take a blood test using ELISA.

Pertussis, measles, false croup

Pertussis can cause dry cough in children, and in adults. Pertussis is considered to be a childhood infectious disease, although vaccinations have reduced cases of whooping cough among children, but they occur, in addition, weakened adults also sometimes recorded cases of whooping cough. With this disease, a convulsive cough is so severe that it often leads to vomiting. In this case, you should take antitussive remedies for dry cough, such as Sinekod, Libeksin, Bronholitin, and others.

In addition to pertussis, among childhood diseases characterized by a strong dry cough, measles and false groats can be identified. Measles, other than cough, is also characterized by rashes on the skin and mucous membranes (see Fig. symptoms of measles in children). With false croup, the vocal cords, larynx, trachea and bronchi are involved in the inflammation process, so it is characterized by a barking cough. This disease is more likely to affect children under 3 years old.


Tuberculosis is a formidable disease that has also been epidemic in recent years, not only among low-income as it is commonly believed, but also among the wealthy strata of the population, with the development of favorable factors for its progression. Constant nervous tension, stressful situations, lack of adequate nutrition and good rest, fascination various depleting diets, can lead to the development of tuberculosis even among businessmen and high social status.

By 20-30 years it is believed that each person is infected with a stick of Koch, but a strong immune system copes with it. It is only necessary to weaken the body and mycobacterium tuberculosis can become more active and cause pulmonary tuberculosis and extrapulmonary forms.

As for the dry cough, it can be caused by tuberculosis of the lungs, bronchi or trachea, larynx. It begins with a dry, unproductive cough, obtrusive coughing, weakness, while body temperature rarely is more than 3, -3, most often it rises to low-grade figures and only in the evening.

Tuberculosis can be the cause of dry cough in adults, as well as in children, which is especially dangerous, as tuberculosis today is not the tuberculosis that was 40 years ago. Now a large number of drug-resistant forms of this terrible disease are registered, which require a longer and expensive treatment, and in combination with other chronic illnesses in the patient or HIV infection lead to lethal outcome.

Laryngitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis

are also frequent causes of dry cough. With pharyngitis, the mucous pharynx is involved in the inflammatory process, and with laryngitis, the mucous larynx is involved. Both these diseases are both acute and chronic, cough while it is dry, barking, exhausting, intensifying at night. With frequent inhalation of dusty air, dry, cold, and also in the presence of irritating gases and vapors in the air, tracheitis can develop - both acute and chronic. There is also a painful dry cough.

Diseases of ENT organs

Against the backdrop of various diseases of the nasopharynx, such as sinusitis, sinusitis, or chronic rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, the appearance of night dry cough is due to the syndrome of postnasal swelling. When these diseases acquire a chronic course, not infrequently, the mucus that is separated from the nasal sinuses begins to flow down the back wall of the pharynx, it irritates the cough receptors in the tracheobronchial tree. This cough may seem productive and moist, since nasal mucus is released during cough, but this cough should be considered dry.

Oncological diseases of respiratory organs

Cancer of the bronchi, lungs, trachea, throat cancer, and mediastinal organs (organs located between the sternum and the spine - the heart, bronchi, aorta, etc.). If the dry cough does not persist for a long time, it worries both day and night, as soon as possible, turn to doctor, blood test, X-ray of lungs, according to indications, MRI of mediastinal organs, bronchoscopy, oncolikers. With any chronic cough it is necessary to find out the exact cause of its appearance, for today the oncological tension is getting stronger, cancer appears even in young people, and everyone knows that the timely detection of cancer increases the chances of recovery or significant prolongation of life.

Only on the basis of the examination the doctor can not establish the cause of a protracted cough - this is not possible, therefore it is necessary to pass the tests and pass several examinations according to the indications - blood test, sputum, spirography, spirometry, X-ray, bronchoscopy, bodipletizmography, tussography, MRI, CT.

Causes of dry cough, not associated with inflammatory processes of the respiratory system

Allergic cough

In recent decades, the number of people suffering from various allergic reactions has increased significantly among the Russian population, especially in children. Almost all children today have any allergic reactions, if not food allergy, so allergy to dust, wool, pollen, ticks, etc. Pollinosis - a seasonal allergy to the pollen of flowering plants, which appears in spring and summer, has a hay fever very a large number of people, it is manifested by sneezing, runny nose, tearing, itching mucous and dry allergic cough.

Bronchial asthma

a very common disease, characterized by a chronic, painful dry cough and attacks of suffocation. This disease can not be considered only a disease of the bronchi, it is a serious pathology, which is associated with a general violation of immunity, nervous system and allergy.

The impact of toxic substances in everyday life

household chemicals containing chlorine, washing powders, etc., the presence of cities in the air, megacities of the abundance of exhaust gases, leads to the emergence of an allergic dry cough. Also pay attention to when you started a dry cough, it may be somehow connected with the purchase of new furniture, new repairs, purchase of household appliances. Modern industry, especially the production of plastic, furniture, building materials, even children's toys, often uses abundance toxic chemicals that can irritate mucous nasopharynx, bronchi, causing chronic chemical poisoning. If there are a lot of such products in the room, they are new and exude a smell - this can be the cause of a dry cough.

Glistular invasion

Occasionally, cases of ascariasis are recorded, during which, during the migration of the ascarid larvae along a small circle of circulation, they linger in the lung tissue, causing a superficial dry cough. Getting into the lungs, the trachea and the bronchi, they cause irritation of the cough receptors, the migration phase with ascariasis is 8-14 days (see Fig. ascarids-symptoms and treatment).

Professional dry cough

The reason for its appearance may be related to work in harmful production, where in the air a mass of suspensions of toxic substances that cause dry cough in the workers is formed. Workers of the stone-working and coal-mining industry often develop silicosis of the lungs. Also among occupational diseases that cause dry cough is the disease of American farmers or fibrosing alveolitis, where dry cough is only a debut of pathology, the outcome of which is a severe respiratory failure.

Some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract provoke a dry reflex cough without temperature, it happens after eating with diverticula of the esophagus, esophagus-tracheal fistula, reflux-esophagitis.

Acceptance of certain medicines

as a rule, ACE inhibitors, which are used to lower blood pressure and treat other cardiovascular diseases. In 20% of patients, these medicines cause a dry cough, if after discontinuation of the drug it disappears, therefore, this cough was a side effect of the drug taken.

Cardiovascular diseases, heart failure may also be the cause of dry cough

The cause of allergies, a provoker of allergic reactions can be established with the help of tests, which will be directed by an allergist. It is worth taking seriously any manifestations of allergy, as it is not just a dry cough, runny nose or a rash, with a strong an allergic reaction can occur anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema, which without timely medical care can be deadly.

Help, cough does not pass the second week, what should I do?


• • ° • • Dream • · ° · •

1. Inhalation is the best remedy for coughing. You can use a special inhaler or just breathe, covered with a blanket, over a pot with brewed chamomile, mint or thyme, or dissolve in hot water 10 tablets of Validol.
Now about how to carry out inhalation. You can roll a funnel from a thick paper, cover it with a wide end or a teapot, and inhale steam through a narrow gap. Many people prefer to breathe steam over the pan, covering the head with a towel. This is also not forbidden, just be careful not to overturn accidentally a pan of hot water. And keep in mind that suffering from hypertension, with increased blood pressure, this method is contraindicated.
It is more convenient for a child to use inhalation from a kettle or coffee pot. Fill it with water for one third. On the spout, put a pacifier with a cut end or a rubber tube through which the baby will breathe. It is recommended to administer inhalation to children from 2 to 3 years of age and under the supervision of an adult.
The duration of any inhalation is 5 - 10 - 15 minutes, for children - up to 5 minutes. Do it 1 - 2. a day.
Inhalation begin in 5 minutes, and for the child 10 minutes after the water boiled. It is strictly forbidden to breathe over boiling water!
2. Folk remedies. Stir the grated black radish with honey and leave for a few hours - as a result you get a healing drink that perfectly copes with a dry cough.
You can drink sweetened onion juice (2-3 spoons a day) or a mixture of freshly squeezed carrot juice with warm milk (:).
Exotic recipe from Brazil: wipe a couple of bananas through a sieve, stir with a glass of warm water or milk, add a spoon of honey - by the way, and a great dessert!
2 tablespoons of honey, 2 tbsp. l. cognac, 2 tbsp. l drink lemon juice for the night of the day 3 and cough as it never happened.
It is useful and simple to drink an infusion of thyme or mother-and-stepmother. Thyme, known to many housewives as a seasoning, has long established itself as a mucus separating and expectorant. Even with the disease with whooping cough, official medicine recognizes the antitussive and spasmolytic effects of thyme. It is sometimes called thyme. Infusion is prepared as follows: 1 tablespoon of herbs pour a glass of boiling water, insist one hour under the lid and filter. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day
Promotes separation of phlegm warm milk with soda (a quarter teaspoon of soda per glass) or milk in half with mineral water (Essentuki No. 4) - two to three times a day. If very tasteless - replace with milk with honey. Cook in a liter of milk of medium size onion and add a spoonful of honey. Use this mixture for the night. Milk is made very tasty, the onions do not smell at all, and even children drink it easily. Dry cough after it becomes softer and faster passes.
3. To get rid of a cough during a cold, you can rub your chest with any (even pork) fat and wrap up warmer. Bearish, badger and other exotic lard has no advantages! A good iodine mesh or a bag of warmed oats or salt placed on the chest is also good. Another option - one pepper plaster on the chest and two under the shoulder blades, keep the day (with a strong burning, take off!).
4. As with the common cold, do not allow sputum to dry out. If the doctor has not appointed, do not take cough suppressants (for example, libexin, tusuprex or codeine). With dry cough at the beginning of the disease mucolytics are effective, increasing the amount of sputum and diluting it (pectusin, licorice syrup and others). And when the cough became wet - expectorants (mucaltin 2 tablets 4 times a day, washed down with warm green tea, smokers - bromhexine or ambroben).
mercy to you and peace and love be multiplied.

Marina Korotaeva (Lysunkina)

Buy the most simple inhaler (glass) and breathe with oils.


try the Codterpine tablets. very effective cough remedy.


I'm helped well by the mustard plasters and the ATS 600


see a doctor


Urgently go to see a doctor.


Well, if nothing helps, you may need to see a doctor, take a picture of your lungs. Let the doctor prescribe the treatment.


Black radish juice with honey well helps. Buy a radish in the market, cut off the top as a lid and hollow out the middle. There put the honey, cover the lid, wait for the radish to give the juice and drink it several times a day. The remedy is very good.


For sale inhaler - nebulizer, a very good thing, a little expensive, but it helps instantly with the first application... from 3 to 5 thousand. rub - but it's worth it. At us both adults and children began to hurt less often a bronchitis ...

Margarita Mishina

In addition to what you need to see a doctor (ie. To. It can be not only catarrhal, but also hypertension, an allergy) try a root of licorice to much helps or assists.! Art. spoon root brew a glass of water and drink warm this infusion as often as possible (if cooled down add boiling water and drink.


Until the mucus from the lungs comes out, the cough will not go away. Try to stop medication, get complications. Try to switch to a natural plant food that does not form mucus.


Fassing lozenges Tharyngept, Laryngosept, Antiangin, drink herbal tea from sage grass, oregano, hyssop, thyme (thyme), do drainage massage on the chest area... Recipes are a lot - remember your childhood and how all of us were treated for colds and angina by parents, grandmothers, grandfathers - and remember yourself with a dozen recipes.


Tablets Ko-trimoxazole, Terpinkod tried? From my experience, it helps quickly!
Terpinkod - Indications for use:
Symptomatic treatment of "dry" cough of any etiology in bronchopulmonary diseases.
Co-trimoxazole-Indications for use:
Respiratory tract infections - bronchitis, pneumonia, lung abscess, pleural empyema, otitis media, sinusitis;

Aida Abragimova

Inhalations do. Me and Prospan are always helpful. Firstly, it acts as an expectorant, and secondly it quickly removes the symptoms of a cough. I cured bronchitis.

Ksenia Stokova

Of course, you need to go to the doctor, it's already a chronicle begins. I at once from a cough accept expectorant - effervescent tablets Проспан. Delicious and safe. Quickly all the sputum goes out and everything, there's no coughing.


Here, pills and inhalations will not help, okay cough 5 days wakes up, and 2 weeks is already serious, see a doctor!

What does a constant cough in an adult mean?

A constant cough in an adult: normal or pathological? Any cough, which for a long time does not pass, for example, for a month or more, should alert everyone. Coughing in an adult is a protective reaction of the body that occurs for a certain reason, therefore, every conscious person must determine the provoking factor and choose options for it elimination.

In most cases, people turn to a doctor when already diagnosed with serious, neglected diseases, and the cough turns into a prolonged one, and the person can not even clear his throat.

What can provoke a prolonged cough?

In medical practice, it is common to distinguish between the infectious and non-infectious cause of the development of a strong cough.

Non-infectious diseases include:
  1. Chronic forms of rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, in which the nasal mucosa is constantly swollen. Sputum does not go outside and falls into the bronchi and trachea.
  2. Because of the excessive amount of spices in the stomach, acidity may increase and heartburn may occur. It can manifest as a cough.
  3. Allergic reactions of the body to irritants. In this case, the cough will be dry and prolonged.
  4. The reaction of the body to certain medications that have already caused addiction.
  5. Contaminated air in the workplace or in the village.
  6. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  7. Presence of tumors in the airways or lungs.

Varieties of prolonged cough in adults

With any cough, the manifestations will be different. Therefore, it is worthwhile to know that there are several types of pathology:

Intrusive. It is characteristic for diseases or inflammations in the larynx. Such a cough usually lasts long, appears at the initial stage of the cold. When the patient recovered, and the immunity did not recover, the cough continues to manifest and is more a protective reaction of the body.

If at this stage, not to help restore the immune system, then cough is a direct way to the bronchi. This leads to the development of acute bronchitis, which is treated for a long time, and in many cases takes a chronic form. If you do not organize the correct treatment, then a prolonged cough causes deformation of the bronchial walls, this leads to asthma, lung abscesses and pneumonia.

Many patients at the doctor's appointment indicate pain in the side, shortness of breath, fever, which accompany the main symptom.

A cough with wheezing or whistling is characteristic of whooping cough.

Barking - tracheitis or laryngitis.

Vocal cords are inflamed, in the chest you can clearly hear bubbling breath.

Most often this cough torments the patient at night or early in the morning. There have been cases when choking occurs with improper treatment or neglect. A bout of dry cough with tracheitis or laryngitis can last up to 1 hour.

If the cough provokes a fever, a decrease in the tone of the voice, then this may indicate the development of tuberculosis.

ARI, ARVI has an obsessive cough.

Cough in the morning is typical for bronchial asthma. There are attacks of suffocation. Doctors emphasize that this kind of cough should only be treated, as it can lead to death.

Mental disorders are characterized by a metallic dry cough during eating, talking and have the effect of suddenness.

Treatment of dry cough in adults

Cough smoker

Almost all smokers are diagnosed with chronic obstructive disease, which can cause lung cancer.

Tobacco smoke contains a large number of harmful substances, many of them are diagnosed as poisons for the human body. When the smoke is inhaled, irritation of the bronchial mucosa occurs, while the part remains inside and settles on the organ itself. This provokes oppression of the normal operation of the epithelium. After a short period of time, the epithelium generally ceases to fulfill its function of expelling harmful substances to the surface, and the bronchi absorb everything that gives them the smoke of a cigarette.

This situation leads to chronic inflammation of non-infectious bronchial tubes.

Given that the bronchi lose their normal ability to fight and clear, joining any infection will not cause any special difficulties. Smokers have many cases of combining infectious and chronic bronchitis, which are superimposed on each other. These circumstances cause a prolonged course of the illness and the very recovery.

There are several options for treating a cough from a smoker. When using traditional medicine, it is necessary to get a consultation with a pulmonary physician. In general, mucolytics, expectorants are used for treatment. If a patient is diagnosed with an infection, then a course of antibiotics is prescribed.

You can use folk methods for treatment. It is enough to use herbal preparations from oregano, mother-and-stepmother, thyme, licorice root, marshmallow, plantain, calendula.

Good warming and grinding help.

Visiting a Russian bath, therapy with the use of essential oils help to remove an irritating cough.

Cure a smoker's cough completely can only give up cigarettes.

Cough dry for allergic reactions, tracheitis and laryngitis

In order to successfully treat a prolonged cough due to such manifestations, it is necessary to find out exactly the causes. All activities should be performed only after consultation with the doctor.

Patients with prolonged cough need to ensure:

  • constant drinking, preferably decoctions of medicinal herbs;
  • for the removal of spasm can be stocked with medical candy, which includes components for the activation of the glands and the ingestion of saliva;
  • administration of inhalation with saline solutions;
  • to carry out regular airing and wet cleaning at home, so that the air in the room is constantly moistened.

As drugs, it is recommended to take mucolytic drugs, in severe cases, narcotic drugs may be prescribed to stop severe attacks of cough.

Worth knowing! It is forbidden to take both antitussive and expectorant drugs at the same time, as there are cases of cupping sputum in the bronchi. This leads to the development of inflammatory processes.

From folk medicine can be used inhalation. With caution, you need to choose solutions for inhalation with an allergic cough. Herbs and oils can provoke additional allergic reactions and only worsen the patient's condition.

For everyone, inhalation with a soda solution is good. They help to translate dry cough into wet, dilute sputum and discharge them outside.


What is dangerous is the lack of treatment for a prolonged cough?

Prolonged reflex coughs of various types are dangerous for the human body and can lead to serious complications:

  1. Myocardial infarction. Since a prolonged cough affects the work of the bronchi adversely, an infectious disease develops or becomes chronic in them. Inflammatory processes in the bronchi affect the organs that are near.
  2. Such manifestations can cause psychological and psychosocial problems. It is difficult for a person to stay for a long time in public places, at work. If it is necessary to work in a voice, then it generally becomes impossible.
  3. A long cough in most cases causes shortness of breath, so physical activity decreases, which leads to other diseases in the body.
  4. Strong attacks can provoke a hemorrhage in the brain. Due to the fact that the patient constantly strains muscles, vessels in the head and body, the vessels of the brain lose the ability to work correctly.
  5. May cause inguinal and umbilical hernias.

Despite the fact that cough at first glance seems a non-serious disease, it can cause complications and a bunch of problems. Therefore, only timely treatment and diagnosis can return the body to a normal life without an unpleasant symptom.

What are the causes of a prolonged dry cough in an adult?

Coughing is not always a symptom of a particular disease. It can serve as a protective reaction of the body. Thanks to a cough reflex, it is possible to send out particles in the respiratory tract outside. They get there during breathing. To solve it, it is very important to understand the reason that provoked it, because only then the doctor will be able to help you and make a scheme of treatment for a specific case.

How to cure a dry barking cough, you can learn from this article.


In adults, a strong cough can occur as a result of a cold, allergies, after suffering from infectious diseases, and a legitimate question arises what to do. First you need to find out all the reasons.

During the cold

For such a disease the following symptoms are typical: runny nose, cough, lack of heat. With such an ARVI, the head may not pershit, but there is a runny nose and cough. If you can not get rid of such symptoms for 3 days even after taking antibiotics, from the onset of the disease, it is worthwhile to see a doctor.

For what reason the child has a barking cough without temperature, you can learn from this article.


Various items in the house, plants, dust, cosmetics, wool of pets can act as an allergen. With allergies, a dry, unproductive cough occurs.

Very often cause allergic cough carpets and bedding.In addition to dry cough, the patient does not have anything to worry about, he does not have a runny nose and fever.Harmful effects on the state of the respiratory system can be household chemicals, washing powders with surfactants more than 35%.

What to do when a child has a barking cough is indicated in this article.

After the infection

If more recently acute or viral inflammation of the respiratory tract, pneumonia, influenza, then the patient may still have a perspiration or a choking in the throat, a cough with a tickling sensation or saddening. Its duration can reach up to 3 weeks. Unpleasant symptoms and infrequent coughing can last no more than a month, especially not more than 3 months.

The video tells about the reasons for which a dry cough for a long time does not pass with an adult:

Causes of a prolonged cough in a child

Children can also cause a cough may cause similar to adults, but between them there are certain differences.


The course of such diseases can be accompanied by a rise in body temperature or it is absent. For such a cough is characterized by the presence of a cold, perspiration in the throat. It is necessary to immediately take medical measures and prevent cough, otherwise it can develop into a chronic form.

What to do when there is no runny nose and cough, you can learn from this article.

Chronic pathologies

These diseases include bronchitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis. They all have a chronic form. The onset of coughing is carried out by periods. It flows without a cold and fever

Acute and chronic ENT infection

To such pathologies, doctors include sinusitis, tonsillitis. The reason for the formation of a cough is the flow of mucus from the nose to the back wall of the pharynx. Coughing attacks disturb the child at night when he is lying down.


This ailment has the most important symptom, which is the formation of dry cough all day long. The rise in temperature with tuberculosis does not always occur.


Just like in adults, in children cough can result from an allergic reaction. If you do not detect the allergen in time and do not take therapeutic measures, it can develop into bronchial asthma.

What to do when a child does not have a cough for a week is indicated in this article.

Symptoms of Pertussis

For such a cough characterized by seizures, which occur most often at night. There is no increase in body temperature. In the nervous system, a foci of excitement is formed, which can provoke the formation of a cough.

Glistular invasion

In this situation, coughing occurs without a rise in temperature. The child coughs a little. This situation occurs after 2-4 weeks, when the worms go into the phase of activity.

Low humidity in the room

It is very important to monitor the air in your child's room. It is necessary to ventilate it as often as possible. Quite often the culprit of dry cough becomes stale and dry air.

Foreign body in the respiratory tract

Little children during the game can breathe in elements of toys, sweets. In small patients, this cause of cough is considered the most common. It is very important to carefully make the games for your child. Do not give him small toys and those that are very easy to break.

When the runny nose and cough do not pass it is worth reading this article.


The choice of therapy should be done by a doctor, as everything depends on the reason for the cough. When SARS is characterized by a slight cough, or occurs mostly in the morning, then special events should not be conducted. You can just take medication to eliminate the underlying illness. When at night you just suffered a dry cough, and as such a problem arises after a stroke and you can not fully rest, then you can treat the chest and back with warming ointments.

What to do when a child does not have a runny nose and cough, it is worth reading this article.

Eliminate such an unpleasant symptom as a cough will help inhalation.For these purposes, it is worth using the essential oils of menthol and eucalyptus. You can carry out activities using a decoction of sage, thyme, chamomile, diluted with a lot of baking soda.

The video tells about why cough does not pass, an effective cough remedy:

As for the drug treatment, there is a wide choice of medicines to eliminate dry cough:

  1. Bromhexine- medicine in the form of tablets and syrup. It helps to soften the cough, because it activates stimulation of sputum formation, including clear, helps with wet cough. As a result, it is actively separated from the respiratory tract.
  2. Terpinkod and Kodelakhave a slightly different effect. They contribute to suppressing the cough reflex and improve the patient's condition for a short time.
  3. Ambrobe and ATSs. When the cause of dry cough is the viscosity of phlegm, doctors prescribe mucolytics, which allow dilution of the bronchial secret.
  4. Stoptusin, Herbion. These pharmacological agents have several effects at once: expectorant, bronchodilator, anti-inflammatory.

If you trust the home methods of treatment more, you can get the maximum result by using mustard plasters and warming compresses.

How the cough is treated in infants is indicated in the article.

Suprastin as a remedy

Suprastin is a medicinal product that refers to medicines that directly affect the peripheral nervous system of a person. More precisely, he is part of a group of antihistamines. Apply the remedy not only for the treatment of viral, but also allergic cough. Very often a doctor prescribes Suprastin for prevention and at the time of an increased viral epidemic.

If the admission is conducted by adult patients, then they need to eat ¼ tablets per day before meals. If a very complicated form of the disease is present, the specialist prescribes suprastin injections. They are performed intramuscularly or intravenously. To make one shot, you need 1-2 ml. For small patients, Suprastin dosage is administered on an individual basis, taking into account age. As a rule, the dosage can vary from ½ to ¼ tablets 2-3 times a day.

What signs of an allergic cough in adults, you can learn from this article.

The video tells about how the treatment is carried out folk remedies, if not cough:

But applying Suprastin with a dry cough is not always possible. There are certain contraindications - glaucoma and an increase in the prostate gland. If the presented pathologies take place, what to replaceSuprastin can be given drugs such as Allergen, Sinopen. Presented analogs for many patients are considered simply salvation.All these medicines are part of the same pharmacological group, and they become identical. You can also use traditional medicine. For example, smear your chest with badger fat.

This article describes how to treat cough in children badger fat.

Cough should be treated from the first days of education. If this is not done, then it can be delayed for a long time or even developed into a chronic form. Be more careful about your health, so that no illnesses you do not visit or quickly leave in case of infection.

Dry cough does not clears throat: causes, treatment

Often illnesses are accompanied by a dry cough. In some cases, cough is very fast, and in some cases it persists for a long time. And if the cough persists, then its form is called acute. But a cough that does not last more than three months is already called chronic. Dry cough itself indicates that the disease is developing.

How to treat a dry cough in a child and what syrup to use, you can learn from this article.


It is extremely important to find out the reason why the cough does not clears throat. Only a doctor can determine the true cause of such a disease.

  1. The most common cause of this cough is the inflammation that occurs in the upper respiratory tract.Inflammation occurs due to viruses and pathogenic microorganisms. In the event that the immunity is weakened, the virus affects the human body. Dry cough often occurs with various respiratory diseases. These include ARI, whooping cough, diphtheria, pneumonia, tuberculosis. An acute cough can last about 3 weeks, and then it passes.
  2. Chronic pharyngitis is also accompanied by a dry cough. It occurs as a result of a tickling and tingling in the throat.
  3. A very painful cough, accompanied by shortness of breath and fever, occurs with a disease such as pleurisy. This is quite a serious illness, since cough can be the only symptom that speaks of a tumor of the mediastinum. From this article, you can find out whether there can be a cough from the thyroid gland.
  4. Gastroesophageal reflux. All the substance that comes out of the stomach, returns back to the esophagus. This process can be accompanied by a dry cough, and the cause is very difficult to establish.
  5. Disease of respiratory organs. This includes diseases such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, as well as the smoker's bronchitis.
  6. Dust, air pollutants.
  7. A foreign object that enters the respiratory tract.
  8. Use of medications that block the ACE system.
  9. Allergy. In case of an allergic reaction, a dry cough may also occur, which can be accompanied by inflammation of the eye mucosa.
  10. Influence of work. In the workplace, conditions can be created in which a dry cough arises.

How to treat a cough with teething, you can learn from this article.

The video tells what to do if the dry cough does not clear away:

From this article you can find out why the child has wheezing and coughing.

Treatment with medicamentous method

There are different groups of drugs against coughing or coughing. But it is worthwhile to know that many drugs suppress the function of cough and can affect other cells of the brain. The group of these substances includes such drugs as Codeine and Morphine.These strong drugs can only be used if other weaker drugs have not helped. Usually this happens with cancer or when it comes to vomiting. Use this drug only in medical institutions under in-patient conditions. All drugs are divided into 2 types:

  • expectorants;
  • liquefying phlegm.

From this article you can find out how to help a child with a dry cough.

To cure cough it is necessary in a complex way to eliminate all reasons of its occurrence. If the nature of the cough is bacterial, then you need to use antibiotics if the nature is viral - antiviral drugs.If the expectoration of sputum does not occur for a long time, this does not mean that it does not exist in the body. Perhaps you need to use the means that will help make it more fluid so that it can go out. If cough does not pass in the first days of a cold, then you can use such drugs as Ferveks, Kodelak. These drugs will help to establish a cough.

Than to cure a cough from a baby, when he does not have temperature, you can learn from this article.

The most important thing is that regardless of the cause of the cough, you need to consume large amounts of liquid, which will make the phlegm liquid, the water-salt balance of the organism will be adjusted.

What are the symptoms of an asthmatic cough in a child, you can learn from this article.

If there are such diseases as tracheitis, pharyngitis, then it is recommended to drink mineral water in large quantities. Food should be light and rich in vitamins.

Another important step in the treatment of dry cough is inhalation. These procedures can be carried out by adults and adolescents.Little pediatricians recommend inhalation not to do. Due to the structure of the respiratory tract, small children may experience suffocation.

Preparations that will help in coughing: Lazolvan, Bromgeksin, ATSTS. These funds can be taken only if there is even a little sputum.

What to do when you have tortured a dry cough, you can learn from this article.

Treatment with folk remedies

Especially in the cold season of many people you can hear complaints about not passing dry cough.

  1. Collection of herbs. In pharmacies you can buy chemist's pouch. But you can also cook it at home. Licorice, linden, thyme, marigold, plantain, mint, pine buds are all the components that are necessary for the preparation of breastfeeding. Mixing all the herbs, you need to take 2 tbsp. l. mix and mix with 500 ml of boiling water. Insist means need 2 hours. After this, the infusion is ready, it can be taken inside. Before meals, you need to drink 150 ml.
  2. Licorice. This recipe will require a licorice root. Take 15 g of licorice root, a few linden blossoms and fruits of dry fresh hips. Mix the ingredients and pour 300 grams of water. The whole mixture must be put on a water bath. After holding the remedy for about half an hour, you can drink it 100 ml 3 times a day.
  3. Dried fruits. During the ripening of fruits such as raspberries, dogrose, viburnum, hawthorn, they must be taken in equal quantities. Take 100 g of the mixture and pour 500 ml of water. Then put in a water bath, and boil somewhere about an hour. After you need to let the infusion cool down, now you can take it half a cup a day.
  4. Pottery from eggs. This is the remedy that will help to eliminate dry cough, cure even the most protracted bronchitis. It is necessary to take 1 glass of milk and boil it. As soon as it boils, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. honey and the same amount of butter and add to milk. Whisk egg yolk, add it to the mixture, do not forget to add soda at the tip of the knife. The remedy is ready. Prepare it easily enough, and time is not needed much, so this tool should be in the piggy bank of any family.
  5. Inhalation with soda. Boil 150 g of water and add to it 30 g of soda. This product must be poured into a regular tea maker or a kettle for inhalation. On the tip of the nose you need to put a cone of paper and through it breathe with your mouth. Too strong breaths of alkaline solution vapors can lead to coughing attacks. Therefore, it is better not to take excessively deep breaths.Soda very well dilutes sputum and allows the patient to clear his throat.
  6. Inhalations based on essential oils. These oils are fully suitable for treatment: they act as antibacterial, expectorant and moisturizer. 500 ml of water should be heated to 70 degrees. Add 165 drops of any coniferous oil to this water. It is necessary to sit down and breathe over this remedy no less than 15 minutes. Having finished inhalation, can overtake a fit of coughing. To be frightened it is not necessary, this is normal phenomenon.
  7. Lemon. The recipe with lemon is quite common for treating a child's cough. From one lemon it is necessary to squeeze juice, add to it 2 tbsp. l. glycerin. You can buy glycerine in the pharmacy chain. Now you need to add honey to the remedy. It is used to neutralize the sour taste. After thoroughly mixing the product, it is necessary to leave it for an hour. Give the child this remedy is necessary, watching the bouts of coughing. If the attacks are not strong, then you need to drink syrup 3 times a day. The maximum number of receptions is 7 times.
  8. Chocolate cocktail.This tool is very popular with children. It is necessary to heat the milk. Now add all the other ingredients: 1/3 h. l. butter, a little sheep fat, 1 hour. l. honey and 30 grams of chocolate. The remedy is ready. It is advisable to give them a drink before going to bed and put them on the bed. Milk very well warms up the throat, and cocoa butter will help to sputter mucus. It is best to use this tool as an additional to the main method of treatment.
  9. Baths for feet. If the cough is not accompanied by a fever, then it is worth using hot foot baths with mustard. In the pelvis you need to pour enough warm water, about 40 degrees, add a couple of tablespoons of mustard. You need to warm your feet for about 30 minutes. After the end of the procedure, wear warm socks and lie down in bed, covered with a blanket.
  10. Children are very fond ofcough remedy with vanilla syrup. 1 glass of milk should be heated to a temperature of 40 degrees. Add to the milk you need 2 tbsp. l. vanilla and 1 spoonful of honey. For a pleasant smell and taste, a pinch of vanilla is added. It is necessary to mix all the ingredients very well and allow to infuse for about 20 minutes. To drink a cocktail you need 1 tbsp. l. 4 times a day.

From this article you can find out what are the causes of a night cough in an adult.

All folk methods of treatment will be more effective if they are combined with medication. If you use inhalation and expectorant drugs, then the cause of dry cough will go many times faster. If you use drugs that simply suppress cough, then inhalations are contraindicated.

What to do when the child does not go through a wet cough is indicated in this article.

There may be a buildup of fluid in the bronchi, which will lead to pneumonia.Dry coughing is a rather complicated phenomenon, and if the cough is bad, then you need to turn to the help of specialists.

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