Drug Plants

Benefits and harm of raspberry leaves: how to brew and whether it is possible to give a baby

Raspberry has long been famous for its medicinal properties and has been used in the fight against many diseases. That's why people began to harvest fruits and leaves as stocks for the winter. They are good for catarrhal diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, eczema, acne, etc. Useful properties are explained by the presence of a large number of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. The curative composition of The use of The use in traditional medicine The use...

  • 28-Jun-2018
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Drug Plants

Tavolga: useful properties and contraindications, ways of applying herbs

Tavolga( it is also called labaznik) is a perennial plant, which is loved by many people due to its medicinal properties. This grass grows near the river banks, reaching at the same height of up to 1.5 meters. Each part of the plant has healing properties, however, most often for the preparation of various decoctions and infusions, roots, as well as plant flowers, are used. As a rule, flowers begin to be harvested in the summer period of time, while the roots begin to be h...

  • 02-Jul-2018
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Drug Plants

Home healer: about the beneficial properties and contraindications of chamomile

A flower with this name is known to everyone, you can meet the chamomile medicinal in summer in any region. There are many species known, the most popular among them was the chamomile pharmacy. An unpretentious flower, which is a deposit of useful properties, is used to treat numerous diseases. Modern medicine has not bypassed the daisy with attention: on its basis, many medicines are being prepared. Article topic: A bit about chamomile Therapeutic properties ...

  • 23-Jun-2018
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Drug Plants

How to properly brew rose hips to maximize vitamins?

You can talk a lot about rose hips. This healing plant is the closest relative of the rose. Legends about him make up and sing him laudatory ode. Rosehip is cultivated in almost all countries of the world. Autumn is a season when many useful fruits, rich in vitamins and useful elements, are ripening. Rosehips among this variety is far from the last place. Fiery red oblong berries grow on a prickly bush and at first glance they are not noticeable. But, do not trust th...

  • 08-Jul-2018
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Drug Plants

The healing properties of ginseng root: how to brew and apply for men and women

Glorified in ancient legends, the root of ginseng or the "root of life" has truly miraculous properties. It's just a storehouse of nutrients with a unique composition. The healing power of this plant is confirmed by its wide application in traditional and folk medicine since ancient times. Honey extract Tincture on sweet water for thrombosis, anemia, chronic illness Hair tincture Side effects and symptoms of overdose ...

  • 28-Jun-2018
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Drug Plants

Snyt: useful properties of grass and contraindications, methods of application for the treatment of diseases

Snyt is a perennial herbaceous plant from the family of celery. It occurs everywhere: in kitchen gardens, near houses, on vacant lots, in parks, wet forests. It breeds quickly, is eradicated with difficulty, therefore it is considered a harmful weed and not everyone knows about its useful properties. The content of the article: The healing properties of the grass Nutritional value and caloricity of Is there any harm and contraindications? Methods of appli...

  • 06-Jul-2018
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Drug Plants

When to collect willow-tea for drying at home

Ivan-tea or kapristi narrow-leaved is a perennial herb, widespread in the European part of Russia and Siberia. A drink is produced from its leaves, which is rich in microelements and useful substances, and has a complex beneficial effect on the entire human body. When to collect How to dry How to dry Usual method Drying in shade Recipe for freezing How to prepare a drink Side effects and contraindications Tea from spray ...

  • 26-Jun-2018
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Drug Plants

Shellus, sheath and psyllium seeds: medicinal properties and contraindications for men

Plantain is a plant from the genus of one- and perennial grasses, growing along roads, in steppes and meadows, in different countries of the world. Of its 150 species introduced into the culture and belong to valuable medicinal plants psyllium fleecy and plantain large. As a medicinal and food raw material, leaves, whole seeds and their husks are used. The content of the article: Medicinal raw materials Chemical composition Therapeutic properties and indications for use Use in folk medicine...

  • 26-Jun-2018
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Drug Plants

How to use aloe with honey in folk medicine?

Both aloe and honey are mentioned in many effective recipes of folk medicine. Aloe is in almost every home, because this miraculous home plant has anti-inflammatory, disinfecting and analgesic properties. Therapeutic properties of Therapeutic properties of Possible harms and contraindications Prescription of home remedies Easy laxative from constipation Gastritis remedy Cough medicine Eye drops Body cleansing Hair mask Medication ...

  • 05-Jul-2018
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Drug Plants

How to use dried laminaria while losing weight - useful properties in cosmetology

Laminaria( Laminaria) is the name of the genus of marine plants from the class of brown seaweed. This name comes from the Latin "lamina", that is, a plate, and speaks of the lamellar structure of the thallus of an underwater plant. We are accustomed to another name for seaweed - sea kale. This is the commercial name of brown seaweed, suitable for food. Under this name, we often meet products from kelp on the shelves of stores. content of the article: Far Eas...

  • 06-Jul-2018
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