When to collect willow-tea for drying at home

Ivan-tea or kapristi narrow-leaved is a perennial herb, widespread in the European part of Russia and Siberia.

A drink is produced from its leaves, which is rich in microelements and useful substances, and has a complex beneficial effect on the entire human body.

When to collect

How to dry
  • How to dry
    • Usual method
    • Drying in shade
    • Recipe for freezing
  • How to prepare a drink
  • Side effects and contraindications

Tea from spray has anti-inflammatory and antitumor effect.

Reduces allergic reactions, strengthens the immune system and increases the tone of the body.

Often, for the production of this drink, also the flowers of willow-tea are used.

When to collect

Ivan-tea grows on dry sandy forest glades and on the fringes, also it can be found near the water.

This plant is one of the first to appear on the fire, where the fire destroyed all the trees and grass. Often thickets of willow-tea can be found next to the raspberries.

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Collecting willow-tea is better at a distance from highways and industrial enterprises, away from cities. In this case, you can get environmentally friendly raw materials, not poisoned by harmful emissions.

Ivan-tea should be collected during the flowering period of the plant, which continues in most regions from the beginning of June to the end of August. Drinks from the leaves collected in the beginning, middle and late summer, differ in taste.

Many, especially like tea from young leaves collected at the end of May. If you collect both leaves and flowers, the latter must account for one-third of the total amount of raw materials collected or less.

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Collect the willow-tea better with your hands. Thus it is necessary to spend a hand on a stalk of a plant from top to down. In this case, the stem itself remains intact.

When collecting flowers, you must ensure that there are no fruits with seeds among the raw materials. If they are in the collection, the fluff contained in them will fall into the tea.

How to Dry

To get tea that can be brewed all year round, it is necessary to dry the raw materials.

During drying, the leaves are fermented, due to this, the beverage obtained from them will have a bright aroma and rich taste.

The usual method of

This method of drying the willow-tea is perhaps the simplest and fastest:

  • the collected leaves must be dried, spreading in a thin layer and periodically stirring, and stirring;
  • after the leaves darken and curl into flagella, they must be placed in glassware and covered with a wet cloth, leaving for 12 hours;
  • then the willow-tea should be spread out on a baking sheet and dried in the oven at a temperature of 100 degrees for about 45 minutes.

Drying in the shade

This recipe will require a little more time and effort:

  • leaves of the willow-tea must be collected and dried in the shade, during the day;
  • then, it is necessary to wring the flagella from the dried leaves so that the juice is allocated;
  • put the flagella on a baking tray, cover with a damp cloth and leave for 7-8 hours;
  • unwind the flagella and arrange them on a baking sheet;
  • to dry in the oven at a temperature of 50 to 100 degrees for 45 minutes, leaving the door ajar.

If you set the temperature smaller, the leaves will get a lighter shade, and the drink of them will be similar to the taste for green tea .

Recipe with frost

The way of preparation with a frost is as follows:

  • assembled kiprej it is necessary to lay in polyethylene packages and to sustain in a freezer 7-8 hours;
  • then the grass must be thawed, laying on a flat surface, and then crumpled and covered with gauze;
  • survive a few more hours to complete the fermentation;
  • put on a baking sheet and dry in the oven for 2 hours at a temperature of 100 degrees, leaving the door ajar, lowering the temperature to 50-60 degrees and holding for some time to evaporate the last residue of moisture.

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It is better to store the dried leaves in glass jars. Their properties they retain for several years, but, usually, raw materials are used for a year or two.

How to prepare a drink

The dried leaves of the spray are also brewed like ordinary black and green tea - they are poured with boiling water and left for 5-10 minutes. Read reviews on healing properties and contraindications of Ivan-tea can be found on another page.

You can drink it both hot and cold, its useful properties keep the drink within 2-3 days after preparation.

You can also prepare a drink from fresh ivan-tea leaves. In this case, they must be put in a bowl, pour cold water and bring to a boil, and then give the drink to infuse.

Side effects and contraindications

Ivan tea has a strong effect on the body, so to drink it in unlimited quantities is not worth it.

Otherwise.the use of ivan tea can lead to digestive disorders, cause problems in the work of the stomach, intestines and liver.

It is better to consult with your doctor before using ivan tea. The consultation is obligatory for all who have chronic diseases, and for women who want to drink this drink during pregnancy and lactation .

Ivan-tea contains caffeine, so it is contraindicated for children under two years old.

Also from the use of ivan tea should be discarded in case of occurrence of reactions of individual intolerance.

The properties of this delicious and healthy drink are really amazing. At the same time, it is not difficult to collect and dry the leaves and flowers of the spray, but there are few contraindications to using Ivan-tea. If properly prepared, it will certainly help to strengthen health, feel better and become happier.

In the video, the herbalist demonstrates how to collect and dry the tea at home.

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