Drug Plants

Leaves of May, deaf and dioecious nettles: medicinal properties and contraindications

Nettle is known everywhere, often perceived as a weed plant, which can also "burn". Many people avoid it because of the stiffness, not knowing about the useful properties known from ancient times. Another Persian scientist and physician, the founder of modern medicine, Avicenna dedicated a whole book to this wonderful plant a thousand years ago. Brief description Collecting and billet Composition and useful properties Treatment of diseases Contraind...

  • 06-Jul-2018
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Drug Plants

Black cumin: useful and medicinal properties, contraindications

Cumin refers to two-year-old plants from the Umbelliferae family. Spice - one of the most ancient seasonings, plant seeds were found in the tombs of ancient Egyptian pharaohs. In the Middle Ages cumin used European confectioners, making it the main additive of baking. In Greece, Italy, Egypt, cumin was used not only in culinary, but also for medical purposes. Contents of the article: Contents of the article: Contents of the article: What's in the ...

  • 01-Jul-2018
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Drug Plants

Healing properties of flax seeds: recipes, benefits and harm, contraindications

Flax seeds are known to people for many decades with their unique properties, which make it possible to effectively use the means based on them in traditional and folk medicine to prevent the development and treatment of various diseases. The shell of the plant seeds is shiny and smooth, odorless, the shape is oblong and oblate, the color is from yellow to dark brown. Chemical composition Main properties Use of flax seeds Selection and storage rules Dai...

  • 04-Jul-2018
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Drug Plants

The use in folk medicine of the root and flowers of the orchard

Orchis is a medicinal plant that is used in many folk recipes. It has enveloping, anticonvulsant, expectorant, restorative and hematopoietic action. Usefulness of the What are the symptoms of What kind of diseases treats Species and uses in folk medicine Root-based recipes From sexual impotence From prostatitis For inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract and respiratory system For external use Healing power of flowers ...

  • 05-Jul-2018
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Drug Plants

Decoction of the bark of buckthorn: useful properties and contraindications for losing weight

Krushina is well known to all of us. In childhood, we avoided bushes with "wolf berries", meeting them on forest edges, in copses or along the banks of rivers and lakes. In fact, under the name of the buckthorn, there are almost 150 species of shrubs hidden, and only three of them are usable, and with benefit: the buckthorn is fragile, or alder, buckthorn lush, or jaoster and buckthorn american. Composition and properties Composition and properties What hel...

  • 03-Jul-2018
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Drug Plants

Rhodiola rosea: useful properties and contraindications for use

Rhodiola rosea is an unusual for its medicinal properties plant, which is also called "Siberian ginseng" or "golden root". The value and useful properties of rhodiola are that it helps to overcome complex stressful situations, normalizes metabolic processes in the body, increases efficiency, relieves fatigue and calms. Of particular value are the rhizomes of a plant whose unique properties are similar to ginseng. Article Content: How is it useful? Contraindi...

  • 06-Jul-2018
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Drug Plants

Seeds of dill: useful properties and contraindications in folk medicine

Are you sure that everyday food does not hide interesting secrets? Simple dill has amazing healing properties. Look closely at the chemical composition of dill, and you will discover new opportunities for traditional medicine. The content of the article: Hidden properties Chemical composition Methods of home use Recipes of traditional medicine Cosmetic action Contraindications for use Hidden properties The first methods of treatment, based on the healing properties of dill, were applied by...

  • 08-Jul-2018
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Drug Plants

Useful and healing properties of small and pink vinca - application and contraindications

To the family of kurts are semi-shrubs with beautiful graceful flowers - periwinkle small. It is also called ivy, green and even coffin grass. The magical and medicinal properties of plants have gained fame in folk medicine. The name "periwinkle" originated from the Ukrainian language and literally means "bright wreath". Indeed, the plant blooms with delicate lilac flowers. Among its advantages - rapid adaptation to any livin...

  • 28-Jun-2018
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Drug Plants

Nails: useful properties and contraindications, use for the treatment of diseases

Nails have long been recognized as one of the most healing and beneficial to the body of plants. They contain a lot of useful minerals and vitamins. Regular use of marigolds helps to get rid of or reduce the unpleasant symptoms of even chronic diseases. Article content: Therapeutic properties of The nutritional value and calorific value of Contraindications and harm Methods of application in folk medicine Against cervical erosion For lowering ...

  • 05-Jul-2018
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Drug Plants

Instructions for the use of aralia Manchu - medical properties and contraindications

The Aralia Manchurian looks like a palm tree. Most of the large leaves "cap" grows in the upper part of the long trunk. There are few branches in the plant, and the trunk is covered with spines. Aralia is also called "thorn tree", "devil's tree", aralia high. Contents of the article: The raw material Useful properties Treatment with folk methods, indications for use Home remedies Tincture on alcohol Water broth Contraindications for ...

  • 01-Jul-2018
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