How does pneumonia start in adults?

What are the first signs of pneumonia in an adult

Pneumonia (pneumonia) can develop in different ways, depending on many factors: the type of pathogen, the way it enters the lungs, the individual characteristics of the body.

Often a person with pneumonia does not even suspect that he has health problems and does not consult a doctor, hoping to be cured by domestic methods. As a result, health can be severely damaged. Therefore it is important to know what are the symptoms of pneumonia, especially at the very beginning of the disease, in order to start treatment as soon as possible.

Classic signs of beginning pneumonia

In most cases, the onset of pneumonia is manifested by symptoms such as coughing, runny nose, sneezing. Then there comes a rise in temperature and a breakdown - fatigue, fatigue. After a while these symptoms can be supplemented with shortness of breath, a feeling of lack of air. Often also about the beginning of pneumonia is evidence of a strong sweating, which can not be explained by objective reasons (hot weather, high physical loads, etc.). At such signs it is necessary to address to the doctor and pass or take place inspection which includes a roentgen of lungs, and in different projections.

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Symptoms of developing pneumonia

However, pneumonia may be accompanied by other symptoms. For example, it often develops as a complication against the background of influenza. Then her symptoms are: pain ("aches") in the joints and muscles, headache, severe weakness in the body. Runny nose and sneezing, as a rule, no. Cough causes pain in the chest, often with sputum. With such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor and do not refuse hospitalization if it is offered.

If the pathogen causing pneumonia is bacteria of the genus "legionella the initial symptoms are: lethargy, weakness, sore throat. Often the onset of the disease is accompanied by severe diarrhea.

With pneumonia caused by a particular kind of microorganisms - mycoplasmas, the first signs of the disease are: general weakness (albeit in most cases, insignificant), headache, perspiration in the throat, as well as a prolonged cough - at first dry, and then with a retreat phlegm. There is swelling of the nasopharynx, bronchitis can develop. Body temperature is increased slightly. But on the 5th-7th day of the disease, it can reach 39-40oC. To knock down a heat of a body in house conditions at times it is very complex or difficult.

In any case, to put the correct diagnosis and prescribe the treatment can only the doctor. Therefore, it is better not to risk and seek medical advice.

The first signs of pneumonia in children and adults

Pneumonia is a disease that has an infectious origin and is characterized by inflammation of the lung tissue in the event of provoking physical or chemical factors such as:

  • Complications after viral diseases (influenza, ARVI), atypical bacteria (chlamydia, mycoplasma, legionella)
  • Effects on the respiratory system of various chemical agents - poisonous fumes and gases (see. chlorine in household chemicals is hazardous to health)
  • Radioactive radiation, to which infection is attached
  • Allergic processes in the lungs - allergic cough, COPD, bronchial asthma
  • Thermal factors - hypothermia or burns of the respiratory tract
  • Inhalation of liquids, food or foreign bodies can cause aspiration pneumonia.

The cause of the development of pneumonia is the emergence of favorable conditions for the multiplication of various pathogenic bacteria in the lower respiratory tract. The original causative agent of pneumonia is the aspergillus mushroom, which was the culprit of the sudden and mysterious deaths of researchers of the Egyptian pyramids. Owners of domestic birds or lovers of urban pigeons can get chlamydial pneumonia.

For today, all pneumonia is divided into:

  • out-of-hospital, arising under the influence of various infectious and non-infectious agents outside the walls of hospitals
  • hospital, which cause hospital-acquired microbes, often very resistant to traditional antibiotic treatment.

The frequency of detection of various infectious agents in community-acquired pneumonia is presented in the table.

Causative agent Average% detection
Streptococcus is the most frequent pathogen. Pneumonia caused by this pathogen is the leader in the frequency of death from pneumonia. 3, %
Mycoplasma - affects most children, young people. 1, %
Chlamydia - chlamydial pneumonia is typical for people of young and middle age. 1, %
Legionellae - a rare pathogen, affects weakened people and is the leader after streptococcus by frequency of deaths (infection in rooms with artificial ventilation - shopping centers, airports) , %
Hemophilus rod - causes pneumonia in patients with chronic bronchial and lung diseases, as well as in smokers. , %
Enterobacteria are rare pathogens, affecting mainly patients with renal / hepatic, cardiac insufficiency, diabetes mellitus. , %
Staphylococcus is a frequent pathogen of pneumonia in the elderly population, and complications in patients after the flu. , %
Other pathogens , %
The causative agent is not installed 3, %

When the diagnosis is confirmed, depending on the type of pathogen, the patient's age, the presence of concomitant diseases, a corresponding therapy, in severe cases, treatment should be performed in a hospital setting, with mild forms of inflammation, hospitalization of the patient is not is required.

Characteristic first signs of pneumonia, the vastness of the inflammatory process, acute development and danger of serious complications in untimely treatment - are the main reasons for the urgent circulation of the population for medical help. At present, a sufficiently high level of medical development, improved diagnostic methods, and a huge the list of antibacterials of a wide spectrum of action has considerably lowered a death rate from an inflammation of lungs (cm. antibiotics for bronchitis).

Typical first signs of pneumonia in adults

The main symptom of the development of pneumonia is a cough, usually it is first dry, obtrusive and persistent. protivokashlevye, expectorants with a dry cough), but in rare cases cough at the beginning of the disease can be rare and not strong. Then, as the inflammation develops, the cough becomes pneumatic with pneumonia, with a discharge of mucopurulent sputum (yellow-green color).

Any catarrhal virus disease should not last more than 7 days, and a sharp deterioration of the condition later 4-7 days after the onset of an acute respiratory viral infection or influenza indicates the onset of an inflammatory process in the lower respiratory ways.

Body temperature can be very high up to 39-40C, and can remain subfebrile 3, -3, C (with atypical pneumonia). Therefore, even with a low body temperature, coughing, weakness and other signs of malaise, you should definitely consult a doctor. Caution should be a repeated temperature jump after a light gap during the course of a viral infection.

If the patient has a very high temperature, one of the signs of inflammation in the lungs is the inefficiency of antipyretic drugs.

Pain with deep breath and cough. The lung itself does not hurt, as it is devoid of pain receptors, but involvement in the pleura process gives a pronounced pain syndrome.

In addition to cold symptoms, the patient has dyspnea and pale skin.
General weakness, increased sweating, chills, decreased appetite are also characteristic for intoxication and the onset of the inflammatory process in the lungs.

If such symptoms appear either in the midst of a cold, or a few days after the improvement, these may be the first signs of pneumonia. The patient should immediately consult a doctor to undergo a complete examination:

  • To pass blood tests - general and biochemical
  • To make a roentgenography of a thorax, if necessary and a computer tomography
  • Sputum for culture and sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics
  • Sputum for culture and microscopic determination of mycobacterium tuberculosis

The main first signs of pneumonia in children

Symptoms of pneumonia in children have several characteristics. Attentive parents may suspect the development of pneumonia with the following discomforts in the child:

  • Temperature

Body temperature above 38C, lasting for more than three days, not knocked down by antipyretics, there may also be a high temperature of up to 3, especially in young children. At the same time, all signs of intoxication are manifested - weakness, increased sweating, lack of appetite. Small children (as well as elderly people), can not give high temperature fluctuations with pneumonia. This is due to imperfect thermoregulation and immaturity of the immune system.

  • Breath

There is frequent shortness of breath: in children up to 2 months of age, 60 breaths per minute, up to 1 year, 50 breaths, after a year, 40 breaths per minute. Often the child spontaneously tries to lie down on one side. Parents may notice another sign of pneumonia in the child, if you undress the baby, then when breathing from the patient lung can be noticed the retraction of the skin in between the ribs and the lag in the process of breathing one side of the chest. There may be irregular breathing rhythm, with periodic stops of breathing, changes in the depth and frequency of breathing. In infants, shortness of breath is characterized by the fact that the child begins to nod his head in time with the breath, the baby can stretch his lips and inflate his cheeks, foamy discharge from the nose and mouth can appear.

  • Atypical pneumonia

Inflammation of the lungs caused by mycoplasma and chlamydia differ in that first the disease passes like a cold, there is a dry cough, runny nose, swelling in the throat, but the presence of dyspnea and a stably high temperature should alert parents to the development pneumonia.

  • Character of cough

Because of the perspiration in the throat, only coughing can appear first, then the cough becomes dry and painful, which is amplified by crying, feeding the baby. Later, the cough becomes wet.

  • Behavior of the child

Children with pneumonia become capricious, whiny, sluggish, they are disturbed by sleep, sometimes can completely refuse to eat, and also to appear diarrhea and vomiting, in babies - regurgitation and rejection of breasts.

  • Blood test

In the general analysis of blood, changes are detected that indicate an acute inflammatory process - increased ESR, leukocytosis, neutrophilia. Shift of the leukoformula to the left with increasing stab and segmented leukocytes. In viral pneumonia, along with high ESR, there is an increase in leukocytes due to lymphocytes.

With timely access to a doctor, adequate therapy and proper care for a sick child or adult, pneumonia does not lead to serious complications. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of pneumonia, the patient should be given medical care as soon as possible.

Symptoms of pneumonia in an adult

Pneumonia (pneumonia) is a very serious disease, ignoring its signs in any case impossible, because the consequences can be unpredictable. Doctors still can not accurately answer the question of why infection in some people stops in the upper respiratory tract, while in others it moves deeper and attacks the lungs. But one expert can state with full confidence - pneumonia develops only when the immunity is already weakened by some other disease.

Symptoms of pneumonia in an adult appear somewhat differently than in a child. In general, they depend on the severity of the disease and on the type of infectious agent that caused them.

Causes and Symptoms of Pneumonia

In an adult, pneumococcus is the most common disease. Having penetrated into the bronchi and the alveoli, they generate an inflammatory process there. When the fluid component enters the alveoli from the walls of the vessels, the respiratory difficulty appears in the diseased person. Against this background, the body develops oxygen starvation, because the affected part of the lung becomes dysfunctional. To strengthen the influx to the tissues of the blood, the heart begins to actively contract. All these processes lead to the appearance of the first symptoms of pneumonia in an adult: a sharp rise in temperature, chest pain, a cough with a separation of reddish sputum.

In the case when the inflammatory process is caused by other infectious agents: mycoplasma, legionella, chlamydia - the symptomatology will be similar, but this inflammation proceeds somewhat easier. So, the symptoms of pneumonia in an adult in the case when it is stimulated by mycoplasmas, will manifest chills, sore throat, runny nose (optional), fever, dyspnea, resulting in pain in breasts. If the development of the disease occurred as a result of the effects of chlamydia, the first signs of a disease will be similar to those that occur with colds: dry cough, sore throat, runny nose, temperature increase. If the pathogen is Legionella, the symptoms, other than those listed above, will be supplemented by loss of appetite, diarrhea.

Common Symptoms of Pneumonia

Regardless of the type of pathogen, the first signs of the disease are most often the same. This is an obsessive dry cough, over time moisturizing, an increase in temperature (it can vary between 37-40 degrees). In severe pneumonia, the skin becomes a pronounced bluish tinge, breathing becomes quicker.

Such symptoms are completely nonspecific, so even doctors sometimes confuse the disease with ARVI. And only when the temperature reaches high values, dyspnea appears, leukocytosis is noted, pneumonia is diagnosed. To confirm suspicions, carry out radiography.

How to treat pneumonia in adults

Ill be hospitalized. He is assigned bed rest, frequent intake of warm liquids, high-calorie meals. The main method of treatment - antibacterial therapy (the drug is selected for each patient individually, depending on many features). If necessary, it can be supplemented by the use of immunostimulants, expectorants, antihistamines, etc. In the case of delayed treatment, complications of pneumonia in adults can lead to death.

Tell please how does pneumonia begin?


Irina Ruderfer

Inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia) is one of the most common human diseases. You should know some signs that allow you to suspect the development of pneumonia.
1. Cough became the main symptom of the disease.
2. Deterioration after improvement or any "catarrhal disease" lasting more than 7 days.
3. It is impossible to take a deep breath - such an attempt leads to a fit of coughing.
4. The expressed pallor of a skin on a background of other signs ORVI (temperature, a rhinitis, tussis).
5. Shortness of breath at a low body temperature.
6. At high temperature, paracetamol (panadol, epheralgan, tylenol) does not help at all.
I want to emphasize that the knowledge of the 6 mentioned characteristics is not necessary in order to make a diagnosis, but in order not to be drawn with seeking medical help.

"Typical" pneumonia is characterized by a sharp rise in temperature, a cough with profuse discharge of purulent sputum and in some cases pleural pain. In the study: shortening of percussion sound, hard breathing, bronchophonia, intensified vocal tremor, first dry, and then wet, crepitating rales, darkening on the roentgenogram. Such pneumonia is caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae.

"Atypical" pneumonia is characterized by a gradual onset, a dry, unproductive cough, a predominance in the clinical picture secondary symptoms - headache, myalgia, pain and sore throat, weakness and malaise with minimal changes to the roentgenogram. This type of pneumonia is caused as a rule by Mycoplasma pneumoniae (mycoplasmal pneumonia), Legionella pneumophila (legionella pneumonia), Chlamydia pneumoniae (chlamydial pneumonia), Pneumocystis carinii (pneumocystis pneumonia) (Pneumocystis jiroveci).

Aspiration pneumonia - develops after inhaling into the lungs of foreign matter (vomit during surgery, loss of consciousness, trauma, neonatal aspiration of the amniotic fluid during labor), with microbes that cause pneumonia to enter the lungs as part of this foreign masses. Aspiration pneumonia develops as a type of focal pneumonia.

Croupous pneumonia
In view of the developmental features of croupous pneumonia, it is quite appropriate to consider it as a more or less peculiar form of pneumonia. The causative agent of croupous pneumonia (pleuropneumonia) is pneumococcus. Pneumonia caused by this microbe, differs in its scale and severity of the flow. The onset of croupous pneumonia is acute. The body temperature rises to 39-40 ° C. Dyspnea is seen from the first days of illness. This type of pneumonia is characterized by the destruction of one lobe of the lung, the whole lung or both lungs. The greater the volume of lung damage, the harder the process. On the 3-4th day of illness there is a characteristic rusty sputum and cough. When the patient coughs, the patient complains of severe "stitching" pain in the chest from the side of the lung that is caught by pneumonia. In focal pneumonia, chest pains, on the other hand, are very rare. The temperature, coughing and spitting in croupous pneumonia can last more than 10 days. Against the background of croupous pneumonia, abscess of the lung, cardiopulmonary insufficiency can develop. In the treatment of bronchopneumonia, antibiotics, expectorants and mucolytic agents are used.

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this can not be noticed ...

Cvetlan Petrovna

arises as an independent disease or as a complication in other diseases. The patient is not infectious - pneumonia is not transmitted from person to person, but it has an infectious nature: an important role is played by various bacteria (pneumococci, staphylococcus, streptococcus), viruses (grip, adenoviruses). Penetration through the bronchi. Factors - hypothermia, high gas content, physical and mental fatigue, transferred lung disease, malnutrition, smoking.

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