Symptoms of genyantritis in adolescents

How to identify sinusitis (signs)?


The president

Symptoms of sinusitis at the onset of the disease are very similar to those of a cold or flu. Only the doctor is able to make an accurate diagnosis after the examination and the necessary tests.

But there are a number of signs that you can determine that this is not a common cold, but something more serious.

* The main sign of sinusitis is a prolonged, more than 2-3 weeks not passing cold. Discharge from the nose during this period can be either completely transparent or cloudy, with pus. With one-sided sinusitis, the discharge can only be from one nostril, with bilateral one from both. If outflow from the sinus is difficult, excreta may be absent.
* By the evening pains in the field of a nose and paranasal sinuses accrue, then there is a headache. If the sinusitis is unilateral, then the head hurts from one side. Pain can be given to the upper teeth or eye on the side of the inflammation.
* Sometimes there is a feeling that the ears hurt and laid. The hearing deteriorates.

instagram viewer

* When pressing on the skin in the area of ​​the sinuses, there is a sharp pain.
* When the head is tilted forward, there is a sharp pain in the sinus area, the bridge of the nose.
* Nasal congestion. Usually with sinusitis completely stuffy nose, it's difficult to breathe. Sometimes the right, then the left half of the nose are alternately laid.
* When the disease is in the acute phase, the body temperature can rise to 38-39 degrees. If the process has passed to the chronic stage, the temperature may be within the normal range.
* Extremely pronounced lethargy, increased fatigue, lack of appetite, sleep disturbances.
* Partial or total loss of smell.
Harsh, nasal voice.

Some symptoms may be absent: it depends on the individual characteristics of the person and the course of the disease. But if you have at least two or three symptoms from the above, most likely, you have it is genyantritis.

When the disease has gone to a chronic stage, for a while you can feel relief. Then the symptoms return.


First, determine the properties. Properties and relationships in Logic are signs)

Maxim F



In fact, the X-ray.
Well here at me at a genyantritis there is very specific headache, localized in the field of a nose and eyes; with nothing you will not confuse.


Headache, often lays the nose and ears, temperature (not always).
The x-ray of the sinuses will show.

Elena Lebedeva

The nose, strong headache, a purulent taste in the mouth, and (sometimes yes and sometimes it does not) are tightly clogged, green festering plugs are occasionally outgoing.


febrile condition, fever, pain, or a feeling of bursting on one side of the nose or both, depending on the place the location of the inflammatory process; swelling and redness of cheekbones; headache, worse in the evening and in an inclined position forward;
discharge from the nose yellow-green, difficulty breathing and nasal congestion, lack of appetite, fatigue, nausea, bad breath


head tilted head downwards

Anahrenia Pyramidontovna

This is only a doctor otolaryngologist will determine and only with x-rays. Signs-headache and still do not remember that. I had sinusitis in childhood. I cured myself. By the system of yogis. I sucked in every morning and at night, through my nose, several times. I forgot what a genyantritis is, but I wanted to beat my poor nose! X.. in their hands! Good luck!


You do not smell, headache in the forehead, nasal congestion, although the cold is practically no temperature, etc.

Alla Mazoletskaya

Loss of smell. The blood has a pH close to, 5.

Andrey Enyutin

rzhu nimagu especially "to the doctor congress.. "pain in sinusitis is so strong that people walk on the ceiling without taking off their shoes, you can not confuse with anything.
all the descriptions given here are just a description of the snot.

All about sinusitis in children

The maxillary (maxillary) sinuses are located in the thickness of the upper jaw symmetrically on both sides. They communicate with the nasal cavity. With inflammation of their mucous membrane, sinusitis occurs. Sinusitis in children is the most frequent of sinusitis (inflammatory processes of the paranasal sinuses).

Causes of development

It is very important to find out what causes it - a violation of the communication of the maxillary sinus with the nasal cavity in inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract or dental disease.

There are the following main types of sinusitis:

  • Rinogenous. Occurs with an infection of the upper respiratory tract (ARVI, influenza, scarlet fever and others). It can be a complication of tonsillitis, hypertrophy of tonsils (adenoids). Against the background of the edema of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, the lumen of the exit aperture from the sinus narrows, outflow of mucus is difficult; conditions for the spread of existing infectious agents to its wall.
  • Hematogenic. The causative agent enters the sinus wall from the blood. This can be observed, for example, in diphtheria. In modern conditions, when this disease is rare, the prevalence of hematogenous sinusitis is low. This kind of maxillary sinusitis in theory can also arise in septic states, accompanied by a massive inflow of microbes into the blood.
  • Odontogenic. It is associated with the spread of inflammation from the teeth and gums through the lower wall of the sinus. In children is rare, it can occur with periodontitis, periostitis, osteomyelitis of the upper jaw.
  • Traumatic. This form is associated with the development of an inflammatory reaction in the form of edema, increased blood supply due to injury to the nose and upper jaw. At the same time, an infection can easily fall on the inflamed, friable sinus wall.
  • Allergic. This type of sinusitis occurs in children with increased sensitivity to allergens contained in the inspired air, for example, pollen, animal hair, house dust, mold fungi.
  • Vasomotor. It is associated with a violation of the tone of the walls of blood vessels in the sinus wall. When they expand, swelling occurs, the lumen of the outlet opening overlaps. It often occurs in adolescents, because at this age there is an uneven development of different parts of the vegetative the nervous system, including the vasomotor centers, with the formation of the so-called neurocirculatory dystonia.

Factors predisposing to the development of the disease

Sinusitis in children is more common in autumn and winter, which is associated with the seasonal incidence of ARVI and other infectious diseases.

For the onset of this disease, there must be anatomical prerequisites. It develops in violation of the structure of the sinus, narrowing the way out of it, deformation of the nasal septum, an increase in the tonsils.

In children under 3 years, the maxillary sinuses are only formed, the exit apertures are wide. Therefore, there are no conditions for the formation and stagnation of pathological contents in them. Children under 3 years practically do not get sick with sinusitis.

The mechanism of development

Under the influence of the infectious factor in the sinus wall there is inflammation. This is the recipient's defense response to infection. Increases the flow of blood to the affected area and the release of biologically active substances. There is swelling and redness of the mucous membrane of the sinus wall. The ophthalmic mucous membrane blocks the exit from the sinus into the nasal cavity, preventing its normal purification.

When the immune capture and destruction of leukocytes infectious agents, they die with the formation of a large number of residues. Miscible with mucus in the bosom, they form pus.

Inflammation causes a general intoxication of the body with the development of fever, malaise.

In children the acute course of maxillary sinusitis is more common, mainly bilateral.

With a long course of inflammation, its intensity gradually decreases. The organism ceases to protect itself from infection, and the inflammatory process passes into a chronic form with the formation of a constant purulent focus in the maxillary sinus.


Symptoms of sinusitis in children are quite specific. Usually, one can suspect such a diagnosis without difficulty.

Signs of acute genyantritis

  • Fever. A rise in body temperature is possible up to 38 ° C and even higher. It is accompanied by a decrease in the activity of the child, malaise, sweating. The child is capricious, does not eat well. Characteristic signs of sinusitis in children - an increase in body temperature and the development of intoxication 3 to 5 days after the onset of acute respiratory viral infection.
  • Pain in the face that spreads into the teeth, tenderness when pressing in the projection of the maxillary sinus (above the wings of the nose under the eye socket). The pain is bursting, can "give" not only to the jaw, but also to the forehead, the temple, the base of the nose. It increases during the day due to accumulation in the sinuses of the contents, as well as when turning the head, sneezing, tilting. After blowing the pain usually does not change the intensity. In the horizontal position and in the morning the pain is reduced. Pain when pressing in the middle of the upper jaw and in the inner corner of the eye is characteristic for sinusitis in children. There may be soreness when chewing.
  • Purulent discharge on the back wall of the pharynx.
  • Nasal congestion and runny nose. With a cold, there may be light or purulent discharge. The sense of smell worsens, the voice changes (the child says "in the nose").
  • Nasal bleeding.

Symptoms of chronic sinusitis

  • Malaise. The child is listless, does not eat well. At the same time, body temperature can be normal or slightly elevated (up to 3, ˚). Such signs are characteristic for many chronic inflammatory processes.
  • Cough. It arises at night due to the irritation of the pharynx by the draining purulent contents. Such a cough is reflex (protective) and therefore does not give in to conventional treatment.
  • Dull, diffuse pain in the face, spreading in the teeth, headache, sore throat when swallowing.
  • Purulent discharge on the back of the throat, bad breath.
  • Nasal obstruction, a persistent runny nose.


Complications of sinusitis are associated with the spread of the infectious process to neighboring organs or with the infection of the causative agent in the blood. If the infection penetrates into the cavity of the skull, it is possible to develop inflammation of the membranes of the brain (meningitis, meningoencephalitis), the formation of purulent foci (abscesses) in the brain.

When the infection spreads to the surrounding anatomical formation, there may be edema of the fatty tissue of the eye, occlusion of the orbital veins. Sinusitis can be complicated by otitis, periostitis of the upper jaw.

When microorganisms get into the blood they are carried throughout the body, forming inflammatory foci in different organs. So can develop arthritis, pneumonia. Such complications are rare, with severe purulent sinusitis.


To confirm the diagnosis, the x-ray of the maxillary sinus is assigned. In this case, the presence of blackouts in the image does not yet mean a diagnosis of "sinusitis because they can be observed in other diseases. Puncture in children is not recommended due to the danger of complications, as well as the need for anesthesia in such a procedure.

The so-called diaphanoscopy is carried out, that is, the transmission of thin bone formations of the upper jaw to reveal fluid in the sinus.

Sometimes used ultrasound and tomographic examination of the maxillary sinus.

Principles of treatment of sinusitis in children

The doctor should decide how to treat a sinusitis in a child. Treatment of sinusitis in children is based on general principles:

  • treatment of dental diseases;
  • elimination of predisposing factors;
  • reduction of mucosal edema;
  • antibiotic therapy;
  • drainage and lavage of the sinus.


1. Analgesics, antipyretic, antihistamines to relieve the symptoms of inflammation.

2. Antimicrobial agents for suppressing the growth and reproduction of microbes. Typically, penicillin-type drugs are used, including protected penicillins (amoxicillin / clavulanate), macrolides, cephalosporins, and doxycycline. Often used antibiotics of local action in the form of sprays.

3. Remedies for the common cold help to remove swelling of the mucous membrane, help to clear the sinuses from mucus, facilitate breathing.

4. Inhalations. For inhalations a small vessel (a pot, a pan) and a sheet of thick paper or paperboard, folded with a cone, are necessary; You can also use a paper bag with a cut-out bottom. In a vessel pour, l of boiling water, add a solution for inhalation and naryvayut paper cone. Steam is inhaled through the nose and exhaled through the mouth. Inhalation is carried out for 5 to 10 minutes 3 times a day, including once before bedtime. After inhalation, blow your nose.

Treatment of maxillary sinusitis in children with folk remedies is carried out mainly with the help of inhalations. For this, infusions of chamomile, sage, calendula and other medicinal plants with antiseptic effect, as well as eucalyptus, menthol oil, propolis are used.

6. Physiotherapy and sinus lavage. Washing of the maxillary sinuses is one of the most effective methods for treating sinusitis in children. It is performed with the help of two catheters inserted into the nasal passages. One treatment catheter receives a therapeutic solution, and the other draws off fluid. The child with this procedure should repeat "ku-ku so that the solution does not get into the larynx. Hence the everyday name of the method - "cuckoo".

Flushing can be performed using a special sinus catheter.

At stihanii acute inflammatory phenomena are appointed fizioprotsedury - ultrasound, UFO, UHF on the nose and sinuses.

7. Use breathing exercises in the form of breathing through one nostril 10 times, then through the other also 10 times. Such exercises can be done repeatedly throughout the day. You can carry out a point massage of the points corresponding to the projections of the sinuses (above the eyebrow, between the eyebrows, nose bridge, middle point of the lower edge of the orbit). These points are massaged with a finger for 30 seconds.

Treatment of acute maxillary sinusitis is usually carried out within 7 to 10 days. With an exacerbation of chronic maxillary sinusitis, the treatment time is up to 3 weeks.


Prevention of maxillary sinusitis in children consists of general restorative measures and measures aimed at the local causes of this disease.

It is necessary to properly temper the child, strengthen its immunity, timely and fully treat colds. It is necessary to remove foci of a chronic infection, such as carious teeth.

It is necessary to timely adjust the curvature of the nasal septum, treat adenoids, rhinitis, otitis. It is recommended that children should breathe through their nostrils.

Specificity of treatment of sinusitis in children

Sinusitis is a rather unpleasant and quite dangerous disease, which, unfortunately, often affects small children. He gives them a lot of discomfort, not only hindering breathing, but also causing pain in the nasal cavity, headaches, elevated body temperature. Treatment of maxillary sinusitis in children depends primarily on the severity of the disease.

Treatment of the disease should be of a complex nature, of course, without drugs and modern drugs, at present, just can not do. But we should not exclude the people's methods of treatment, because there are many recipes that help you learn how to treat sinusitis in children.Of course, now there is no need strictly to follow only the traditional methods of treatment, but a competent symbiosis of traditional and traditional medicine can be of use in the treatment of children.

What medicines to choose?

Washing of the nose with a catheter "Yamik"

Usually parents, not to mention children, are very timid about procedures for washing the nose in a hospital when using the Cuckoo method or the Yamik catheter. This is a rather unpleasant procedure, but, nevertheless, sometimes it becomes necessary to conduct it. In more severe forms of sinusitis, when it is required to remove pus from the nasal cavity, a puncture of the maxillary sinuses is performed. Through the lateral surface of the nasal cavity, pus is removed, making a preliminary puncture, and then washed with various disinfectant solutions. With the help of special tools, pus is removed in various ways. Also the physician has regular physiotherapy sessions.

At home, doctors, otolaryngologists recommend the use of drops and sprays from sinusitis. Vasoconstrictor drops are needed in order to remove the swelling of the mucosa of the maxillary sinuses. Among the known drops are Nazivin, Naftizin, Galazolin and many others.

Supplement to vasoconstrictive drops can be oil droplets from sinusitis. They contain natural ingredients, namely extracts of medicinal herbs and very well help with dryness in the nose.

Allergic sinusitis, when the cause of sinusitis is an allergen, suggest the use of antihistamines. Rinsing the nose is also very useful, and most importantly, a simple and harmless procedure.The best way to wash your nose is to use sea water. It cleans the nasal cavity of mucus, after which various drops and sprays are more effective. Instead of sea water, you can use ordinary salted water.

If the disease does not recede after 7 days of treatment, then prescribe antibiotics. It can be antibiotics in the form of a spray, in the form of tablets for oral administration, or for intramuscular and intravenous administration. Reception of antibiotics can be prescribed only by a doctor, based on the analysis and the individual state of the child.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of disease

Treatment of sinusitis in children is more effective if you use effective folk remedies.If there are doubts about the benefits of this or that folk remedy, it is better to consult a doctor. In any case, it is important to try to choose only natural substances, so as not to harm the child.You can use these methods:

  1. Washing.The very first thing that can help a child with genyantritis at home is regular flushing of the spout. The simplest way to use sea water, but the methods of washing are much more. Herbal decoctions for washing the nasal cavity can be prepared from various medicinal herbs: chamomile, eucalyptus, mint, calendula and some others. To prepare a decoction it takes 1 tablespoon. any grass or a mixture of herbs pour a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil. After this, drain the broth and add to it as much boiled water, so that the volume is up to 1 liter. The procedure is carried out by introducing a decoction into one nostril and removing it from the other by using a syringe.
  2. Inhalations.If you are looking for a way to cure sinusitis in a child with folk remedies, then know that inhalations are not a method of treatment, they will only help to relieve some of the symptoms. Inhalation should be done on the basis of herbs that have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects: chamomile, St. John's wort, sage, eucalyptus. In 250 ml of water, brew 1 tbsp spoon of grass or a mixture of several herbs. You can add propolis tincture or eucalyptus essential oil. This will enhance the antimicrobial effect of inhalation. Allow the child to breathe over the herbs for about 10 minutes, covering it with a towel. Breathe necessarily through the nose.
  3. Folk drops in the nose.Drops in the nose, prepared from natural products and medicinal herbs and plants have a beneficial effect on the mucosa. Such effective recipes are known:
  • Useful for genyantritis natural juices of carrots and beets. Squeeze the juice of one of these vegetables and bury it in your nose 2-3 times a day. It is very important to use only fresh juice.
  • Green tea is used not only as a drop, but also for washing. If 1 tablespoon. green tea to brew for 1 cup of boiling water, and then strain it, then you can do a lavage. The same infusion is useful to drip in the nose at night 3-4 drops.
  • You can make a drop of cyclamen. To do this, squeeze the juice from the roots of the cyclamen, dilute it with vegetable oil 1: 1, drip 3 drops several times a day. This remedy causes a strong burning sensation in the nose, but after suffering, you can see a positive result.
  • At treatment of children from 5 years the honey has well proved. It is necessary to prepare an ointment from honey and Vaseline, taken in equal proportions, twist the flagellum from cotton wool and insert into the nasal passages for 30 minutes. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.
  • You can accelerate the healing process, using drops made from aloe and honey juice - 1: 1. Drip 3 drops three times a day.
  1. Warming up. As such popular method of treatment as warming up at a genyantritis use boiled eggs. They are applied from different sides to the nose until the eggs cool down. Warming up is possible only at the initial stages of the disease.If there already appeared pus in the sinuses and a strong edema - then use this method is contraindicated, because it can lead to an exacerbation of the disease.
  2. Ointments.The most harmless, available and easy to use remedy is propolis ointment. It has a powerful antibacterial effect. It is useful to apply propolis ointment as follows: cotton swabs lubricated with ointment propolis for 5 minutes inserted into the nasal passages.

For the entire period of the disease, parents should ensure that the child has the condition that he rested, took food rich in vitamins, and necessarily drank lots of liquids - mineral water, mors, tea. It is impossible, of course, not to note that the prevention of maxillary sinusitis in children should be carried out constantly. To do this, it is necessary to strengthen the immunity of children, starting from the earliest age.

How to recognize sinusitis?

Sinusitis - inflammation of the maxillary sinuses located on both sides of the nose and communicating with it with the help of special apertures. This disease occurs very often, especially in children and adolescents, who constantly "squish their noses".

Acute or chronic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses is quite a dangerous disease, unlike simple rhinitis, when only the mucous membrane suffers shell in the nose, with genyantritis inflammation spreads throughout the body and even affects the brain, provoking the development of various complications.

Symptoms of sinusitis can not attract the attention of the patient or parents, if it is a small child, but if there are characteristic signs of the disease, you need to contact the ENT doctor as soon as possible and begin treatment.

The sooner adequate treatment is started, the faster and more efficient the result will be. Do not self-medicate with this disease, most likely you will only worsen the condition. Removing the symptoms you will not remove the cause and the acute disease can go into a chronic form.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of sinusitis can be very different from the usual signs of inflammation of the nasal mucosa. As a result of hypothermia or viral infection, the pathogens fall into the maxillary sinuses and begin to multiply there.

This provokes the development of acute purulent inflammation, and if during this period treatment has not been started, then the risk of occurrence of any complication or transition to the chronic form is very great disease.

The first signs of sinusitis are similar to the usual viral disease:

  • increase in body temperature to 38-39 degrees;
  • fever and chills;
  • general malaise;
  • coughing, sneezing;
  • copious discharge from the nose.

Then, more typical symptoms of sinusitis join:

  • pain in the forehead, upper jaw, increasing when the head is tilted to a certain side;
  • nasal congestion and copious purulent discharge;
  • nasal voice;
  • headache.
Headache with sinusitis is one of the most characteristic symptoms of an acute process, it arises from the accumulation of pus and mucus in the paranasal sinuses.

Patients complain of severe pressing pain in the forehead or "behind the eyes in the cheekbones, which increases with the inclination of the head and with each movement and weakens in the prone position or at night. Relief of pain is explained by a decrease in pressure due to the outflow of pus and mucus in the supine position.

The duration of the acute period of the disease is about 14 days, if the patient has a runny nose and a stuffy nose during this time or longer, he must visit a doctor to make sure that this is not a genyantritis and to avoid development complications.

The first signs of genyantritis - this is an occasion to immediately seek medical help, since the maxillary sinuses consist of very thin bones, permeated with vessels and closely communicated with the bones of the orbit and the membranes of the head the brain. Therefore, inflammation can go to the mucous membrane of the eyes or infect the brain's membranes, causing meningitis.

If the patient has increased headache, there was nausea, vomiting, flies flies before his eyes, the general condition has worsened or the temperature has increased to 39-40 degrees, quite it is likely that the complication of sinusitis has developed and he immediately needs medical attention, since meningitis is considered one of the most dangerous diseases for the central nervous system.

Symptoms of a chronic disease

Symptoms of chronic sinusitis are very different from manifestations of acute process, they are less pronounced, not so strongly interfere with the patient's normal life and often for this reason, chronic inflammation remains untreated.

Chronic sinusitis develops as a result of untreated or incorrect and insufficient treatment of acute. If the acute illness is stopped immediately, after the disappearance of the main symptoms and signs, the bacteria and viruses left in the sinuses may not give themselves for a long time to know, but with a decrease in immunity due to hypothermia, stress, viral infection, or any other reason, the "sleeping" inflammation is again activated and signs appear sinusitis:

  • persistent, not amenable to treatment by conventional methods, runny nose;
  • dry cough, increasing at night and also not disappearing after the use of conventional antitussive drugs. It occurs due to the flow of the contents of the nasal sinuses into the larynx and trachea and irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Very often it is a persistent dry cough that does not pass for several months, becomes the first symptom of the illness, because of which the patient consults a doctor;
  • various inflammatory diseases of the eye - conjunctivitis, keratitis and others;
  • headache with chronic sinusitis also remains one of the characteristic symptoms, it is less intensive, but it constantly torments the patient, increasing with movement, especially when the head is tilted forward and sideways. Patients complain of heaviness in the head, pain can also irradiate to different points of the skull or be localized in the eye sockets, behind the eyes or in the upper jaw.

Chronic sinusitis is a source of constant inflammation and infection in the body, it provokes frequent exacerbation of sore throat, pharyngitis, pulpitis or internal diseases: pyelonephritis, arthritis, myocarditis and others. In addition, very often complications develop: from otitis to meningitis, so this is not dangerous, at first glance, the disease needs mandatory intensive treatment.

Chronic sinusitis can be complicated by the development of an abscess (a cavity filled with pus, inside the paranasal sinus). In this case, the patient's body temperature rises sharply, to 40-41 degrees, other symptoms of intoxication appear - headache, aches in the whole body, general malaise. Then there is a sharp pain in the affected sinus, which irradiates into the head and lower jaw. With the development of an abscess, the patient usually needs surgical help.

Another frequent complication is the neuritis of the trigeminal nerve passing in the immediate vicinity of the maxillary sinus. In this case, the patient has a strong sharp pain, spreading on one side of the face, upper and lower jaw. With neuritis, patients complain: the skin is so sore that it is impossible to touch it.

Another frequent complication of sinusitis is chronic otitis media. In this case, the patient is gradually decreasing hearing, often without pain or secretions of purulent secretions.

Treat a genyantritis should be a qualified specialist - ENT - a doctor, be sure to follow all the advice and recommendations, as self-medication or treatment with using folk methods can help get rid of the symptoms, but not cure completely the inflammation in the sinus and the acute infection will pass into its chronic stage.

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