Whether the pneumonia is transmitted

How is pneumonia transmitted?

Pneumonia is a type of acute respiratory infection that damages the lungs. The disease is the main cause of death of children under 5 years. The disease is caused by various bacterial, viral, fungal microorganisms and can be transmitted by airborne droplets.


  1. Most often, pneumonia is transmitted from an already infected person. It is sufficient for the recipient to inhale air particles in which pathogenic microorganisms are present in order to get an infection. Nevertheless, when transmitting bacteria and viruses in this way, the uppermost respiratory organs (cold or flu), rather than the lungs, are most likely to be affected. Subsequently, pneumonia can already occur as a complication of the disease. Infection is caused by streptococci (Streptococcus pneumoniae) and Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b).
  2. The disease is often the result of viral damage, such as measles or chicken pox. The probability of infection depends on the ability of the body's immune system to resist the pathogenic environment that forms in the human lungs. Smoking, alcoholism and polluted air often provoke the development of pneumonia. Diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, HIV (AIDS) are also risk factors.
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  3. The period during which the disease can be called contagious depends on the pathogen. In some viruses, the ability to spread by airborne droplets appears 2-3 days before the onset of human manifestation of any symptoms and persists until complete cure. Theoretically, pneumonia is contagious within 2-3 weeks, however the highest probability get an infection from its carrier observed at the peak of the illness, which usually lasts 2-4 day. The incubation period is from 2 to 10 days. Its duration depends on the age, health and aggressiveness of the virus or bacteria.
  4. Prevent infection by observing the basic rules of hygiene. For example, you should regularly wash your hands. Do not touch various objects to the nose, mouth and eyes. It is necessary to temporarily limit the number of contacts with sick people who are carriers of the disease. Do not use dishes, cutlery and toothbrushes of an infected person. Proper nutrition will improve the defenses of the body.
  5. Treatment of pneumonia is carried out with the help of antibiotics. In most cases, the use of antibacterial agents, produced in the form of tablets, is acceptable. Hospitalization is permissible in cases of severe illness or in all cases of illness in children who were born less than 2 months ago. In case of viral infection, it is possible to administer specialized antiviral drugs.


Can pneumonia be transmitted from person to person?

The cause of inflammation of the lungs in adults and children are bacteria and viruses. How do they penetrate the body?

The upper respiratory tract of man is inhabited not only by "good" microorganisms. Among them there are so-called conditionally pathogenic microbes. These are bacteria that normally do not cause any diseases. But if the general or local immunity is weakened, how they are immediately introduced, multiply, and cause the disease.

Can pneumonia be infected with contact, food, water or sexually transmitted infections? No, this development is impossible. Inflammation of the lungs can be obtained only through the airborne path.

Community-acquired pneumonia can occur due to the following factors:

  • getting fluid from the oropharynx into the lower respiratory tract;
  • inhalation of an aerosol containing microbes;
  • spread of pathogens by blood from extrapulmonary foci;
  • infection from neighboring affected organs.

In persons with good immunity, the main way to get sick is aspiration of fluid from the pharynx.

Since pneumonia is a consequence of some cold respiratory disease or other infectious process outside the lungs, it can not be infected by airborne droplets.

That's why inflammation of the lungs is not dangerous for others. Infection can only be a disease that led to pneumonia. However, the causative agent of infection in these diseases is not always the same. For example, pneumonia can develop after a viral cold. But the cause of the disease will be not viruses, but a secondary bacterial infection from the oropharynx.

Now we are talking about viral pneumonia. As a rule, the virus that caused the primary disease causes inflammation of the lungs. For example, the influenza virus, especially swine flu, can lead to severe viral pneumonia within 1-2 days. But in this case it is not transmitted from person to person. The patient is contagious to others only in terms of primary disease, and not complications. However, everything depends on the immunity of the person in contact. If it is sufficient, then you can not get sick at all. If not, then the flu can develop. But the development of pneumonia as complications is not necessary. Then how fate will dispose of.

The only form of contagious pneumonia is mycoplasmal pneumonia. It can be transmitted by airborne to the following groups of people:

  • children;
  • aged people;
  • people with weakened immunity;
  • people with chronic pulmonary or cardiovascular diseases.

Can children become infected with pneumonia? Again, let's return to the fact that you can catch any kind of bacteria that cause pneumonia. But it does not necessarily occur pneumonia. In the first place may develop ARI. A complication develops against a cold or not, depends on the immunity of the child.That is, the child does not have the opportunity to get infected from others by pneumonia.

The organism of children is especially susceptible to viral pneumonia. If the virus caused pneumonia in a child with good immunity, then this infection is quite dangerous, since it can cause respiratory illness in other children.

Another common cause of pneumonia in children is aspiration of a foreign body. This is especially true for toddlers. Small parts of toys, berry seeds, seeds, etc. can get into the respiratory tract and as a result of prolonged exposure cause pneumonia. Sometimes it is possible to detect the presence of a foreign body in the bronchi of a child only after several relapses of pneumonia. Foreign objects in the airways are not always visible on the roentgenogram, and they often find them only with bronchoscopy.

So, transmission of pneumonia by airborne droplets is not possible. The causative agent, of course, can be transmitted from person to person, but that it will cause inflammation of the lungs is not necessary. The same rule applies to children.

Mycoplasmal pneumonia is an exception. They can infect people with weakened immunity, as well as children and the elderly.


Inflammation of the lungs is contagious: the causes of the disease

This issue has worried everyone for a long time. Even the most experienced doctors can not give an unambiguous answer to the question: pneumonia - is it contagious? Maybe this article will help you figure it out?

Why there is pneumonia

Inflammation of the lungs involves an inflammatory process of the lung tissue.

Inflammatory pathogens:

1. chlamydia;

2. viruses (staphylococcus, pneumococcus, streptococcus);

3. mycoplasma;

4. pathogenic fungi;

5. bacteria.

Inflammation of the lungs - is it contagious?

In medical institutions (polyclinic, hospital, hospital) you can get pneumonia (hospital, hospital or nosocomial pneumonia). Such infection is unsafe for human health. Often, pneumonia occurs due to antibiotic resistant microbes: hemophilic rod, staphylococcus, streptococcus, pneumococcus, gram-negative bacilli, pneumohydamidosis. From a patient with pneumonia to a healthy person can be transmitted as a result of a close conversation, if the patient sneezes, coughs.

Inflammation of the lungs - causes of the disease

Causes of pneumonia can be:

1. severe hypothermia;

2. complications due to a viral infection: influenza, SARS;

3. weakening of human immunity;

4. stressful situations;

4. heavy physical activity;

5. overwork;

6. polluted air and others.

Danger of contracting pneumonia

Especially dangerous are purulent infections that are entered during the operation or postoperative period, which are almost impossible to cure. Community-acquired (home, outpatient) pneumonia, with all personal hygiene rules and with strong immunity, are very rare factors for infection. The main causative agent of such pneumonia can be pneumococcus and even less often - a stick of flu. This disease is easily treatable, except for single cases. Congenital pneumonia occurs as a result of intrauterine or hospital infection with staphylococcus, E. coli, herpes virus, streptococcus. Newborns can easily be infected with pneumonia. We can sum up and say that pneumonia itself is not contagious, but its pathogens may well infect a healthy person.

To prevent infection with lung disease, be careful with people who sneeze, cough. Try at the time of their sneezing or coughing to turn your head or close your mouth, so that the infection does not hit you through the airways to the lungs. Bacteria and viruses can be transmitted by contact. After shaking hands with patient pneumonia, always disinfect hands. According to some studies, pneumonia is contagious, so try to keep hygiene at work and at home.


Can I get infected from a patient with pneumonia?

Thinking about the question whether pneumonia is contagious or not, we must precisely determine what is included in the concept of "infectiousness". The disease is contagious if it is capable of being transmitted from a sick person to a healthy one by any means and causing the same pathology and clinical symptoms.

Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lung tissue. Doctors know more than 30 of its varieties. It can be caused as infectious agents, and toxic substances, pesticides from the external environment.

Where do infectious germs come from?

Most people get contagious microbes from the external environment: from the air when breathing, through contaminated foods, unwashed hands. And in the natural environment microorganisms are allocated by sick people and animals.

It is not a fact that when a healthy person enters the nasopharynx, a disease develops. A strong organism will not allow pathology. Immune cells are always ready to repel an "attack" of uninvited aliens. But with a decrease in protection, which is caused by unfavorable conditions, stress, physical exertion, other diseases, the body loses protective functions and "allows" pathological micro-organisms to work at full force.

Part of the infection lives in chronic foci for a long time without showing any effect. These are maxillary sinuses, carious teeth, gall bladder, intestines. Any untreated chronic processes pose a threat to a person.

Such a serious pathology as pulmonary tuberculosis can be long hiding in the lymph nodes. When activated without appropriate treatment, causes caseous pneumonia with complete disintegration of lung tissue. Can I get pneumonia from such a patient? The risk is very high, but in fact one can only predict the incidence of tuberculosis among the contact persons. And what form of the disease will arise beforehand can not be known.

In recent years, great importance is given to the nosocomial pathway of infection. There is a high risk of infection of personnel working in pulmonology departments in purulent surgery. In this case, infectious agents are particularly strong and resistant to antibiotics, as they "grew" among them.

Employees most often fall ill with pneumonia. The medical statistics of some studies indicate that 36% of staff are ill each year.

Selectivity of lung lesions is associated with a high concentration of infection in the air and droplet transmission. Those around should wear masks and change them regularly, and inside the department a sanitization regime with disinfectants and a regular inclusion of bactericidal lamps are necessary.

What microbes most often cause pneumonia

Is pneumonia invasive or not when treated at home? For family members living together, it is important to prevent the spread of the infection. It stands out when coughing, breathing, talking with small droplets of saliva. But the facts that the contact person will get the inflammation of the lungs is not.

The most dangerous damaging factors are the following microorganisms:

  • Staphylococcus aureus,
  • influenza virus,
  • mycoplasma,
  • Klebsiella,
  • koksiella,
  • pyogenic streptococcus,
  • chlamydia,
  • pneumococci,
  • causative agent of legionellosis.

They are prone to high prevalence, are capable of damaging immune cells and are sensitive to lung tissue.

Who gets pneumonia more often

We list the contingents with a high risk of pneumonia for any infection.

  • People suffering from various chronic diseases.
  • Postponed surgical interventions.
  • Patients oncology dispensary after the course of radiation therapy.
  • Patients receiving hormone therapy.
  • Pregnant women and women in the postpartum period.
  • People who survived stressful situations, depression.
  • Patients after the transferred infectious diseases (including after the flu and respiratory infection).
  • Alcoholics and drug addicts.

These conditions contribute to a significant weakening of immunity. The body needs protection for the recovery period.

People who are prone to frequent catarrhal diseases should not once again contact patients with pneumonia. The appearance of a strong cough in the flu, chest pain, dyspnea should serve as an alarm for the patient, requires examination and early treatment.

L.N. Mishchenko, the doctor.


Is pneumonia transmitted by airborne droplets? How is it transmitted?


marina redhead

No it is not transmitted, you need to catch a bad cold.

Liya Kolbaya

Pneumonia of a viral nature is transmitted by airborne droplets, or for example, a person has been ill with the flu and as a complication of pneumonia.


pneumonia-inflammation of the lungs, can be stagnant, a complication after a previous pulmonary infection.. , but she is not an infectious disease, and personal hygiene is not when it does not interfere

Tatyana Timofeeva

No, it's an inflammatory disease.


it can not be transmitted at all, it can be purchased with a strong over-cooling of the lungs, there is swelling.

Natalia Zelenova

Atypical pneumonia is transmitted by airborne droplets.

Miss Kay

No. Pneumonia is an inflammatory disease

LADY About

If you mean what is happening now, then yes! Rigid personal hygiene and masks.

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