My knee aches: which doctor should I go to?


  • 1What kind of a doctor to go if the knee hurts
    • 1.1Why there is pain in the knee
    • 1.2How to ease the pain in the knee
    • 1.3How to treat pain in the knee joint
  • 2The knee hurts: what to do and to what doctor to address at pains in a knee
    • 2.1The main causes of pain in the knee
    • 2.2The nature of pain in the knee for various diseases
    • 2.3The nature of pain in arthritis and arthrosis
    • 2.4Features of painful manifestations in trauma
    • 2.5The nature of pain in tendinitis, vascular pathologies and excessive physical exertion
    • 2.6Pain in the knee with rheumatoid arthritis and Schlatter's disease
    • 2.7When it is necessary to consult a doctor with pain in the knee?
    • 2.8What kind of doctor should I use for pain in my knee?
    • 2.9Examinations for pain in the knee
  • 3What kind of doctor should I go if my knee hurts: where should I go for pain in joints
    • 3.1Features of the structure of the knee joint
    • 3.2Causes of pain
    • 3.3Symptoms to which you must pay attention
    • 3.4The nature of pain
    • 3.5Which doctor treats knee pain
    • 3.6Final information
  • instagram viewer
  • 4Pain in the knee
    • 4.1Etiology of soreness
    • 4.2To what doctor to go?
    • 4.3With pain in the knees, you can contact the following doctors:
    • 4.4Precautionary measures
  • 5The knee hurts - to what doctor to address?
    • 5.1Why does my knee hurt?
    • 5.2What kind of doctor should I consult if my knee is sore?
    • 5.3How is the examination performed by a specialist?
  • 6What kind of doctor should I consult for pain in the knee
    • 6.1Who to contact?
    • 6.2When you need a doctor
    • 6.3Diagnosis and treatment methods
    • 6.4Orthopedist
    • 6.5Osteopath
    • 6.6Neurologist or neurologist
    • 6.7Traumatologist
    • 6.8Chiropractor
    • 6.9The role of the physiotherapist
    • 6.10When a doctor is needed
    • 6.11When to go to the surgeon
    • 6.12Precautionary measures

What kind of a doctor to go if the knee hurts

Painful sensations in the knee area can be disturbed during walking, ordinary sit-ups. If you reduce the burden on your legs, the pain recedes. If unpleasant symptoms reappear, it is important to know which doctor to use.

Most people get used to unpleasant sensations, trying not to load their feet. This approach to health leads to complications. Exclude self-treatment, after self-treatment there are complications.

Diseases of the joints develop for a long time, if not treated, the knees will lose their functions, it is impossible to restore the old qualities. If the knee joints hurt for a long time, consult a doctor who treats leg ailments.

To find out which doctor to contact, determine the causes of painful symptoms.

Why there is pain in the knee

Pain in the knee joint is provoked by factors that do not attract the patient's attention. Often the doctor has to treat the consequences of the injury. By the nature of injury, injuries are:

  1. Hit;
  2. Strong fall;
  3. Wrong movements.

Damage of the lower extremities - dislocation, damage to ligaments, tendons, menisci, fracture.

Symptoms of trauma are recognized by appearance, the knee turns red, swells, and severe pain is felt.

With a strong impact, the patient feels a tingling sensation, a chill is evidence of a blood supply disorder. Remember, it is the professional who treats the disease with the right methods.

Pain in the knee arises from joint disease. Knee joints are constantly subjected to stress. If the strain on the knees is high, tendonitis, tendonitis, bursitis occur. In the risk group - professional athletes, people who go for long distances, wearing, lifting weights.

The cause of pain in the knee is arthrosis. Occurs in old age, due to physiological changes, concomitant diseases.

The first signs of arthrosis are felt when walking, climbing the stairs. The patient feels a crunch and pain in the knee area. In the first stages of the disease, the knees stop ache after rest, if you do not call the doctor in time, rest will not help you get rid of the painful symptoms.

If the knee hurts all day, at night the pain intensifies - the joint is inflamed. The cause of arthritis is infection, pathological changes in cartilage tissue.


The patient suffers because of painful sensations, the knee becomes hot, swollen. To reduce pain, the patient involuntarily bends his leg in the knee.


To stop the progress of the disease, consult a doctor who treats the joint.

Also, the pains are provoked:

  1. Benign or malignant tumors of bone tissue;
  2. If the patient suffers from coxarthrosis, the pain, aside from the region of the hip joints, is given to the knee;
  3. Sometimes the joints ache in adolescents, with a fast growing up. Often the pain indicates a violation of blood circulation that passes, but do not ignore the trip to the doctor.

How to ease the pain in the knee

To know who to contact, you need to know when, why the knees started to hurt, the doctor will determine the exact diagnosis.

If the trip to the doctor is difficult, and the knee joints hurt, take measures that relieve tension from the lower limbs.

Excluding the load, cancel long walks, exercise, give preference to rest for several minutes throughout the day. Do not forget to see your doctor in the near future.

If the knee joint hurts due to injury, immediately go to the doctor who treats the joints. He will establish a diagnosis, prescribe a cure.

To ease the pain, apply a packet of ice to the affected knee. Place your foot above so that your knee is raised.

Immediately contact your doctor for symptoms:

  1. The leg hurts badly, it is impossible to step on;
  2. The knee swelled, reddened, the body temperature rises;
  3. The knee joint is deformed;
  4. Pain in the knee does not stop.

If painful symptoms have arisen from trauma, contact a trauma doctor, orthopedist, surgeon. If the disease is chronic, consult a rheumatologist. Do not know the cause of the pain, want to get rid of unpleasant symptoms, contact a massage therapist, physiotherapist, manual doctor.

How to treat pain in the knee joint

The doctor examines the patient, determines the cause of the pain, then treats. For research carry out:

  1. Hardware research. Ultrasound, X-ray, MRI, tomography;
  2. Arthroscopic diagnosis - introduction into the joint cavity of the endoscope;
  3. Lab tests. Give to know about the general health of the patient.

If the knee hurts due to inflammatory processes, the doctor treats the disease with drugs from the following groups:

  1. Corticosteroids, have analgesic, anti-inflammatory effects,
  2. Nonsteroid drugs relieve inflammation, pain. Medications of the group are used to further conduct a special massage, gymnastics. Nonsteroid medicines do not treat the cause of the disease, eliminate the symptoms for a while. This is indicated by the doctor;
  3. In diseases of knee joints, the doctor appoints chondroprotectors. A group of drugs is considered the basis for treatment, they affect the cause of the disease. The doctor attributes several courses of chondroprotective therapy, the drug treats the disease slowly, the result is visible after a few months;

With the help of a professional, knee joint disease can be completely cured.

To remove pain, the doctor prescribes creams, gels, ointments - they quickly act, penetrating the tissues. Such drugs do not treat the disease, they eliminate pain symptoms.

The pain is removed by compresses. The therapeutic agent is applied before bedtime, so that the joints are at rest.

In neglected cases, the doctor prescribes injections, a special drug is injected into the joint. This group of drugs is effective, but drugs can not be abused, they cause a strong effect on the body.

Manual procedures can alleviate the patient's pain symptoms, this method of treatment is effective at the first stages of the disease.

The doctor will assess the patient's condition, prescribe the treatment. Contact a medical clinic after detecting a deviation from the normal functioning of the knee joints.

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The knee hurts: what to do and to what doctor to address at pains in a knee

Often, pain in the knee appears with a certain load on the joint - running, walking or trying to bend the leg in the knee joint.

Pain is a signal about the presence of pathological changes, so do not neglect even minor painful manifestations.

Remember that without the timely treatment of joint diseases (arthritis and arthrosis), they tend to progress slowly but steadily.

The main causes of pain in the knee The nature of pain in the knee for various diseases - The nature of pain in arthritis and arthrosis - Features of painful manifestations in trauma - Pain in tendinitis, vascular pathologies and physical exertion - Pain in the knee with rheumatoid arthritis and disease Schlatter 3. When it is necessary to consult a doctor with pain in the knee? 4. What kind of doctor should I use for pain in my knee? 5. Examinations for pain in the knee

The main causes of pain in the knee

Alas, many people do not rush to consult a doctor with pain in the knee, but simply try to lessen the painful limb less.

However, restriction of motion is an incorrect approach; it is certainly necessary as a temporary measure, but it is more important to identify the cause of the disease and remove it in a timely manner.

Among the most important factors that can provoke pain in the knee, include:

The nature of pain in the knee for various diseases

When establishing the diagnosis, the most important is not only the fact of the presence of pain, but also its nature and intensity. They should help you to decide what kind of doctor you need to address for pain in the knee.

The nature of pain in arthritis and arthrosis

If the pain in the knee are noted for a long time, gradually increase and become chronic, probably, we are talking about arthritis (inflammatory lesion of the joint) or arthrosis (dystrophic changes).

Arthrosis is more often diagnosed in patients older than 45 years. Painful sensations can appear both in one joint, and immediately in both. Pathology is characterized by a feeling of stiffness, and after a long period of immobility, when you try to bend your leg, you can clearly hear a crunch.

The development of osteoarthritis is caused by a lack of synovial (joint) fluid. In this case, the doctor notices the pain in the knee of the patient who has been treated, the intensity of which increases with the support of the affected limb, and local swelling.

Features of painful manifestations in trauma

If there was a trauma (for example, a bruise), after which the mobility in the knee is limited, and the pain the syndrome is intense and persists even at rest, this indicates an inflammatory process.

Its characteristic symptoms are swelling and a local increase in temperature in the projection of damaged tissues. With a bruise, there is usually a bruise (bruise on the skin).

It is not excluded also hemorrhage into the joint cavity.

Blockade of the joint often speaks of damage to the meniscus - the cartilaginous disc of the knee joint. Of the articular ligaments, tibial collateral is most often traumatized (stretched or torn).


If this kind of damage is brought to the fore, the doctor will experience a severe acute pain in the knee.


Among the possible traumatic injuries include dislocation of the knee joint (under the influence of a large force), as well as the displacement or destruction of the patella.

Important:In case of injury, the load on the knees should be temporarily excluded. Immobilization of the limb is carried out for this purpose. In some cases, a significant reduction in loads also helps.

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To reduce the symptoms of inflammation, it is recommended to apply a packet or a hot water bottle to the knee with ice. It is advisable to take the position of the body, in which the injured limb will be raised.

The nature of pain in tendinitis, vascular pathologies and excessive physical exertion

If, when referring to a doctor with pain in the knee, the patient indicates a decrease in the amplitude of the movements, and also sudden or slowly increasing pain, a specialist may suspect tendonitis - inflammation tendons. Pathology develops after trauma, infection or is one of the manifestations of an allergic reaction.

Other possible factors that cause knee pain include vascular disorders that are characteristic of adolescents during active growth.

Regular significant physical exertion (for example, when playing sports) cause microtraumas of articular cartilage, which eventually show aching pain in the knee. Loads especially often make themselves felt when the patient already has age-related tissue changes - for example, the elasticity of the cartilaginous tissue of the joint decreases.

Pain in the knee with rheumatoid arthritis and Schlatter's disease

Rheumatoid arthritis develops with disorders from the immune system; as a result of the failure of the protective forces, the body begins to perceive its own articular tissues as foreign.

The characteristic features of rheumatoid arthritis are the defeat of several joints at the same time (isolated lesions are rare), skin hyperemia in the projection of the joint, severe soreness with the slightest touch, symmetry defeats.

There is also an increase in the duration of aching pains in the knees against a background of small loads and hypothermia, and with time the deformation of the joint appears.

To avoid serious complications, provoked by rheumatism, it is necessary as soon as possible to see a doctor with pain in the knee.

In adolescents, the cause of joint discomfort in a number of cases is Schlätter's disease (osteochondropathy of the tibia).

At the given age pathology in patients 11-17 years of age there is swelling and marked soreness just below the kneecap. When you try to sit or bend your leg, the intensity of pain increases.

The main factor that provokes the disease is the employment of some sports in the period of active growth.

When it is necessary to consult a doctor with pain in the knee?

The following symptoms are the basis for a visit to a specialist:

  • sharp pain in the knee (it is impossible to step on the foot);
  • deformation of the knee area (visual difference of one knee from the other);
  • the presence of a tumor, hyperemia and local fever;
  • persistent or frequent periodic pain.

What kind of doctor should I use for pain in my knee?

If there was a particular injury, it is recommended that you visit a trauma specialist.

The examination will help to eliminate (or confirm) such serious injuries as fractures, ligament ruptures and damage to the joint capsule.

There is a possibility that a surgeon will need to be examined, which will determine the need for surgical intervention.

In order to avoid the progression of the process and joint deformation, with arthrosis, one must consult an orthopedist and a surgeon. Arthritis requires examination and treatment from a doctor-arthrologist.


With autoimmune inflammation, one can not do without consultation and subsequent treatment with a specialist rheumatologist.


The pronounced deformity of the joint against the background of rheumatoid arthritis is an indication for planned surgical intervention.

The elderly patients who experience pain in the knee after physical exertion, it is better to visit the local therapist and be sure to get advice from an arthrologist.

After examination and subsequent additional examinations, they recommend systemic and local drugs to reduce pain and improve trophism (nutrition) of tissues.

Important:in many cases, reduce the intensity of chronic pain helps chiropractors, masseurs and physiotherapists.

Pathological changes in the musculoskeletal system (in particular, spine disease) are often cause an inadequate load on one or both legs, which gradually leads to pain in the lap. In such cases, the patient needs to undergo an examination with an orthopedic doctor who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Examinations for pain in the knee

Regardless of what kind of doctor you are going to use for pain in the knee, be prepared for the fact that in addition to the usual survey and examination, he can appoint and additional studies that will help to see the degree of development of the pathological process, its localization and a number of other nuances.

Basic diagnostic methods:

Depending on the expected diagnosis, you may be recommended one or more research methods.

Plisov Vladimir, medical reviewer

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What kind of doctor should I go if my knee hurts: where should I go for pain in joints

Every day a person performs a huge number of movements with his feet, hands, head, and also walks a lot. The legs experience a constant load and often get injured.

Often, people come to the doctor, informing that the knee joint hurts. Patients do not know what to do in such a situation, what kind of treatment is needed. Moreover, not every person can orient in time and determine correctly which doctor heals the knee joint.

The knee joint is often injured. Such negative statistics are due to the fact that the knee often falls, and it has a complex anatomical structure.

Features of the structure of the knee joint

The knee joint is one of the large joints of the body, it connects in itself three bones: large, small tibia and femur. Cartilage layer in the form of a crescent, called "meniscus it serves for:

  • softening of jerks during extension / bending,
  • depreciation,
  • reducing the burden on the spine,

In addition, the knee bones are connected with the help of attached muscles, tendons and ligaments covered with a patella. It is this structure that provides the flexion and mobile function of the knee. All elements of the knee joint are equally prone to injury.

Causes of pain

When the knee hurts, it greatly complicates the implementation of the usual actions. If the pain is debilitating and prolonged, and they do not pass day or night, the doctor is necessary.

The knee joint hurts for a variety of reasons, besides this discomforting sensations can be of different nature and intensity.

The most common causes of pain in the knee joint include:

  1. Too much stress on the knee,
  2. Deformation of the joint,
  3. The rupture of the meniscus,
  4. Mechanical damage: cracks, bruises, fractures, injuries,
  5. Inflammatory diseases: arthrosis, arthritis,
  6. Rupture of the horn of the knee joint meniscus.

Symptoms to which you must pay attention

Sometimes pain in the knee joint appears sporadically, there are no threats to health and potential inconveniences.

The reasons for the short-term occurrence of pain are uncomfortable clothing or a pose.

In these cases, you need to remove the inconvenience and watch your condition for a while, while not referring to a doctor who heals the knee joints.

The following signs need to be paid attention in any case:

  1. The pain appears daily after a working day,
  2. The pain begins when the knee is flexed or bent, as well as when walking, bending, running and resting,
  3. Violated motor ability,
  4. There is redness and swelling, the temperature of the joint is increased,
  5. On the joint there are growths, it bulges, swells, deforms,
  6. The body temperature rises, fever and chills occur,
  7. Before the onset of pain, a person was injured.

It should be noted that if a person has at least one symptom from the list above, then the doctor should be contacted immediately, since treatment is required.

The nature of pain

Pain can occur only under certain conditions, be of different strength depending on certain factors. On the basis of how pain shows itself, treatment and diagnosis depend.

The pain can be:

  • Sharp,
  • Stupid,
  • Noon,
  • Acute with lumbago.

Knees hurt:

  1. When flexing and bending the knee,
  2. In the squatting process,
  3. In a calm state,
  4. Only with sudden movements - running or jumping.
  5. The knee hurts when walking.

Discomfort can be accompanied by:

  • Pulsation and lumbago,
  • Seizures and a crunch of the knee,
  • Numbness and tingling,
  • An extensive hematoma,
  • Blue skin,
  • External and internal bleeding.

Which doctor treats knee pain

If the knee hurts, then, regardless of the conditions of its occurrence (in a calm state, during movement, when extensions, etc.), it is important to consult a doctor and not solve the problem yourself, so as not to get irreversible complications.

The profile of the doctor, to which the person addresses for the treatment of the knee, determines what caused the discomfort. In most cases, the joint heals:

  1. Osteopath is a doctor who treats problems with incorrect posture, which caused pain in the limbs. If the knee joints ache due to spasm of muscles, tendons or ligaments, the osteopath will solve the problem.
  2. The orthopedist is a doctor who treats the problems of the knee joints that have appeared due to an incorrectly developed foot, that is, with flatfoot or clubfoot. Also the pain appears due to underdevelopment of the joints (dysplasia) or deformity.
  3. The manual therapist continues to be started by other doctors. Such a doctor uses a variety of therapeutic massage for the treatment of diseases of the spine, ligaments and joints. Massage can be used for preventive purposes.
  4. A neuropathologist is a doctor who treats the joint with neurological disorders.
  5. The therapist excludes possible diseases, makes a definite diagnosis, prescribes the right treatment. If there is a need, the doctor directs the person to highly specialized doctors.
  6. A traumatologist treats lower limbs if they are hurt due to stretching, injuries, bruises, fractures and other disorders. The doctor understands the causes of leg pain during flexion and extension, in why there is a crunch and a decrease in the muscular strength of the legs. The competence of this doctor includes the imposition of longes and gypsum with a variety of fractures and cracks.
  7. A surgeon is a doctor who needs to be consulted, if the above mentioned specialists did not get the treatment. Surgical intervention can be carried out by stitching the meniscus, replacing the knee joint and introducing chondroprotectors.

Final information

Discomfortable sensations in the knees during extension and extension are not at all harmless phenomenon, they can not be ignored and let the problem run out.

The knee joint is the most traumatic place of the human body, moreover, it is the most mobile one. With a damaged limb, a person can not lead a normal, normal life in any way, since this defect will significantly restrict movement.

On the question of which doctor should be consulted for pain in the knee, you can answer this way: to address first is always better to the therapist.

This doctor will professionally understand the causes and diagnosis. Often the therapist does not further refer the patient, but he himself prescribes treatment.

In other cases, the therapist directs the patient to a doctor of a narrower specialization, for example, a rheumatologist.


If the pain begins spontaneously, while wearing tight shoes or clothes, an unsuccessful turn of the body, and passes quickly, then, most likely, there is no cause for concern.


If the uncomfortable sensations appear at the extension and flexion of the knee, especially in the calm state of the legs, then this is a reliable and characteristic symptom of inflammation of ligaments and tissues. In this case, one can not do without qualified treatment, which is what specialists in the video in this article say.

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Pain in the knee

There are many diseases in which the knees ache. This symptom is rarely the only sign of the defeat of this area.

The following clinical symptoms testify to the defeat of the knee joint:

  • swelling (or swelling);
  • limited in active and passive movements;
  • pathological mobility (the leg bends where it should not);
  • bruising;
  • open wounds in the knee joint;
  • pathological protrusions;
  • stiffness at certain times of the day (especially in the morning);
  • lame gait or complete lack of opportunity to step on foot;
  • clicks when moving in the joint (combined with increased pain).

If you have these symptoms, you should consult your doctor as soon as possible and absolutely any kind of self-treatment, especially heating, is absolutely contraindicated.

Etiology of soreness

Before deciding which doctor to go to, if the knee is aching, you should roughly determine the nature of the disease.The main pathologies that cause soreness:

  • Severe traumatic injuries (bumps, compression pathological folds, falls);
  • Dislocations (either the entire knee joint or patella);
  • Inflammatory processes of the joint;
  • The syndrome of fibrinous film (a problem with the ligaments, in which there are thickening, interfering with movements and causing pain);
  • Osteoarthrosis (knee joint destruction);
  • Gout (metabolic disease is accompanied by excessive deposition of urates in the joint);
  • Rheumatoid arthritis (autoimmune disease);
  • SLE (pathology of connective tissue);
  • Popliteal cyst (or bursitis in the popliteal region);
  • Osteomyelitis (an infection that damages the bones with their subsequent disintegration);
  • Infectious arthritis (inflammatory process associated with pathogenic pathogens).

With pain in the knee joints, it is not always possible to understand what caused the problem.

To assess the pathology should be remembered that preceded soreness or the last transferred pathologies, among which especially important are: angina, myocarditis, as well as any autoimmune diseases character.

To what doctor to go?

Patients who do not know which doctor is treating knee joints can go first to a therapist who will give the right direction after the examination.

If the soreness is acute, unbearable or the leg is bent at the wrong angle, then an ambulance should be called, which properly transports the person to the hospital.

With pain in the knees, you can contact the following doctors:

  • Traumatologist. Engages in any injuries of the knee and patella. Heals fractures, dislocations, ligament ruptures or their distension. An alternative to a traumatologist may be an ordinary surgeon, who also has the skills to treat these disorders. The main method of therapy in these doctors - operational. In addition, even repositioning of the dislocations is carried out under general anesthesia, which indicates the severity of knee injuries.
  • Rheumatologist. This doctor heals the knees if joints and connective tissue are affected in the knee area. Pathologies, which are engaged in a rheumatologist, are inflammatory lesions with the development of dystrophic changes. The treatment of pathologies of the rheumatological profile is based on medications, most often hormonal. Their use, in most cases, is the only effective method of inhibiting the disease.
  • Physiotherapist. A person, if he has pain in his knee, can turn to a physiotherapist who is engaged in restoring the lost function of the joint. To it it is necessary to go after disposal of disease, that quickly and effectively to be rehabilitated. Treatment by a physiotherapist can consist of physical exercises and joint loads, proven folk medicine and specific instrumental techniques.
  • Masseur. A specialist of this profile also helps during rehabilitation. In addition, massage helps to relieve pain with chronic joint damage or with improperly treated injuries.

Precautionary measures

If the knee hurts, thengo to the doctor yourself follows, following some rules:

  • The load on the joint should be minimized (you can take a stick and lean on it when walking for convenience);
  • To reduce injury, it is necessary to fix the leg with bandages, best of all elastic (however, do not wet them with any tinctures or medicines);
  • If the knee hurts when bending, you can not once again disturb it, even if it is fixed in an incorrect or uncharacteristic position for the physiology;
  • It is unacceptable to independently control the dislocations, giving the leg a natural position with them or with fractures;
  • With pathological mobility, acute and unbearable pain or in the presence of a wound with parts of the joint that can be seen from it, one should not move independently (it is best to call an ambulance).

You should consult a doctor right after the injury or after the appearance of unpleasant sensations, since delay can provoke many complications, which will not be easy to cure. Some pathological processes in the knee joint are irreversible, for example, its destruction, so untimely treatment is unacceptable.

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The knee hurts - to what doctor to address?

Every day we do a lot of movements with our feet: we walk, run, climb the stairs, just chatting limbs or we shift from foot to foot and do other different manipulations that are not even we notice.

Thus, our knee joints are constantly exposed to heavy loads, not to mention the fact that, for example, falling, most often we "land" on knees. Not surprisingly, from such a non-gentle treatment, the knees can often hurt.

This is an abnormal symptom, and it is necessary to contact a specialist as soon as possible.

There are a lot of doctors in clinics, but how to understand which doctor to consult with pain in the knee so that to spend time on a campaign to "unnecessary" experts, and to start for the prompt treatment of an illness, causing pain?

Why does my knee hurt?

To which doctor to go, if the knees hurt, depends on the nature of the pain and the type of disease.

Pain in this joint can occur with arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammation of ligaments, infectious disorders, tendonitis of the knee, bursitis, jamming of the nerve, gout and many others diseases.

The cause of pain can serve as a knee injury, and excessive physical activity associated with professional activities. More details of the pain in the knee are described in a special article.

The nature of pain can also be different: acute, aching, dull, pain with lumbago. Sometimes the knee joint hurts when walking and flexing, unbending, at rest, when making sudden movements, which doctor to turn to, depends on these factors.

It is important for the doctor to tell about all the symptoms accompanying the pain: it can be a fever, a crunch, swelling, redness, numbness or knee, hot touch. About injuries that precede pain, it is also very important not to forget to mention the specialist.

The knee is the largest joint of a man, it consists of a multitude of joints, each of which is subject to injuries and disturbances. If the knee hurts, it is almost impossible to lead a normal lifestyle, because each step can accompany pain.

What kind of doctor should I consult if my knee is sore?

It is not very difficult for a specialist to establish the real cause of pain, one can suspect one thing, while the ailment is caused by a completely different violation.

Therefore, it is very difficult to decide which doctor to apply to, if the knees ache.

This problem, depending on the cause of the symptom, involved different specialists: osteopath, neurologist, surgeon, orthopedist, manual therapist, traumatologist. But first of all, it is better to first get an appointment with a treating therapist.

He can also diagnose himself and exclude probable diseases, and explain in what direction to move: ie, to which doctor to go further, if the knees ache, it is difficult to walk.

If the knee is aching, what kind of doctor should I go to for a consultation? Perhaps you need to pay a visit to the orthopedist.

This specialist helps to get rid of disorders and pains in the knee joint caused by an incorrectly formed foot, joint deformation.

In other words, the pain in the knee joint will be eliminated by the orthopedic physician if it is caused by flat feet, clubfoot, etc.


The osteopath defines with the help of palpation the state of the organism as a whole and of individual organs, muscles and joints.


He pushes certain points on the patient's body, and thus diagnoses the disease and conducts the treatment.

For example, if the pain in the knee joint is caused by problems with posture, injuries of ligaments, tendons, you can go to an osteopathic doctor. He will grope to determine the deviation in the location of bones and joints.

If you have pain in the knee joint, you can go to a neurologist or neurologist. This specialist will tackle the problem if the pain is neurological.

This doctor checks muscles, vessels, bones, joints, nerves, which can cause pain in the knee.

Often, if the pain occurs under the knee, which is caused by a sore nerve, the therapist sends it to this specialist.

If the knee hurts during flexion and extension, which doctor should I go to? In this case, you need to make an appointment with a rheumatologist who treats arthritis, gout, arthrosis, osteoarthritis. This doctor eliminates various inflammations in the person's largest joint.

When the knees hurt because of the injury, to which doctor to apply? Of course, you need to make an appointment with a traumatologist. Bruises, sprains, fractures can cause pain in the knee joint, which are accompanied by a crunch when bent.

The manual therapist can be contacted as an additional specialist. If the knees hurt, the doctor will help you cope with the problem with the help of a therapeutic massage. This can be a preventive measure for the development of further violations.

Perhaps the cause of the pain is an infectious disease, then you need to come to see an infectious disease doctor. If there is an unbearable painful sensation, before a visit to the doctor, you can use effective ointments for pain in the knee joint.

How is the examination performed by a specialist?

We found out, if the knee is hurting, to which doctor to go, now we will tell about the actions of the doctor himself. He should examine the patient, establish the cause of the onset of the symptom. This is done with the help of hardware examinations, such as ultrasound, x-ray, tomography, and laboratory tests.

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If the pain in the knee joint is caused by trauma, the doctor can impose a plaster cast, establish orthoses, and correct the bone.

If the symptom is caused by inflammatory processes, the doctor prescribes medications: corticosteroids for pain relief and inflammation, nonsteroidal drugs that do not treat the disease, but only relieve the symptoms and chondroprotectors, which are designed to relieve precisely the cause of pain sensations.


Various topical preparations - ointments and gels, are prescribed mainly only for the elimination of symptoms, and do not affect the cause.


If the knee is badly sick, which doctor should consult, do not think for a long time, you need to quickly take up the elimination of the cause. And the more you should not do self-medication, or hope that it will pass by itself. The earlier to start treatment, the less likely complications.

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What kind of doctor should I consult for pain in the knee

According to statistics, pain in the joints of varying intensity is experienced by almost 90% of the world's population. This is facilitated not only by diseases, but also by violations of the integrity of the joint as a result of mechanical action - trauma.

The joints of the knees are injured more often than others, because they have the main load, and not only when walking. The structure of this joint is quite complex, and only the skin protects it. With an accidental fall, the knee is easy to damage, and sometimes such injuries can not affect immediately.

Who to contact?

Medical assistance is provided by various specialists, their profile is determined by the cause of the pathology.

What kind of doctor should I consult if my knee hurts? First you need to visit a therapist who will conduct a primary examination, and according to his results will appoint a treatment or refer to a narrow specialist. Probably, it will be necessary to enter the name to the rheumatologist, the orthopedist or the traumatologist.

If a leg injury due to a stroke or a fall occurs, you can immediately go to a traumatologist without losing time.

Rheumatologists are engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of joint diseases, their profile:

  • arthrosis and arthritis;
  • gout and rheumatism;
  • Still's disease.

Doctors-rheumatologists also treat connective tissue diseases, systemic vasculitis and vasculopathy. To the orthopedist is sent, when knees are hurt because of a rheumatoid arthritis, an arthrosis, a bursitis, a dislocation.

When you need a doctor

Undoubtedly, any disease is easier to cure at an early stage, when the symptoms are poorly expressed, and the pain sensations are moderate. If the knees hurt, do not delay the visit to the clinic, you need to see a doctor at the first signs.

About the malfunctions in the joint articulation may be evidenced by:

  • fatigue after physical exertion;
  • crunching and clicking, arising at bending-extension;
  • limitation of mobility;
  • stiffness of the joint, especially in the morning.

In some conditions, edema and redness may occur, while the temperature of the skin over the knee also increases. Acute symptoms are difficult not to notice, however, in the case of a chronic course of the disease, the clinical picture is blurred.

A person for a long time does not pay attention to some inconveniences, and therefore does not go to the doctor. This is especially true for such pathologies as arthrosis, osteoarthritis, meniscopathy, tendopathy, etc.

The cause of their development is dystrophic lesions, which often have congenital or hereditary prerequisites.

As a rule, first consult a physician-therapist, if the pain is not associated with a specific cause, for example, with a fracture

Some of the diseases occur because of metabolic disturbances in the body.

For most pathologies of a dystrophic nature, a chronic course characterized by a gradual increase in symptoms, which are manifested regularly and can be quite acute.

Often, they arise because of too high a burden on the knee, disproportionate to its capabilities.

Post-traumatic diseases can have an inflammatory or dystrophic course, but their trigger is always a trauma.

Diagnosis and treatment methods

If the knee hurts, then to any doctor you would not apply, the main therapy will be aimed at arresting the pain syndrome and relieving the inflammation. First, a physical examination of the patient is carried out, and the necessary studies are assigned:

  • radiography;
  • blood and urine tests;
  • Ultrasound of the knee joint;
  • magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography.

MRI of the knee is one of the safest and informative methods of radiation research

Based on the results of the examination, treatment is prescribed. Depending on the data received, it will be decided which doctor to go to, if the knee hurts.

Drug therapy for diseases of the joints and injuries is prescribed in any case, regardless of the cause of the pathology. In accordance with generally accepted standards, the following medicines are recommended:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Diclofenac, Xefokam, Nimesil;
  • chondroprotectors - Mukosat, Teraflex;
  • hormonal - Diprospan, Hydrocortisone, Flosteron, etc .;
  • antibiotics;
  • cytostatics.

As the condition improves, injections are replaced with a tablet form of drugs or with topical agents - gels and ointments.


If the cause is in the incorrectly formed foot or joint deformation, the orthopedist will help. Orthopedic measures are especially necessary in the acute period and after surgical interventions.

To provide patients with knees peace, impose a plaster bandage or use special devices for fixation - orthoses. In some cases, it is recommended to use a cane, in order to reduce the burden on the legs.


Osteopath is a professional in the field of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

It will help if the violation of posture has affected the functions of the knee joint, or in the case of displacement of bone structures.

In osteopathy, symptomatic remedies are not used, but a biomechanical malfunction in the work of the musculoskeletal system of the lower limbs is revealed.

The main goal of osteopathic treatment is to achieve the balance of all the components of the foot system by relaxing the strained muscles, stimulating the weakened and stretching of the shortened ligaments.

Neurologist or neurologist

Neurologists are engaged in treatment if the knee is aching due to any neurologic disorders - for example, inflammation of the popliteal nerve.


This is the doctor to be treated with bruises, sprains, fractures, as well as in case of difficulty flexion-extension and discomfort sensations under the knee. In the competence of the traumatologist is the imposition of gypsum and langet for fractures and cracks in the bones.


A specialist in manual therapy will help during the rehabilitation period, when the main symptoms will be eliminated. He will conduct a course of therapeutic massage for the prevention of relapse.

The role of the physiotherapist

After the main therapy, which was prescribed by the doctor for pain in the knee, physiotherapy procedures are used.

With their help, pain and inflammation decrease, blood circulation improves, and metabolic processes in the affected joint and surrounding tissues become more active.

When choosing a procedure, the presence of concomitant pathologies of the patient is taken into account in order to exclude a negative effect on the body.

In case of problems with the knees, the following can be prescribed:

  • electrophoresis;
  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • UHF-therapy;
  • treatment with paraffin;
  • laser procedures;
  • balneotherapy;
  • magnetotherapy.

Physiotherapy will help eliminate acute signs and reduce the development of pathological processes in the knee

When a doctor is needed

For the health of the musculoskeletal system in general and knee joints in particular, physical activity is extremely important. However, the choice of exercises and their intensity must necessarily in accordance with the capabilities of the patient and the type of disease.

Another reverence: what to do if the knee is swollen

Normal functioning of the joints is impossible without adequate exercise and motor activity, so special gymnastic complexes are developed for patients. Exercises for the knee joint are selected individually by the physician of exercise therapy and are performed under his supervision.

In the beginning, all movements are performed lying and sitting, and later - standing, and with weighting.

To restore the knee, the tone of the quadriceps femoris muscle is very important, since it helps to stabilize the knee joint.

All exercises are done smoothly and without jerks, so as not to provoke pain. At the same time, the doctor keeps track of what pace to take when performing, and how many approaches to make.


In order to increase blood flow in the tissues and relax the muscles, massage is applied. With it, you can achieve a final healing of lesions and improve motor ability.


The masseur heals by applying strokes and rubbing, as well as pressure and kneading muscles near the joint.

The standard course of massage is an average of 10 sessions, as an alternative, it is suggested to undergo training and massage yourself.

When to go to the surgeon

In the absence of the proper effect of conservative treatment, they turn to the surgeons for help.

What is treated and how do they save their patients? Modern surgical operations are rarely performed using a large incision, on the knee The joint is practiced mainly by minimally invasive arthroscopy - the endoscopic method of universal destination.

By introducing an arthroscope, you can not only assess the condition of bones and joints, but also carry out replacement or removal of damaged tissues, and also restore the joint.

When a meniscus or a cruciate ligament rupture, grafts are used from the victim's own ligaments (femoral, for example) or artificial ones.

The knee after arthroscopy: small punctures quickly heal, and the swelling that arises from the introduction of irrigation fluid gradually decreases

Advantage of arthroscopy before arthrotomy intervention is obvious - the incisions are minimal and make up only 3-5 mm, there are practically no post-operative scarring. Patients tolerate such interference well, complications are rare and easily eliminated, and the recovery period is much shorter than after severe arthrotomy.

Precautionary measures

Before going to the doctor, it is better to fix the leg with an elastic bandage so as not to injure her even more. As a support it is recommended to take a stick or stick with it - so it will be more convenient to go.

It is absolutely not possible to independently regulate dislocations and fractures, giving the leg a physiological position. If the injury causes unbearable pain, there is an open wound in which the bone or joint is visible, you can not move, and you need to call an ambulance immediately.

The pain, crunch, clicks and discomfort in the knees - this is a harmless symptom that will pass by itself.


And since the knee joint is the most mobile and traumatic place, the quality of life can significantly decrease.


Therefore, do not delay with a visit to the doctor, and if it is difficult to navigate, to whom exactly - go to the district therapist, he will give the right directions and help to understand the reasons.

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