Seeds of dill: useful properties and contraindications in folk medicine

Are you sure that everyday food does not hide interesting secrets?

Simple dill has amazing healing properties.

Look closely at the chemical composition of dill, and you will discover new opportunities for traditional medicine.

The content of the article:
  • Hidden properties
  • Chemical composition
  • Methods of home use
  • Recipes of traditional medicine
  • Cosmetic action
  • Contraindications for use

Hidden properties

dill seeds useful properties and contraindicationsThe first methods of treatment, based on the healing properties of dill, were applied by doctors of ancient Egypt six thousand years ago.

With the passage of time, new opportunities opened up for the use of culture, an increasing number of diseases were cured.

For centuries, mankind has enjoyed the gifts of nature, but the day has come, and folk medicine has receded into the background.

Today, dill grows in every vegetable garden and is considered a delicious addition to any dish.

Even a child understands its benefits, but few people can guess the healing properties of a fragrant plant.

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Chemical composition

The dill plant consists of many useful elements:

  • vitamins B, P, PP, C
  • calcium
  • magnesium
  • potassium
  • iron
  • phosphorus
  • proteins
  • phytoncides
  • ascorbic acid.

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What is useful is the bee-bird for women written in this article.

In addition, it contains about 30% fat and up to 5% essential oils. All the substances necessary for the human body are in an absolutely unpretentious grass, which does not require special care.

Seeds of dill are part of the most diverse medicines, but the knowledge of traditional medicine will help to use the medicinal properties of plants in the home.

Methods of home use

Decoction from this culture has:

  • effective expectorant and sedative,
  • helps to regain appetite,
  • heals diseases of the heart, liver,
  • restores the functions of the digestive tract,
  • relieves headache.

fennel seeds for newbornsDill seed forms a favorable intestinal microflora.

Infusion effectively eliminates intestinal cramps, colic and flatulence.

Moreover, natural medicine is absolutely safe, even for infants.

Thanks to bactericidal and antispasmodic properties, the seeds have a positive therapeutic effect in gastritis and problems with the gallbladder.

Lotion of vegetable decoction is used to treat eye infections - compresses relieve pain and reduce swelling.

Good results of treating the genitourinary system are achieved with the help of fennel seeds.

The fact is that it has a diuretic effect and helps in eliminating toxins and at the same time, repelling inflammatory processes.

Dill seed powder is an effective remedy for angina pectoris, epilepsy, in the treatment of pyelonephritis at home and other kidney diseases. It eliminates allergies, bronchial asthma and nausea.

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On the page: it is written about useful properties of the dried root of ginseng.

Recipes of traditional medicine

Decoction to improve appetite:

  • chop the seeds of dill,
  • from the received mass to collect one teaspoon which it is necessary to fill in 200 ml. warm water;
  • leave the infusion to cool for 30 minutes,
  • strain the finished medicine through gauze,
    • use, three times a day, 50 ml each.

Cure for cystitis and bronchial asthma.

  • Pour two tablespoons of seeds with two glasses of boiling water
  • Wait 30 minutes
  • It is recommended to take twice a day for 0.5 cups

A diuretic with expectorant action.

  • dill seeds for pancreasIn 200 ml. boiling water add one tablespoon of plant seeds
  • Close the lid and let it sink for 20-30 minutes
  • Clear the solution from the seeds and add honey
  • Chilled infusion use five times a day for one tablespoon

Helper of insomnia.

  • 50 gr. Seeds of dill soak in 500 ml. red wine
  • Drink at night for ¼ cup

Cosmetic action

Positive effect of green broth has on the beauty of women - removes deep wrinkles on the forehead, the skin tightens and comes into tone.

Strongly brewed infusion will save problem skin from acne.

Take the following ingredients and grind them:

  • leaves raspberries (medicinal properties and contraindications) and currants,
  • dry apple rind,
  • hop cones,
  • Dill seeds.

fennel seeds in pregnancyThe resulting powder pour a liter of boiling water, bring to a boil and leave to cool.

Cleaned broth should be taken in the morning, on an empty stomach and before going to bed.

The result will be a tremendous rejuvenating effect.

Contraindications for use

Each medicine has a number of contraindications to the use, and the medicinal infusion prepared on the basis of dill is no exception.

The plant lowers the pressure and leads to vasodilation. For patients with hypertension, such symptoms are a dangerous call.

It is better for them to seek advice from a specialist before starting treatment with seeds.

Excessive consumption of seeds can cause a number of unpleasant symptoms: lethargy, loss of strength, drowsiness.

The risk zone also includes hypotension - people whose acidity of gastric juice exceeds the norm.

Dill is a cheap remedy for many diseases. This plant is irreplaceable in its nutritional value, in its curative effect and fragrant aroma, which reminds us of the warm summer days at the dacha.

It is very important to know about every plus and minus of the product of everyday nutrition - only so you can live in harmony with your body.

What helps the seeds of dill. The answer to this question you will find out while watching the video.

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