Aching in the heart: causes and treatment, possible diseases

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From this article you will learn why there may be aching pain in the heart area, is it always a sign of cardiac diseases. Accompanying symptoms for various reasons. Diagnosis and treatment.

Possible causes( possible diseases)

  • Accompanying symptoms
  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment
  • Pain in the heart of the aching nature can be a sign of cardiological, psychological, gastroenterological problems, as well as lung diseases.

    The reasons can be very diverse: from banal stress to serious lesions of internal organs, which, without treatment, lead to life-threatening complications.

    If you are experiencing such pain, contact the therapist. After the examination, he can refer you to a cardiologist, gastroenterologist, angiologist, pulmonologist, rheumatologist, neurologist, psychotherapist.

    Possible causes( possible diseases)

    "Cardiac" causes

    Aching chest pains can occur with such cardiovascular diseases:

    • Myocarditis is an inflammation of the heart muscle.
    • Rheumatic carditis is an inflammation of the heart caused by rheumatism.
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    • The prolapse of the mitral valve is the sinking of its valves to the left atrium. This leads to its insufficiency and the reverse flow of part of the blood into the left atrium from the left ventricle.
    • Hypertension.
    • Aneurysm of the thoracic aorta is an extension of its site, which can lead to delamination and rupture of this important vessel.
    • Angina - occurs due to coronary artery atherosclerosis and insufficient blood supply to the heart muscle. It can be accompanied by bouts of aching or pressing pain, which occurs with physical activity, and with time - and at rest.

    "Non-cardiac" causes of

    Also, heart pains are typical for disorders of nervous regulation of the psychological nature: vegetative vascular dystonia( VDD).

    Cardialgia( pain in the heart) can appear and with neuroses: asthenic, hypochondriac, hysterical and others. In this case, the pain can be of a varied nature: aching, thrusting, pressing.

    Diseases of the internal organs in which the noet in the heart:

    Diseases of the lung Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract
    Tumors of the left lung Esophagitis
    Exudative pleurisy Duodenal ulcer or stomach

    With lung diseases the pain is constant, it can be aching and stabbing,when coughing. With gastric pathologies, the pain can be as aching, or burning or pressing.

    Accompanying symptoms

    Aching pain in the heart area is accompanied by other symptoms. Their kit depends on the underlying disease.

    Symptoms of cardiovascular disease in which the aching in the heart area

    Disease Its symptoms
    Myocarditis Weakness in the body, fever, shortness of breath, heartbeat, accelerated or delayed heartbeat.
    Rheumatic carditis Same.
    Mitral valve prolapse Serious heartbeat, fainting and fainting, periodic body temperature increase to 37-37,5 without apparent cause, fast fatigue during physical exertion, dizziness, with inspiration feeling of incomplete filling of the lungs with air.
    Hypertension Long time passes asymptomatically. In the form of attacks( with a sharp further increase in pressure), headaches, aching blunt chest pains, a feeling of heaviness in the heart, dizziness, shortness of breath, and visual impairment.
    Aortic aneurysm Signs of heart failure( swelling, shortness of breath, dizziness).Possible cough, discomfort when swallowing.
    Angina pectoris In addition to pain in the heart, shortness of breath may be present.

    Pains usually appear no longer at the initial, but at a later stage of the cardiovascular disease. For example, with an aortic aneurysm - when it starts to separate, which can soon lead to rupture of the vessel.

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    Therefore, if you notice a heart attack of aching nature or other symptoms that are listed in the table, contact the therapist and then - to the cardiologist for a complete examination.

    Symptoms of Neuroses and VSD

    Symptoms that accompany neuroses leading to chest pain can be very diverse. The most common of these:

    • chronic fatigue;
    • depression;
    • mood swings, emotional instability;
    • irritability;
    • tearfulness;
    • increased, excessive attention to one's health.

    Vegetovascular dystonia can occur in different forms. Symptoms can be permanent or manifest in the form of vegetovascular crises. Any type of VSD can give pain in the heart of the aching, pricking and other character.

    Two types of vegetative dystonia manifestation:

    1. Hypertonic type( increased tone of the sympathetic nervous system) Accelerated heart rate( more than 90 beats per minute), pale skin color, high blood pressure, chills, constipation, anxiety, fears, headaches.

    Sympatoadrenal crises are possible, which are accompanied by severe heart pain, headache, fever, up to 38.5 degrees, numbness in the extremities, a strong increase in blood pressure, and a slight dilatation of the pupils.

    2. On the hypotonic type( increased tone of the parasympathetic nervous system) Delayed heartbeat( less than 60 beats / min), increased sweating and salivation, red skin tone, low blood pressure.

    In case of vagoinsular crises, which can occur periodically in this type of VSD, BP decreases significantly, heartbeat slows down, pupils may contract, there is heaviness in the head, fever in face and body, dizziness, less often - choking, nausea.

    Symptoms of different types of vegetovascular dystonia can be combined. In this case, they speak of a mixed type of VSD.Also, seizures of one type can be replaced by paroxysms of another type.

    For any type of VSD are characterized by rapid fatigue from physical and psychological loads, sensitivity to weather changes.

    Symptoms of an AVR.Click on photo to enlarge

    Symptoms of lung diseases( except aching chest pain)

    Exudative pleurisy Low blood pressure, accelerated heartbeat, pale skin, cyanotic shade of mucous membranes. There may be weakness, poor appetite, sweating, chills, high body temperature.
    Tumors of the left lung Cough( first dry, then with sputum), hoarseness.

    Manifestations of gastrointestinal disorders, pain that can be confused with heart pain

    Esophagitis Heartburn, lump in the throat, nausea, discomfort when swallowing.
    Peptic ulcer Heartburn, nausea, weight loss, abdominal discomfort after eating, belching.


    After collecting troublesome symptoms, your doctor will send you for such examinations:

    1. Blood test.
    2. ECG.
    3. heart ultrasound.
    4. X-ray of thoracic cavity organs.
    5. Duplex scanning of the aorta.

    To diagnose digestive tract diseases you may need fibrogastroduodenoscopy( FGDS) - swallowing the probe.

    Treatment of

    To eliminate the pain themselves, they are used:

    • With angina pectoris, nitrates.
    • With neuroses, VSD - sedative drugs with a "heart" bias( Corvalol, valerian).
    • In other diseases - painkillers of different strengths, as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with analgesic effect.

    But completely aching pain in the heart will only pass through the cure of the underlying disease.

    Treatment of cardiovascular causes of pain

    Disease Treatment methods
    Myocarditis Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs( NSAIDs).Depending on the pathogen - a variety of antiviral agents or antibiotics.
    Rheumatic carditis NSAIDs, salicylates, glucocorticosteroids.
    Mitral valve prolapse Surgical valve plastic.
    Hypertension Antihypertensive drugs( ACE inhibitors, beta-blockers and others).
    Aortic aneurysm Operation.
    Angina pectoris Statins, fibrates, beta blockers, antiaggregants, anticoagulants.

    Treatment of neuroses and VSD

    With neuroses, psychotherapy and medications( antidepressants, nootropics, sedatives - are effective depending on the disease).

    As for the VSD, the causes of this pathology have not yet been fully clarified, therefore treatment is symptomatic( drugs for reducing or increasing blood pressure, eliminating rhythm disorders, removing psychological symptoms).

    It has also been established that the right way of life helps to minimize and even nullify the symptoms of VSD.For this, temper, lead an active lifestyle, abandon bad habits, fully rest, clearly observe the regime of the day.

    Treatment of internal diseases

    Disease Methods of treatment
    Exudative pleurisy Anti-inflammatory, antitussive, antibiotics, sometimes - glucocorticoids. When a large amount of exudate( effusion) is accumulated, a puncture is performed to remove this fluid.
    Tumors Surgical removal of neoplasm, cytotoxic agents( antineoplastic medications).
    Esophagitis Taking antacids, diet( restricting the consumption of citrus, coffee, chocolate, alcohol, spicy and fatty), lifestyle( stay up and do not bend forward for 1.5 hours after meals, sleep with 15 cm and above the headthe end of the bed
    Peptic ulcer Antacids, antisecretory drugs, vitamin B5, antibiotics to kill the pathogen - Helicobacter pylori bacteria.

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