Instructions for the use of aralia Manchu - medical properties and contraindications

The Aralia Manchurian looks like a palm tree.

Most of the large leaves "cap" grows in the upper part of the long trunk.

There are few branches in the plant, and the trunk is covered with spines. Aralia is also called "thorn tree", "devil's tree", aralia high.

  • Contents of the article:
    • The raw material
    • Useful properties
    • Treatment with folk methods, indications for use
    • Home remedies
      • Tincture on alcohol
      • Water broth
    • Contraindications for use

    Raw material preparation

    The plant has 35 species, natural habitat:

    • North America,
    • Australia,
    • Korea,
    • Northeast China.

    In Russia it is found in the Far East.

    For therapeutic purposes, the following parts of an adult plant are used:

    • leaves;
    • the bark( as helps the buckthorn from constipation read in this article);
    • roots( reviews on the application of tentacle white are placed here).

    In autumn and spring, adult plants aged 5-15 years are chosen for the collection of medicinal raw materials.

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    During and after flowering aralia harvest bark and leaves. For their drying set the temperature no more than 55 degrees.

    In the absence of a dryer, parts of the plant are laid out in a ventilated room.

    The roots are harvested in the spring, before the appearance of the leaves and in the autumn, in September. They are washed, cut damaged areas, remove large, more than 3 cm in diameter part. Raw materials store for 2 years .

    And what do you know about the benefits and harm of peanut butter? Whether it is possible with her help to correct the shaky health is written in a useful article.

    About useful properties of koumiss from mare's milk is written on this page.

    Useful properties

    Aralia contains a mass of biologically active substances with which the roots of the plant are particularly rich. According to its therapeutic effect, aralia is close to ginseng.

    The leaves and stems of the plant include:

    • essential oil( properties and use of almond are described here);
    • organic acids;
    • carbohydrates;
    • alkaloids.

    The plant is a natural source of aralosides, which:

    • stimulate the body's immune system( a recipe with aloe to strengthen immunity),
    • improve the tone of the heart muscle,
    • have an anti-stress effect.

    Contains other useful substances:

    • vitamins C and group B;
    • minerals;
    • essential oils( about the application of marjoram read on this page);
    • phytosterols;
    • tannins.

    Starch accelerates the metabolic processes of the body, improves digestion, helps reduce cholesterol.

    Flavonoids strengthen the capillaries, provide growth and nutrition of the heart muscle.

    Resins have antibacterial and laxative properties.

    Medicinal preparations, infusions, decoctions based on aralia have a curative effect on the body:

    • restorative;
    • toning;
    • antisclerotic;
    • anti-inflammatory.

    And what do you know about the sour-milk product ayran, the benefit of which is described in the current article? Click on the link and read about its medicinal properties and contraindications.

    On the application of agar-agar in home cooking, read here.

    On the page: http: // narodnye-sredstva /lekarstva/ produkty-pitaniya / alycha.html written about the benefit and harm of green plum.

    Treatment with folk methods, indications for use

    Aralia is a popular remedy for the treatment of atherosclerosis, brain diseases.

    The plant helps to quickly restore physical and emotional strength, stimulates the nervous system.

    Preparations based on aralia are recommended for those who require good coordination of movements and concentration of attention.

    Aralia is frost-resistant, it is not affected by pests, except slugs, it will feel great on the plot. An ornamental plant is a honeycomb.

    Honey from aralia is popular in people for its taste and medicinal properties. It tones up, strengthens immunity, in men( field field) improves potency.

    Decoctions and infusions are effective for insomnia , diseases that have arisen after craniocerebral injuries, infectious diseases.

    Aralia is used for a number of diseases:

    • atherosclerosis;
    • diabetes;
    • colds of varying difficulty;
    • metabolic disorders;
    • anemia;
    • infringement of digestion
    • impotence( about useful properties of sesame read here).

    Those who receive aralia may have an increased appetite, but this will not affect the body weight - at the same time, the working capacity and overall activity of the body increase.

    Aralia contains coumarins - substances that prevent the development of tumors.

    Surprisingly, the drugs of aralia can not only stimulate but also calm the nervous system of

    . Drugs, decoctions and infusions of aralia have a curative effect in many ailments; they possess:

    • antihypertensive,
    • diuretic,
    • anti-inflammatory,
    • tonic,
    • tonic,
    • antitoxicaction,
    • reduce the sugar content in the blood.

    Tincture and decoction of the roots of the aralia excites:

    • nervous system,
    • stimulate heart activity,
    • relieve drowsiness,
    • increase muscle strength and lung capacity,
    • relieve fatigue,
    • enhance energy production,
    • activate the work of enzyme systems.

    Preparations from the root of the Manchu Aralia slightly increase blood pressure, stimulate the respiratory function and have a cardiologic effect.

    Home medications

    Medicines based on aralia are sold at the pharmacy, but tinctures and decoctions can be prepared independently, at home.

    The medicine is stored in the refrigerator for 1-3 days.

    In 150 ml of hot water, pour out 20 grams and boil in a sealed container for half an hour.
    Cool at room temperature for 10 minutes, strain, wring out.
    You need to take two to three weeks for 1 dining room.spoon 3 times daily before meals.

    The decoction is effective:

    • in case of illness of housing and communal services;
    • diabetes;
    • as a restorative;
    • treats enuresis.

    Tincture on alcohol

    From the root of aralia Manchurian prepare tincture for alcohol. It is used to treat chronic neurological and neurotic diseases.

    It is considered effective for:

    • schizophrenia,
    • atherosclerosis,
    • relieves fatigue.

    To prepare the tincture take:

    • 40 g of roots and 200 ml of alcohol 70%.
      The medication is insisted for 2 weeks.
      Then tincture is filtered, and the roots are squeezed.

    You need to drink it 35-40 drops, 3 times a day, for a month.
    With a tendency to increased pressure, the dosage should be reduced to 10 drops and taken 2 times a day.
    Duration of treatment - no more than 3 weeks.

    When poisoning with toxic substances ( chlorine, nitrates), it is taken in the morning, up to 3 times, 15-20 drops.

    In the same dosage, it is taken for cardiac abnormalities and nocturnal enuresis.

    With menopausal neuroses , during the month, in the morning and at dinner they drink tea, where they add 15-20 drops of tincture.

    With regular intake of tincture it is noted:

    • improved appetite,
    • sleep and performance,
    • reduction in heart and headaches.
    1. For diseases of the digestive tract , tincture of aralia is taken in the morning.
    2. As a general restorative - 2 times 30-40 drops.
    3. With sexual weakness and prostatitis - the same, but up to 3 times.

    This improves well-being, sleep and appetite, increases efficiency.

    You can prepare a concentrated tincture of roots of aralia - it is taken 2 times a week, 10-15 drops.

    20 g of crushed dry roots are poured in the same alcohol, but 1: 5, and insist for a week.

    In psoriasis, the tincture of aralia is taken in the morning and at lunch, 15-20 drops per month.

    Water decoction

    Helps prevent skin diseases associated with increased blood pressure, asthenia, metabolic disorders.

    To prepare the decoction take:

    • 20 grams of raw material,
    • is poured with 200 ml of hot water,
    • is boiled for 30 minutes,
    • is kept for 10 minutes at room temperature,
    • is squeezed,
    • is filtered,
    • is diluted with boiled water until the initial volume is obtained.
      Take 3 times daily before meals, 1 tablespoon for two or three weeks.

    It is useful when:

    • gastrointestinal diseases,
    • cold,
    • mouth inflammation of the mucous membranes,
    • enuresis,
    • weakened immunity.

    The drug is effective for kidney diseases , as it has a diuretic effect.

    You can store the broth in the refrigerator for no more than three days.

    Contraindications for use

    Aralia preparations are recommended to be used after consultation with the attending physician, although they have almost no toxic effect and almost no side effects. But still do not make an independent decision about their use.

    Medications from aralia are contraindicated in people suffering from:

    • hypertension;
    • increased nervousness;
    • epilepsy;
    • with insomnia.

    Do not recommend using decoctions and tinctures in the evening to exclude sleep disturbance.

    When overdosed on drugs based on aralia, symptoms such as nausea, breathing problems and loss of consciousness may appear.

    Serious excess dosage of drugs from Aralia Manchurian may increase blood pressure, sleep disturbance. In this case, treatment should be discontinued.

    Look at how the Manchu aralia looks. The video also tells about its medicinal properties.

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