Choosing drugs for bronchitis in adults

In adults, bronchitis can be caused by common colds. In fact, bronchitis is a serious illness requiring long-term therapy. Usually, this ailment is accompanied by a strong and painful cough, chest pain and general weakness. Treatment of bronchitis in adults at home with drugs is based on the types and symptoms of the disease.

  • What drugs are used to treat
  • Preparations for inhalation with bronchitis
  • Ipratromium bromide (Atrovent).
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs with bronchitis
  • Bronchodilator preparations
  • Antiviral and antibacterial drugs
  • Expectorants
Related articles:
  • How to treat acute bronchitis at home
  • How to treat bronchitis in children: signs and prevention
  • What antibiotics are used for bronchitis in adults
  • Symptoms of obstructive bronchitis in adults and its treatment
  • How the smoker's bronchitis manifests - symptoms and treatment

What drugs are used to treat

The assortment of medicines used to treat bronchitis is divided into categories. All of them are based on certain actions:

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  • antibacterial;
  • antiviral;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • bronchodilator;
  • expectorant.

Antibacterial agents are prescribed individually in case of complications. Since the cause of the disease is often a virus, to which the antibiotic is not able to affect. With a correctly selected medicine with antibacterial action (injections, suspensions, tablets, syrup), signs of bronchitis are eased on the third day of admission.

Important!For more effective treatment and quick recovery, it is recommended to perform complex treatment of bronchitis with folk remedies and medicines.

  1. If the infection gets into the body, antiviral drugs are prescribed.
  2. If bronchitis is accompanied by fever, antipyretic agents are needed.
  3. When there is shortness of breath, the patient is prescribed bronchodilators.

For the allocation of sputum, tablets and syrups with expectorant action are used.

In order to take fewer medications when taking bronchitis, it is possible to do with the combined means possessing a double action.

It is often possible to meet people who prefer homeopathy. Homeopathic remedies are widely used to treat bronchitis. But for the most part, such treatment is not the main one. Most likely, it can be attributed to the addition of complex therapy.

Preparations for inhalation with bronchitis

The list of medicines used for inhalations is large enough. It consists of drugs of wide action and narrow direction. Consider the most popular of them today.

A drug with a bronchodilating action. Its clear advantage is its safety in application. This medicine is used for chronic obstructive bronchitis -

Ipratromium bromide (Atrovent).

Among solutions for the relief of attacks of dyspnea and bronchospasm, with bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive bronchitis apply:

  1. Fenoterol;
  2. Salbutamol;
  3. Magnesium sulfate.

Important!Solutions that need to be prepared are prepared immediately before the procedure itself, since they are not able to be stored for a long time.

Means for liquefying sputum, having an expectorant effect, have indications for any processes in the bronchi, is an analogue of Bromhexine only in the inhalation version - Lazolvan.

Anti-inflammatory drugs for inhalations:

  1. Rotokan;
  2. Gentamicin 4%;
  3. Dioxydin 0.5%;
  4. Interferon.

Solutions for inhalation (5 ml of solvent per 1 bottle of powder) based on Fluimucil contribute to the sputum discharge. This is a combination drug, a broad-spectrum antibiotic.

Important!Preparations for nebulizer do not differ from those from steam inhalations. They should be prescribed by a doctor, based on the symptoms and causes of the disease.

So, sputum for sputum is often used for ATSs, and for acute diseases, diluted with saline Ambrobene and Lazolvan.

Anti-inflammatory drugs with bronchitis

The basis of treatment of bronchitis is the intake of anti-inflammatory drugs. The cause of this is the symptomatology of the disease: fever, pain in the muscles and joints, drowsiness, malaise, general fatigue. Often used non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol).

Medicines with anti-inflammatory effect can solve several problems with bronchitis:

  • to remove the swelling of the bronchi, which provokes bronchospasm;
  • to stop signs of coughing spasms;
  • knock off heat and get rid of body aches.

Important!Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are undoubtedly effective in bronchitis, but they can also cause side effects as indicated in the instructions.

Therefore, modern medicine offers new tools that are safer for the human body. For the most part, these are combined preparations.

  1. Erespal. In addition to the anti-inflammatory effect has a bronchodilator and antiexudative effect. For adults, the drug is released in the form of tablets, for children - in syrup. In rare cases, it can cause an allergic reaction, nausea, vomiting.
  2. Bronchipret. The preparation is developed on the basis of plant components. In addition, it removes inflammation, it has antimicrobial and bronchospasmolytic effects.
  3. Sinecod. This drug fights the inflammatory process, has expectorant and bronchodilating effect. Possible side effects in the form of headaches, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and allergic reactions.

Important!Anti-inflammatory therapy is performed prior to the onset of irreversible respiratory dysfunctions.

Bronchodilator preparations

Disease of the respiratory tract is accompanied by spasms in the bronchi. Such symptoms can not be tolerated, therefore, bronchodilators are prescribed, which divide into 3 groups.

  1. Preparations of the first group are adrenomimetics. An example of drugs of this group is Salbutamol, Saventol, Ventolin, Saltos.
  2. Cholinolytics - the second group, it is represented by Ipratorium bromide, Atrovent, Trventol.
  3. The xanthine derivative (methylxanthine) is the last group of bronchodilators, with Eufilin as an example.

To date, there are combined drugs that combine the action of two or three groups. One of these drugs is the popular Broncholitin.

Antiviral and antibacterial drugs

If cough is accompanied by a discharge of purulent sputum during bronchitis, then, most likely, its cause is a viral infection. In this case, prescribe drugs that block the synthesis of protein microbes - it's alpha and gamma interferons. These include:

  1. Genferon;
  2. Kipferon;
  3. Viferon.

Bronchitis, which has a viral nature of origin, can not do without treatment with antibacterial drugs. Usually, antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action are appointed, capable of affecting a large group of bacteria.

  1. Popular among them are protected synthetic penicillins (Amoxicillin) - drugs are prescribed without sputum analysis.
  2. Antibiotics of a number of macrolides (Revamycin), which differ in their ease of administration.
  3. And cephalosporins (Cefuroxime) are used for diseases of mild and moderate severity.


The presence of mucus in the bronchi in small amounts perform the protective function of the respiratory organs. In the inflammatory process, it becomes viscous, there is a problem with its excretion and dilution. Therefore, expectorant drugs are prescribed, which are divided into two groups (stimulating secretion in the bronchi and mucolytics).

Important!To avoid the accumulation of mucus and the appearance of pus in it, it is necessary to give her attention immediately.

There are a number of drugs that contribute to the production of sputum:

  1. ATSTS - developed on the basis of acetylsalicylic acid, used in the period of exacerbation;
  2. Bromhexine is a syrup that has a mucolytic effect;
  3. Ambroxol - is effective in acute and chronic forms;
  4. Lazolvan - promotes liquefaction and excretion of sputum.

Bronchitis in adults is quite a dangerous disease, which can lead to unpleasant consequences. Self-medication can cause complications and difficulties in further therapy. Do not hope that the disease will go away by yourself, consult a doctor.

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