Symptoms Of Disease

Why are lymph nodes inflamed on the neck, and what should I do?

Lymph nodes are part of the immune system, they produce cells that help fight infections. This is a kind of biological filters that delay various infections and prevent them from penetrating into the whole organism. The appearance of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck is a fairly common occurrence, most common in children. In scientific terms, it is called cervical lymphadenitis. Localized inflammation in the cervical lymph nodes, and it is very dangerous that these very ly...

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Symptoms Of Disease

What the pain in the solar plexus says: causes and treatment

The celiac plexus is a collection of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve fibers. It is located in the upper part of the abdominal part under the diaphragm, and extends downwards, where it intersects with the renal arteries. In front, the celiac plexus is bordered by the prostate gland, and on the sides - with the adrenal glands. Due to its location and features of the structure, this part of the body got its name - the solar plexus. It is responsible for the normal functioning of the...

  • 21-Jun-2018
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Symptoms Of Disease

Why does blood develop when urinating in women?

Hematuria is a common pathology characterized by the appearance of blood in the urine of a sick woman in excess of the physiological norm. It is commonly believed that this phenomenon is one of the most typical symptoms of kidney and urinary system diseases. Modern medicine knows more than 100 pathologies, to some extent contribute to the development of hematuria. At the same time, some of them are chronic diseases, and some are urgent conditions requiring emergency medical care. In...

  • 18-Jun-2018
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Symptoms Of Disease

Abundant salivation: causes and treatment in adults

Perhaps there is no need to explain what the process of salivation involves. The oral cavity is filled with secretion produced by the salivary glands. Reflex actions are not controlled by humans, but under the influence of various factors and due to certain body conditions, the amount of saliva released can greatly increase, which serves as a signal about malfunctions in the work of organs and vital systems. Most people themselves notice that they have increased salivation. In medic...

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Symptoms Of Disease

Why does pain and burning occur when urinating in men?

One of the most important physiological processes that occur in the human body is urination. Thanks to it toxins and harmful substances are eliminated. Normally, the outflow of urine should occur continuously and stably. It accumulates in the bladder before exiting the body. If a man does not observe any violations and deviations, all processes occur in a certain sequence and do not cause any inconvenience. If, during urination, there is pain, stinging, burning sensation - it is nec...

  • 20-Jun-2018
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Symptoms Of Disease

Frequent urge to urinate in men: causes and treatment

Very often, men who are faced with the problem of frequent urination, do not rush to seek help from a urologist, especially if this symptom is manifested without pain, and also obvious burning sensations or itching. However, men should take into account the fact that the disease is not always a pain, and frequent urination not only brings certain discomfort and great discomfort, but can also be the main signal that something is going wrong with the body. Perhaps this indicates the pres...

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Symptoms Of Disease

What are the causes of blood flowing from the nose in an adult?

Any person at least once, but had to face nosebleeds. But not everyone knows why the blood comes from the nose. The reasons for this phenomenon in an adult can be very different: fatigue and fatigue, nose injuries, as well as other more serious diseases. In cases where bleeding from the nose goes quite often, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination without delay to identify the true cause or disease. Similar symptoms can signal the disease of various internal organs - liver...

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Symptoms Of Disease

What to do when the neck has blown and you can not turn your head?

This disease, like cervical myositis, about which people say "the neck has blown", appears quite suddenly. And the cause of this disease - drafts, sharp weather changes, uncomfortable position of the head during sleep, prolonged tension of the neck muscles during work, stress. Often, myositis becomes a complication after suffering ARVI, tonsillitis, influenza. Unfortunately, you will feel malaise only after some time. On the eve of the day you felt good, but in the morning you began to...

  • 21-Jun-2018
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Symptoms Of Disease

Why does blood appear when urinating in men?

Blood in the urine of men - this is a serious reason for a thorough examination of the entire body. This dangerous symptom of many serious diseases is often visible to the naked eye and has a scientific name - hematuria. Depending on the amount of blood allocated, hematuria is divided into macrohematuria and microhematuria. With the first form of the disease, the blood in the urine is visible without problems. The second type of disease is characterized by a meager amount of secreted b...

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Symptoms Of Disease

Swelling under the eyes: photo, causes and treatment

The attractiveness of any woman is often due to the expressiveness of the eyes and when problems appear around the eyes, this is frustrating and troubling. As a rule, swelling under the eyes occurs due to the accumulation in the interstitial space of a large amount of fluid. And both of them can swell, as well as one of them. Often the causes of the appearance of swelling are very common - at night, a lot of liquid was drunk or many tears were shed. However, in some cases, edema can...

  • 21-Jun-2018
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