Why does blood appear when urinating in men?

Blood in the urine of men - this is a serious reason for a thorough examination of the entire body. This dangerous symptom of many serious diseases is often visible to the naked eye and has a scientific name - hematuria.

Depending on the amount of blood allocated, hematuria is divided into macrohematuria and microhematuria. With the first form of the disease, the blood in the urine is visible without problems. The second type of disease is characterized by a meager amount of secreted blood, and its detection occurs in a laboratory study.

If a man's blood in the urine is even in a small amount, it is necessary to conduct a survey of the entire body to find out what it can be. The risk of occurrence of various serious diseases in most cases is present in those people whose age is more mature.

Causes of blood in the urine of a male

Any organ of the genitourinary system can become the source of the appearance of blood during urination: the kidneys, ureters, bladder or urethra. Therefore, the following causes can cause the occurrence of blood in the urine:

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  • Excessive physical load .This is due to the fact that the kidneys do not have time to excrete metabolites because of the increased pressure exerted on them. It's enough just to have a good rest, and blood impurities from urine will disappear.
  • Injuries to are especially dangerous if, following a fall or severe bruising of the kidney or bladder area, the appearance of blood in the urine is accompanied by a sharp decrease in pressure, which may indicate internal bleeding.
  • A more serious cause of the appearance of blood in a man's urine is benign prostatic hyperplasia .As this nodule grows, the process of squeezing the urethra occurs, urination is impaired.
  • Kidney disease: polycystosis, glomerulonephritis, hemorrhagic cystitis, pyelonephritis - also manifest in the blood in the urine. Typically, these diseases are characterized by severe pain in the lumbar region, increased pressure and general weakness, severe swelling on the legs.
  • Often, the cause of blood is kidney stones. This is because uneven stones on the contours can damage the kidneys or urinary tract( with the shift of stones).Taking into account such damage, bloody urine is normal, but still requires treatment, and immediately, as there may be a rupture of the kidneys or the urinary tract due to the large size of the stones.
  • Like , malignant and benign tumors can lead to the appearance of blood in the urine. The affected area of ​​the kidney is removed, and for a better quality of treatment, with a large tumor size, nephrureterectomy is performed. When detecting metastases, immunotherapy is used. Radiation therapy is used as a palliative treatment for bone metastases.
  • Prostate cancer - another serious illness that can become a threat to the health of men. With this terrible disease, the tumor grows, which leads to damage to the blood vessels. For this reason, and filled with blood in men urine. In addition, you can note pain in the perineum, difficulty or even impossible urination, frequent urge to it without the possibility of completely and without worries to empty the bladder.
  • Prostatitis is an inflammatory disease of the prostate. But it is worth noting that the blood in the urine or its secretion is not the main symptom of prostatitis and its presence with it is not necessary. But such cases were observed, therefore, when there is blood from the urethra - one should be vigilant, since this can be a signal of prostatitis.
  • Some pathologies of the blood and cardiovascular system - hemophilia, varicose veins, thrombosis.

Causes of blood in the urine in men without pain, or vice versa, with pain are not always associated with the disease. Sometimes a similar symptom is observed in men after active sexual intimacy, especially using self-made irritants of the urethra.

The urethra has a thin and easily damaged inner shell, so any mechanical action easily leads to its traumatization. The initial consequences of such actions are hematuria, and then the infection easily clings to the damaged mucous membrane and urethritis develops.

Blood clots in the urine

The presence of blood clots in the urine is also a serious signal to action. Even if you do not feel any other symptoms, you are not injured, and your age is over 40, then blood clots can indicate such a serious and urgent possibility in treating a disease like cancer of the urea.

If the clots are in the urine of the wormlike shape, the doctor may suspect a kidney tumor. But do not panic at once, because to provoke the appearance of blood clots in the urine can also benign neoplasms - cysts. Such neoplasms are removed during surgery. After their removal of blood in the urine is no longer detected.

How to diagnose and treat blood in the urine?

If blood is found in the urine of men, then a series of diagnostic tests should be performed. First of all, these are blood and urine tests. To clarify the cause of the disease will need the results of the following tests:

  • daily urine;
  • microscopy of sediment;
  • for Nechiporenko;
  • phase contrast microscopy;
  • analysis of floxin-colored erythrocytes in a buffer solution.

Treatment depends on the underlying disease. In some cases, surgery may be required. For example, if it is a pathology of development or urolithiasis. Others can be treated with medication. In a word, what the doctor will decide, what the situation will tell.

In no case do you need to wait for the problem to pass by itself. This approach can put an end to the future sex life, and destroy the relationship with the woman. That's why it's so important to watch yourself not only in terms of hygiene but also of various pain sensations.

Prevention of

It is impossible to completely avoid the appearance of urine with blood clots, but the risk can be significantly reduced by adhering to the following tips:

  • adherence to intimate hygiene - thus avoiding bacterial and viral infections of the urinary tract;
  • limiting salt intake - will help prevent kidney stones;
  • disposal of bad habits, such as smoking;
  • Avoid contact with harmful chemicals.

You must necessarily lead an active lifestyle, but we should not forget about common sense.

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