
Treatment of the spine in specialized centers

Content 1We treat joints and a backbone in Moscow 1.1Clinic of orthopedics, traumatology of the City Clinical Hospital № 13 Moscow 1.2Clinic of orthopedics and traumatology of the first Moscow State Medical University named after IM Sechenov 1.3Spine Treatment Center in Lyubertsy 1.4Treatment of the spine and joints 1.5Medical Center "Med & amp; are » 1.6Medical Center of Dr. Bubnovsky 1.7Center for the treatment of joints and spine "Presnensky" 1.8Center for the treatment of ...

  • 26-Aug-2018
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Pear-shaped muscle syndrome: symptoms, treatment, exercises

Content 1Pear-shaped muscle syndrome 1.1Pear-shaped muscle - what is it? 1.2Symptomatology 1.3Causes 1.4Diagnostics 1.5Treatment of the syndrome 1.6The role of massage in the treatment of disease 1.7Physiotherapy 2Pear-shaped muscle syndrome - treatment at home 2.1Methods of treatment of pear-shaped muscle 2.2Pear-shaped muscle syndrome - massage treatment 2.3The importance of massage in the treatment of the syndrome 2.4Use of medicines 2.5Basic exercises with the syndrome ...

  • 26-Aug-2018
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Synovitis of the hip joint: treatment

Content 1Hip synovitis: symptoms and treatment 1.1Causes and types of hip synovitis 1.2Aseptic synovitis of TBS 1.3Primary and secondary synovitis 1.4Symptoms of hip synovitis 1.5Synovitis of the transitional hip joint in children 1.6Symptoms of transient synovitis of TBS in children 1.7Complex diagnostics of synovitis of TBS 1.8How to treat synovitis of the hip joint 1.9What medications are used for synovitis of TBS 1.10Surgical treatment of synovitis 1.11Prevention of synovit...

  • 31-Jul-2018
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Mrt, x-ray or kt spine, which is better?

Content 1What is better - MRI, CT or X-ray of the spine? 1.1Which diagnostic method to choose: MRI or X-ray? 1.2Differences CT from MRI 1.3Indications for MRI of the spine 1.4Contraindications for the use of MRI 2X-ray or MRI of the spine and organs, which is better, the difference 2.1Features of X-rays of the spine 2.2Magnetic resonance tomography 2.3Which survey method is preferable? 2.4Advantages and disadvantages of both methods of examination 3What is better than an X-r...

  • 09-Aug-2018
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Scoliosis 1 degree: treatment

Content 1Scoliosis 1 degree of treatment at home. Causes, symptoms, treatment, gymnastics, recipes 1.1Symptoms and causes of scoliosis of the first degree 1.2Treatment of first degree scoliosis 1.3Nutrition for scoliosis of the first degree 1.4Treatment of first degree scoliosis in the home 1.5Recommended Exercises 1.6Folk recipes 2Scoliosis 1 degree - causes, signs and treatment 2.1Scoliosis 1 degree - how does it happen? 2.2The causes of scoliosis 2.3Signs of a scoliosis of ...

  • 10-Aug-2018
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Gorner syndrome: causes and symptoms

Content 1Horner's syndrome - external manifestations, symptoms 1.1Causes and Classification of Horner's Syndrome 1.2Signs and symptoms of Horner's syndrome 1.3Diagnosis of Horner's Syndrome 1.4The methods of treatment of the Bernard-Horner syndrome 1.5Therapeutic treatment of Horner's syndrome 1.6Surgery 1.7Prophylaxis of Horner's syndrome, prognosis 2Horner's syndrome is a pathological disorder of the autonomic nervous system 2.1Causes of Horner's Syndrome 2.2Symptoms and Sig...

  • 19-Aug-2018
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Backache in the lower back: what to do, what to treat?

Content 1Lumbosus: the main symptoms, what to do and what to treat, if it was shot 1.1Symptoms of the disease 1.2Has run through the lower back, what to do and how to treat? 1.3Treatment of lumbago at home 1.4What is prohibited? 2What to do if the back was shot in the lower back - 9 reasons and treatment 2.1Causes primary and secondary 2.2Symptoms of pain 2.3Diagnosis of lumbago 2.4First aid for lumbago 2.5Treatment of backache 2.6Reheating of the sore spot 2.7The use of oin...

  • 21-Aug-2018
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Collision tricher syndrome

Content 1Tricher Collins Syndrome 1.1What is Tricer Collins Syndrome? 1.2Why there is a disease 1.3Symptoms 1.4Stages of development of the disease 1.5Treatment 1.6Complications 1.7How children live with the syndrome 2Tricher Collins Syndrome 3Tricer-Collins Syndrome - stages of genetic disease development, complications and prognosis 3.1What is the Tricer-Collins Syndrome? 3.2Causes of the disease 3.3Stages of development of the disease 3.4Complications 3.5Diagnostics 3....

  • 03-Aug-2018
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S-shaped scoliosis of the thoracic spine: treatment

Content 1S-shaped scoliosis - what does this mean and how to treat it? 1.1What it is 1.2Brief history of the course of the disease 1.3Classification and degrees 1.4The prevalence and significance 1.5Risk factors and causes 1.6Effects 1.7Symptoms and methods of diagnosis 2S-shaped scoliosis, degree and its treatment 2.1Degrees of S-shaped scoliosis 2.2Diagnosis of the disease 2.3Treatment of S-shaped scoliosis 2.4Exercises for S-shaped scoliosis 2.5Prophylaxis of scoliosis ...

  • 16-Aug-2018
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A dressing gown on the arm with a fracture

Content 1Bandage for the hand or kosynochka bandage 2Bandage on the arm in case of fracture: scarf, bandage 2.1Hand dressing 2.2With a fracture 2.3Dressing bandage 2.4Applying a bandage at home 2.5Bandage 3Dressing bandage 3.1Kinds kosynochnyh bandages 3.2General rules for the use of a dressing 3.3Harness for arm 3.4Head bandage on the head 3.5Anointing bandage 3.6Bandage on the chin 3.7Harness for hand 3.8Sheath bandage on her shoulder 3.9Harness for the shoulder region...

  • 24-Aug-2018
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