A dressing gown on the arm with a fracture


  • 1Bandage for the hand or kosynochka bandage
  • 2Bandage on the arm in case of fracture: scarf, bandage
    • 2.1Hand dressing
    • 2.2With a fracture
    • 2.3Dressing bandage
    • 2.4Applying a bandage at home
    • 2.5Bandage
  • 3Dressing bandage
    • 3.1Kinds kosynochnyh bandages
    • 3.2General rules for the use of a dressing
    • 3.3Harness for arm
    • 3.4Head bandage on the head
    • 3.5Anointing bandage
    • 3.6Bandage on the chin
    • 3.7Harness for hand
    • 3.8Sheath bandage on her shoulder
    • 3.9Harness for the shoulder region
    • 3.10Harness for hanging upper limb
    • 3.11Dressing bandages on the foot
    • 3.12Allround dressing bandage
    • 3.13Harness for the hip and gluteal region
    • 3.14Scarf bandage on both buttocks and crotch
    • 3.15Bandage on the scrotum
    • 3.16Kidney bandage on hip stump
    • 3.17Kidney bandage for the mammary gland
    • 3.18Bandage in case of damage to both mammary glands
    • 3.19Pros and cons of kerchief
    • 3.20Conclusion
  • 4Dressing gown on the arm: application
    • 4.1What is this bandage used for? On what parts of the body is applied? Types and methods of use
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.2What do you need to impose such a bandage?
    • 4.3Rules for the application of a bandage dressing
    • 4.4Terminology
    • 4.5Step-by-step instruction. Advice
    • 4.6Headband dressing: Overlap technique
    • 4.7Kinds
    • 4.8Advantages and disadvantages
    • 4.9A small conclusion
  • 5Harness for upper limb
    • 5.1The notion of kosynochnoy fixation
    • 5.2Features of a bandage dressing
    • 5.3Overlay rules
    • 5.4Fixation technique
    • 5.5Damaged part
    • 5.6Arm
    • 5.7Brush
    • 5.8Shoulder
    • 5.9Elbow
    • 5.10Shin
    • 5.11Head
    • 5.12Foot
    • 5.13Dairy gland
    • 5.14Both mammary glands
    • 5.15Hip
    • 5.16Stomach
    • 5.17Crotch, buttocks
    • 5.18Knee
    • 5.19Chin
    • 5.20Possible complications
    • 5.21Conclusion

Bandage for the hand or kosynochka bandage

In fact, the question of what to choose - a bandage bandage on the arm or a bandage - is not entirely correct.

Both products have the same purpose - to support the injured hand, that's only to wear them often in different cases.

When will skills be used to make a bandage, and when is it better to use a professionally manufactured bandage?

Unfortunately, none of us is immune from accidents.

Of course, we all hope for the help of medical doctors "ambulance but before they arrive, the victim must provide first aid.

If the hand is injured, the "kerchief" will be the best option.Its modified analog is a medical bandage.

The supporting band for the hand is most often used:

  • with bruises, sprains, dislocations and fractures;
  • in the rehabilitation period after injuries and operations (for example, after the installation of an endoprosthesis - an artificial joint).

In case of serious injuries (fractures of the neck of the shoulder with displacement, strong dislocation of the humerus, etc.) and diseases (deforming arthrosis, etc.) The fixing orthosis of the shoulder belt is of the Deso type, which is a corsage, a tight shoulder, part of the chest and back and encircling the waist.

There are no fundamental differences in the construction of the bandage and the scarf-bandage. Both products are a case in which the arm bent at the elbow is placed.

The bandage is fixed to the shoulder with wide straps, the length of which can be adjusted.

"Kosynochka" in this respect is less convenient, since its thin strings can rub the skin.

What does the "kerchief" look like? This is a small piece of fabric (usually cotton or gauze) with an average size of 80x80x115-130 cm.The material is folded twice and tied, and then the loop is thrown over the neck.

In the "pocket" hanging in front there is an injured hand. Of course, in an emergency situation you are unlikely to be at hand a sterile gauze, so you can use any cut fabric, up to a torn shirt or shirt.

When providing first aid, the "kerchief" is irreplaceable.

The advantages of using a bandage dressing:

  • simplicity of imposing;
  • Availability (can be made from any piece of fabric that is at hand);
  • efficiency, which will help a large number of victims, if, for example, we are talking about large-scale emergency incidents;
  • you can impose yourself;
  • multifunctionality (twisted into a tourniquet used to stop blood);
  • efficiency;
  • convenience (during the transportation of the patient "kerchief" can not be removed, but only slightly weaken).

If to speak about the disadvantages, then if the dressing is superimposed incorrectly, then it does not provide the proper level of fixation.

The construction of the bandage manufactured in factories is more perfect. A special "pocket" is made of soft, breathable fabrics, and the appearance of the product is more presentable.

Often, models are suppliedadditional fixatives that help to secure the hand to the body.

Because of the convenience during operation with continued use of the support of the hand, the choice is made in favor of the bandage.


In addition to the main function - immobilization (support), the bandage reduces tension on the muscles and reduces Puffiness, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the damaged area and speeds up the process recovery.


Do bandage bandage should be able to all who engage in active sports, often go hiking, rafting on kayaks, likes to conquer the peaks.

Possessing the skills of making bandages, you can significantly alleviate the patient's condition and safely wait for the arrival of doctors or deliver the victim to the emergency room.

Especially important is the bandage of the hand in the fracture. is hehelps fix the limb in a stationary state and does not worsen the situation at an early stage, and is also an excellent way to relieve the burden from the hand during the rehabilitation period.

  • It is recommended to treat abrasions and shallow wounds with an antiseptic.
  • We place on the shoulder one edge of the bandage, the other on the wrist.
  • We tie up the ends of the kerchief.
  • Thus, the wide part of the fabric will be behind the neck, and therefore, less rubbing while moving.

If the elbow joint is injured, then at the time of attaching the dressing, it should be in a slightly bent state.

  • A wide bandage is applied over the shoulder.
  • The tips are crossed under the arm.
  • Tightly tied "kerchief" in such a way that she would grab her shoulder and forearm.

With all the seeming simplicity, to make the ideal bandage from the first time is obtained in units. That is whyIt is important to train in order to use the knowledge as efficiently as possible.

A source: https://2orto.ru/ortopedicheskie-aksessuary/bandazh-dlya-ruki-ili-kosynochka-povyazka

Bandage on the arm in case of fracture: scarf, bandage

Every day every person faces various injuries (fractures, bruises, stretchings), and the most actual means for immobilization is a bandage on the arm.

Its purpose is to ensure reliable fixation and immobility of the damaged area, so that the injury is not subjected to unnecessary stress or pressure and quickly healed.

Regardless of the damage, it necessarily needs care. Supporting armband is a wonderful fixative that is available to everyone.

Hand dressing

Regardless of the type of damage, the scarf on the arm will always be the actual method of fixation. It is used both for fractures, and for bruises, sprains or sprains.

The need for a bandage is that the arm should be stationary and not be subjected to additional injuries.

In this situation, the injury will be much easier to heal, and the recovery process will take much less time.

With a fracture

If there was a fracture, the victim should be rushed to the hospital for examination by a doctor and diagnosis of damage. After the doctor determines the type and severity of the fracture, the patient will be given a course of treatment.

The bandage on the arm during a fracture is done after a detailed examination by the patient's doctor, his x-ray images and the appointment of a rehabilitation course. She will fix, and support her hand, throughout the course of recovery.

Such a hand retainer in the fracture contributes to the rapid fusion of the fracture, and protects the hand from the influence of external factors that can damage and cause additional damage.

In this case, it is very important that the dressing in the fracture captures not only the injured area, but also the adjacent joints.

Dressing bandage

To isolate the damaged space from external factors, the kerchief is more often used. With its help, you can securely fix the damaged limb, after careful processing.

Every person can use this fixator, as this does not require special knowledge or medical education.

A bandage dressing for a fracture is very convenient when it is necessary to fix a damaged arm before the arrival of an ambulance. The kerchiefs for bandages can be different:

  • to fix the injured hand;
  • for the injured shin;
  • for fixing the shoulder joint;
  • bandages that are superimposed on the mammary glands, head and buttocks.

A bandage for the hand is superimposed as follows:

  • The victim must be in a sitting position. The hand is positioned so that its wrist and wrist are above the elbow joint. After that, all the ends of the scarf join at the corners, to obtain a triangular shape. The dressing is outlined under the elbow near the shoulder joint.
  • The upper part of the kerchief is circumscribed near the neck, then descends to the injured arm. The remaining end of the bandage should be raised and circled around the forearm. The knot is tied on the same side as the damage.
  • To keep the hand in a comfortable position, the fabric near the elbow is left slightly drawn. The bandage is fastened with special devices or tape. With a normally fastened bandage, blood circulation is not impaired, and the patient feels comfortable.

To get such a kerchief will not be difficult. They can be found in every pharmacy kiosk. Standard sizes of dressings: 100x100 and 100x136 cm.

Before use, the dressing is doubled diagonally in a triangular shape.

If after applying the fabric presses or rubs the neck, you should put a towel under it.

Applying a bandage at home

Sometimes the bandage can be applied independently at home, without recourse to medical personnel. To know how to make a fixator for an injured limb, it is worth reading such recommendations:

  • If this is an open fracture, then before the bandage it is necessary to wash the wound, carefully treat it with an antiseptic.
  • In the event that dirt or other foreign objects enter the wound, they must be removed using tweezers.
  • Do not use adhesive materials for dressing. It is worth using a fabric that can completely cover the place of damage.
  • The hand should be given a fixing position: bend it at an angle of 90 °. In this case, it must be horizontal with respect to the floor, and the end of the material is thrown over the head.
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To fix the hand in the correct position, use a fixative bandage. It can be made of different materials using different devices.

Clamps with elastic fabric are applied to open injuries in the joint area, which allows a person to feel comfortable and soon to recover.


Often patients are faced with the task of choosing - a kerchief or bandage with a fracture of the arm. Both devices have one goal - fixing the position of the broken limb until it is completely healed.

Significant differences in the bandage and scarf can not be determined - these devices are presented in the form of a cover for a damaged arm, into which it is placed in a bent position. Convenience of the bandage is that it is attached to the shoulder by straps, the length of which can be adjusted for their physiological needs.

The entire construction of the bandage has more perfect characteristics, in contrast to the bandage bandage. Usually they are made of soft fabrics, which easily pass air, allowing the skin to breathe fully.

The appearance of this device on the hand is more attractive. Some models of tires have additional fasteners to more reliably support the hand in a given position.

If the course of recovery takes a long time, it is better to make a choice in favor of comfort and practicality, and purchase a special bandage.

A source: https://VseoTravmah.ru/perelomy/povyazka-na-ruku-pri-perelome.html

Dressing bandage

Scarf bandagemost often, using first aid, in situations in which there is a need for temporary immobilization before the arrival of medical personnel.

In addition, there aresituation, which also requires the imposition of a bandage dressing:

  1. Rehabilitation;
  2. Unloading of the shoulder and shoulder joint;
  3. Contusions;
  4. Dislocations;
  5. Fracture of bones;
  6. Fracture of the upper limbs;
  7. Damage to ligaments of the shoulder joints.

The kerchief is most often used, providing first aid, in those situations in which there is a need for temporary immobilization before the arrival of medical personnel.

Dressing bandages should be able to impose all those who engage in extreme sports, go on hikes or work in hazardous production conditions.

It can be applied both directly to the body and over the protective bandage, can be folded and unfolded.

Its main virtue is universality:it can overlap any part of the body. It's easy to impose it.

Why is the bandage used?


Basically, the dressing bandage is used in cases when it is necessary to fix a bandage or in other cases when the wound needs to be treated and insulated.


This device is also used when it is necessary to fix the damaged limbs to anything, for the usual treatment of damaged tissues.

Everyone is free to use it, for this it does not require medical education, It is used when a person needs to provide first aid at the scene, before arrival physicians.

Kinds kosynochnyh bandages

  • On the head;
  • On the shoulder;
  • On the gluteal region;
  • On the mammary gland;
  • On the lower leg;
  • To maintain a hand.

What kind of dressing for a first aid

The classic scarf should be cotton. Most often it is gauze. They have the shape of an isosceles triangle, and come in different sizes, starting at 80 x 80 x 113 centimeters, and more.

For today in drugstores it is possible to get medical kerchiefs of standard sizes 100 х 100 х 136 centimeters. Sometimes they use square handkerchiefs.

General rules for the use of a dressing

Use kosynochnuyu bandage can be in two different ways: open and closed type. The open method of imposing is that the dressing is superimposed like a scarf. When the method is closed, the kerchief folds in such a way that a roll appears.

Rules for the use of dressings for different cases:

  1. In the event that the wound is open, the dressing should be exceptionally sterile;
  2. Never put an angle on the wound, it can aggravate the situation and cause severe bleeding;
  3. Do not tie it too tightly, but carefully fold to stop the bleeding.

Harness for arm

The longest side of the kerchief, that is, the triangular corner of some matter or a kerchief folded from an angle to an angle is called the base.

The angle lying against the base is called the vertex, the other two corners are called the ends. A scarf is used most often as a sling that serves to hang a hand.

This bandage is used for damages of the forearm and shoulder brush for clavicle fractures and so on.


  • The middle of the kerchief is placed under the forearm bent at right angles to the elbow joint, with the base is located along the midline of the body, and the tip is directed to the elbow between the trunk and the hand ends bind on the neck;
  • The end between the forearm and body is usually through a healthy upper arm located at the front of the forearm, through the patient;
  • The top passes around the elbow from the front, then it is straightened and fastened with a pin to the front of the bandage.

Head bandage on the head

A headband is applied to the head if there is a serious injury.


  1. The wound should be covered with gauze, but necessarily sterile;
  2. One part must be placed above the level of the nose, the second part of the bandage is placed on the occipital part of the head;
  3. The bandage should be taken for both ends, slightly pulling it over the base;
  4. Two ends of the bandage are taken and tied together over the base of the neck;
  5. The upper part of the kerchief is bent, then hides under the knot.

Anointing bandage

Arachnid head bandages allow you to keep dressings in the area of ​​the nose, upper and lower lips, chin, as well as on the wounds of the occipital, parietal and frontal areas.


  1. The uncircumcised part of the sling is covered with aseptic material in the wound area;
  2. The ends of it are crossed and tied behind (the upper ones are in the neck area, the lower ones are on the neck or on the crown);
  3. To keep the bandaging material on the back of the head, the sling is made of a wide band of gauze or cloth;
  4. The ends of this bandage intersect in the temporal areas;
  5. They are connected on the forehead and under the lower jaw.

Bandage on the chin


  • Sterile gauze is applied to the damaged part of the body;
  • It is necessary to fold the gauze in the form of a peculiar pocket;
  • Further, this pocket is superimposed on the chin zone;
  • The ends intersect at the top of the person.

If necessary, you can combine different types of dressings in order to achieve a better effect.

In the same way, a bandage bandage is applied to the parietal region and the forehead. The ends of the bandage are tied at the occiput and under the lower jaw.

Harness for hand


  1. We cover the wound with sterile gauze;
  2. Lay the kerchief so that its base is located in the lower third of the forearm above the area of ​​the wrist joint;
  3. The brush is laid with a palm on the kerchief and the apex of the scarf is bent to the rear of the brush;
  4. The ends of the kerchief are several times circled around the forearm above the wrist and tied.

Sheath bandage on her shoulder


  • The kerchief is placed on the outer lateral surface of the shoulder;
  • The top of the scarf is directed towards the neck;
  • The ends of the kerchief are wound around the shoulder, crossed, taken out to the outer surface of the shoulder and tied.

Harness for the shoulder region


  1. The medical kerchief is folded with a tie and the middle is brought to the armpit;
  2. The ends of the bandage cross over the shoulder joint, pass along the front and back surfaces of the chest and connect in the armpit area of ​​the healthy side.

Harness for hanging upper limb

It is used to maintain a damaged upper limb after applying a soft bandage or bandage of transport immobilization.


  • The injured hand is bent at the elbow joint at a right angle;
  • Under the forearm lead a developed kerchief so that the base of the scarf passes along the axis of the body, the middle of it was slightly above the forearm, and the tip - behind the elbow joint and above it;
  • The upper end of the scarf is held on a healthy shoulder strap;
  • The lower end is wound on the shoulder of the injured side, closing the forearm in front of the lower lower part of the scarf;
  • The ends of the kerchief are tied with a knot over the foreleg;
  • The top of the scarf is wound around the elbow joint and fixed with a pin to the front of the bandage.

Dressing bandages on the foot

There are dressing garters that cover the entire foot, heel area and ankle joint.

Allround dressing bandage


  1. The plantar area is covered with a kerchief center;
  2. The top of the kerchief is wrapped, covering the fingers and the rear of the foot;
  3. The ends lead to the rear of the foot, cross;
  4. Scuffed around the shin over the ankles and tied with a knot on the front surface.

Harness for the hip and gluteal region


  1. The middle of the scarf covers the outer surface of the buttocks, having the base of the scarf in the upper third of the thigh;
  2. The top of the scarf is fastened to the waistband or to the second scarf folded along the length and held around the trunk;
  3. Then the ends of the kerchief are wound around the hip and tied on its outer surface.

Scarf bandage on both buttocks and crotch


  1. The kerchief is laid so that the base passes over the waist;
  2. The ends of the kerchief are tied in front on the abdomen;
  3. the top is held, covering the buttocks, through the perineum anteriorly and strengthened to the node from the ends of the scarf.
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Similarly, but in front, a bandage dressing covering the front of the perineum and the external genitalia is superimposed.

Bandage on the scrotum


  • Belt suspensions are held around the waist and fixed with a buckle or knot;
  • The scrotum is placed in the pouch of the suspensions;
  • The penis is removed through a special hole in the supporting sac;
  • Two ribbons attached to the bottom of the pouch are guided through the crotch and attached to the waist from behind.

Kidney bandage on hip stump


  1. The middle of the kerchief is laid on the butt of the stump;
  2. The top is wrapped on the front surface of the stump, and the base and ends of the kerchief are on the back surface;
  3. The ends of the kerchief are wound around the upper third of the thigh, forming a bandage, tied on the front surface and fixed to the top of the knot.

Kidney bandage for the mammary gland

If the left breast is damaged:

  1. The top is stretched across the left shoulder behind the back;
  2. The ends are pulled obliquely, thus, the scarf completely covers the left breast and reliably supports it;
  3. The top and two ends, withdrawn from behind, are tied so that the scarf fixes the breast well.

In case of damage to the right breast:

  • The top should be located above the damaged surface;
  • One end extends through the left shoulder, the other - through the armpit;
  • The angles of the scarf are fixed on the neck, while the breast, which has not been injured or injured, remains completely open.

Bandage in case of damage to both mammary glands

It is necessary to take two kerchiefs that cross each other, then alternate bandage tours with two bandages with bandages, while both breasts are closed Simultaneously.

When applying the bandage to the breast area by any method, it is in a raised and supporting position.

Pros and cons of kerchief


  1. The advantage of the kerchief is its simplicity of overlapping, that's why it is used in emergency situations;
  2. Using bandage bandages, you can reduce the time spent on handling wounds, this will give the chance, if necessary, to have time to help more victims;
  3. The big plus is that if it is twisted into a tourniquet, it can become a replacement for the hemostatic bundle;
  4. During the transportation of the victim, it can not be removed, but simply weakened. And still, such a scarf, in an emergency situation, if necessary, you can help yourself.


Fixation is not strong enough. Although in emergency circumstances this is not a bandage dressing so essential, and if it is applied correctly, the problem of weak fixation is minimized. Strengthening can be done with a tubular bandage of suitable diameter.

Despite the fact that the scarf, a fairly old invention, but in our time it is effective enough to provide first aid to the victim.

Any person can get into a situation in which there will be a need to be able to properly apply it. Therefore, even those people who have nothing to do with medicine, it is necessary to have dressing skills.

In addition, that you need to be able to apply a bandage, you need to be able and properly handle it.

The hand after dressing, if necessary, is suspended on a kerchief, for fixation, which reduces the possibility of involuntary movements causing additional pain. It must be watched, watched, so that it does not slip.

In the case of sliding, from above it is necessary tightly, but not tightening, to impose one more layer of bandage, which will give an excellent therapeutic effect.

The headscarf has no strict canons, it can be made, if necessary, even from a torn piece of shirt, it can become an ordinary piece of cloth.


In emergency circumstances, to help you can use a kerchief or a handkerchief folded in a triangle.


As a result, we can say that the dressing gown is a quick and unique way to help the injured person!


Dressing bandages should be able to impose all those who engage in extreme sports, go on hikes or work in dangerous conditions.
It can be applied both directly to the body and over the protective bandage, can be folded and unfolded.

Its main advantage is universality: it can be superimposed on any part of the body. It's easy to impose it, and quickly.

A source: http://travmapedia.ru/povyazki/7616-kosyinochnaya-povyazka/

Dressing gown on the arm: application

Today, we will talk about such a method of first aid with bruises and wounds, like a bandage bandage. Its name speaks for itself.

As a dressing material, a cloth or gauze scarf is used. This dressing serves as a temporary way of immobilization when providing first aid to the victim.

Such fixation of the affected area of ​​the body is quite important, before the arrival of medical assistance.

What is this bandage used for? On what parts of the body is applied? Types and methods of use

The dressing is applied directly to the body or it can be superimposed on the protective bandage.

In what cases do you use a bandage dressing:

  • at fractures;
  • with any damage to the joints, such as a dislocation, bruise or stretching;
  • at rehabilitation;
  • with the goal of relieving the shoulder and shoulder joint.

There are two types of dressings. The first one is called open. The second type is closed.

Open bandage is used for damage / injury:

  • head;
  • feet, heels;
  • knee, shin;
  • brushes, hands, elbows.

In this case, the dressing is used in the expanded form. Closed harness - use of the material in a folded form, like ribbons. The ribbon from the scarf is used as an additional dressing material. A bandage or tourniquet is used for open wounds.

What do you need to impose such a bandage?

To apply the dressing, use:

  • cloth or gauze scarf;
  • bandage;
  • pin to fasten the bandage.

A scarf can be purchased at every pharmacy. A scarf is a triangular cut of a cotton fabric of standard sizes, there are 113/80/80 cm or 135/100/100 cm.

Rules for the application of a bandage dressing

When applying a bandage, remember:

  1. Do not apply a knot to the wound or damage the knot. The exception is pressing.
  2. The dressing should not cause discomfort, be too tight or weak.
  3. It should provide sufficient fixation, keep medicines.


The longest side of the kerchief is called the base.

The angle opposite the base is the top.

The other two corners of the kerchief are ends.

Scarf bandages are used for bruises, dislocations, forearm damage, collarbone fractures.

With the help of a sling, the limb is in a suspended state. It's not difficult to make a bandage. This will not require special knowledge and skills.

It is very important to be able to provide first aid before the arrival of physicians.

Step-by-step instruction. Advice

Stages of dressing the bandage on the arm:

  1. If there is an open wound, pre-treat it with an antiseptic, cover with a rectangle of sterile gauze.
  2. The arm bends at right angles. The middle of the kerchief is held under the forearm. The ends are tied around the neck.
  3. The top of the scarf is directed away from the injured forearm. It bends around the elbow, straightened and fastened with a pin.

This is one of the options for a bandage bandage on the upper limb. In some cases, a closed bandage is used.

Then a wide ribbon is made from the scarf.

Then the damaged limb is suspended on a sling to fix it, to avoid stretching the muscles of the arm and shifting the bone in fractures.

Headband dressing: Overlap technique

Such a dressing is superimposed in case of a head injury. How to do it? There are several ways. First, consider the first version of dressing.

  1. The first thing to do is to cover the wound with sterile gauze.
  2. The dressing is positioned so that the top is above the nose, the base bends the head from the bottom upwards from the occiput.
  3. The bandage should be slightly pulled over the ends and tied on the forehead, the top wrapped, and fastened over the knot with a pin.

The second option is made back to the first. That is, the dressing is applied in the same way as in the previous case, but the knot is done on the occiput.

In this case, the overlay is done as if it were necessary to tie a regular scarf. The ends are set back, then crossed and tied on the forehead with a knot. The top is wrapped.

Then it is fixed with a pin on the occipital part.


With the help of a scarf, you can bandage almost any part of the body. The dressing is used for:

  • damage to the limbs, is superimposed on the foot or hands;
  • damage to the joints, is imposed on the elbow, shoulder, hip and knee joints;
  • injuries of the head, facial part (bandage on the chin).

A scarf is used to make a bandage on the buttocks and crotch area, the scrotum, on one or both breasts.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's start with the advantages of this bandage. Now we will take a closer look at them:

  1. The dressing gown is very easy to use. Therefore, it is most often used in extreme situations.
  2. It can be rolled up and used as a tourniquet to stop bleeding.
  3. If necessary, it is easy to make a bandage yourself, if no one is around to help.
  4. When transporting the injured person, you do not need to remove the bandage, it can be made slightly weaker for greater comfort.

One drawback of the bandage dressing is the insufficient immobilization of the damaged joint or limb. But in emergency situations this is not so significant.

And if you use additional dressings, you can fix it. The most important thing in time is to render first aid to a person and correctly make a dressing.

A small conclusion

The bandage bandage was invented a long time ago. But it is, nevertheless, often used for first aid.

Everyone can get into this situation, which will require help to the victim or himself. The ability to correctly and correctly make a dressing can be very useful.

As a tool, a piece of cloth, torn from clothes or a scarf folded in a triangle, can be used, there are no strict rules for a bandage dressing.

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The dressing will prevent involuntary limb movements that can cause severe pain. Behind her, of course, you should watch that she does not slip. If necessary, it can be strengthened with a bandage.

A bandage dressing is the most simple and effective way to provide first aid.

A source: http://.ru/article/336473/kosyinochnaya-povyazka-na-ruku-nalojenie

Harness for upper limb

When providing emergency care, most often a bandage dressing is done. This simple, convenient form of dressing should be known to everyone. It is useful with the help of adults, children, the elderly. Excellent for relieving the condition with various injuries in all situations.

The notion of kosynochnoy fixation

This is a kind of soft medical dressings. No wonder it has such a name. The fabric looks like a kerchief - it has the shape of an isosceles triangle.

The long part is called the base, the angle opposite is the tip. Other angles are the ends. Names are conditional, but it will be easier to describe the method of fixation.

The standard size is 100 * 100 * 136 cm. if necessary, use shawls of a square shape, folding them diagonally. Other sizes are possible, it all depends on which part of the body is planned to be fixed.


A special scarf is on sale in a drugstore, but in unexpected situations, an improvised material is used - torn pieces of cloth, scarves, scarves.


The application of a bandage dressing is required to impart temporary immobility to the damaged site. This is a universal way, because it is superimposed easily, fast enough.

The kerchief is fixed:

  • bruises;
  • fractures of the upper limbs;
  • violation of the integrity of ligaments of the shoulder joints;
  • dislocations;
  • fractures of bones.

Fixation of this type is imposed for unloading joints in fractures of the main bones, during rehabilitation.

It is useful to know the imposition of this kind of bandaging to people who are engaged in active recreation, sportsmen, tourists.

Features of a bandage dressing

This is a very old kind of dressing, invented in the middle of the 19th century. Initially used to help horses on the battlefields.

Popularity has not been lost so far due to the convenience of using this method.

Anyone can use it, even without medical education, to help himself and the other.

The advantages of this method are simplicity, ease of fixation.. the time of overlapping is reduced, which is always small in case of natural disasters, catastrophes, accidents.

Such a dressing can impose an untrained person. If the tissue is twisted into a tourniquet, it is suitable for stopping blood.

The man himself will impose a bandage bandage for the time before the arrival of doctors, she will support the injured organ.

The downside of the kosynochnoy fixation is its weak fixation. Although with proper application, the retention is sufficiently strong. From above, to give reliability, a tubular bandage can be applied. If the fabric slides when moving, it is strengthened with a pin or an additional layer of bandage.

It must be remembered that such a dressing should be used as a first aid.

For transportation to a medical institution, before the arrival of doctors, then other strong, fixative bandages are applied.

In the ambulance, the kerchief fixation should be weakened, so that the injured person is lighter, the blood vessels and muscles are not squeezed.

Kosynochnaya fixation can be:


The kerchief is folded when applied in the form of a strip, can use several pieces for one fixation. When you add a triangle, you must be careful. Do not allow too narrow a width. The optimum value is 4 - 5 cm.


This is an approximate thickness of three fingers on the hand of an adult, because it is not always at hand is a ruler for measurement. With a narrower dressing material, he will dig into the body.

A folded dressing is done on the chin, shoulder joint, thigh.

With deployed kosynochnoy fixation using a triangle in a straightened form. This happens with most dressings, for example, when fixing on the head, abdomen, or foot.

Overlay rules

With an open wound, it should be processed and dried, bandaged with a sterile bandage, then apply a bandage to this area.

Dressing rules:

  1. Clean running water (better boiled) with soap and rinse the wound.
  2. Remove contamination with tweezers.
  3. Carefully dry with a towel.
  4. Lubricate with antiseptic ointment.
  5. Make a dressing.

Care should be taken to ensure that the dressing does not press on the hair, does not pinch the skin on the neck, not in other places. If necessary, a folded towel, another dense fabric, is placed under the triangle. With weak fixing, pins in the right places pins, creating a support.

Fixation technique

When providing first aid, a bandage dressing is often done. This simple, convenient form of dressing should be known to everyone. It is useful when helping adults and children. Excellent for relieving the condition with various injuries in all situations.

Damaged part

Overlay technique


  1. The limb is bent by 90 degrees.
  2. The triangle is placed under the forearm with the apex towards the elbow.
  3. Secure the corners on the neck.
  4. The top is wrapped, pinned with a pin to be visible.


  1. Cloth spread on a flat surface, turn from the base several times.
  2. Put your hand to your fingers to the direction of the top.
  3. The ends of the kerchief wrap the brush and tie it.

    The thumb is left free if it is not damaged.


  1. The triangle is laid from the outside on the shoulder.
  2. The tip is directed towards the neck.
  3. Angles wrap around the shoulder joint, cross over.
  4. Then they are displayed on the outside, tied.


  1. The triangle lies under the elbow joint.
  2. The top looks to the side of the shoulder.
  3. Cross the corners, wrapping his hand.
  4. On the second turn, tie the knot from the side of the inner elbow bend.
  5. Before the beginning of bandaging and after check the pulse. Do not tie up tight.


  1. Arrange the triangle, so that one corner looked up, the top was behind.
  2. The base in the form of a screw is wrapped around the lower leg.
  3. The lower corner is wound around the ankle, lifted up, fastened with a pin.
  4. The upper corner of the scarf covers the shin and is fastened with a pin.


  1. The base of the triangle is put on the back of the head, the top covers the face.
  2. Angles are fastened on the forehead.
  3. The upper part rises under the knot, secured with a pin.


  1. The sole is placed in the middle of the triangle.
  2. The top is tucked on the back part, covering the fingers
  3. Angles are fed there, crossed around the legs, bandaged.

Dairy gland

  1. One corner on the forearm in front, the other in the armpit of the damaged part.
  2. The base is under the mammary gland. The tip is facing the forearm of the diseased side.
  3. Two nodes end in a knot, the tip.

Both mammary glands

  1. Top of the neck on either side, where less painful
  2. The base is placed below, the corners are placed under the hands.
  3. The ends to hold behind the back, pin, it is better to tie a flat knot.


  1. It is necessary to prepare two kerchiefs.
  2. The first is superimposed on the outside of the thigh by the top. 3. Angles surround the thigh, are bandaged outside.
  3. The second triangle is laid in a strip as a belt is fastened to the victim.
  4. The top of the first bandage is passed under the second belt, fixed with a pin.


  1. The base passes over the belly, the top looks down.
  2. The corners are tied on the lower back.
  3. The top is held between the legs, tied to the knot.

Crotch, buttocks

  1. The base is fixed on the waist, covering the gluteal region.
  2. Top between the legs through the crotch forward.
  3. Angles move forward.
  4. Three corners tie a knot.


  1. The top of the triangle looks toward the stomach.
  2. The base is located below the knee.
  3. Angles to bring under the thigh, cross, pull out the hips from the outside, tie.
  4. The top is thrown through the knot, tucked through it, so lock it.


  1. From a triangle to make a kind of pocket, put on the chin. The base will be located on the chin, the wide side will go along the jaws in the direction of the ears.
  2. The corners are tied at the back of the head.

Possible complications

At any bandaging it is possible to receive negative consequences at non-observance of rules. Usually use a bandage bandage on the upper limb.

It serves as a kind of bandage for the hand, because the damaged organ must be protected from awkward movements. This helps to avoid the occurrence of complications.

Negative consequences:

  • blood vessel transmission;
  • numbness of limbs due to the transmission of nerve endings;
  • infection of the wound;
  • displacement of fragments at fracture because of unreliable fixation.

To avoid such negative phenomena, it is necessary to properly bandage, monitor the condition of the victim. For example, a bandage dressing on the head is done only to the person in consciousness. If the victim is unconscious, he is first brought to consciousness.

Harness dressing on the shoulder joint, the elbow is done with the arm bent.

This is her physiological habitual condition, so it will be easier to hold the limb.

When performing a fixation on such parts, the pulse must be checked before and after the application. This will reveal the case of clamping of blood vessels.


Scarf fixation is a good support for a damaged joint or limb, keeping a sterile dressing on the wound. It will protect the wound from dirt, further damage.

Most often a kosynochnaya bandage on the arm. This is the most common damage.

The specifics of providing assistance with such methods are useful to everyone, in an emergency situation it will come in handy.

A skier, a summer residence, a tourist, a fisherman, any professional sportsman, mothers with little children - everyone will benefit from knowledge of first aid in case of damage to joints, bones, tendons. It turns out that all categories of citizens are listed. The simplest ways to help rescue in a difficult minute.

The kosynochnoe fixation does not have certain, strict rules. If necessary, make more turns or use several shawls.

After fixing with a triangle, a hanging is carried out to protect the injured limb from unnecessary movements.

The result is a convenient, simple, easy-to-follow method of helping the injured person.

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Joint pain limits your movements and full life ...

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  • Perhaps you've tried a bunch of folk methods and medicines, creams and ointments ...
  • But judging by the fact that you read these lines - not much they helped you ...

A source: https://TravmaOff.ru/perelom/kosynochnaya-povyazka.html