Hypermetropia: ICD code 10 and general characteristics

Ophthalmic diseases can lead to serious consequences. It is important to pay attention to any changes associated with the eyes. There are several pathologies in which refraction is disturbed: one of these is hypermetropia. Surely everyone has heard the word "farsightedness this is hypermetropia. Hypermetropia code for ICD 10: H52.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Possible complications
  • 5Diagnostics
  • 6Treatment
    • 6.1Conservative method
    • 6.2Medication
    • 6.3Surgically
    • 6.4Other features of treatment
  • 7Prevention
  • 8Video
  • 9conclusions

Definition of disease

Hypermetropia is a disease that is caused by a change in refraction when the displayed object on the retina of the eye is focused not at one point, but in the plane behind it.This causes the image to blur. When it progresses, the incoming visual information is more blurred, which affects the quality of life. The manifestation of the disease depends on various characteristics.

Hyperopia is often seen in children.

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Her symptoms may depend on hereditary predilection, the age of the patient. If the ailment is accompanied by astigmatism, its course worsens.Hypermetropia can develop against a background of another ophthalmologic disease.

Also it is worth noting that in ophthalmology there is a concept - presbyopia. This disease is characterized by age-related changes in the retina, which is reflected in the quality of processing of visual information. In translation, presbyopia means age-long-sightedness.

If a person has aphakia, in parallel, as a rule, there is hypermetropia.


Hyperopia develops due to pathological processes in the cornea.When the disease progresses, the functioning of the lens is disrupted. Hypermetropia can develop in a newborn. It happens that the ailment occurs against the background of astigmatism.Farsightedness is common among children from 1 to 5 years.In the development of the disease, heredity plays a role. If the relatives had pathologies associated with a violation of refraction, it is possible that the farsightedness is progressing. The disease can occur with frequent eye fatigue, the impact of adverse environmental factors.

Hypermetropia and presbyopia - the concepts are different, but to some extent similar.Presbyopia is a natural feature of the body, while hypermetropia is considered a pathology. Presbyopia develops in people who have crossed the forty-year boundary. It is associated with a decrease in eye accommodation.A sign of presbyopia is reduced visual acuity.

This feature of the body may indicate latent farsightedness.


At a young age, the ailment is not accompanied by asthenopia.If the farsightedness progresses and passes to the neglected stages, the vision becomes clouded.Disruption of accommodation, binocular vision.

Strabismus and amblyopia are symptoms of neglected hypermetropia. Age presbyopia, which we mentioned, can lead to hyperopia. The symptom of developing hypermetropia is the blurriness of the image.

Possible complications

  1. Amblyopia.
  2. Strabismus.
  3. Frequent cramping of accommodation.
  4. Atrial scotoma or eye migraine.
  5. Increased intraocular pressure.


An effective method of examination is visometry.Hyperopia affects visual acuity, but here everything depends on the stage. The severity of disturbances also depends on accommodation, intensity of visual loads.

Sivtsev-Golovin table for carrying out visometry

If a young patient is diagnosed with an easy degree of hypermetropia, visual acuity remains normal. But if the eyes are exposed to stress, vision deteriorates.

People who are diagnosed with hyperopia change their visual acuity. If the disease is hidden, visual functions are not violated. Visual acuity can decrease with fatigue. If there is a high or moderate degree of hypermetropia, you should urgently begin treatment! You can not be lightheaded about therapy, otherwise there will be amblyopia.For the diagnosis of hypermetropia, a skiascopia is used.For a survey to give the most accurate result, you need to fix a look at the subject and achieve a relaxation of accommodation. In the course of a skiascopia, the doctor uses objects on which attention is concentrated.

Before the examination, a specialist can prescribe a cyclopic medicine.Modern methods of diagnosis can identify hidden forms of hyperopia.It is important to detect hypermetropia in a child in time. Before the diagnosis, Atropine, Cyclopentolate can be prescribed. To assess the refraction of the eye, you need to identify how the eyeballs move. Diagnosis allows you to determine the binocularity of vision and the disturbances associated with accommodation.

Skiascopy for the detection of hyperopia


In the treatment of hyperopia, conventional tactics are not used. All individually.When the therapy is prescribed, the characteristics of the disease are taken into account.

Treatment depends on how pronounced the symptoms are. When a doctor chooses a therapeutic tactic, he takes into account the concomitant illnesses, the age of the patient. The use of different techniques has one goal - to restore vision.

Conservative method

It is important not only to alleviate the ailment, but also to ensure the prevention of strabismus, amblyopia.The claimed method of treatment is optical correction.The doctor appoints wearing glasses or special lenses (as a rule, collecting lenses are recommended).Optical instruments allow you to shift focus to the retina.

Correction depends on how much the accommodation is disturbed. If hidden farsightedness is detected, the doctor may prescribe a partial correction.

In the initial stages, glasses are recommended.With farsightedness, exercises for vision are shown. They are used to treat disorders of accommodation.If accommodative isotropy occurs against a background of moderate hyperopia, binocular vision is impaired.For correction special optical exercises are appointed.


Assigned Cyclopentolate. The action of the drug is aimed at making it easier to get used to optical correction. In different cases, hypermetropia requires its own correction.The purpose of applying conservative techniques and medicines is to increase visual acuity.For treatment, contact lenses can be prescribed. If accommodation is diagnosed with esophoria, contact lenses are prescribed. They reduce the burden on accommodation.With the help of contact lenses, correction of the near vision is carried out.Medication is recommended for patients who are not used to wearing glasses. Medicines cause spasmodic accommodation: it weakens the manifestations of hyperopia.

Cyclopentolate is used for getting used to optical correction

There are drugs that give side effects. Do not resort to self-medication!


To restore vision, refractive surgery can be prescribed.Different methods are used, among them:

  • keratoplasty;
  • excimer laser correction;
  • lenseectomy.

Operative intervention is carried out at different stages of the disease.

Other features of treatment

When the presbyopic age comes, the focus of vision changes.If hypermetropia is diagnosed in a patient over 45 years of age, you need to correct vision. The doctor can advise bifocals.They improve the visibility of objects at different distances. A person with a presbyopia is recommended multifocal lenses.

Physiological hyperopia is not a progressive disease. The prognosis for vision is good, but if the ailment proceeds against amblyopia and strabismus, the outcome is not so comforting.The flow and the forecast depend on many factors. Adequate correction can improve visual acuity.It is important to restore binocular vision.

The child should be treated as soon as possible! It is necessary to prevent the risk of strabismus. The first symptom of hyperopia can be a difficult perception of the text. Pathological hypermetropia is treated in a complex way: it is important to cure the underlying ailment.


  1. Timely treatment of inflammatory diseases.
  2. Competent therapy of ophthalmic ailments.
  3. Timely rest.
  4. Reduces the load on the organs of vision.
  5. The correct mode of the day.
  6. High-quality lighting when reading.
  7. Eye protection from harmful factors.

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Hyperopia requires professional treatment. It is not recommended to use medicines without prescribing a doctor. Self-help therapy does not help to eliminate the cause of the disease, moreover, it will exacerbate the situation. If you (or your child) are difficult to perceive the written text, it is worth turning to an ophthalmologist!

Also read about what is myopia or nearsightedness and astigmatism.

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