Spasm of accommodation: causes and treatment of pathology

One of the most common pathologies that occur in adolescents is a spasm of accommodation.This disease is often confused with myopia for similar symptoms. However, with proper treatment, it is still amenable to correction. So that you know how to cope with it, let's see what pathology it is, what factors lead to its development, and how it can be cured.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Possible complications
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Medication
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of disease

Spasm of accommodation or false myopia is the dysfunction of the eye muscle, in which the ability of the eye to clearly see objects that are at different distances decreases.Usually, this pathology is manifested in children older than 6 years. According to statistics, it is available for every sixth student.

This pathology is amenable to correction, if it is timely to pay attention and begin to heal. That is why it is so important for parents to pay attention to the child's condition and show it to the doctor at the first signs of such a deviation.

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The development of the presented pathology can occur under the influence of various factors.These can be:

  • Astigmatism. With such a pathology, a spasm of accommodation appears as a compensatory mechanism.
  • Weakness of the muscles of the back and neck.
  • Long work of the child in the conditions of poor illumination.
  • Impairment of vision hygiene during training.
  • Hypovitaminosis. Poor schoolchildren's nutrition.
  • Osteochondrosis of cervical department.
  • Violation of the regime of the day.
  • Excessive strain on the visual organs caused by delicate reading or work at the computer.
  • Various vascular diseases. Violation of intracranial circulation.
  • Injuries to the eyes, as well as head injuries.

Also, spasm of accommodation can occur in humans under the influence of drugs used for ophthalmological studies. However, in the same cases, this spasm will pass as soon as the effect of the drug is over, and will not be repeated in the future.


False myopia has a number of characteristic manifestations.To such it is possible to carry:

  • Rapid eye fatigue or asthenopia.
  • Decreased visual acuity.With such a pathology, objects located in the distance look very blurred and forked, and those that are close are less distinct.
  • Redness of the mucosa, burning sensation, increased tearing.

Also, accommodation spasm can be accompanied by general symptoms, including dizziness, frequent headaches and fatigue. In some cases, patients with this disease have tremor of hands, as well as fainting.

Possible complications

If a child suffering from a spasm of accommodation does not receive timely treatment, he may develop complications of this pathology in the form of progressive myopia.The main complication is a persistent decrease in visual acuity.In the future, such a child will need to use corrective optics to see the surrounding objects clearly enough, or to undergo laser correction after reaching 18 years of age.

Laser correction for spasm of accommodation

Do not forget that any visual deviations in children lead to a further deterioration in social and mental development.


With a spasm of accommodation, a patient can be prescribed conservative treatment that can normalize the operation of the eye muscle. Laser correction is not used for this disease. Treatment with folk remedies is also not provided.


With this pathology, doctors usually prescribe to the patient eye drops that widen the pupil, for example, "Tropicamide". Such drugs relieve tension from the eye muscle and normalize its work in the future. To obtain a stable therapeutic effect, it is recommended to take such drops for a period of weeks to a month.

Drops "Tropicamide"

Often after the course of such treatment it is possible to completely remove the spasm of accommodation. But at the same time the threat of recurrence of this disease remains. To minimize it, the patient is given a course of alternative treatment.

To completely recover from this disease, the child may be prescribed various procedures.These include:

  • Massage. It helps to eliminate problems with blood circulation in the cervical region, which can be the cause of this disease.
  • Exercises for the eyes. Such exercises are aimed at strengthening the eye muscle. To get the best effect from their use, they are recommended to be done daily.
  • Moderate physical activity.Usually it includes cardio-operations: running, swimming. It allows you to strengthen the vascular system.
  • The intake of vitamins for vision.They are especially important for those patients in whom the spasm of accommodation has developed against a background of hypovitaminosis.
Exercises for the eyes

The timing of treatment in such ways can vary greatly from patient to patient. Usually they are a few months.


There are preventive measures that will minimize the risk of developing a spasm of accommodation in a child.They provide for:

  • Observance of hygiene of sight.This concerns the requirements for lighting the schoolchild's workplace, selecting a table and chair for height, as well as a schedule of classes.
  • Regular exercise.It is especially important to pay attention to those types of activity that stimulate the proper development of blood vessels: running, swimming, fast walking.
  • Compliance with the regime of the day.Correct alternation of activity and rest.
  • Balanced diet.In such a diet must necessarily include products containing the child's necessary vitamins and minerals.

Also, all children of school age, in the prevention of spasm of accommodation and other pathologies of vision, should visit the ophthalmologist at least once a year and undergo a full-fledged examination. This will make it possible to identify any pathological changes at the early stages of their formation and take all measures to eliminate them.



As you can see, spasm of accommodation is a fairly common pathology, which is most common in school-age children.This deviation is amenable to correction. To cope with it, it is extremely important to consult a doctor even at the first symptoms of its formation and undergo a full-fledged drug treatment and fiz. Procedures to eliminate this violation. And then a few months after the start of therapy, you can completely get rid of it.