Mrt, x-ray or kt spine, which is better?


  • 1What is better - MRI, CT or X-ray of the spine?
    • 1.1Which diagnostic method to choose: MRI or X-ray?
    • 1.2Differences CT from MRI
    • 1.3Indications for MRI of the spine
    • 1.4Contraindications for the use of MRI
  • 2X-ray or MRI of the spine and organs, which is better, the difference
    • 2.1Features of X-rays of the spine
    • 2.2Magnetic resonance tomography
    • 2.3Which survey method is preferable?
    • 2.4Advantages and disadvantages of both methods of examination
  • 3What is better than an X-ray or MRI of the spine?
    • 3.1What is the purpose of the MR tomography of the spine
    • 3.2Benefits
    • 3.3disadvantages
  • 4Which is better - MRI, CT or X-ray of the spine and other organs, which method is more harmful to health and what are the doses of radiation?
    • 4.1Differences in MRI, CT and X-ray of the spine, brain and other organs
    • 4.2MRI
    • 4.3X-ray
    • 4.4CT
    • 4.5Features of preparation for procedures
    • 4.6Stages of diagnostics
    • 4.7Which method is more informative?
    • 4.8Doses of radiation and safety for the patient's health
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.9Cost
    • 4.10The consequences of each procedure
    • 4.11So which method is better?
  • 5Kt or mrt spine: which is better?
    • 5.1In brief about the methods of diagnosis of the spine
    • 5.2Advantages of MRI
    • 5.3Advantages of CT
    • 5.4Benefits of X-rays
    • 5.5Advantages of ultrasound
    • 5.6What is better to choose?
  • 6What is better to do an MRI or CT scan of the spine? - MRI-X-Ray
    • 6.1Features of X-ray diagnostics
    • 6.2Advantages of the method
    • 6.3Disadvantages of the study
    • 6.4Features of CT
    • 6.5Features of MRI
    • 6.6Conclusion

What is better - MRI, CT or X-ray of the spine?

Diagnosis of the spine is required in a variety of cases: in the presence of injuries, diseases, with suspicions of any pathology.

Among the most popular diagnostic methods can be called radiography, computer and magnetic resonance imaging.

During the MRI procedure, the body experiences a strong electromagnetic field, resulting in tissues either absorbing energy or emitting it.

The information received by the scanner is processed by a computer program, and as a result, a 3D image is obtained, on which the slightest changes in the structure of tissues and organs are clearly visible.

Despite the fact that the most such diagnostic method is suitable for evaluating the state of soft tissues, for the examination of the spine the MRI is also well suited.

During the MRI procedure, the patient lays down on a special table, which is located in a closed chamber. The examination lasts for an order of half an hour, and during this time it is necessary to keep the motionless state.

Which diagnostic method to choose: MRI or X-ray?

Most often, doctors when they are admitted to a patient with suspected trauma or fractures appoint a routine radiography as a method of examination.

X-ray of the spine gives a good image, which shows the state of bone tissue.

This is a simple and fairly cheap method of diagnosis, and in the appointment as a method of investigation, magnetic resonance imaging, according to some practitioners, makes no sense.

But do not forget that when carrying out the radiography the person being examined receives a fair share of the radiation load. Therefore, X-ray examination can be carried out not more than once in six months - a year.

In contrast, an MRI can be performed as many times as needed, if there are no contraindications.

This makes it possible to track in due time the slightest changes in the structure of the spine and nearby tissues, to evaluate the course of the course of the disease and the effectiveness of the therapy used.

In addition, when choosing an MRI or X-ray of the spine as a diagnostic technique, you need to understand how detailed the results of the survey should be.

The undeniable advantage of MRI before radiography is its high information content, as well as the digital format of the results, with which it is very convenient to work in the future.

77 diagnostic centers in Moscow are conducting an MRI scan of the entire spine, choose the one suitable for you:

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Differences CT from MRI

If there are internal bleeding, then for their detection the most suitable technique is computed tomography.

This method is also suitable in all cases involving the curvature of the spine or its injuries.

If more attention is needed to draw on soft tissue (for example, the spinal cord), it is best to choose an MRI.

At its core, computer tomography is very similar to traditional radiography, especially since both these methods Diagnostics use X-ray radiation in the course of examination, however, in CT, the radiation dose is significantly below. Therefore, contraindications in CT will be similar to those that have a conventional X-ray, and often do not have a CT scan.

MRI and CT of the spine give a similar picture of their informativeness: accurate, detailed, volumetric.

Information on the state of the surveyed area is presented in a digital form, which makes it possible for its further analysis and processing.

For example, on it you can make a prognosis of the development of the disease or evaluate the effect of the course of treatment. The big advantage of CT in front of MRI is that the procedure of computed tomography takes much less time.

MRI and CT can be performed in the usual way, and with the use of a contrast agent, which allows you to get a clearer image of the required area.

The contrast in both these techniques is used differently, but, as with any medical product, one should be cautious with it, since some people may develop an allergic reaction.

Indications for MRI of the spine

The main indications for the magnetic resonance tomography of the spine are:

  • tumors and various neoplasms;
  • hernia;
  • pathology of the development of the spinal cord;
  • inflammation of the nerves;
  • the presence of infections in the tissues of the spine;
  • pathology of development and location of tissues in the spine.

MRI allows you to see how well the bones and soft tissues of the spine are located, what deviations there are, whether or not inflammatory processes are present.

Contraindications for the use of MRI

Since during the MRI procedure an electromagnetic field is applied, the main contraindication for passing such an examination is the presence of metal objects in the body: the driver of the heart rhythm, pins, plates, hearing aid etc.

Another of the contraindications is the patient's condition, in which he can not stay in a closed space for a long time, while maintaining immobility.

If the patient has claustrophobia, epilepsy and other neuropsychiatric disorders, then he must undergo anesthesia to undergo magnetic resonance imaging.

This will allow you to get high-quality images without artifacts (that is, errors) caused by

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X-ray or MRI of the spine and organs, which is better, the difference

If there are any abnormalities in the spine and the need for diagnosis, the question often arises as to which method is best used: MRI or X-ray.

Both of them are considered quite informative and give a clear picture, but they differ significantly from each other.

To determine which type of spine research will be optimal in each case, you need to know the features and results of these procedures.

Only a doctor can prescribe this or that kind of examination on the basis of a patient's complaints, his examination, and the initial presumptive diagnosis.

Depending on what exactly bothers the person, what situations or prerequisites contributed to the emergence violations in the spine, the presence of other features, the specialist chooses what is best done: X-ray or MRI.

In this case, the doctor should also give recommendations on how to prepare for the procedure for examination.

Features of X-rays of the spine

X-ray is one of the oldest methods of examining parts of the body, internal organs and elements of the musculoskeletal system.

At the heart of its functioning lies the radiation of high-frequency electromagnetic waves, which in a definite degrees harm the body, despite the availability of modern programs in X-ray machines that reduce the dose irradiation.

Radiography allows you to take a snapshot of the study area and is assigned in the following cases:

  • with suspicion of intervertebral hernias;
  • if necessary, diagnosis of tumors in the spine;
  • displacement or fracture of vertebrae;
  • presence of infectious diseases, for example, tuberculosis of the spine;
  • need to consider congenital pathologies in the spine.

The use of X-rays in each situation makes it possible not only to confirm the alleged diagnosis, but also in details of the characteristics of the disorder, to determine the optimal means and methods of treatment Problems.At the same time, the spinal radiography of the spine is not practical, the specialists only recommend that the procedure be performed on an empty stomach so that the filled stomach does not interfere with the examination of bones and joints.

Radiography is carried out in a standing position, with one or more images of the spine being made, depending on what is to be obtained as a result.

Sometimes a specialist conducts a functional test, that is, takes a picture in the bent position of the back to determine all the features of stretching and bending of the vertebrae.

In this case, the X-ray does not show the state of soft tissues, since electromagnetic waves display only dense structures of bones and cartilages.

Magnetic resonance tomography

To understand what is best: X-rays or MRI, and what is the difference between these methods when examining the spine, you need to understand the features of magnetic resonance imaging.

This method of investigation gives a layered image of the area under consideration, the structure of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs, allows to diagnose the condition of soft tissues and neoplasms.

In this case, an important advantage of MRI before radiography is the absence of negative radiation on the body: the tissues are examined by means of pulses of the electromagnetic field that are safe for humans.

A good tomograph under the supervision of a qualified specialist makes it possible to consider the following pathologies of the spine:

  • damage to the vertebrae or intervertebral discs resulting from injuries;
  • tumor or inflammatory processes in the tissues of the spinal column;
  • presence and features of congenital pathologies in the structure of the spinal tissues;
  • consequences of tumor removal and features of the process of recovery;
  • inflamed nerves of the spinal cord and the causes of their inflammation;
  • infectious lesions of blood vessels or spinal cord membranes of the spine.

Based on the results obtained after the study, it can be argued that the magnetic resonance method of diagnosis is more accurate and informative than X-rays.

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It gives a detailed layered image of the investigated area and allows you to carefully consider all the features of the pathology, on the basis of which the doctor will make a conclusion about the complexity of the problem and be able to determine the optimal ways of its elimination.

Which survey method is preferable?

Trying to understand what is better - an MRI or an X-ray - you need to take into account that these methods of spine examination are not interchangeable, but are used in different cases and situations.

If the doctor understands the causes of the pathology and only requires confirmation of the diagnosis, radiography is sufficient, as this is a quick and inexpensive way.

While MRI is prescribed, if necessary, to clarify or detail the pathology, as well as in cases of an unclear problem.

Magnetoresonance tomography makes it possible to take pictures of any part of the spine and the body as a whole, even if the pathology is not associated with disorders in the human skeleton.

So, MRI of the cervical spine is prescribed for permanent headaches, insomnia, rapid fatigue and dizziness. Probably, the reason of such infringements is connected with a jamming of nerves in a neck.

The tomograph allows you to view a specific area without affecting other parts of the back.

Often patients turn to specialists with complaints that the loin hurts, but after the doctor appoints the x-ray of the lumbar spine, it does not reveal pathologies.

In this case, an MRI of the small intestine can be prescribed, revealing inflammatory processes that affect the health of all organs of the small pelvis.

X-ray here will not give answers to questions of interest to doctors.

Magnetoresonance tomograph allows you to take pictures of even small areas of the human musculoskeletal system, for example, elbow joints, feet, knees and others. The radiography device is inferior to MRI in its functionality, with its help it is problematic to obtain such detailed results.

Thus, the choice of the preferred method for examining the spine or other parts The human body depends on the characteristics of the problem and the information available to the doctor before appointment survey.

Advantages and disadvantages of both methods of examination

To be able to fully understand what is best - MRI or X-ray - it is worthwhile to compare the pros and cons of each method of investigation.

Comparing the pros and cons of each method of research, many patients understand that it is better to make a magnetic resonance tomography and immediately get detailed results on the basis of which the doctor will be able to diagnose and prescribe treatment.

In fact, initially specialists often use X-rays as a simpler and faster method of examination. And if he does not give the necessary information about the pathology, then an MRI is appointed.

That is, the methods of diagnosis are not interchangeable, but rather complement each other if necessary.

Considering two methods of research - X-ray or MRI of the spine - and what is better to do in this or that situation, the doctor should determine based on the primary information on the violation.

It is important to strictly follow the recommendations of a specialist, pass the necessary preparation for the survey, then the results will be informative and useful for determining further actions.

Timely and competent diagnosis will be the key to proper treatment.

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What is better than an X-ray or MRI of the spine?

X-ray radiation weakens when passing through the tissues of the body. Radiation is absorbed only by bone tissue, so using an X-ray you can get a clear image of the spine and its details.

X-ray radiation weakens when passing through the tissues of the body. Radiation is absorbed only by bone tissue, so using X-rays can get a clear image of the spine and its details

The X-ray is performed in the standing position. In addition to translucence from the back and side, sometimes an additional survey is performed in the bent position of the body (functional sample) to find out how mobile are the joints, check the possibility of maximum flexion and extension. Most often, the x-ray is used to study any particular part of the spinal column.

The examination is administered with the following symptoms:

  • Headaches and dizziness when turning the head;
  • Pain in the chest or abdomen, accompanied by numbness of the limbs;
  • Pain in lower back and legs.

In the picture, one can better see the disturbance of the structure of the vertebrae and their displacement, cartilage damage (osteochondrosis), curvature of the spine, trauma of the intervertebral joints, congenital pathologies, accumulation of fluid in the cavity the joint. With the help of an X-ray, you can see the appearance of tumors and infection of the bones. The state of soft tissues does not show X-rays.

What is the purpose of the MR tomography of the spine

An important advantage of MRI is that to obtain complete and accurate information about the condition of the spine, it is not necessary to expose a person to harmful radiation.

The principle of examination is that the tissues of the body are examined with the help of pulses of the electromagnetic field. They all contain water molecules. Positively charged protons of molecules respond to magnetic impulses by a certain signal, which is fixed in the tomograph.

The computer displays the signals on the screen, we get a three-dimensional image of the organ with all the details.

MRI is used to diagnose diseases such as: spondylolisthesis (displacement of vertebrae in the lumbar region), diffuse sclerosis, congenital anomalies of development of cerebral vessels, intervertebral hernias, soft tissue tumors, tuberculosis and others

In this way, you can detect the presence of the following pathologies:

  • Congenital changes in the structure of vertebral tissues;
  • Traumatic damage of vertebrae, intervertebral discs;
  • Changing the structure of the facet (intervertebral) joints;
  • Compression of the spinal cord and nerve roots by narrowing the spinal canal;
  • Inflammation of tissues and neoplastic diseases in the spine;
  • Changes in the tissues after surgical removal of tumors;
  • The defeat of the vessels of the spine and spinal membranes.

The patient is referred to an MRI in the presence of symptoms, the cause of which can not be determined with the help of X-rays: pain in the back, turning to the lower extremities or giving to the shoulder, pain in the thigh or buttock. MRI is also prescribed to clarify the diagnosis given by the X-ray, or in the case of contraindications to the use of this method of examination.

MRI is used to diagnose diseases such as: spondylolisthesis (displacement of vertebrae in the lumbar region), diffuse sclerosis, congenital anomalies of development of cerebral vessels, intervertebral hernias, soft tissue tumors, tuberculosis and others.

In some cases, when performing magnetic resonance imaging, contrasting is used. A contrast agent (gadolinium compounds) is introduced into the vein.

Distributed along the vessels, it enters the soft tissues of the spine. Due to the difference in blood flow in patients and healthy tumor tissues, the areas of inflammation clearly stand out in the image.

This method of examination is also effective in the study of the state of the vessels, the detection of constrictions or abnormal extensions. Contrast substance is harmless.

Patients who are allergic to any medication are tested for a contrast agent before the examination.

X-ray allows you to quickly detect damaged parts of the bones of the spine, to establish the presence of displacement of the vertebrae, proliferation of bone tissue, a violation of the shape of the spinal column. It is used in emergency cases, before urgent operations


To decide which method is best for examining the spine, you need to evaluate the benefits of each.

Benefits of X-rays

The method is different in that:

  • It allows you to quickly detect damaged parts of the bones of the spine, to establish the presence of displacement of the vertebrae, proliferation of bone tissue, a violation of the shape of the spinal column. This allows not only to conduct a routine survey, but also to apply the method in emergency cases, before conducting urgent operations;
  • The procedure of the study is simple, lasts for several minutes, does not require preparation;
  • To obtain a high-quality image, the patient must remain in immobility for a very short time;
  • With the help of a functional test, you can examine the condition of the joints, determine the cause of pain in the vertebral region;
  • X-ray is an inexpensive and informative enough method, with which it is best to examine the system of vertebral bones.

Advantages of MRI

The MRI does not use harmful radiation:

  • Such examination can be prescribed during pregnancy. It is assigned to children from the moment of birth for examination of congenital pathologies, violations of muscle tone in the neck;
  • MRI can be re-done (for example, to study the dynamics of tumor development or post-operative control);
  • The method is indispensable when it is required to conduct a survey of muscles, ligaments, tumors and other soft tissues of the spinal column. It allows you to better consider the tumor, determine its structure, shape, size, boundaries, detect metastases. MRI plays a leading role in the examination of blood vessels and nerves;
  • In contrast to the X-ray, which gives a flat picture, MR tomography allows you to get a three-dimensional image, write it to a CD.

The method is indispensable when it is required to conduct a survey of muscles, ligaments, tumors and other soft tissues of the spinal column.

It allows you to better consider the tumor, determine its structure, shape, size, boundaries, detect metastases.

MRI plays a leading role in the examination of blood vessels and nerves


X-ray drawbacks

They are that:

  • Radiation is used. Modern X-ray units are equipped with the maximum protection from radiation, however, it is often impossible to do this research. After the procedure, the doctor must definitely fix the dose received by the patient, since as a result of irradiation, cancer can occur;
  • Due to irradiation, X-rays can not be used in examining pregnant women and children under 14 years old;
  • The method does not provide enough information about the condition of tumors, is ineffective in the study of muscle stretching.

Disadvantages of MRI

  • The method can not be used to examine patients with pacemakers and other devices in the body, vascular stents, as well as other metal objects found inside tissues and organs;
  • During the procedure, the patient should lie still for 15-60 minutes. Because of this, even sometimes you have to do anesthesia (in case of intolerance to immobility or examination of young children).

When performing magnetic resonance imaging, specialists usually rely on X-ray and ultrasound. Most often, MRI is used when examining the spine, when simpler methods do not provide the necessary information.

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Which is better - MRI, CT or X-ray of the spine and other organs, which method is more harmful to health and what are the doses of radiation?

To confirm the diagnosis, various examination methods come to the aid, which allow to look inside the human body.

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A century ago, Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen became the discoverer of one of them, later named in honor of the scientist. In addition to X-rays, computer and magnetic resonance imaging are widely used.

The methods of investigation under consideration have differences, advantages and disadvantages.

Differences in MRI, CT and X-ray of the spine, brain and other organs


MRI consists of placing the human body in a magnetic field. The undeniable advantage of MRI (except for great informativeness) is safety due to the absence of irradiation. Diagnosis is carried out by both adults and children.

MRI examines the vessels, nerves, muscles, etc. Sometimes, contrasting is used, which allows obtaining the most reliable information.

The only drawbacks of tomography are a ban on researching persons with metal implants, high cost and a small number of institutions where there is a tomograph.


X-ray is the most simple and accessible, carried out in almost every clinic. Contraindication to the examination is pregnancy.

However, even because of its harmfulness, in case of emergency, the procedure is carried out by closing the belly of the future mother with a special protective apron.

The main advantages of X-rays - it's speed and availability.


The differences between CT of the spine and MRI are insignificant, but the first method has advantages: it is permissible for CT to be used in patients with implanted devices, plates or spokes, with the help of which it is possible to find out the cause of pain in the spine or to detect the internal bleeding. Computer tomography can also take place with or without contrast. However, do not forget about harmful X-rays in the CT procedure.

Features of preparation for procedures

Preparation before the X-ray of the spine and other organs is not required, but there are exceptions. So, the preparatory measures are necessary for the diagnosis of the lumbar spine:

  • recommended the reception of enzyme preparations - Festal, Pancreatin, Mezim;
  • for 3 days the patient should not use products that promote gas generation;
  • Before the procedure, the bowel is cleared with an enema;
  • The optimal time for dinner on the eve of the X-ray is 18.00.

Preparation for CT is important in the diagnosis of abdominal organs and when using contrast.

In the latter case, before the procedure, it is not necessary to take food, as the substance is capable of provoking vomiting.

Before computed tomography of the gastrointestinal tract, the patient's actions are similar to the preparation for the x-ray of the lumbar region.

Preparation for MRI depends on the area under investigation. Examination of the abdominal cavity should be done on an empty stomach, refrain from eating should be no less than 5 hours. MRI of the small pelvis is performed with a full bladder. Diagnosis is not recommended during menstruation.

Stages of diagnostics

Before any procedure, a specialist conducts instruction: it is necessary to get rid of jewelry and metal accessories in advance.

With MRI or CT, lightweight loose clothing is suitable, before taking a radiograph, the patient removes clothing from the area under examination.

The stages of the survey types considered are presented in the table.

Stages X-ray CT MRI
1. The patient lies on his back or side. The patient lies down on the table, taking the necessary pose. The person lies on the couch, which moves to the tomograph.
2. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes. At the same time, the patient should lie still. The duration of the examination takes from 15 to 20 minutes. Diagnosis can take from 20 minutes to an hour.
3. Sometimes, at the request of a doctor, you need to hold your breath. Sometimes it is used contrasting - the introduction of the drug into the bloodstream. As in the case of CT, sometimes an MRI is performed with a contrast agent.

Which method is more informative?

Almost every person asks himself which way is more informative and safer for health. There is no unequivocal answer, in each case the optimal method of research is chosen by the doctor. Sometimes, more than one method is required to establish or confirm a diagnosis.

With the help of CT it is possible to assess the condition of the spine as a whole. So, for an establishment of a degree of a scoliosis the roentgen will be inexpedient because of the big dose of an irradiation.

However, with severe back pain, which extends to the legs, preference is best given to the X-ray.

Sometimes after the detection of pathology by radiography, tomography (in case of cancer of the spinal cord or spine) may be required.

When comparing MRI to CT of the spine, the latter perfectly shows itself in the diagnosis of bone cancer, osteochondrosis, vascular lesions and herniated discs.

MRI is indicated for pathologies of the spinal cord and after operations on the spine. When examining internal organs, both methods are used.

So, with the help of computer tomography, there are abnormalities of the intestine (obstruction), diverticula and tumors. MRI can detect inflammation and trauma.

Doses of radiation and safety for the patient's health

To determine the degree of radiation, tables with averaged indices are used. The effective dose of radiation is measured in microsievers or millisievert.

Modern tomographs and X-ray machines are equipped with dosimeters, therefore the dose of irradiation is known immediately after the procedure.

The extent to which it will be influenced by more than one factor - this is the technical characteristics of the apparatus, and the rigidity of the rays, the size of the radiation tube and the irradiated region.

The indicators for the results of different studies of the chest can differ by more than 2 times.

Radiation load patients receive from a computer tomography and an X-ray, therefore to conduct them follows only under indications, otherwise it is dangerous to health.

The admissible dose of radiation load is determined by the Ministry of Health only for employees of radiology cabinets (no more than 20 mSv per year). Recall that with MRI, no irradiation occurs.


The availability of radiography is due to its price. In comparison with other diagnostic methods, its cost is minimal and depends on the medical institution and its regional location.

The status of the clinic and the quality of the equipment affect the cost of computed tomography. In Moscow, for examination of the thoracic department, you can give from 3 to 6 thousand. rub.

At the same time, the cost increases when contrasting, decoding and storing data on the medium. The price of MRI of the chest is much higher and is 5-8 thousand.


The consequences of each procedure

After radiography and computed tomography, the radiation dose received by the patient is gradually eliminated from the body.

If the procedure is carried out too often, it can trigger the appearance of pathologies at the cellular level, the consequences of the load may be malignant formations.

So which method is better?

Each of the studies has its advantages and disadvantages. There is no unequivocal answer about the superiority of one of them. It is worth noting the features of each method:

  • with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, kidneys, head, cervical spine and spine, the difference in the use of MRI and CT is small;
  • MRI examination allows to better consider soft tissues and internal organs (spinal cord, brain, lungs, intervertebral discs, pelvic organs), computed tomography and X-rays - bone structures (spine, including cervical spine, joints, bones);
  • Computed tomography, in comparison with radiography, much better reveals small neoplasms;
  • It is not necessary to replace the X-ray with another diagnosis, or on the contrary, to refuse CT or MRI, if the doctor so recommends.

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Kt or mrt spine: which is better?

Computer tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are perhaps the most informative, accurate and safe methods of visual diagnostics of the human body. Including they are great for examining the spinal column.

But the question arises right: what is the best way to diagnose the spine? To answer this question, you need to have at least a minimum understanding of the specific work of CT and MRI, the differences between them, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.

In brief about the methods of diagnosis of the spine

For visualizing the examination of the spinal column, several diagnostic techniques are used, differing between is not only accurate and informative, but also cost, availability, speed of execution and decoding results.

At the moment, the most popular are four methods of diagnosing the spinal column:

  1. X-ray. Standard diagnosis of the spine - the first treatment of the patient about problems in the back in most cases, it is an X-ray examination. A huge advantage of the procedure is accessibility - it is carried out in almost every clinic.
  2. Ultrasound examination (ultrasound). In most cases, it is not advisable to do an ultrasound for back diagnostics, but sometimes there is simply no other way out. Ultrasound clearly visualizes the cervical section, but much worse than the thoracic and lumbosacral.
  3. Magnetic resonance imaging. One of the best methods of visualization, inferior in accuracy and informativity of computer tomography alone.
  4. CT scan. The ideal method of visualization of the musculoskeletal system as a whole, and the spinal column in particular. It is possible to create a 3D image of individual bone and cartilage structures.

Advantages of MRI

Magnetic resonance imaging perfectly visualizes soft tissue, but does a little worse with the study of bone and cartilage structures. Much better than the classic X-ray or ultrasound, but it is much worse than CT.

Comparison of CT and MRI images (with reference to soft tissues)

Advantages of MRI include:

  • high information content;
  • is available in every major hospital or private clinic;
  • is absolutely safe for both children and adults;
  • quick interpretation of the results;
  • practically no preparation is required before the procedure;
  • it is possible to use contrast agents.

With the help of MRI, you can find the following diseases of the back:

  • degenerative-dystrophic pathologies (spondylosis, osteochondrosis);
  • Scoliotic disease (including the ability to determine the extent and causes of pathology);
  • spondylolisthesis (prolapse of individual vertebrae);
  • malignant and benign neoplasms;
  • infringement (compression) of spinal nerve nodes and vertebral arteries.
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Advantages of CT

Ideal for diagnosing diseases of the spinal column.

Computed tomography very accurately and informatively examines bone and cartilaginous structures, and also has the ability to create 3D and even 4D snapshots.

It is also possible to use contrast materials for better visualization.

The advantages of CT are:

  • perfectly visualizes bone and cartilaginous structures;
  • is available in almost every hospital and large private clinic;
  • relatively safe technique (with rational use);
  • there is the possibility of using contrast materials, creating 3D and 4D panoramic images of individual organs;
  • quick interpretation of the results.

Differences between CT and MRI

With the help of CT, the following diseases of the back can be detected:

  1. Malignant and benign bone formation.
  2. Degenerative and dystrophic pathologies (osteochondrosis, spondylosis).
  3. Scoliotic disease (including at its earliest stages).
  4. Spondylolisthesis.
  5. Bechterew's disease.
  6. Autoimmune and inflammatory pathologies of the spine.
  7. Compression of the spinal nerve nodes and vertebral arteries.
  8. Kimmerle's anomaly, Marfan's syndrome, vertebral artery syndrome.

The cost of computed tomography of the spine is on average , 00 rubles, in Moscow and St. Petersburg the price is approximately 25% higher.

Benefits of X-rays

The classic X-ray in most cases is the first method of diagnosis, with suspicion of back disease. And this is not surprising, since it is available in almost every out-patient clinic (and even more hospital) in the countries of the former Soviet Union.

The advantages of x-rays include:

  • very cheap, and often even free (when diagnosed in public medical institutions);
  • fairly well visualizes the spine and can show most common back pathologies;
  • is available in almost every medical institution;
  • It is safe even with frequent use.

With the help of classical radiography, the following pathologies of the back can be detected:

  • Scoliotic disease (one can estimate the degree of the scoliotic arch);
  • indirectly, the presence or absence of malignant and benign neoplasms can be determined;
  • osteochondrosis in the second and higher stage;
  • Kimmerle anomaly (presence of an additional arch on the vertebral atlant);
  • spondylolisthesis, large intervertebral hernias (single and multiple).

CKT and MRI devices

The price of an ordinary radiography of the spine is on the average 220 rubles. In most cases, the procedure is performed free of charge (in public medical institutions and in the presence of indications for the conduct).

Advantages of ultrasound

In most cases, the use of ultrasound to visualize the spine is impractical. Ultrasound waves pass extremely badly through the bone structures, so you can not get a good "picture" simply.

The advantages of ultrasound include:

  • comparative cheapness;
  • huge availability - is available in every major medical institution, as well as in private offices;
  • absolutely safe procedure;
  • the decoding of the results of the study is carried out not just right after the procedure, but right during it.

With the help of ultrasound diagnosis, the following diseases of the back can be detected:

  1. Congenital anomalies and defects in the structure of the spine.
  2. Syndrome of the vertebral artery (including caused by the Kimmerl anomaly).
  3. Curvatures and deformations of the spinal column (including those caused by scoliotic disease).
  4. Compression and obstruction of the vertebral arteries (in the cervical region).
  5. Malignant and benign neoplasm (only large size).

Detailing of CT images

The cost of ultrasound of the spinal column averages 500 rubles. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the price may be 200-250 rubles higher.

What is better to choose?

In total, there are four techniques for visualizing the spinal column. But what better to do if you suspect a disease in the spine? Which methodology will be both accessible, informative, and safe for the patient's health?

Based on the requirements described, the best way is computed tomography. It can even be said that CT is designed to visualize the spinal column, but the technique is so powerful that it can also study soft tissues.

Often the townsfolk, when thinking about computed tomography, complain that it can harm the human body due to the irradiation of that X-ray. In fact, the harm from such exposure is minimal, even if the procedure is carried out every two weeks throughout the year.

The only worthy analogue of computed tomography is MRI. Classic x-rays, and even more so ultrasound, do not even stand close by the informativeness and accuracy of these diagnostic techniques.

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What is better to do an MRI or CT scan of the spine? - MRI-X-Ray

Diagnosis of pathologies of the spinal column today can be varied.

Today, medical centers are equipped with both an ordinary X-ray machine and tomographs for CT or MRI.

Quite often patients ask the question: what is better to choose CT or MRI? Also, many are wondering why it is impossible to do with the usual X-ray? Let's consider the main differences of methods in more detail.

Features of X-ray diagnostics

It is x-ray is the first method of diagnosis of most pathologies of the spine.

In some situations, only this study can be done, but in some situations more detailed research is required.

This method is based on the use of X-rays, which pass through the patient's body and is registered via a special screen. There are several options for x-ray research:

  • Radiography - the method involves capturing data on the monitor screen with further printing on the film. If necessary, the picture can be taken in different projections. The study has a minimum of contraindications, is widely distributed in medical institutions.
  • X-ray - is a fairly long study, as a result of which a specialist examines the structure of the human body at the time of exposure to x-rays. The method is characterized by considerable radiation load, it has mainly historical value.

Advantages of the method

  1. Availability and economy of the survey, which contributes to the prevalence of the method of research in almost every medical institution.
  • The safety of the method lies in the fact that the effect of X-rays on the patient's body is minimal, which means that the study hardly brings any harm. This allows you to perform X-rays to various categories of patients, since it has no absolute contraindications.
  • Good informativity for defects in the bony structures of the human body.

Disadvantages of the study

  1. The low resolution is due to the fact that the picture is taken only in one plane. If it is necessary to study the object on the other hand, it is necessary to repeatedly perform the X-ray, which doubles the radiation load.
  2. The radiation load can affect the health of children, pregnant women. These categories of patients are not investigated.
  3. Insufficiently clear image of soft-tissue structures of the body.

Features of CT

Computer tomography is a diagnostic study based on the use of X-rays, which pass through the organs and tissues of the patient at various angles.

Due to this, the doctor receives a lot of pictures of the object of research in various projections. The results of the study can be reflected in the picture or transferred to the patient on an electronic carrier.

Advantages of the method

  1. High accuracy in the diagnosis of bone damage, thanks to a clear image of hard tissues.
  2. The study in several projections allows to reveal pathology of small sizes in the field of research (department of the spine).
  3. The method is absolutely harmless for people who have electronic devices in the body, metal implants.
  4. This survey, if necessary, allows you to build a three-dimensional model of the body based on the resulting sections. This is of particular importance in the diagnosis of spinal hernia and other pathologies.


  1. The radiation load on the body of the examinee is somewhat greater than from the x-ray.
  2. The method can not be used in pregnancy and in children.
  3. People who are prone to developing allergic reactions should not perform a study using contrast.
  4. Mentally ill persons and patients with claustrophobia can not be examined with the help of CT. These conditions are a relative contraindication, since under the influence of sedatives or under anesthesia examination can be performed.
  5. Not a clear image of soft-tissue formations.
  6. A small prevalence of the method, which is explained by the high cost of the procedure and the high cost of the equipment.

It is most optimal to use CT if necessary to identify osteophytes, minimal vertebral fractures and other bone pathologies.

Features of MRI

Magnetic resonance imaging is a method based on the use of a magnetic field and a sensor that captures changes in the charge of cells in the study area. MRI is the most modern and accurate method of diagnosis.


  1. The execution of images in various projections allows the widest possible coverage of the research area.
  2. There is no radiation load on the patient's body.
  3. The method can be used in children and during pregnancy.
  4. This study allows you to clearly visualize the soft tissues and organs of the human body.


  1. Expensive procedure.
  2. High cost of magnetic resonance imaging and its maintenance.
  3. Impossibility of carrying out of research to the persons, not being able to stay in a stationary state for a long time.
  4. There are contraindications to the MRI. It is not possible to perform the procedure for persons with metal structures in the body or built-in electronic devices.


Each of these methods has its advantages and disadvantages. In each specific case, only one of them can be the most informative.

That is why the question of the appropriateness of any research lies with the attending physician. Only a competent specialist can recommend the most optimal method of diagnosis for setting the right diagnosis.

The patient's task is to fulfill the doctor's recommendations in accordance with his material capabilities.

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