
What kind of doctor should I use with flat feet?

Content 1What kind of physician should I use for flatfoot 1.1What is a flatfoot? 2Flat-footedness 2.1Classification 2.2Clinical picture 2.3Than the disease is dangerous 2.4How is the appointment with a specialist? 2.5How is therapy performed? 3Which doctor should I use with flat feet 3.1When I need help from a doctor 3.2Observation and treatment of an orthopedist 3.3Surgical intervention 3.4Observation and treatment in the podiatrist 3.5Narrow specialists 4Flat-footednes...

  • 11-Aug-2018
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Cyst of spine: symptoms and treatment

Content 1Cyst of the spine: what is it and how dangerous it is 1.1General information 1.2Etiology 1.3Possible consequences and complications 1.4Classification 1.5Perineural 1.6Periarticular 1.7Syringomyelic 1.8Solitary 1.9Likvornaya 1.10Kista Tarlova 1.11Epidermoid 1.12Aneurysmal 1.13Methods of therapy 1.14Alternative medicine 2Perineural cyst of spine: causes, symptoms and treatment 2.1Causes of the disease 2.2Symptoms of the disease 2.3Features of the disease 2.4Dia...

  • 06-Aug-2018
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Syndrome titze (costochondritis): symptoms and treatment

Content 1Titze Syndrome 1.1Causes and predisposing factors of the development of the Tietze syndrome 1.2Diagnosis and differential diagnostics of the Tietze syndrome 2Titze Syndrome (rib chondrite): symptoms and treatment (in tch folk) and pr + photo 2.1What is the essence? 2.2Symptomatology 2.3Diagnosis in the presence of swelling in the rib cartilage 2.4Treatment 2.5Application of folk methods 2.6Photo gallery of components of folk remedies 3Tietze's disease 3.1What it is...

  • 27-Aug-2018
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Syndrome of the vertebral artery with cervical osteochondrosis: symptoms and treatment

Content 1Syndrome of the vertebral artery with cervical osteochondrosis: symptoms and treatment 1.1What is vertebrobasilar syndrome? 1.2Causes 1.3Risk factors 1.4Clinical manifestations 1.5Diagnostics 1.6Importance of differential diagnosis 1.7Medication Therapy 1.8Physical Methods 1.9Folk methods 1.10Indications for surgical treatment 1.11Complications 2Syndrome of the vertebral artery with cervical osteochondrosis: symptoms and treatment at home 2.1What is a vertebral art...

  • 02-Aug-2018
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Syringomyelia of cervical and thoracic spine: treatment

Content 1How to treat syringomyelia 1.1What is syringomyelia? 1.2Causes of the disease 1.3Symptoms of syringomyelia 1.4Diagnosis - Species 1.5Treatment of syringomyelia 1.6Prognosis and prevention 2The main signs of syringomyelia and its treatment 2.1Why does syringomyelia occur? 2.2Manifestations of the disease 2.3Prognosis of the disease 2.4What can be done for treatment? 2.5Prevention of syringomyelia 3Syringomyelia is a chronic disease of the central nervous system 3....

  • 19-Aug-2018
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After the bicycle sore knee

Content 1Why knees ache after a bicycle 1.1What kind of pain is normal? 1.2Diseases of the joints 1.3Osteoarthritis 1.4Arthritis 1.5How to eliminate pain? 2What to do, aching knees after riding a bike 3Do your knees hurt after the bike? Find out the reason 4What to do if the knees hurt after the bike: tips 4.1Correct landing 4.2Correct pedaling 4.3Drink a lot 4.4Maintaining heat 4.5What if the knees still get sick? 5Do your knees hurt after riding a bicycle? With this ur...

  • 26-Aug-2018
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