Syndrome of the vertebral artery with cervical osteochondrosis: symptoms and treatment


  • 1Syndrome of the vertebral artery with cervical osteochondrosis: symptoms and treatment
    • 1.1What is vertebrobasilar syndrome?
    • 1.2Causes
    • 1.3Risk factors
    • 1.4Clinical manifestations
    • 1.5Diagnostics
    • 1.6Importance of differential diagnosis
    • 1.7Medication Therapy
    • 1.8Physical Methods
    • 1.9Folk methods
    • 1.10Indications for surgical treatment
    • 1.11Complications
  • 2Syndrome of the vertebral artery with cervical osteochondrosis: symptoms and treatment at home
    • 2.1What is a vertebral artery syndrome
    • 2.2Causes
    • 2.3Symptoms and signs of the syndrome in cervical osteochondrosis
    • 2.4Clinical development of the disease
    • 2.5Diagnosis and treatment
    • 2.6Medication Therapy
    • 2.7Folk remedies
    • 2.8Home Treatment
    • 2.9Is it possible to cure
    • 2.10Prevention
  • 3Treatment of vertebral artery syndrome with cervical osteochondrosis, symptoms and causes
    • 3.1Description of the disease
    • 3.2Causes and risk groups
    • 3.3Risk group
    • 3.4Symptoms of the syndrome with cervical osteochondrosis
    • 3.5Symptoms of the disease
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.6Diagnosis is an important stage in the treatment
    • 3.7Treatment of the disease
    • 3.8Conclusion
  • 4Characteristics of the vertebral artery syndrome with cervical osteochondrosis
    • 4.1Why does the syndrome develop?
    • 4.2Two stages and symptoms of pathology
    • 4.3Symptoms at different stages
    • 4.4Possible complications
    • 4.5Diagnosis in case of complications
    • 4.6Difficulties in diagnosing
    • 4.7Overview of treatment methods
    • 4.8Medication
    • 4.9Surgery
    • 4.10Healing gymnastics - the guarantee of health of the spine
    • 4.11Complex of exercises
    • 4.12Forecast

Syndrome of the vertebral artery with cervical osteochondrosis: symptoms and treatment

In the list of impairments associated with cervical osteochondrosis, a special place is occupied by the so-called vertebrobasilar syndrome.

Particular, because along with other disorders of cerebral circulation this pathology not only reduces the quality of life patient, but, not being exposed to timely therapy, can pose a serious threat to health and well-being patient.

What is vertebrobasilar syndrome?

Syndrome of the vertebral artery in cervical osteochondrosis is a complex of disorders that arise as a result of hemodynamic disorders in the basin of the vertebral artery.

This condition is one of the complications of cervical osteochondrosis, which, due to the specificity of the anatomical features of the vertebral artery, lead to a disruption in the functioning of virtually all organs and systems.

Careful attention to this pathology is due to the fact that, in addition to subjective discomfort (pain, dizziness, vision problems), vertebrogenic the syndrome can adversely affect the vital functions of a number of structures of the central nervous system, which causes health and life threatening state.


The reasons for the development of this pathology lie in the anatomical features of the cervical spine and in particular the artery itself. This paired vessel is a branch of the subclavian artery.

Approaching the sixth cervical vertebra, the vertebral artery enters the canal formed by the processes of the cervical vertebrae (from the first to the sixth). From this channel, the vertebral artery and falls into the skull.

En route in the bone canal, the vertebral artery is susceptible to deformation at the slightest instability of the cervical vertebrae, as well as when the height of intervertebral discs decreases.

Mechanisms of vertebrogenic syndrome development:

  1. As a result of deformation of the artery, the volume of blood flow in it decreases, which leads to a violation of the blood supply to the basal structures of the brain.
  2. Another mechanism for the development of pathological symptoms associated with cervical osteochondrosis is irritation or even infringement of the sympathetic neural bundle that runs along with the vertebral artery. Injury of nerve fibers and leads to a rapid development of neurological symptoms.

So a pathological symptom complex is formed, better known as a vertebral artery syndrome in the background of cervical osteochondrosis.

Risk factors

There are a number of conditions in which there is a greater probability of vertebral syndrome arteries with cervical osteochondrosis (the cause of the disease lies in the pathology of the spine), this:

  1. Sam osteochondrosis.
  2. Excess body weight, characteristic of obesity.
  3. Systemic diseases accompanied by metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis).
  4. Excessive emotional-stressful and physical stress.
  5. Systematic toxic effects (alcohol, nicotine).
  6. Genetically determined predisposition to vascular disorders.

Clinical manifestations

The symptomatology of this vascular pathology is very recognizable:

  • Pronounced paroxysmal headaches characterized by a pulsating character and extending from the posterior surface of the neck to the nape, and from there - towards the temples and the frontal region. More often the headache with vertebrogenic syndrome has unilateral localization.
  • Painful sensations, localized directly on the surface of the scalp.
  • Disorders from the vestibular apparatus: a sense of instability, both during walking and at rest, shaking, episodes of dizziness, hearing impairment, audibility of extraneous sounds in the form of ringing or noise in ears. "The floating of the floor from under the feet" with sharp turns of the head.
  • Subjective decrease in visual acuity due to flashing before the eyes of sparks, flies, fog or shroud, the sensation of sand in the eyes.
  • Strain and tenderness of the neck muscles (especially with palpation).
  • Episodes of numbness of any part of the face.
  • Violations in the cardiovascular sphere in the form of episodes of tachycardia, soreness behind the sternum, a sense of lack of air during inspiration.
  • Psychological manifestations in the form of attacks of aggression, panic attacks, depressive states or propensity to apathy.

In addition to high blood pressure, often accompanying the syndrome of the vertebral artery with cervical osteochondrosis, the main symptoms of this vascular disorder in severe cases can be accompanied by the following signs:

  1. Nausea, which occurs at the height of the attack and ends with vomiting.
  2. Cracking and crunching when performing movements in the cervical spine - tilting and turning the head.
  3. Strengthening of pathological phenomena from the side of vision: double vision, narrowing of the field of vision, fuzzy visibility.
  4. Progression of hearing impairment and increased pathological noise.
  5. Swallowing act disorder.
  6. Deterioration of the sensitivity of the skin of the lips, mucous membrane of the tongue and pharynx; numbness and paresthesia in these areas.
  7. Loss of consciousness. Often this state is preceded by a backward deflected position of the head (as, for example, when looking up). Approaching the loss of consciousness can be recognized by increasing nausea and dizziness, speech impairment, sharp loss of vision by one of the eyes.

These signs, combined with pain and other signs of exacerbation of the cervical pathology, virtually unmistakably indicate the vertebral artery syndrome with cervical osteochondrosis.


The variety of subjective signs of vertebrogenic syndrome and the different perception of complaints by different patients make it very difficult to diagnose vertebrobasilar syndrome. In connection with this, a list of mandatory examinations was developed, designed to identify the objective characteristics characteristic of this pathology.

  • Duplex scanning or ultrasound dopplerography of the arteries to identify extravasal deformities of the vertebral artery.
  • Radiography of cervical vertebrae with the use of functional samples and fixation of the image when flexing and unbending the cervical region.
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), revealing the presence, extent and localization of deformations of blood vessels.

Syndrome of the vertebral artery in cervical osteochondrosis is diagnosed when the patient has three main clinical criteria:

  1. The presence of a characteristic for this pathology set and a combination of symptoms.
  2. Identified by the methods of magnetic resonance imaging and x-ray of the neck are typical changes.
  3. Characteristic violations detected during scanning, as well as during dopplerography of vertebral arteries with the use of stress tests, with flexion and extension of the head.

Such a list of diagnostic criteria was established in order to avoid overdiagnosis of vertebrogenic syndrome.

Importance of differential diagnosis

Severe attacks of headaches combined with dizziness and nausea on the background of rising blood pressure, and the likelihood of loss of consciousness may indicate both in favor of a stroke in vertebrobasilar basin, transient ischemic attack or infectious-toxic lesion of the neural tissue during neuroinfection, and to identify the vertebral artery syndrome with cervical osteochondrosis. Symptoms occur suddenly, which makes it difficult to collect an anamnesis. Both conditions are classified as urgent and are an indication for hospitalization and detailed examination.

Differential diagnosis is necessary for the correct selection of treatment for each of these diseases.

Medication Therapy

In vascular pathology, which includes the vertebral artery syndrome with cervical osteochondrosis, treatment must be complex and affect not only the etiology, but also focus on correcting violations that have arisen as a result of the violation blood circulation.

  1. The first step of drug treatment is the selection of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to eliminate the neurogenic inflammation. Priority is given to drugs from the NSAID selective group, which blocks only the enzyme cyclooxygenase the second type; This approach combines effectiveness in combating the disease with patient. Typical representatives of this group of drugs are drugs based on nimesulide, meloxicam or celecoxib.
  2. A number of disorders, which are caused by symptomatology in vertebrogenic syndrome, develops under the influence of pathological hypertonia of the neck musculature. This is one of the signs that before us - a syndrome of the vertebral artery with cervical osteochondrosis. The patients' testimonies indicate that the inclusion of muscle relaxants in the treatment regimen facilitates a more rapid normalization of well-being and a general condition. Of the group of such drugs, a good effect is given by "Midokalm "Sirdalud "Baclofen". Eliminating muscle spasms, muscle relaxants reduce the intensity of the pain syndrome, thereby reducing the need for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. An important point! During the period of application of these drugs, it is necessary to refrain from activities requiring increased attention and quick reactions. In addition, such work is incompatible with vestibular disorders, which manifest the syndrome of the vertebral artery in cervical osteochondrosis.
  3. Treatment of conditions caused by failure of hemodynamics in the vertebrobasilar basin is unthinkable without the use of drugs, normalizing microcirculation, bioactive substances and other drugs, whose action is aimed at combating hypoxia tissues.

Physical Methods

As an independent treatment technique, physiotherapy is not effective enough; the syndrome of the vertebral artery in cervical osteochondrosis requires an integrated approach to treatment. However, as an auxiliary physiological treatment gives quite good results.

The disadvantage of the method can be considered that its use is contraindicated in the period of exacerbation of osteochondrosis.

Massage with vertebrogenic syndrome is often contraindicated even during remission, since it can cause displacement of vertebrae and infringement of the vascular-neural bundle.

The preferred technique for this pathology is reflexotherapy, capable of removing muscle spasms without causing harm to the patient and not aggravating his condition.

Of no small importance is the orthopedic regimen (immobilization of the cervical part by wearing the collar of Shantz). This point is especially important in cases when the deterioration of the patient's condition is associated with a change in position or movements of the head.

Without aggravation it is necessary to take a set of measures to strengthen the muscular framework of the neck. In connection with the specific pathology, a specialist should make a decision about the expediency of the effect through massage or exercise therapy. Exercises should also be performed under the supervision of a specialist.

Folk methods

Among the recipes containing people's experience in the treatment of certain violations, there are also tools that help cope with some manifestations of vertebrogenic syndrome.

  1. Use of garlic to reduce blood viscosity. To obtain the medicinal composition, three large heads of garlic must be crushed and maintained in the dark for three days. Then the mass must be filtered and add to it in equal amounts honey and lemon juice. Drink before going to bed on a tablespoon.
  2. Decrease in blood pressure will contribute to the reception of the composition, prepared from 40 grams of corn stigmas, 20 grams of lemon balm, lemon juice and a glass of boiling water. After an hour of insisting, take half a cup three times a day for 30 minutes before eating.
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It should be remembered: in such a serious situation as the syndrome of the vertebral artery with cervical osteochondrosis, causes of the disease and numerous disorders are not eliminated by herbal infusions or other folk means. A full-value regimen of therapy can be prescribed only by the attending physician after a detailed examination of the patient. Folk remedies are used as auxiliary; their application is permissible under the following conditions:

  • Absence of allergic reactions to ingredients.
  • Absence of contraindications and approval of the attending physician.

Indications for surgical treatment

The decision on surgical intervention is taken in the case of development due to vertebrogenic syndrome following pathological conditions:

  • Ischemic attacks, strokes.
  • Intellectual-mnestic, cognitive disorders.
  • Rapid progression of vision, hearing and balance disorders.

In addition, indications are the cases when the syndrome of the vertebral artery with cervical osteochondrosis is combined with pronounced Arterial hypertension, anatomical abnormalities of the vertebral artery or atherosclerosis, as well as the ineffectiveness of therapeutic activities.


The most serious complication of vertebrobasilar syndrome is a stroke in the vertebrobasilar basin. Consequences of it can be:

  • Hearing loss.
  • Complete loss of vision.
  • Cardiovascular failure.
  • Insufficiency of the respiratory system.

A source: http://.ru/article/312722/sindrom-pozvonochnoy-arterii-pri-sheynom-osteohondroze-simptomyi-i-lechenie

Syndrome of the vertebral artery with cervical osteochondrosis: symptoms and treatment at home

Pulsating pain in the head, periodic sensation of dizziness, extraneous noise in the ears may indicate the occurrence of a syndrome of the vertebral artery.

The disease needs timely treatment, since in neglected cases it can become the main cause of ischemic stroke.

What is a vertebral artery syndrome

There are only two vertebral arteries, they start from the subclavian artery and are involved in the blood supply to the brain.

Deterioration of blood supply to important parts in the brain leads to pathological changes in their functioning and, ultimately, to ischemic processes and stroke.


There arises a syndrome of vertebral arteries in humans under the influence of two main groups of causes. It:

  • Not vertebrogenic, that is not related to the pathologies of the vertebral column itself. These reasons include congenital anomalies of the development of one or two vertebral arteries at once, this can cause their excessive tortuosity, the diminution in diameter. Also, no vertebrogenic causes are associated with atherosclerosis.
  • Vertebrogenic causes imply diseases that affect the spine. These are traumas, tumors, in adults Bekhterev's disease. But nevertheless, in the first place among the causes of the development of the syndrome of vertebral arteries, a person has cervical osteochondrosis.

Symptoms and signs of the syndrome in cervical osteochondrosis

The main culprits of the vertebral artery syndrome with cervical osteochondrosis are:

  • Osteophytes, that is, the growth of bone protrusions on the vertebrae.This leads to mechanical compression of a number of located vessels and mainly the vertebral artery. Osteophytes also constantly irritate the surrounding nerve plexus surrounding the vessel, which further increases the spasm of the artery.
  • Deviation of the vertebrae from their normal location.
  • Inflammatory processes in the tissues of the neck.With inflammation, there is swelling, it puts pressure on the vessel.
  • Muscle spasm in the cervical region.Spasmodic muscle in osteochondrosis of the cervical region is due to reflex protection of the body in response to pain and restraint of movements.

Insufficient blood flow to the brain always leads to the development of characteristic symptoms, with the syndrome of the vertebral artery, patients most often complain about:

  • Severe pain in the head. It can be in the form of a pulse, constant, localized in the nape of the neck and crown, above the eyebrows, often marked only on one side. The pain intensifies after sharp movements of the neck or after a dream with an inadvertently or awkwardly turned head.
  • Dizziness, noise in the ears.
  • Periodic nausea and vomiting without relief.
  • Violations of the visual function - the appearance of flies, shroud and double vision. Perhaps the fall of visual acuity.
  • Hearing loss, most often this sign is fixed on one side.
  • Violations in the coordination of movements.

If a person also has a history of heart disease or hypertension, then, in squeezing the vertebral artery, in addition to the main signs, you may also be bothered by pinching or stitching pains in the heart area.

A smaller proportion of patients with Bernard-Horner syndrome, manifested by burning and tingling in one side of the face, sensation of a foreign object in the pharynx.

Clinical development of the disease

Clinical manifestations of the disease depend on the degree of pathological hemodynamic disorders and on the type of disruption of blood supply to the brain. It is accepted to classify the vertebral artery syndrome according to the degree of hemodynamic changes revealed in two stages:

  • Functional, it is also denoted by the term dystonic, the stage is manifested by an almost constant headache. Increases pain with sharp turns of the head and neck, after finding a long time in one position. By nature, the pain is pulsating, burning, aching, it covers mainly the back of the head, whiskey, forehead area. At the same stage, the sick person often complains of dizziness, it can be manifested by feeling instability, the feeling of a rapid rotation of nearby objects or the feeling of falling of one's own body. In addition to dizziness and pain in the dystonic stage, often disturbed by hearing disorders, visual function.
  • Ischemic(another name is organic) stage is manifested by transient ischemic attacks. These are sudden attacks of severe dizziness, pronounced disturbances in coordination of movements, speech changes, nausea and vomiting. Ischemic attacks often occur precisely with sudden changes in the position of the head, and if a person can take a horizontal position, then regression is possible, that is, stabilization of well-being. After the attack, for a while, lethargy, weakness, sparks in the eyes, tinnitus, headache may be disturbing.

By the nature of hemodynamic disorders, the disease is divided into:

  • Irritive form.This variant of the course of the syndrome is formed as a result of irritation of the efferent sympathetic fibers, which causes a spasm of the arteries.
  • Angiospastic formarises as a result of reflex spasm with irritation of the receptors. As symptoms of this form, diffuse vegetative disorders predominate, not associated with various head movements.
  • Compression formoccurs when mechanical compression of the vessels, caused by the pathology of the cervical region.

Diagnosis and treatment

To suggest that the patient has a syndrome of the vertebral artery, a neurologist or a therapist may be symptomatic of the disease.

To confirm the diagnosis, a number of instrumental examinations are assigned:

  • UZDG - ultrasound dopplerography. This examination reminds on the carrying out of US and allows to reveal the sizes of vessels, speed of a current of a blood in them, presence of gorts and narrowings.
  • MRI can detect ischemic foci, the degree of blood supply to the brain.
  • Radiography is used to determine the cause of the disease.

Medication Therapy

Groups of drugs are selected depending on all identified changes and symptoms that disturb the patient.

In most cases, the following therapy scheme is prescribed:

  • Anti-inflammatory, it is aimed at relieving inflammation and pain syndrome, especially it is necessary for cervical osteochondrosis. The course uses Nimesulid, Ibuprom, the dosage is selected individually.
  • Medications to improve venous outflow. Assign Diosmin, Troxerutin, in hospital conditions intravenously drip L-lysine.
  • Improving the patency of the vertebral artery is achieved through the use of Trental, Agapurin.
  • Drugs that reduce hypoxia of the brain, this Mexidol, Actovegin.
  • Preparations that improve the blood supply to the brain - Thiocetam, Pyracetam.
  • Neuroprotectors - Gliatillin, Solmazin.
  • With pronounced and frequent dizziness appointed Betaserk, Betagistin.
  • The course of vitamins.
  • When osteochondrosis is detected, chondroprotectors are prescribed.

Some of the medicines are prescribed for a patient for several months. The dosage of drugs is selected by the doctor specifically for each patient and therefore may vary.

Folk remedies

Folk methods of treatment of the vertebral artery syndrome should be used only in conjunction with drug treatment, since this disease always requires a serious approach to its therapy. The most popular means include:

  • Garlic tincture.Three large heads of garlic need to be cleaned, chopped, poured into a jar and left in a cool place for three days. Then the resulting mass is filtered and to it in equal proportions is added natural honey and fresh juice from the lemon. Take this medication on a tablespoon before bedtime, it dilutes blood well and promotes better blood flow.
  • Coniferous baths.For their preparation, pine needles, cedar, fir, spruce will suit. The needles are brewed and poured into the water after 12 hours of infusion. This bathroom removes the spasm from the muscles, relaxes well and promotes better blood flow, take it for 20-30 minutes.
  • From dizziness helps the grass oregano.It is brewed from the calculation of a liter of boiling water for two tablespoons of grass, it is necessary to brew for the night. Over the next day, the whole drink is consumed in four divided doses.

Home Treatment

The use of prescribed medications at home is often recommended to use in conjunction with wearing a special cervical corset, called the collar of Shants.

Necessarily after relief of acute symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to perform daily exercise complexes at home. Lessons should be selected by the doctor taking into account all changes in the spine.

The simplest exercises that can be recommended for vertebral artery syndrome include:

  • Careful turns of the head. The amplitude of movements should be increased gradually.
  • Slopes.
  • Performing tilts and turns with back pressure. That is necessary, turning his head to the side, hand to try to keep it from this movement.
  • Shrug.

In a subacute period, a massage can be prescribed, but it should be performed by a highly qualified specialist in vertebral artery syndrome. Physiotherapeutic procedures are shown.

Is it possible to cure

Complete recovery of patients with vertebral artery syndrome depends on many factors.


With cervical osteochondrosis, the development of the syndrome can be prevented by the continuous implementation of some preventive measures for this complication. These measures include:

  • Daily exercise. Kneading during the day groups of neck muscles.
  • To sleep it is necessary on an orthopedic mattress and a pillow.
  • Massage courses at least twice a year.
  • Full and timely treatment of osteochondrosis.

Syndrome of the vertebral artery can lead to very serious complications, some of which result in disability.

And therefore, when the first signs of the disease appear, one must undergo a diagnosis and a course of effective treatment.

A source:

Treatment of vertebral artery syndrome with cervical osteochondrosis, symptoms and causes

In medical terminology, there is the concept of "vertebral artery syndrome which characterizes a group of symptoms that are the result of a blood flow disturbance in the brain, when one or both of the arteries of the brain do not normally perform their main function - delivering to its departments in the required amount of blood. In this case there is a pathology, not a disease, because any syndrome means that there are necessarily several symptoms.

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But if you regularly take appropriate preventive measures, you can avoid such an unpleasant morbid condition.

This should be remembered for those people who are at risk.

Following the recommendations of doctors, you can avoid this syndrome for a long time.

Description of the disease

There is this ailment and another name -vertebrobasilar syndrome. What is the expression of such a lesion of the vertebral artery?

As a result of the influence of a certain group of factors, some parts of the brain begin to receive insufficient blood.

And blood, as is known, is a source of very important for the brain nutrition, so in this situation there is a normal reaction of the body, and the person feels strong headaches. Simultaneously, there are signs that are difficult to relate to diseases of the spine.

Most patients experience symptoms such as dizziness, blurred vision, "flies numbness in the hands, goosebumps.

If a person for a long time does not pay proper attention to his condition, then at some pointmay develop ischemic stroke.

There are many cases when this disease provokes accompanying diseases, which have nothing to do with pathological processes in the spine. Among such favorable factors is atherosclerosis, hypoplasia of the vertebral artery, etc.

Sleepy arteries are an important organ of the human body, thanks to them the brain receives up to 70% of the required volume of blood.

Modest possibilities are possessed by vertebral arteries, whichtransmit through themselves from 15 to 30% of the blood.

But if suddenly any of these arteries fail, then a person will feel a deep depression, and this is due to a significant deterioration in his overall well-being.

Causes and risk groups

The following factors can provoke the development of this disease in cervical osteochondrosis:

  • Sedentary lifestyle. To start to worry about the state of their health follows those people who are engaged in sedentary work, as well as those who lack much physical activity. When creating stagnant phenomena in the internal organs and the spine, there is a danger of metabolic disorders, as well as the appearance of excess weight. Excess kilograms harm health in the sense that vertebrae begin to experience increased stress. Degenerative processes and disks do not bypass the side, where pathological changes are also observed. As a result, the pressure exerted by the bony formations on the vertebral artery, the brain begins to act less than the necessary nutrition.
  • Birth trauma. During childbirth, there is a risk of a baby getting injuries that do not appear in the next few years. But, becoming an adult, a person can face their consequences in the form of a syndrome of the vertebral artery.
  • Congenital pathologies. This disease can be caused by the asymmetry of the vertebral arteries, because of which some parts of the brain are provided with more blood than others.
  • Injuries. Many pathologies can be associated with accidents. It is especially dangerous to injure the upper spine, which can lead to serious disorders, including compression of the left or right artery.

Most often, children face this ailment because of the injuries they received during childbirth.

Adults, however, can experience the effects of spinal artery syndrome as a result of the development of concomitant diseases:cervical osteochondrosis, Bechterew's diseaseand etc.

In many people, this disease develops due to low activity, sedentary work and unwillingness to exercise.

Risk group

This syndrome can also affect older people. Also to this morbid state are men and women who do not observe measures in smoking and drinking alcohol.

Symptoms of the syndrome with cervical osteochondrosis

Determine the initial stage of the disease can be a headache, which can be permanent or occur as seizures.

Most often it is found in the occipital region, but in the absence of timely treatment it can spread to the temporal region and forehead. Any sharp movement of the head invariably leads to an aggravation of pain.

Patients with this diagnosis begin to feel a burning sensation whenever they touch the skin in the area of ​​hair growth.

Symptoms of the disease

In general, this diseasecan be described as the following symptoms:

  • Noise or ringing in the head. May disturb a person a few minutes or a couple of hours. At some moments it can become stronger, certain factors can contribute to its appearance or it can persist continuously.
  • Nausea and vomiting. Usually these symptoms are observed during a strong dizziness. Experts call the main cause of the violation of blood flow in the inner ear.
  • Deterioration of hearing and vision. Some patients may be blinded by one eye or deaf in one ear depending on the site of the artery that struck the disease.
  • Excessive tension of the neck muscles. When violations occur in the vertebrae, there is a pinching of the nerve roots, as well as compression of the vertebral artery. In this condition, the patient has to limit the movement of the neck.
  • Temporary loss of consciousness, fainting. This is one of the frequent symptoms that occurs with the syndrome under consideration. This condition causes a lack of oxygen in the brain, which he must be supplied with blood. Under such conditions, hypoxia occurs - a condition more commonly known as oxygen starvation of the brain.

The above symptoms in cervical osteochondrosis may contribute to the development of other concomitant diseases, for example,hypertension, vegetovascular dystoniaand etc.

Do not pass unnoticed for the nervous system and panic attacks, which are common symptoms for dystonia.

With cervical osteochondrosis, the patient develops fear, fear of remaining in a closed space, he constantly feels irritated, confused and confused.

Diagnosis is an important stage in the treatment

The formulation of an accurate diagnosis is an important stage in the treatment of the syndrome in cervical osteochondrosis, and for this it is necessarycarry out a number of mandatory procedures:

  • MRI;
  • Ultrasound;
  • ultrasound dopplerography (with its help you can determine the speed, get information about the features of blood circulation in arterial vessels).

However, in the beginning, specialists perform a visual examination to determine the painful zones and the degree of tension of the neck muscles. To get a more accurate picture of the situation with cervical osteochondrosis, it is possible only after passing all the prescribed examinations.

Treatment of the disease

For the disease that was identified in the early stages, very useful is the type of treatment is the course vascular therapy, which quickly normalizes the operation of the major vessels of the spinal column in the cervical department. However, for complete recovery in cervical osteochondrosis, it is necessary to carry out complex treatment, which includesthe following medical events:

  • LFK - exercise therapy. The treatment program includes physical sparing exercises, except for sharp head inclinations, twisting of the spine, jumping. With regular exercise, you can quickly eliminate the strong tension of the neck muscles, as well as normalize the blood supply. The basis of therapeutic gymnastics is formed by slow tilting of the head back, forward and sideways, circular head movements left and right, head inclinations in all directions through the resistance of their own hands. For greater effect, they can be performed with the fingers crossed "in the lock".
  • Drugs that normalize blood flow. Similar action has drugs containing ibuprom, nimesulide, the positive effect of which is to eliminate inflammatory phenomena in the tissues, as well as strong painful sensations. Admission trental and agapurin allows you to restore the normal lumen of the arteries. The intake of sermion and somazine is recommended as a means possessing a neuroprotective effect. To normalize the supply of oxygen to the brain, specialists can prescribe mexidol and actovegin.
  • Stabilizing drugs. They are aimed at eliminating the problems associated with violations of the vestibular apparatus. If a person does not leave the sense of movement of objects in the surrounding space, he feels the vibrations of the ground under his feet while walking, then this can seriously disrupt his habitual way of life. To combat these symptoms, you can take beta-histidine and betaserk.
  • Acupuncture. On the human body there are special acupuncture points, the action of which can restore the work of certain internal organs. Using such tools, it is possible to improve blood supply, to start the mechanism of cell regeneration, to accelerate metabolism, to increase the immune system, to achieve a rejuvenating effect. There are similar points in the upper spine, knowing about which you can save a person from the corresponding disorders.
  • Professional medical massage. To conduct massage for the treatment of osteochondrosis should only an experienced professional, and if you entrust this matter to an amateur, then he, not knowing the features of the disease, will bring not benefit, but harm to the patient. Properly performed massage has a relaxing effect on the "fossilized" muscles of the back, causes blood to circulate better to the affected areas, helps to improve cellular metabolism.
  • Treatment at home. In the absence of complications in the patient and signs of improvement in health, the doctor may decide to continue treatment on an outpatient basis. However, the patient should still follow all the recommendations exactly, continuing to do medical exercises and regularly visit the air.


Anydiscomfort, which cause a person inconvenience when doing the usual things, can not be ignored, especially if they affect the spine.

Cervical osteochondrosis is one of the most common diseases, so do not exclude the possibility that this is the first signal of its development.

In the absence of timely treatment, other morbid conditions, including vertebral artery syndrome, may be added to this disease.

This will only complicate the treatment, which will require more treatment.

Although if this trouble has not bypassed you, you can save yourself from unpleasant symptoms.

But for this you will have exactlyfollow medical advice, not only during treatment, but also after elimination of symptoms of the disease.

A source:

Characteristics of the vertebral artery syndrome with cervical osteochondrosis

From this article you will learn what symptoms of the vertebral artery syndrome in cervical osteochondrosis have symptoms, as well as its causes and effective methods of treatment.


Syndrome of the vertebral artery is a set of symptoms that appear due to the narrowing of the lumen of the left and (or) right vertebral artery.

The complex of symptoms includes: pain, dizziness, hearing and visual impairment, a feeling of heat, increased sweating.

Most often, this pathology occurs with cervical osteochondrosis.

This syndrome is dangerous because in the absence of treatment can lead to disability.

Completely cure it is possible, eliminating the cause of narrowing the lumen artery surgically. To remove symptoms and slow the further development of the syndrome, it is possible with the help of medicines and therapeutic gymnastics.

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For selection of effective treatment, contact a neurologist.

Why does the syndrome develop?

The most common syndrome of the vertebral artery with cervical osteochondrosis. With this disease on the vertebrae there are growths - osteophytes. They squeeze the vessels.

Occlusion (overlap) of the rotational vertebral artery

Osteochondrosis in the modern world is no longer the destiny of the elderly. The first signs of this disease doctors fix even in adolescents.

This is due to the unfavorable radiation background (the echoes of the Chernobyl accident still affect health) and the sedentary lifestyle of people of any age.

Also, the syndrome can occur against the background of the intervertebral hernia of the cervical spine.

Another common cause is atherosclerosis. In this case, the lumen arteries narrowed due to the build-up of cholesterol deposits on the inner wall of the vessel.

Stages of osteochondrosis

Among other, less common, causes of the syndrome of the vertebral artery can be identified:

  • Defects in the structure of the spine (for example, the Kimmery anomaly, in which the structure of the first cervical vertebra is supplemented by bone formation, which exerts pressure on the vessel).
  • Postponed neck injuries with displacement of vertebrae.
  • Thrombosis of the vertebral artery.
  • Inflammatory diseases (arteritis) of this vessel.

Two stages and symptoms of pathology

There are 2 main stages of the syndrome:

  1. Functional. At this stage, blood circulation in the brain is not significantly affected. There are no areas of the brain that constantly suffer from a lack of blood supply.
  2. Organic. Certain areas of the brain are in a constant lack of blood supply, which can lead to irreversible changes.

Symptoms at different stages

The functional stage can be recognized by such characteristics:

  • Headache. Constant. Worn, burning or pulsating. The main localization of pain is the occipital area. Can spread to whiskey, forehead. Increases during head movements and in the morning if you are sleeping in an uncomfortable position or on a too high pillow. Can increase spontaneously.
  • Dizziness. Appear in the form of seizures. The patient feels unstable body, wiggle.
  • Deterioration of hearing. Minor (can be identified on the audiogram).
  • Spotting disorders: sparks or "flies" before the eyes, attacks of darkening in the eyes.
  • Vegetative disorders: a feeling of fever or chills, excessive sweating, sleep disturbances.

Since many of these symptoms are also characteristic of other neurological disorders, the disease is often difficult to diagnose at the initial stage. Syndrome of the vertebral artery can be confused with other disorders, for example, Ménière syndrome.

Signs of the organic stage:

Vestibulo-atactic syndrome The patient is dizzy, he does not feel the stability of the body. This can be manifested by the shakiness of the gait. Often also a person gets dark in the eyes, in such moments he can not keep his balance at all. It is accompanied by nausea, sometimes vomiting.
Cochleovestibular syndrome It is characterized by constant noise in the ears (may increase with a certain position of the head), hearing impairment (the patient does not hear a whisper). Also, the patient dizzy (slightly constantly or strongly during attacks).
Ophthalmic syndrome Points and spots before the eyes, the appearance of "blind spots" in the field of vision, rapid fatigue of the eyes with visual loads. There may also be pain in the eyes, a foreign body sensation, lacrimation or excessive dryness. Sometimes there are symptoms of conjunctivitis.
Vegetative symptoms Feeling of heat or chills in the body, coldness in the hands and feet, profuse sweating, sleep and wakefulness disorders.
Transient ischemic attacks The symptoms of an attack are similar to the manifestations of a stroke, but they are transient (reversible). During an attack, vision or hearing is lost or lost, speech is broken, weakness, numbness and tingling appear on one side of the body, the patient is sick, his head is spinning.
Drop-attack Drop-attack is an attack in which the patient suddenly falls. This is due to impaired blood circulation of the cerebellum (the structure of the brain responsible for coordination). Develops a drop-attack, usually after a sharp head movement (more often - tipping back or leaning forward).

Possible complications

  • The syndrome can provoke an ischemic stroke.
  • Also, against a background of a long course of the disease, severe discirculatory encephalopathy can develop.

Both complications are dangerous because they lead to disability.

Diagnosis in case of complications

To identify the disease, you will need to undergo dopplerography of the neck vessels. This is an ultrasound examination of blood vessels. It is harmless, fast and accurate.

Also use MRI or CT scan of the cervical spine to determine the cause of the syndrome (osteophytes, hernia, etc.).

Difficulties in diagnosing

Often the syndrome is difficult to diagnose correctly at the initial stage.

Difficulties in diagnosis are not manifested at the stage of a targeted examination (on Doppler, the deviation from normal is not difficult to notice), but at the stage of symptom collection.

It is easiest to diagnose vertebral artery syndrome in the presence of cervical osteochondrosis. If the patient complains of pain and stiffness in the neck, and there are even a few of the symptoms listed in this article, the neurologist can immediately assume this diagnosis.

In other cases, the diagnosis is often complicated by the fact that the symptoms of the syndrome:

  • Similar to signs of other neurological disorders.
  • Diverse and not always manifest all together.

The patient can also complain about only one group of symptoms (which is most pronounced), but for some reason neglect the other signs of the disease and ignore them.

So, for example, if you talk only about vegetative symptoms (a feeling of heat, chills, sweating, sleep disorders), you can mistakenly diagnose vegetovascular dystonia.

And middle-aged women can completely write off these symptoms at menopause and do not go to the doctor.

For correct diagnosis it is important:

  1. Carefully treat your own feelings and before visiting the doctor make a list of all the symptoms that concern you (even if it seems to you that they are not connected in any way).
  2. To write down and further to sound the doctor even those signs which are shown weakly, seldom and do not testify about diseases (actually it can appear not so).
  3. Find a good doctor, using the recommendations of friends.

Overview of treatment methods


For the treatment of the syndrome of the vertebral artery, these groups of drugs are used:

  • Antiedematous. With cervical osteochondrosis or hernia of the cervical region, not only the vertebral arteries but also the nearby veins are squeezed. This disrupts the venous outflow of blood, resulting in swelling. To remove it, doctors recommend drugs that improve venous outflow: Diosmin, Troxerutin.
  • Anti-inflammatory. These drugs are needed to treat the underlying disease (osteochondrosis, arteritis). Doctors prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, such as Celecoxib, Nimesulide, Lornoxicam.
  • Improving blood circulation. They stimulate blood flow in the vertebral artery, as well as in small arteries and capillaries of the brain. A neurologist may prescribe you Pentoxifylline, Vinpocetine, Instenon, Cinnarizine, Vincamin or Nimidopine.
  • Neuroprotective agents. They strengthen the neurons (nerve cells) of the brain and prevent their death. Of the drugs in this group, Cerebrolysin, Actovegin or Piracetam are usually prescribed.
  • Preparations that improve metabolism in cells: Trimetazidine, Mildronate.

Also, medicines are used to eliminate negative signs that interfere with normal life.

Symptomatic treatment:

Symptoms Exemplary drug example

Dizziness, tinnitus, hearing loss Betagistin Improves blood circulation in the capillaries of the inner ear.
Attack of severe headache Sumatriptan Stimulates the serotonin receptors located in the brain, which removes the migraine.

Any of the drugs listed above can be taken only as prescribed by the doctor, as they have contraindications and side effects, and also require individual selection of the correct dosage.


It is most effective, since it directly affects the cause of the syndrome.

In diseases of the spine in modern medical practice successfully used:

  • removal of osteophytes (outgrowths on the vertebrae) with osteochondrosis;
  • the correction of intervertebral hernias;
  • removal of the bone arch with Kimmery anomaly.

Comparison of the bone arch with Kimmery anomaly and in the absence of pathologies. Click on photo to enlarge

If the narrowing of the lumen of the vertebral artery was caused not by its compression but by pathological processes in the vessel itself (atherosclerosis, arteritis), then they resort to such operations:

  1. Endarterectomy - removal of that part of the inner wall of the vessel on which the atherosclerotic plaque has grown.
  2. Stenting - installation inside the stent vessel - a special supporting and expanding framework.

After any operation, it will also be necessary to undergo medical treatment aimed at preventing the recurrence of the disease that caused vertebral artery syndrome.

Endarterectomy. Click on photo to enlarge

Healing gymnastics - the guarantee of health of the spine

Syndrome of the vertebral artery with cervical osteochondrosis medication must necessarily be supplemented by therapeutic physical training. It helps to strengthen the muscles of the neck, relieve their excessive tension and reduce the burden on the spine.

Also gymnastics is shown and after surgical intervention (after the lapse of the postoperative period) for the prevention of recurrence of the disease.

Before the beginning of gymnastics consult with the attending physician, since not all exercises are right for you. In some diseases, head inclinations can be prohibited. Be sure to check with your doctor.

Complex of exercises

Do all exercises slowly, without sudden movements. In the extreme position of each exercise, hold for 3 seconds (except those marked with an asterisk). Perform all 10 times on each side.

Slowly turn your head to the right to see your right shoulder. Put your hands on the back of your head. Take your head back with your hands showing resistance to your head.
With your right hand, tilt your head to the right, trying to put your head on your shoulder. Do not lift your shoulder at this time. You should feel the tension in the neck muscle from the opposite side (left). Put your fingertips on the forehead. Try to tilt your head forward, interfering with this hand.
Tilt your head forward, trying to put your chin on your chest. This should feel the tension of the back of the neck. Put your hand on the temple. Try to tilt your head to the side, giving it resistance by hand.
Perform 10 circular movements with the shoulders forward and 10 - back. Place the fingertips on the temple or cheekbone. Try to turn your head to the side (to look at your shoulder), hindering this with your hand.
Perform 10 movements of shoulders up and down.


The prognosis depends on the disease that caused the syndrome, and also from the stage at which it was diagnosed.

With successful surgical removal of the cause of the syndrome at its initial stage, as well as following all the recommendations doctor concerning further prevention measures - a relatively favorable prognosis, patients can lead a normal image life.

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