What kind of doctor should I use with flat feet?


  • 1What kind of physician should I use for flatfoot
    • 1.1What is a flatfoot?
  • 2Flat-footedness
    • 2.1Classification
    • 2.2Clinical picture
    • 2.3Than the disease is dangerous
    • 2.4How is the appointment with a specialist?
    • 2.5How is therapy performed?
  • 3Which doctor should I use with flat feet
    • 3.1When I need help from a doctor
    • 3.2Observation and treatment of an orthopedist
    • 3.3Surgical intervention
    • 3.4Observation and treatment in the podiatrist
    • 3.5Narrow specialists
  • 4Flat-footedness
    • 4.1Anatomy of the changes
    • 4.2Classification
    • 4.3Transverse Platypodia
    • 4.4Longitudinal flat feet
    • 4.5Which doctor heals
  • 5Treatment of flatfoot 1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd degree: how to get rid of the disease
    • 5.1Basic principles of flat foot therapy
    • 5.2Principles of treatment of flattening of the arch of the foot
    • 5.3Operative treatment of flattening of the foot

What kind of physician should I use for flatfoot


  • What is a flatfoot?
  • The more dangerous the platypodia
  • To which doctor to apply
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What kind of doctor should I use for flatfoot? This question is of interest to many patients.

Some people live with the diagnosis of "flat feet do not pay the slightest attention to it, work and even run a marathon and play football.

Most patients with this feature of the foot do without surgery.

But often flat feet cause constant fatigue of legs, irritating calluses, exhausting pain in the heels of the knees, back.Then the question arises: which doctor should be treated with flat feet?

What is a flatfoot?

About one category of flat feet a person most often knows from the very childhood. It is a congenital form.

Absolutely flat, but at the same flexible foot of the child - the most common type of congenital flat feet. Sometimes people live with it all their lives without the slightest difficulty.

But, as a rule, the load on the legs increases with growing, and the arch of the foot begins to suffer.

The second category of the disease determines the doctor on the preventive examination - in the absence of symptoms. Or the person goes to the doctor, complaining of pain, difficulty walking, impossibility to wear ordinary shoes. This is acquired flat feet.

"Acquired" disease due to several factors:

  1. Injury (eg, ligament rupture).
  2. Violation of the functions of tendons.
  3. Inconvenient shoes in childhood, too high heels in his youth.
  4. Inflation of other people's shoes.
  5. Work in standing position (sellers, hairdressers, teachers, industrial workers, surgeons).
  6. Pregnancy.
  7. Excess weight.

Elderly people acquire flat feet, when due to natural aging, ligaments and muscles are weakened.
The foot has two arches - longitudinal and transverse.

Deformation can affect one or the other separately, then doctors talk about longitudinal or transverse flat feet.

The change of both arches is a combined form.

Doctors allocate 4 degrees of transverse form of the disease - from the first, when the foot is flattened by 10-12 degrees, to the fourth, with a deformation of 20 to 40 degrees. For longitudinal deformation, three degrees are called, with a vault height of 35 mm to a perfectly flat foot.


The human legs from birth are not designed for walking on perfectly flat surfaces. In nature there is no asphalt and parquet.


When a person walks on hard planes, the arches of the feet are subjected to an unnatural load. Obesity increases pressure on the legs.

More than half of the population of Russia is obese.

At the same time, the life expectancy of people is much longer than in previous centuries. Hence, the legs also have to suffer more time. You need to start taking care of them as soon as possible.

Elementary rules of prevention:

  1. Wear comfortable shoes.
  2. At the slightest opportunity to walk barefoot - on the sand, pebbles, grass.
  3. With forced loads (long standing) - give legs rest.
  4. Maintain a normal weight.
  5. At the first pain symptoms, consult a doctor.

The third and fourth degrees of the disease cause severe physical suffering and require complex, complex treatment.

At the same time, they do not arise by themselves instantaneously (with the exception of injuries).

Inattention, frivolous attitude to health, people bring themselves to almost disability. Here is a short list of complications of flatfoot:

  • arthritis;
  • osteoarthritis in the joints of the toes;
  • heel spurs;
  • inflammation of the meniscus;
  • arthrosis of knee joints;
  • pelvic disease;
  • ingrown nail;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • headache.

Patients with a flat-foot 3 degrees can not lead a normal life - work, go to shops, do household household chores. To avoid such problems, you need to start the fight with a flatfoot as early as possible.

When the question is about the health of the child, parents, in the main body, are very responsible and considerate. The clubfoot of children's legs loving moms notice very early. Having made a well-known home test with the help of footprints on paper, mothers make an independent diagnosis - flat feet!

But we can not dwell on this. A compulsory step is consultation of the pediatrician. A pediatrician will give a referral to an orthopedist who checks the condition of the foot by external examination or by X-ray.

Children with flat feet are registered with this doctor before adolescence. Treatment for children is simple - massage, exercise therapy.

The orthopedist can advise a sanatorium course and write out special footwear, insoles or liners.

In children, the disease has a favorable prognosis in the overwhelming majority of cases.

An adult patient also needs an orthopedist. But there are no narrow specialists in district polyclinics. Therefore, the first doctor who needs to appear is a surgeon.


The first degree of flatfoot can be under the supervision of only this doctor. The surgeon will prescribe physiotherapy, massage, various foot baths.


These procedures eliminate pain and help strengthen the muscles of the legs. If necessary, the surgeon gives direction to the orthopedist.

The second degree of the disease requires observation by the orthopedist.

This specialist treats, starting with a detailed diagnosis (X-ray, CT or MRI), appoints physiotherapy and selects a set of exercise exercises, creams and ointments to relieve pain, swelling. The same doctor prescribes orthopedic shoes.

For the elderly, it is best to contact the podium. This is a doctor of narrow specialization, dealing specifically with feet.

Since in the elderly, flat feet are often combined with arthritis and diabetic foot injuries, the podiatrist will make a more accurate diagnosis and make a detailed plan for comprehensive treatment.

The third degree of flatfoot is the field of the surgeon's activity. Serious deformities of the feet deprive the person of the opportunity to live and work normally.

Surgeons pre-check the condition of the arch of the foot using X-ray methods. If the condition is serious enough, an operation is prescribed.

In the course of it slightly change the direction of the tendon, planting it in one of the bones of the foot. When stitching, the tendon becomes shorter and tightens the arch.


Often in operations young women need, because of wearing high heels acquired at first flat feet, and then "bones" in the joints of the big toes. The surgeon also cures other complications, such as ingrown nails and stomatopsis.


A manual therapist can be of great assistance in the second and third degree of the disease. It is best to apply to manual therapy for children, adolescents and adults during the recovery from surgery. This method of treatment is very effective, but not basic, but auxiliary.

It should be remembered that the third degree of flatfoot in adults is not cured, but only corrected. Throughout life, the patient must strictly follow the preventive regimen.

A source: http://ZdorovyeStopy.ru/deformaciya/ploskostopie/k-kakomu-vrachu-obrashhatsya-pri-ploskostopii.html


Flat feet are considered the most common violation of the normal shape of the foot. This pathology is common in both men and women, so it is important to know which doctor heals flat feet and when to call for it.

Compaction of the arch of the foot brings a lot of problems and unpleasant sensations, as it breaks not only its anatomical structure, but also the function of depreciation.

When the first signs of flat feet appear, it is necessary to apply for a qualified medical because the development of this disease in the future can lead to serious complications.

Many patients who notice symptoms of flat feet do not know which doctor to go to for diagnosis and subsequent treatment.

Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of this disease is performed by an orthopedist - specialist, having a higher medical education with in-depth study of surgery, traumatology and orthopedics.

Timely appeal to the orthopedist allows you to identify flat feet at an early stage and begin effective treatment.

In the clinic and during preventive medical examinations, the flat-footed surgeon is checked by a surgeon, this the doctor can determine the pathological change in the shape of the foot and send the patient to a consultation for orthopedist. It is mandatory to check the shape of the feet during the military medical examination of young men of conscript age, since this pathology is a serious reason for release from service. In children, the pediatrician can suspect this pathology, in such cases he directs the parents with the baby to a survey to a specialized specialist. In this case, the doctor in flat feet is called a pediatric orthopedist, he conducts diagnostics and treatment of bone and joint diseases, taking into account the age characteristics of the child's organism.


During the first visit to the specialist, the doctor will determine the flat feet, as well as a variety of the disease and the stage of severity of the pathological process. There are longitudinal and transverse flat feet, as well as their combination.

The disease can manifest itself immediately after birth, and throughout life under the influence of provoking factors.

Congenital flat feet are difficult to diagnose in young children, this is because up to 6-7 years old, signs of the disease can occur in almost all children.

Longitudinal variant of the disease is most often found in young people (up to 25 years), and transverse - after 35 years, it has a large impact on the body weight of the patient.

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If a person suffers from excess weight, the pathological process will quickly progress. With flatfoot, you need to contact the orthopedist immediately after the appearance of discomfort when walking and other anxiety symptoms.

With a preventive goal, you need to go to a doctor if you have had a leg injury in the past or your close relatives suffer from this pathology.

The reasons for changing the normal shape of the foot can be very diverse.The main etiological factors of disease occurrence are:

  • Injuries: traumatic flat feet occur due to fractures and other injuries;
  • Infectious diseases: poliomyelitis leads to the formation of a paralytic form of the disease;
  • Rickets: Flat-footed rachitic type due to the fact that brittle bones and joints can not adequately cope with the load;
  • Acquired weakening of muscles and ligaments: the reasons are wearing uncomfortable shoes, obesity, prolonged static overstrain of feet while performing professional duties. Static flat feet are especially common in women who prefer shoes with high and thin heels.

Determining the cause of the development of the disease will allow the orthopedist to develop preventive measures for the patient. When flat feet, doctors recommend avoiding excessive loads on the feet, traumatizing and wearing the wrong shoes.

Clinical picture

The main symptoms of the disease in adults is the pain in the feet with loads on them, as well as changes in the shape of the foot.

Usually a person does not immediately notice the alarming signs of the disease and consults a doctor already when flattening the arch of the foot seriously reduces the quality of his life.


As the disease progresses, the pain syndrome increases, if only the feet hurt first, then the pain appears in the knee, hip joints, sacrum and spine.


Overexertion of the calf muscles leads to the fact that their volume disproportionately increases. There may also appear clubfoot when walking, a violation of posture. Against the background of flat feet, patients have ingrown nails and a bone on the big toe.

Than the disease is dangerous

Normally depreciation is supported by the unique structure of the human foot, which has a transverse and longitudinal arches, as well as muscles and ligamentous apparatus that maintain body weight and provide stability at movements. The anatomical structure of the foot considerably reduces the load on the large joints and spine of a person, preserving their health and correct configuration. The change in the normal shape of the foot results in the loss of its function, and then the person encounters unpleasant symptoms of flatfoot. When a flat foot is occupied by a doctor, in the course of diagnosis and treatment he is obliged to warn the patient about the following common complications of this disease:

  • intense soreness in the knees, hip joints, spine;
  • difficulty in maintaining equilibrium;
  • changes in gait and posture;
  • deformation of feet, knee joints, muscles of lower limbs;
  • the appearance of a painful outgrowth on the thumb of the lower limb;
  • growing nails on legs.

The doctor who treats the flat feet of the patient must necessarily explain to him the importance of performing recommendations for treatment and continuous foot care to prevent the above complications.

How is the appointment with a specialist?

In adults, flat feet are treated by an orthopedic physician, he is taking a reception in polyclinics, specialized centers, private rooms. When choosing a specialist, pay attention to his work experience, qualifications and feedback of other patients.

To make an accurate diagnosis, the orthopedist conducts a physical examination, and also uses additional research methods.

With the help of a podoscope, the orthopedist receives an image of the footprints of the patient, assesses the condition of their musculoskeletal system and identifies abnormalities.

To confirm the diagnosis of physical examination is not enough, so the radiograph of the feet in 2 projections.

The patient first stands on one leg, and then on the other, to provide additional load on the test foot.

With the help of a picture in the lateral projection, the specialist determines the degree of flatfoot, and also radiography can reveal deforming arthrosis and other accompanying pathologies.

How is therapy performed?

Treatment of the disease should be aimed at eliminating discomfort, painful sensations, as well as correcting the shape of the foot.The main areas of therapy are:

  • selection of special shoes or orthopedic insoles;
  • physiotherapy;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • use of medicines to relieve pain.

If the patient has a significant degree of deformity of the foot, the flat foot is treated by a doctor specializing in surgery.

The surgical intervention allows to restore an adequate form of the foot and is often used for strong changes in the configuration of the thumb.

In the treatment of flatfoot, it is very important to adhere to an integrated approach and to avoid factors that can provoke complications.

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A source: http://KtoVrach.ru/199-ploskostopie.html

Which doctor should I use with flat feet

Orthopedic examinationReasons for referring to a doctor with a flat-footedMethods of surgical intervention with flatfoot. The use of a podiatrist

Flattening is one of the most common disorders of the musculoskeletal system, which according to medical statistics affects up to 60% of the population, including young children. The disease is accompanied by deformation and flattening of the arch of the feet, loss of cushioning ability of the limbs when walking. Most people with mild and moderate pathology do not take any measures to eliminate it, as a result of which almost half of the patients develop complications. Only the timely treatment begun allows you to completely get rid of the violation and prevent its severe consequences. Consider what kind of doctor to address with flat feet or suspicion of it to adults and children.

Reasons to seek medical attention

When I need help from a doctor

Most often, the initial stage of the disease is diagnosed in patients of all ages during routine preventive examination by a surgeon, therapist or pediatrician.

Usually, slight disturbances in the biomechanics of the foot are imperceptible and do not cause tangible discomfort.

The following signs of pathology should become the reason for an unplanned treatment to a doctor:

  • Pain and fatigue when walking, running, long standing;
  • Increase in the length and width of the foot, the formation of thickening;
  • The bulging "bone" at the base of the thumb;
  • A tangible omission of the arches of the foot;
  • Uneven shoeing of shoes;
  • Deformation of the joints;
  • The appearance of corns and calluses that do not respond to treatment.

Many patients are interested in the question of which doctor heals flat feet, and where to go first.

If there is any suspicion of the development of the disease, you can first get a consultation from a therapist or pediatrician (for children) at your place of residence.

Based on the available complaints, anamnesis and individual characteristics of the patient, the specialist will conduct primary analysis of the clinical picture and, if necessary, refer to the orthopedist, surgeon or other the doctor.

Observation and treatment of an orthopedist

Orthopedist - the main specialist on the problem of flatfoot and other disorders of the musculoskeletal system in children and adults. The first appointment with a doctor includes the following activities:

  • Talk with the patient to collect complete information (complaints, lifestyle, hereditary and other diseases);
  • Visual inspection of the feet for control of appearance, mobility of joints and articulation of bones in different positions;
  • General visual assessment of the features of the anatomical structure of the spine and extremities in order to identify congenital and acquired disorders of development of bones and joints.

On the basis of the findings, the doctor may prescribe some additional studies:

  • Radiography of the foot to confirm the diagnosis, identify the features of deformity and determine the degree of flatfoot;
  • In severe and neglected cases - MRI, CT and other studies;
  • General urine analysis;
  • General blood test with clotting data, prothrombin time and index;
  • Other tests if necessary.

If there is a suspicion of the disease, the doctor determines the flat feet by the results of a visual inspection, instrumental research and analysis, performs decoding of X-ray images and determines the degree defeat. Treatment and preventive measures are appointed based on the diagnosis and accompanying pathologies.

Conservative orthopedic methods of flatfoot treatment include the wearing of special shoes, restriction physical exercises on the foot, medical gymnastics and massage, physiotherapy and medication necessity. The effectiveness of therapy depends on the severity of the disease, age and the presence of other pathologies.

Surgical intervention

Most people do without surgery even with pathologies of II and III degree.

However, with severe violations of the structure of bones and joints in adults, surgical intervention is often required. In this case, the orthopedist sends the patient with the results of the examination to the surgeon.

Based on the existing clinical picture, the specialist decides to perform one of the following operations:

  • Osteotomy - correction of deformation by dissection and restoration of ligaments;
  • Excision or removal of deformed tissue sites;
  • Arthrodesis - surgical fixation of the bones of the legs with muscles and ligaments;
  • Transplantation of damaged tendons.

Methods of surgical intervention with flatfoot

The procedure and postoperative recovery is carried out at the hospital. Then the patients continue to be observed at the orthopedist or orthopedic surgeon, following the recommendations of the doctors and, if necessary, continuing conservative treatment.

Observation and treatment in the podiatrist

Elderly, suffering from age-related changes in joints and bone tissue, not requiring urgent surgery, it is recommended to go flat-footed to the doctor's podiatrist. Podiatry is a young but rapidly developing medical field that specializes exclusively in foot diseases.

The podiatrist treats flat feet using the same methods as the surgeon, orthopedist or traumatologist.


Due to the more narrowly focused specialization of this direction, patients can receive highly qualified care and therapy with the use of the latest medical developments and newest techniques.


The main feature of the podiatry is the study and use in practice of the relationship between biomechanics, neurology, dermatology, angiology and other sciences related to the functioning of the lower extremities.

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Narrow specialists

In addition to these doctors, the following specialists are engaged in treatment and correction of flatfoot:

  • Podolog is a doctor-cosmetologist dealing with foot diseases. By conducting hardware procedures, massage and other manipulations, patients can adjust the degree flatfoot and get rid of some of its manifestations, including calluses, corns, light deformities joints;
  • Traumatologist and orthopedic traumatologist are specialists engaged in the therapy of flat feet, which arose as a result of trauma. Both operative and conservative methods of treatment are applied, including fixation of damaged tissues and correction of chronic disorders;
  • The neurologist takes part in correcting the effects of paralytic platypodia arising from complications of poliomyelitis or paralysis of the tibial muscles and foot tissues.

If there are certain concomitant diseases of the feet and limbs, consultation may be required phlebologist, dermatologist, mycologist, as well as narrow specialists in the field of angiology, myology, biotribology.

A source: https://NogivNorme.ru/bolezni/ploskostopie/o-ploskostopii/kakoj-vrach-lechit-ploskostopie.html


At present, flat feet is considered as a disease of civilization, since approximately 80% of the world's population suffers from this pathology. Statistics are not comforting. They look like this:

  • At the age of 2 years it occurs in 24% of the world's population
  • By 4 years, its prevalence is increasing and reaches 32%
  • At the age of 6 years is already 40%
  • By age 12 it is 50% of teenagers.

Anatomy of the changes

Anatomy of changes in the bones of the foot depends on the type of flat foot, which is transverse and longitudinal. When transverse - decreases the height of the transverse arch, which is located at the base of the fingers.

As a result, a fan-shaped extension of the foot is observed in the anterior part, which rests on the heads of the bones of the metatarsus. The longitudinal flatfoot is characterized by a flattening of the outer and longitudinal arches of the foot.

This leads to an increase in the length of the foot and almost complete contact with the floor.

All the changes that occur are responsible for the appearance of characteristic clinical signs associated with the development of flatfoot complications. Therefore, the symptoms of flatfoot may look like this:

  • Pain sensations in the area of ​​the foot, thighs, knees and back
  • Underdevelopment or hypertrophy of the muscles of the lower extremities
  • The change in the shape of the foot - a bone appears on the thumb, the foot deviates outward or inward, spurs on the heel, corns and neurons appear
  • Unnatural weight of gait and posture
  • Pronounced club foot when walking
  • Appearance of an ingrown nail.

An incorrect distribution of the load on the lower limbs leads to the development of various joint diseases:

  • Deforming osteoarthritis of the knee and / or hip joint
  • Inflammation of the meniscus
  • Hypermobility of the knee joint, leading to laxity in the joint
  • Osteochondrosis
  • Spinal Curvature
  • Herniated discs
  • Inflammatory lesion of nerve roots emerging from the spinal cord.

It is important to consider that flat feet usually develops in childhood. And this has an anatomical explanation, since the features of the foot structure in children have a number of predisposing factors.

They reduce the strength of the feet to various negative environmental factors, for example, when jumping, intense running (this must necessarily take into account physical education teachers who need to select the children).

Such anatomical features are:

  • Relatively short foot
  • Its greater expansion in comparison with the adult foot
  • Pronounced narrowing of the foot in the calcaneal region
  • The discrepancy of the fingers (in adults they are closely adjacent to each other)
  • Strong development of subcutaneous fat, located in the arches of the foot (therefore, when using the sub-dimension, the probability of diagnostic errors is high)
  • The increased volume of movements in the foot due to the strong expression and development of muscles and ligaments in this area.

All these features cause rapid fatigue of the feet (due to excessive accumulation of lactic acid, irritating the nerve endings) and a slight susceptibility to deformations (changes in shape).

Existing compensatory mechanisms are insufficient.

So, during exercise, the arches of the foot are toned down, but as soon as the mechanical effect stops, the muscles actively contract, which leads to a flattening of the arches.

Therefore, if the load on the foot is for a long time, then this leads to fatigue muscular apparatus and the persistent lowering of the arches, that is, the compensatory-adaptive mechanisms.


Flattening, as was said, is divided into two main types - longitudinal and transverse.

The transversal, in turn, is divided into congenital and acquired. Within the framework of the latter, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • Rachitic - consequence of rickets born in childhood
  • Static
  • Traumatic.

Transverse Platypodia

Regardless of the type of flatfoot - transverse or longitudinal - the child or adult has the following clinical signs that adversely affect his health:

  • Violated posture and, as a consequence, a change in the normal relationship of organs relative to each other
  • Reduction of the supporting function of the lower limbs, which is manifested by their weakness
  • Violation of the normal position of the pelvis
  • Difficulty walking.

However, often these signs are not given due attention, which leads to the diagnosis of the disease in the far advanced stages.

Therefore, flat feet usually comes to light when pain occurs not only when walking, but also at rest, and also there is an unmotivated weakness in the lower limbs, which then spreads to the entire body.

Diagnostics of flatfoot, both transverse and longitudinal, is carried out using Friedland's method, or sub-metering. It allows you to calculate the percentage of height to foot length. However, before this the preparatory stage is being carried out:

  • Take a clean sheet of paper that lies on the floor
  • Legs smear with fat cream, after which they become on the put sheet. In this case, the trunk should be straightened, and the legs are pressed against each other by the inner edges of the feet
  • Pencil on the sheet of paper connects the edges of the plantar groove
  • Through the deepest part of the foot a perpendicular to the previously planned line is drawn
  • The ratio of the narrow part of the foot to the perpendicular drawn is calculated.

The obtained results are interpreted as follows:

  • The narrow part is one third or less of the length of the perpendicular - this indicates a normal structure of the foot
  • The narrow part is one second perpendicular - this is a sign of flatfoot.

How to treat flat feet? The main place in therapy is occupied by exercises that lead to the strengthening of the muscular frame of the foot, that is, they increase the curvature of the arches. The best of them is right walking.

It is advisable to walk barefoot and several times a day. Especially good time for correcting the initial manifestations of flatfoot is the age of the child from 3 to 7 years, because at this time he begins to walk intensively.

Classification of transverse flatfoot is necessary to determine the severity of the disease. It is based on the magnitude of the angle between the first and second metatarsal bones. For the first degree, an angle of 10-12 degrees is typical.

This leads to periodic pain in the front of the foot, especially when wearing shoes with heels. At the second degree there is already an increase in the angle to 15 degrees. There are more persistent pains that are localized in the area of ​​the heads of medium phalanges.

For the third degree, the angle is increased to almost 20 degrees. This causes the appearance of permanent painful sensations arising in the region of the bones of the bones of the metatarsus.

The pronounced flattening of the arches of the sole at this stage leads to the appearance of corns (in the people they are called calluses).

In the complex of therapeutic measures the following are used:

  • Massage
  • Procedures prescribed by a physiotherapist
  • Use of orthopedic insoles or shoes.

Treatment should continue until complete recovery, as otherwise there is a reverse appearance of symptoms. Therefore, further anti-relapse therapy presents great difficulties.

Recommendations to prevent the development of flat feet, are as follows:

  • Visits to the orthopedist should be regular with a multiplicity of once a year
  • Wear only properly selected shoes. It should be made of soft leather, the heel should have a height of not more than 3-4 cm, the sock is wide, and the sole is flexible, and it should not be flat. In childhood, preference is given to special orthopedic footwear
  • Avoid excess weight gain, since obesity predisposes to flat feet
  • Walk on foot before going to bed. In the summer, a good method of prevention is walking barefoot on heated sand
  • Contrasting foot baths before bedtime. They are done this way: one by one the legs are held in hot or cold water. This positively affects microcirculation, which tones the arches of the foot. Strengthen the therapeutic effect can be the addition of sea salt and herbs in such trays. Especially well-established infusion of sage, chamomile, oak bark and some other herbs
  • Walking on tiptoe
  • Walking along the pebbles (therefore in the summer time it is worth giving preference to pebble beaches, but sandy ones are also good. You can alternate them with each other)
  • The use of orthopedic insoles, which do not allow the arch of the foot to flatten. They give the leg the right shape, including the process of "remembering".

A severe form of flat feet is an indication for wearing orthopedic shoes, which is made to order. Only with this approach can you expect to gradually improve the condition of the foot. Such shoes correct the flattened arches of the foot in stages.

However, it is especially important to choose the right shoes in childhood, since it is at this time that the foot is laid.

Therefore, in no case you can not wear shoes for someone, since a different shoe under another structure of the foot, stimulates flattening of the vaults of your child.

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The best footwear in childhood must meet the following requirements:

  • Kabluchok small, while you can not wear high-heeled shoes or shoes on a flat sole. As is known, everything is good in moderation
  • The backdrop should be flat
  • The supinator is soft.

Only in such conditions is formed the right foot with normal arches.

Longitudinal flat feet

Approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of longitudinal flat feet do not differ from the transverse one. Features of the structure of the foot with this form of its deformation are set out above. Therefore, it is worth considering only the classification of longitudinal flat feet in powers.

At the first degree (light form), the arch of the arch of the foot is 130-140 degrees, while the height in the largest part is from 35 to 25 mm.

The second degree is said when the angle increases to 155 degrees, and the height decreases to 17 mm, and a curvature in the talon-navicular joint may appear. The third degree indicates a prolonged existence of the disease.


Its signs are an increase in the angle of more than 155 degrees and a decrease in height of less than 17 mm. At this stage degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the joints appear.


It should be noted that using orthopedic insoles to treat longitudinal flat feet, do not forget about the expiration date, which can not be exceeded.

So, cork insole should be changed every six months. If they are made of other softer materials, they must be replaced once in 3 months.

Also, it is important for parents to know that they are constantly in corrective shoes (orthopedic or using insoles), as this leads to the development of muscular atrophy.

The optimal time for wearing it is only the period of physical activity, that is, when the child is actively walking.

At the same time, it is absolutely necessary to carry out a massage before the full recovery, and engage in physiotherapy exercises, and also go to physiotherapy.

The latter are most effective if they are followed by massage and therapeutic gymnastics. This is because the heated muscles are the most plastic.

The duration of one course of massage for the treatment of flatfoot is quite long, it includes 20 procedures. It is desirable to do it either every day or every other day. Optimal multiplicity is considered the performance of massages three to four times a year. To a child with a flatfoot, it is especially necessary, if after a walk or a lively game he is troubled by pains in the feet.

Which doctor heals

The treatment of flat feet is performed by a traumatologist-orthopedist. In some cases it is the prerogative of a child surgeon.

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A source: http://www.knigamedika.ru/vrozhdennye-anomalii/deformacii-kostej/ploskostopie.html

Treatment of flatfoot 1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd degree: how to get rid of the disease

Effective struggle with flat feet involves a set of procedures that a person must perform constantly.

People with a flattened foot should understand that they can never completely get rid of the disease.

Unfortunately, it will have to be treated all his life, and the essence of therapy is to maintain the vault in the right position, as well as to eliminate complications.

When answering the question how to treat flattening of the arch of the foot, a qualified doctor will advise not to use medicament preparations with a flat foot of the 1 st degree, which does not cause difficulty in walking, and also pain.

Only in children can a doctor completely cure a flat foot of the 1st degree. With pathology of the third degree, surgical interventions do not guarantee the restoration of the arch, as there is a high probability of complications in the form of arthrosis, arthritis and varicose veins.

Thus, the physician has to individually decide in each case, what methods to apply, so that the treatment leads to the elimination of the symptoms of the disease (puffiness, calluses, pain). If a person does not bother, it is necessary to use only preventive methods.

Basic principles of flat foot therapy

How to get rid of flat feet with complex therapy

When deciding whether flat feet can be cured, doctors often come across the opposite opinion of the researchers.

Some scientists believe that the restoration of the musculoskeletal apparatus of the foot is one of the main methods of therapy, and therefore they actively promote curative gymnastics and physiotherapy.

Others, on the contrary, are looking for the roots of the problem in metabolic disorders, as well as in changing microcirculation.


It is clear only that it is possible to quickly cure a flat foot in children only if it is detected early, if the patient promptly seeks help from a doctor. To which specialist to go? Of course, to the orthopedist traumatologist. He knows how to deal with flatfoot, so he can prescribe an effective treatment.


The deformity of the feet is classified into 3 degrees:

  1. At the 1 st stage of the disease, the treatment is aimed at removing puffiness, pain, and restoring the vault by strengthening the muscles. At children at 1-st stage of flattening it is possible to spend a complex of procedures which will allow to get rid quickly of a pathology.
  2. To learn how to deal with flat feet of the 2 nd degree, it is necessary to study the features of orthopedic products, which are prescribed by orthopedists in this case. At this stage, many efforts are needed to restore the vault: wearing insoles, daily gymnastics, anti-inflammatory ointments, correction of the arch with insteps.
  3. A flat foot of the third degree often requires surgical intervention. The transverse flatfoot in children and adults often leads to a deviation of the first finger outwards. The most frequent type of surgery is Surgical intervention according to Shde.

Preventive maintenance of complications at a pathology should be spent throughout all life.

Principles of treatment of flattening of the arch of the foot

Orthopedic insole for the prevention and treatment of flat feet

To get rid of a flat foot, at the 1-st degree doctors recommend the right selection of shoes. Of course, women can not wear high heels.

The best shoes for a flat arch are models of soft materials with fixed backs. The heel should not be more than 4 cm. Platforms are contraindicated in this disease.

Also, do not wear sneakers and sneakers, as these types of shoes are not comfortable and physiological for the sole.

Give up free and wide models of shoes. It will not relieve you of puffiness, but will only lead to the formation of calluses, inflammatory changes and rubbing. Bad influence on the formation of the feet and tight shoes.

Leg products should not press on different parts of the foot. The main principle in their selection is the maintenance of physiological support points of the sole.

If the shoes do not allow to eliminate deformation, orthopedic insoles are prescribed.

They center the heel and front section, which allows to maintain the arch in a normal position.

When deciding whether a flat foot is treated 1 st degree, doctors studied a lot of conservative and operational methods. Without anti-inflammatory drugs, they can not quickly get rid of inflammation.


Without anesthetics, it is impossible to do Novocain blockades with severe pain. Unfortunately, these methods are effective only when flattening the 1 st or 2 nd degree for a short time.


Then you have to resort to surgery.

To prevent surgical intervention, doctors do their best by conservative methods to exclude the possibility of progression of pathology.

At the initial stages of the disease should be used anti-inflammatory and analgesic ointments, herbal compresses on the foot (chamomile, sage).

Operative treatment of flattening of the foot

Operation with transverse flatfoot

When specialists can not cure flatfoot in conservative ways, and pathology limits mobility, one has to do surgery. Its essence depends on the degree of severity and the presence of complications.

In most cases, after performing the pictures, specialists will have to eliminate valgus deformity (the deviation of the 1st finger), to implant artificial materials instead of damaged ligaments, to eliminate deformation of the talus and heel bones.

Elderly people often have to do arthrodesis - an intervention to eliminate the displacement of bones. With transverse flattening, it helps to quickly get rid of swelling and pain. Cure a flat arch of the 3rd degree without surgery is almost impossible.

In children, it is most rational to apply subtalar arthroesis (excision of part of the bone). With its help it is possible to remove only a small part of the bone in order to normalize the height of the arch.

At the 2-nd degree doctors can apply the implantation of a cripple, which implies a limited-access operation. With it, only a small area on the skin dissects, the damaged part of the bone is removed. In 2 weeks after it children can already fully walk.

If the puffiness and pain syndrome is not eliminated during this period of time, as well as other symptoms do not disappear, a course of rehabilitation is prescribed. Medical gymnastics, physiotherapy and wearing insoles will speed recovery.

Massage well cures inflammation of ligaments at any degree of pathology. Nevertheless, at the third stage it will not bring the desired result. In this case, it is better not to endure the pain "on your feet but to consult a doctor.


He will carry out diagnostics and select the optimal treatment. However, for the effectiveness of procedures to respond to a flat arch is quite difficult.


No doctor guarantees that there is no pain, since many anatomical structures are involved in the process.

In conclusion, we note that it is better not to tolerate symptoms of pathology. Only a qualified specialist will treat flatfoot as effectively as possible.

A source: http://legsgo.ru/ortopediya/ploskie-stopy/lechenie-ploskostopija.html