Cheap drops from the cold

Cheap and effective remedy for the common cold: review and reviews

Rhinitis is an important symptom requiring timely treatment. To this end, you can use a cheap and effective remedy for the common cold (such as Naphthyzine, Xylometazoline, Tysin, etc.).

A widely held opinion is that if you treat a cold, then you can get rid of it for 7 days, and if not treat this symptom of colds, it disappears by itself after one week, is erroneous.

Acting in accordance with this principle, many do not attach importance to this phenomenon, ignoring unpleasant symptoms rhinitis (hypersensitivity and drying of the nasal mucosa, insomnia, headache, loss appetite). However, if the disease is not treated, then complications can develop:

  1. frontitis;
  2. otitis;
  3. chronic rhinitis;
  4. sinusitis.

Often the development of the cold helps supercooling, bacteria and viruses. If signs such as headache, sneezing, nasal congestion, and itching in the nose occur, treatment should be started immediately.

Most drugs for the nose can be bought without a prescription. However, it is advisable to consult a doctor to avoid the occurrence of adverse reactions. It is worth noting that the treatment of the initial stage of the common cold with the help of antibiotics is not advisable, since they will not remove the symptom, but harm the body.

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To get rid of rhinitis, you can use folk remedies. So, effective and inexpensive treatment is carried out with the help of hot foot basins with mustard powder. It is also useful to drink raspberry tea and bury your nose with aloe and beet juice.

The advantages of the recipes offered by folk medicine are that they are cheap and effective, and the likelihood of developing side effects in comparison with medications is minimal.

However, folk remedies do not always bring the desired result.

Vasodilating drops

This is the most effective and widespread category of drugs. Although they only remove the stuffiness, but they do not help with itching, headache and sneezing.

And after a certain time, the rhinitis appears again, as the vasoconstrictors do not treat the disease, but only relieve puffiness and release breathing. However, the use of such drops is necessary, because it will reduce the likelihood of otitis.

If you instill vasoconstrictive drugs for more than one week, then tachyphylaxis appears, which causes the mucous membrane to swell again. In some cases, you have to dig in the nose with drops that narrow the blood vessels for years, since without them the nose can not breathe. This is addictive, which is quite difficult to get rid of.

Still such agents often provoke the appearance of tachycardia, hypertension, and high intraocular pressure. In this case, simultaneous treatment with drops that have a therapeutic effect, and vasodilator drugs, can not be done.

Therefore, it is important to take a break between instillations for at least 40 minutes. In the opposite case, the medicine will not have the desired effect, since the droplets dilating the vessels will interfere with its absorption.

If the duration of the cold is longer than seven days, then it is necessary to seek medical help.

Varieties of vasoconstrictive drugs

The droplet groups are separated according to the main active substance:

  • Oxymetazoline;
  • Naphazoline;
  • Xylometazoline.

The drugs based on Naphazoline are Sanorin and Naphthysine. The effect after instillation lasts not less than 4 hours.

It is worth noting that in comparison with other groups, their action is the shortest. Nafazolin crosses the nasal membrane, so today it is used extremely rarely.

Medications on the basis of oxymetazoline are Nazol, Otrivin and Nazivin. The duration of their action is up to 12 hours. In comparison with other groups, they are less irritating to the mucous, so they are considered the best vasoconstrictor.

Drops and sprays, the active ingredient of which is Xylometazoline is:

  1. Rhinostop;
  2. Halazolin;
  3. Tysine;
  4. Ximelin;
  5. Rinonorm.

The effect after instillation of such funds lasts up to six hours. They have a gentle effect on the nasal mucosa.

In most drugs belonging to this group, the composition contains sea water and other components that help moisturize the mucosa.

Means with sea water

All sprays and drops, whose purpose is to moisturize the nasal mucosa, contain sea salt. To medicines that do not allow drying out of the nasal cavity, carry:

  • Aquamaris;
  • Marimer;
  • Aqualor;
  • Physiomer;
  • Morenezal;
  • SALIN.
Sprays based on sea water are good for puffiness, as evidenced by positive reviews. Moreover, such drops dilute the purulent discharge and stop the inflammatory process. You can buy a directly prepared spray for washing the nose with sea water

It is worth noting that good drops against the common cold do not eliminate the stuffiness immediately. They treat it gradually, reducing the risk of complications.

The advantage of drugs, which are based on sea salt, is that they do not have adverse reactions. Therefore, their use is not contraindicated for pregnant women and children.

However, such means are not cheap. But if there is no possibility to buy drops, then you can use saline. After a simple saline solution also very effectively copes with rhinitis.

Antiviral drugs

Drops and sprays with antiviral effect are effective only at the initial stage of the disease development. Such drugs should be taken, adhering to all the recommendations specified in the instructions, because otherwise they will not work. So, observance of a certain dosage and timely application will allow to get rid of a cold in three days.

Anti-cold medications such as Nasoferon and Grippferon contain interferon in their composition. This substance is produced by each organism, it is responsible for the immune system and eliminates the viral infection.

Interferon is released as a dry powder and drops. Ampules filled with dry interferon can be used from birth.

To this end, the powder simply needs to be diluted with water. Such drugs do not cause adverse reactions, the only thing that can occur is an individual intolerance.

If you use drops that have an immunostimulating effect during an epidemic, then the risk of a runny nose will be significantly reduced. Today, another antiviral drug, Derinat, is widely used, which is used for the first symptoms of a cold.

And the composition of the IRS-19 spray contains bacterial lysates, due to this it is used not only for the common cold, but also for bronchitis.

Physiotherapy and Homeopathy

Extracts of herbs also have a curative effect: they eliminate inflammation and soften the nasal mucosa. A bright representative of the funds belonging to this category is Pinasol. This effective product is available in the form of cream, ointment and drops.

However, in the composition of Pinasol, there are essential oils that can cause allergies. The drug can not be used in the treatment of children younger than 3 years, as there may be bronchospasm.

Still there are special pencils-inhalers Gold star and Doctor IOM. They contain ethereal extracts, which must be inhaled. It is worth noting that these drugs are allowed to be used during pregnancy.

The advantages of homeopathic remedies are that they do not have adverse reactions.

To activate the immune system, eliminate edema of the nasal mucosa and inflammation use such drugs as Euphorbium-compositum, Deluphen and Edas-131.

It is worth noting that homeopathic remedies are effective and safe, so they are suitable for the treatment of adults and children. It is best to use them as part of complex therapy. However, treatment with homeopathic remedies is quite long.

A modern and effective solution against the common cold is a nebulizer. It is an ultrasound device for inhalation.

Combined preparations and antibacterial agents

The composition of such drugs contains several active substances, including antibiotic. Often they are used in the treatment of bacterial cold.

To this group belongs Polidex with an antibiotic that quickly eliminates the infection. Even in its composition, there is dexamethasone, which has anti-edematous and antiallergic effect.

Some drops except the vasoconstrictive effect have an anti-allergic effect, which is important, if you need to cure allergic rhinitis. This group includes such drugs as Vibrocil and Sanorin-analegine, which can be used in the treatment of children and pregnant women.

In some drops, sea water and vasodilator are combined, so that the puffiness and dryness of the nasal mucosa are eliminated.

Drops such as Isofra and Bioparox have strong antibiotics in their composition, therefore they are released only by prescription. These drugs are effective when:

  1. protracted rhinitis;
  2. frontitis;
  3. sinusitis.

An interesting video in this article will demonstrate what can be treated with a runny nose.

VERY STRONG NASSMORK. Already the nose is sore. Advise effective drops (spray) ???


Salaam Aleikum

Rhinitis is an intensified discharge of mucus from the nose. With his help, the nose is cleaned of viruses. Therefore, one should not suppress the runny nose, but help the body to clear faster - and the rhinitis will pass by itself.
1. Wash your nose with salt water, Aquamaris or sea from Dolphin.
A solution can be made by yourself. To do this, 1 / 4-1 / 3 teaspoon of table salt, preferably sea or iodized, must be dissolved in a glass of pleasantly warm water. A more concentrated salt solution (1 / 2-3 / 4-1 teaspoon per glass of water) is used if there is no discharge from the nose, but its inner shell is swollen and difficult to breathe through the nose.
Drawing water from the palm, that is, with a stream of air, is unsafe: it can get into the maxillary and other paranasal sinuses and cause their inflammation.
You can flush with a special device DOLPHIN, or a rubber canister-pear, or a syringe WITHOUT NEEDLE, which you buy at the pharmacy. 1) After typing the solution, insert the tip of the syringe into the nostril, 2) bend over the sink to drain the effluent from the nose liquid, 3) and, squeezing the balloon, direct the jet towards the nasopharynx (deep) along the bottom wall of the nasal cavity (nostrils). The second half of the nose is also washed. Directing the jet up is not recommended, since there is a sensitive olfactory zone. Hold the breath while rinsing. After the procedure, preferably a minute or two, wait until the viscous mucus has dissolved, "get wet and then you can blow your nose.
Do not be afraid, will not get into the windpipe - it will flow out into the usual swallowing throat (pharynx), or into another nostril, or it will pour out of the same.
2. Vasoconstrictor drops and aerosols are necessary only if the inflammation is thrown on the maxillary sinus (sinusitis), the frontal sinuses or the middle ear. It is allowed to drip them before bed, if the runny nose does not allow to fall asleep. But only on the washed nose, no more 3-4 times a day and no longer than 3-5 days, then go on oil drops (pinosol), folk remedies (beet, onion, aloe) or homeopathy. The drug Pinosol is contraindicated for children under 2 years old, they need an oil solution of vitamin A or vitamin E, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.
Nazivin, Galazolin, Ximelin, and similar drops and aerosols of the Nazol type facilitate breathing, but they can have nosebleeds, and with prolonged frequent use they cause dependence.
Vasoconstrictive drops reduce the diameter of the blood vessels of the nasal cavity. The blood supply decreases, so the swelling of the mucous membrane and the release of mucus cease. As a result, the free space in the nasal cavity increases, nasal breathing is temporarily restored. But the cause of the common cold persists! Therefore, after the expiration of the droplets, the vessels expand again, and more than before the application of drops. Very tempting to use the drug again... But with the frequent use of drops, the vessels generally lose the ability to self-contract and remain widened continuously until they receive their dose of a vasoconstrictor. Coryza becomes chronic.
If you use drops and aerosols for a long time, you can lose your sense of smell and taste. The mucous membrane of the nose can start to dry constantly, and this is a new problem.. .
HOWEVER, if there is pain in the ears or grooves - drops of these types are necessary and at least in the morning and evening!


I like xylenes (drops) simple, inexpensive, but effective

valerius bristle

Immediately after the onset of a runny nose, the following measures are effective:

1. Apply mustard to your feet and bandage with flannel cloth. Wear woolen socks and hold for 1-2 hours. Then remove the mustard plaster, put on socks and quickly walk about five minutes. It is better to do this procedure in the evening, before going to sleep.

2. Rip several leaves of calanchoe pinnate or aloe (houseplants), squeeze juice and bury, massaging the wings of the nose, for 3-5 drops of this juice in each nostril every 2-3 hours.

3. Bury into the nose freshly prepared beet juice.

4. Rinse the nasopharynx with a solution: a glass of water 1 teaspoon of sea or salt, 2/3 teaspoons of soda, 2 drops of iodine. Pull the solution into the nose alternately in each nostril so that the water passes into the mouth, but is not pierced into the esophagus.
Many people hold the solution in their mouth and during it they can not spit out, so another method will be much more effective for them. Take a large syringe without a needle, fill with a solution, tilt your head to the left, hold your left ear with your finger, so that the solution does not get there, and gradually pour the prepared mixture into the right nostril so that it pours out from the left. Then rinse the syringe and, doing the opposite, dip into the left nostril.

5. Bury the sea buckthorn oil or, moistening the sea-buckthorn oil with cotton turuns (tampons), insert into each nostril for half an hour.

6. Warm the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses with two hard-boiled eggs, applying them hot through a double gauze on both sides of the nose. Keep until cool.

7. Rinse your nose with warm, slightly salted water with the addition of tincture of calendula or eucalyptus (1 teaspoon per liter of water).

8. At home, with a cold, you can use garlic. To do this, take 1 part of freshly prepared carrot juice, 1 part of vegetable oil and a few drops of garlic juice and, mixing them, dig into your nose several times a day.
9. A good effect is achieved when introducing fresh aloe juice into the nose 5 drops every 2-3 hours for 2-3 days.
10. Enter into the nostrils for 15-20 minutes with a cotton swab at a match of 10% propolis ointment in oil or any fat, or 2-3 drops of liquid preparation in both nostrils 4 times a day.
11. Mix 1 teaspoon of honey with 1/2 teaspoon of red beet juice and ½ teaspoon of olive oil. Bury in each nostril for 5-6 drops of the mixture 4-5 times a day.
12. With a cold, the mother-and-mache chewing juice is squeezed into the nostrils, squeezed out of fresh leaves.

13. With a cold (but without raising the body temperature), you can soak in a bath and drink tea from a lime blossom.



What are the cheapest drops in the nose?



salty water

Avlaak'kh Mage

Naphthyzine - everything else is salted water with naphthyzine
Still have Rince tablets


from the tap

Oleg Kocherov

Weak solution of onion juice in water.


Aloe vera juice in the nose can be used not only for the common cold, but also for chronic sinusitis. How to drip aloe for a baby? Drops in the nose of aloe - a medicine for the whole family. In its composition, it differs little from a tree-like aloe, that is, a century-old. Therefore, the juice of both types of aloe is suitable both for adults and for children as drops of drip. Drops from a cold with aloe in the basis is the safest and at the same time very effective method of fighting with a cold. Such a good tool makes its chemical composition useful components. Chemical composition of aloe and its pharmacology. Fleshy leaves aloe contain in itself a large amount of juice, which is distributed on the leaf due to the tissue-like structure of the plant. It is a light green color and a strong specific odor


Also the Kalanchoe juice.


Halazolin. Not the cheapest, but the most harmless and effective.

Woman, what a lot

Xylen (among other things, the main component of Tizin-Xylo drops). It is worth between 20-30 rubles






I use Xylenium, it breaks my nose right away. But we have in St. Petersburg it is about 40-50 rubles.

Irina Sokolovskaya

Rhinorus 30 25 rub, but many pharmacies do not have it, but a good ingredient

Advise good drops from the cold


Salaam Aleikum

Rhinitis is an intensified discharge of mucus from the nose. With his help, the nose is cleaned of viruses. Therefore, one should not suppress the runny nose, but help the body to clear faster - and the rhinitis will pass by itself.
1. Wash your nose with salt water, Aquamaris or sea from Dolphin.
A solution can be made by yourself. To do this, 1 / 4-1 / 3 teaspoon of table salt, preferably sea or iodized, must be dissolved in a glass of pleasantly warm water. A more concentrated salt solution (1 / 2-3 / 4-1 teaspoon per glass of water) is used if there is no discharge from the nose, but its inner shell is swollen and difficult to breathe through the nose.
Drawing water from the palm, that is, with a stream of air, is unsafe: it can get into the maxillary and other paranasal sinuses and cause their inflammation.
You can flush with a special device DOLPHIN, or a rubber canister-pear, or a syringe WITHOUT NEEDLE, which you buy at the pharmacy.
1) After typing the solution, insert the tip of the syringe into the nostril, 2) bend over the sink to drain the effluent from the nose liquid, 3) and, squeezing the balloon, direct the jet towards the nasopharynx (deep) along the bottom wall of the nasal cavity (nostrils). The second half of the nose is also washed. Directing the jet up is not recommended, since there is a sensitive olfactory zone. Hold the breath while rinsing. After the procedure, preferably a minute or two, wait until the viscous mucus has dissolved, "get wet and then you can blow your nose.
Do not be afraid, will not get into the windpipe - it will flow out into the usual swallowing throat (pharynx), or into another nostril, or it will pour out of the same. Rinse your nose for better treatment in the morning and at bedtime. With a strong rhinitis, the procedure is repeated throughout the day as needed, although every hour, it is impossible to overdose it.
2. Vasoconstrictor drops and aerosols are necessary only if the inflammation is thrown on the maxillary sinus (sinusitis), the frontal sinuses or the middle ear. It is allowed to drip them before bed, if the runny nose does not allow to fall asleep. But only on the washed nose, no more 3-4 times a day and no longer than 3-5 days, then go on oil drops (pinosol), folk remedies (beet, onion, aloe) or homeopathy.
Nazivin, Galazolin, Ximelin, and similar drops and aerosols of the Nazol type facilitate breathing, but they can have nosebleeds, and with prolonged frequent use they cause dependence.
Vasoconstrictive drops reduce the diameter of the blood vessels of the nasal cavity. The blood supply decreases, so the swelling of the mucous membrane and the release of mucus cease. As a result, the free space in the nasal cavity increases, nasal breathing is temporarily restored. But the cause of the common cold persists! Therefore, after the expiration of the droplets, the vessels expand again, and more than before the application of drops. Very tempting to use the drug again... But with the frequent use of drops, the vessels generally lose the ability to self-contract and remain widened continuously until they receive their dose of a vasoconstrictor. Coryza becomes chronic.
If you use drops and aerosols for a long time, you can lose your sense of smell and taste. The mucous membrane of the nose can start to dry constantly, and this is a new problem.. .
HOWEVER, if there is pain in the ears or grooves - drops of these types are necessary and at least in the morning and evening!
More potent vasoconstrictors (xylometazoline and oxymetazoline) more often cause an addictive effect. If it is not possible without them, it is better to choose naphthysine, sanorin, tizin or vibrocil.

Naphazoline (naphazoline) = Naphthysine or Sanorin
Tetrisolin (tetryzoline) = Tysine
Xylometazoline (xylometazoline) = Galazolin, Otryvin, Ximelin, Conanos
Oxymetazoline (oxymetazoline) = Nazivin, Nazol
Phenylephrine (mezaton) + dimethindene (phenylephrine + dimetindene) with antiallergic = Vibrocil



* Yulia (Shhha) Novikova

Sinupret, only they need to drink and runny nose goes away

Tatiana Savin


Victor Kropivko

1. corn oil
2. beet juice and honey

Maria Bychkova


elena kuletskaya



All decongestants have one action - narrowing of the vessels. There is no difference.

Vera Mitnick

Pinosol, still very useful drops with aloe.


the juice of a living tree (Kalanchoe) is a harmless and very effective tool!


Rinonorm, I immediately help and not expensive! And for prophylaxis I use-marimer (spray-sea water) It helps. It costs about 300rub.

@ [email protected]

Hold For God!


On a glass of boiled water the middle head of garlic. to insist on the day.
for a glass of water a teaspoon of sea salt. Be healthy. KEEP YOU AWARE.

Margarita Smirnova

Vibrocil and Delufen, and you can order complex drops in the pharmacy or buy raw materials and make the house yourself.

Elena Sorokun

aloe juice + patience... drops runny nose is not treated.

little marquis of angels

Aquamaris or sanorin !!!

Elena the Wise

Corisal. It eliminates nasal congestion and discharge. And since these are tablets for resorption, and not drops, the damaging effect on the mucosa is excluded. They can be combined with both vasoconstrictive drops, and with the washing of the nose with solutions of sea water (for example, Aquamaris).

Masha Kaps

so that the vasoconstrictor drug lasts longer, and that the cure is faster, it is better to conduct the therapy in a complex manner. for example, use a special therapeutic and prophylactic set of drugs Otrivin + Otrivin More. This is a kit from a hygienic product for washing the nose - an isotonic solution of sea water, and a long-acting vasoconstrictive drug to eliminate stuffiness. more here

Elena Ozolina

if the rhinitis is chronic, give tests for candidiasis, with confirmation, go through a course of treatment and increase immunity!

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